OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Ireland is on my bucket list and we are payng for the honeymoon, Ill just actually go along as chaperoneWink.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    Okay Mary.... I found this for you to wear...



    Sort of a Western motif, right?  Maybe get some cute boots instead of those shoes... ?


    Sassy, you GO girl!  You can always be counted on to get us out of tight spots, Ha!  I love those links!


    Jetson!  THAT was so funny!  I wonder how many takes it took to get THAT one finished!  ...


    And tootz???  So happy you came to play with us!  All the rest of the gals are kind of crazy, but I'm not.... No'sir-ee Bob...  I'm just older and care-free and it's time to loosen the bonds that bind me.  WHERE did I hear THAT one????


    So Sas, we are Mother Cluckers International?  Wow!  Good one, if you can keep a straight face! 


    Yes, in the nick...  Our neighbor, Nick, just HAS to be the cure-guy!  Good Lord he just makes you sweat looking at him....  I mean sure he has a wife and 2 little girls, a dog, cat and 6 chickens, but that must make him one of "ours".... right?   He is tall, dark, and has this thick head of hair, and so much fur on his face, he must use a rake to come it!   And he has that deep voice, like whose that guy on Celebrity Apprentice?  With the cowboy hat?  HIM!  


    Okay, never mind....  does a girl good though, to see something like that.  (Maybe I could go help him build his chicken-coop?)


    I love your list Sas... I just got hung up  there on the word "nick"...


    Yes, Wren.... Take a picture!  Ha, ha! 


    Oh wow Sas!  You had an insight!  I had one of those once...  I promised "them" it wouldn't happen again... But that WAS a sweet post about you wedding.... good memories girl-friend!   And so "it started to rain when we got in the car to leave".... and THEN what did you do?


    SAS!  No, it WAS your hearing loss!  Can't you wear your aids like I do?  I mean even I... who can't hear a TRAIN could hear that!


    Mary, reading that was a kick!  Did you REALLY scratch your nose when your forehead itched?  So you had a strip of skin hanging down from your forehead to your nose??????  With duck tape holding it on?  YELLOW duck tape?  I would have locked you up, had you been mine!  They were kidding, right?   6 WEEKS????  Where did you live?  Transylvania????    Is this a true story? 


    I also had a basal-cell cut out of the corner of my eye, but he just "took" it....  I didn't have to have part of the skin from my knee attached to my eye... damnit!  It WAS rather hard to walk though.... all bent over like that....  I scraped my elbows while walking........


    Luvmy!  I wish you were here!  I talked before about all my neighbors... well 3 of them have chickens...  I just wanted to have little goats!  I watch videos of the "kids" playing around! 


    I can honestly say I have never been to a Western motif wedding, much less a barn wedding!  I HAVE been on a hay-rack ride... with the church once when I was little...


    Feelingfeline... ME, the quick study that I am, surmise that you must like cats!  Oh good, me too!  But Wellington boots!  Are those those cute high rubber boots with colorful prints on them, that we use for gardening and wading in the ditch?  


      I JUST GOT SOME!!!  Can't let my Daughter see them or I will have to sacrifice them to the damn kid.

    I'm Irish, so we must be related...  My Brother DOES say it is the most beautiful place on earth. 


    Okay gals... so fun to read about all of you....  xoxoxoxoxo






  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Chevy, you've got wellies and you like cats. We're definitely related. (Maybe you can wangle an invite to the wedding!)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Mary, loved it I knew Chevy would be all over the "trunk"

    Chevy and Jelson Honest I heard "shit my pants" all except the last ship. Chevy turn your hearing aide down and the rest put cotton in your ears. It's much more fun my way. Particuarly the gray hairs couple that said it was so convenient.

    Chevy dear YOU DO NEED to go back and read from the beginning. We became Mother Cluckers International way before page 100. Nick so mouthwatering.and another old phrase, "A tall drink of cool water" Hmmhhmmm

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    I swear to you the story about my nose was true. I didnt go anywhere for 6 weeks, except at night when somebody would take me out for a ride in the car. What made them laugh even more than scratching my nose was that I couldnt wear my glasses and had to walk around with a magnifying glass just to see. Chevy, love the outfit. I can just see myself in that.....

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    hmmm, so that means that someone who has had teeth removed should just to go out and not think about how they look? not that I know anyone like that but...some here do!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Missing teeth is nothing compared to walking around with this thing attached to your face for six weeks. Ive been through the pulled teeth thing too, Im telling you guys Ive been a mess for 5 years. Im just really glad I had a good plastic surgeon who did my face work, that could have been bad.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    well I plan on dragging my pal from these boards who had her teeth pulled to fun places tomorrow...or at least my deck!  the bunnies in my yard and the little kids next door, really do not care!

    Granny, we will have fun on Sun!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    I have kind of been following her story on the other threads, Im a lurker there not a poster. I do know how she feels. I dont give a s#%t what people think about me anymore. Your true friends dont care about how you look. They love you anyway. The people who talk will always find something or somebody to talk about. I am just glad to still be here. I would do anything all over again, it is not the end of the world, although it may feel like that at the time. Get out and enjoy the sunshine with your friends, it will make you feel better. 

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    and the folks who you do not even know?  up to them!

    sides the weather in this area is lovely!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Thank u very much proudtospin..I would be ashamed to be with me!!!!!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Here too. We had gs b-day party today at chuckecheeses. Had alot of fun. Played lots of games, my favorite was winnie the pooh and the honey pot and slap the alligator. Won lots of tickets. The adults had more fun than the kids with the games, got ready to leave and couldnt find gs new shoes anywhere. Light up spider-man shoes. Somebody stole them. I couldnt believe it. They were gone. He pitched a fit, so dh and I had to go get him another pair. Poor dd was so proud of those shoes. Shes a single mom and works really hard for her money. I felt so bad. People are so mean these days...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Princess!  You're BACK!!!!  Are you okay?  I'd never be ashamed to be with you.... Nope!  Not ever!  Tell us what is going on....xooxoxxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Granny, I have been following your story on the other threads and I do know how you feel. You are such a funny caring lady. DONT let this get you down, it does get better. You're so lucky to have your friends this close, go and enjoy time with them.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    No I'm not back.proudtospin let the cat out of the bag.She is my neighbor who I met at the nj reunion..she has been a tomorrow I'm gonna spend some time with her.And yes I'll be wearing my still in a foul mood.i look in the mirror and say WhoAreYou?

    After reading what Mary went throu with her nose I beta STFU..sorry wrong thread.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Oh you can say that here too. You guys are giving me such nice dresses to choose from, Dont know what Id do without your help. Dh wants to know what on the computer has been keeping me so entertained the past few days. He just wouldnt understand.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    GD, we will play tomorrow!  promise we will!  sides, the bunnies in my neighborhood are having fun...fonicating and I do believe you need to see that1

    till the moning lady, now sleep well and feel better

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    GD, we will play tomorrow!  promise we will!  sides, the bunnies in my neighborhood are having fun...fonicating and I do believe you need to see that1

    till the moning lady, now sleep well and feel better

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Ok where is everybody? Im going to have to go find something on my 400 channels soon. Is nobody at home?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Mary... At home or online?

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Either. I geuss all the hens are roosting tonight, its so quiet.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    This chook has just got in after taking MiL shopping for outfit for her DGS's wedding. Other than nearly killing her in one pplace when she had a tantrum because she wanted a dress and thought I was taking her to  'wedding' shop we eventually were successful. I know she's almost ninety, rather stooped and has no shape but very tiny murder was in my thoughts. Any way this hen made some clucking noises at one point.

    Will try to get picture of DDs and fDiL on the hen's party. They found the cure guy I am sure.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Mary, sorry to her about your grandson's shoes. If you ever find out who did that you can feed Him/her/it to the chickens here.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Mary, ditto what Feline said. I'm slow on the insights. Dear nephew had a cottage wedding, ceremony on the lake, gorgeous skies, wind blowing. I figuired everyone would be in beach attire. WRONG I was the only one. Everyone else was in standard wedding attire. Reception was at a standard place and I changed into standard stuff. Felt out of place at ceremony, but it was okay.  Gald your dinner went well.

    Alyson, "tiny murder" heheheh. AND those gorgeous buns, delicious. If you look at the one gals eyes in the back row, she's averting her eyes and looks embarrassed. The blond on his right, his smiling and glowing looking at him. Looks like a sorority pic. The hand on that animal is fasinating, what is the cute little guy.

    PTS would trade fornicating bunnies for alligators. It's mating season. Here we have to watch b/c the males show up in neighborhoods. An officer shot one b/c it was aggressive, he was standing on top of his scout car with an assault rifle. The shot just made the alligator madder.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Sas. Little blonde beside guy on right is fDiL beside her DD1 and in front DD2. Girl at back, young married friend. I missed this 'fun' because of pneumonia LOL. I presume you lot do 'hen's party'. Boys went out fishing and played golf.

    What bad bunnies they must be taught to be good. Funnily friend told me today that they had rabbits in their garden increasing in numbers all the time.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    Morning gals....  Well Mary!  With the "trunkerama" stuff!  You know, you ARE lucky you had a good plastic surgeon!!   Yes, it could have been so much worse....... 


    And Proudtospin....  Wish I could be with you guys.... Sounds like fun!  Are you going to get her drunk and smoke silly cigs? 


    Actually I had to look up "fornicating."... It's been so long since I heard big words like that!  I first thought "is that like pontificating"...or "re-ciprocating".... but it's plain old hop on pop!  Ha!   I won't even go INto the story about me and that dog next door, and the "girl-friend" he was dragging around the yard....


    You guys it doesn't matter which thread you are on...just post everywhere! 

    Mary, that is true.... most people don't care what you look like anyway. Especially kids...  I was so embarrassed the first time my little Grand-son saw me cleaning my teeth, but I just told him, "I take them out because they're easier to clean this way."  And I added, "but yours can't do this yet....."


    This reminds me of when both girls were about 4 & 2 1/2...  DH was in our bathroom taking a bath.  Our bathroom door had 2 doors... One from the bedroom, and one from a little hallway.  So the 4 year old barges in like they DO sometimes, and she saw her Dad flailing for a towel.  He said "get out of here!"  THAT didn't upset her as much as what she saw.  She said to me in a worried whisper, "Mommy!  Daddy has a long tail on his bottom."  I just said it's alright honey, he's just made like that...  boys are different than girls.


    Which promptly made me walk back in there, and tell him not only what she said, but  "You're lucky she called it a LONG tail!"  


    You guys!!!!!!  We went to the flea market yesterday, and what did I SEE?????  I saw this neatest cutest, feathered life-size rooster!  I just stood there laughing!  I could only think of all of you, and wish I could show you!  My Daughter said, "you're not going to buy that, are you?  You can't even put it outdoors!"   I just walked away, still laughing!   Wonder what all the neighbors hens would have done, if I set HIM on their coops!  He WAS beautiful!  Ha, ha! 


    Oh Alyson, your MIL must be re-incarnate of MY MIL!  Same thing!  The world owes them wonderment.... they think!   My SIL and I both, nearly did her in.... SEVeral times!   Meanest little shit you ever would meet!   No-one would miss them anyway....  We all deserve at least ONE tiny murder...


    And yes.... Did you gals ever go to a bachelor party?  I only saw some on TV!!!  WHAT did we miss out on?  Were you supposed to just look and not move?   Well, probably.... at THEIR age.... Maybe we could all have one NOW?  I mean ship the husbands off hunting/fishing, and call where-ever you call to GET one of those?


    Feelingfeline... I had to scroll back up to see what happened to Mary's Grandsons shoes!  That's TERrible!  Yep!  There's stupid people all around us... Yes, WE could take care of the culprits.... the perpetrators! 


    Sassy... So did you wear a bikini to that wedding?  Standard weddings are just boring!   At least you could change into something more standard. 


    I SAW those buns... picture too small...  for us.   Those kids now-a-days know so much more so much faster, than WE did...

    Oh!  I just heard yesterday, my DGS... the 27 year old, is buying a house with his GF!  I suppose this means they will be moving in together, and even SLEEPing together!  Damn kids!  Honestly, I am so happy....  She looks like a sweetheart...  My Daughter sent me pictures of those two, WITH their house!   Gorgeous house, right on the golf-course in Dr. Phillips area in Orlando!  


    So I come up with the expected questions, like some GRANDmother or something, but it's all good... GS saw this house 12 years ago when they first moved there, and told his Mom that he loved that house... Well it came up for sale, my Daughter who is a realtor, talked to the seller, and they came up with a price, and the first contract someone else had, fell through, and they are closing next month! 


    At first I thought you said the alligator was standing on top of his car with an assault rifle!  I thought....  Now THAT takes some b****!   I don't want to hear if they killed him... maybe just stunned him, and could drag him away somewhere far----ther.


    Okay my to go find the hummus hiding SOMEwhere in the fridge....  have a fun Sunday...!  Especially YOU little Kantalope!  xoxoxo


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    He looked just like THIS!!!

    But what in the hell would I have ever DONE with him?  He doesn't match my motif..... ANYwhere!  Wink

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    oh Alyson you are so naughty., and on Sunday too. Is it Sunday there? I cant remember if your ahead or behind in time. Oh well. He certainly does look like the cure guy, or maybe butt guys brother. I dont know. Will check in again later, IM going to church this morning. have a lovely morning....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH worn out and it's only 1pm , had a bunny had to take care of this morning, then went to breakfast, worked in house, Now have to make a marinade for venison which means I have to open a bottle of vino. Probably be posting a bunch later or seeing if I can't find that bunny again.

    Chevy love it "hop on". Read that to DB.  RE:DGS Really how --neat--to get his dream house that he's been looking at for so many years. How many times does that happen, that way for anyone. Way cool. BTW asked Ds if he knew the, GS's he didn't. Did yours in reverse? Your oldest GS and my DS one year apart on campus. They may know each other and DS hasn't put it together.

    YOO-HOO TOOTZ It's the marinades fault.

    AlYSon you know these folks...... The GD's are gorgeous, they know the guy with the buns, So the question: was his pecker covered?