OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Ok..ducky is the oldest fart...and the prettiest, smartest, funniest, and many other superlatives....just ask  

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Do old farts really fart dust??  Loopy

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Do they ducky?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I will be old in 12 days. Will get my government pension because I will turn 65.

    GMA I hate pain too. Feeling brighter today thankfully.

    I say we should decorate the basement turn it into a brighter place but we do have to remember Eeyore.


  • Monis
    Monis Member Posts: 309


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    OMG since I had that stomach surgery last yr I swear I can empty a room now with the farts.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    OMG...............just what I needed to hear.................


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    no the smell came from me

    I'm gonna get u ducky for this

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Mom used to always blame the ddog until the night he told on her.The dog was laying beside her on the couch when she let a fairly quiet but REALLY smelly one. He stood up, smelled his butt, sniffed in her direction and ran away.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    OMD.  Chabba!!!! That's too funny

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 husband use to say to my kids, and then my grandchildren .....


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I've missed you ladies.  My shoulder has been hurting so bad that I've been avoiding typing --- er, I guess it's called keyboarding now.  When I was a kid a keyboard was a piano, so it's still typing to me.

    Speaking of basements - my hubby has been urging me out of mine lately.  Pain sucks.  they want to do a shoulder replacement on me, but I'm SSSSOOOOOO sick of doctors, hospitals, surgeries and the like - I'm just not sure.  Also, I'm not certain it'll fix the problem.  I'm sure it will fix A problem, but I have a hunch that at least part of my pain (and I believe it's the most significant part) is coming from my neck, not my shoulder.  They did get me a cervical stretch thingee, and it seems to be helping somewhat - you should see me, I sit in the bathroom, with a "collar" around my head and a bag full of water hanging from an overhead pulley system.  Really cute!!!  At least it has help enough that I can walk on my treadmill again.  

    I have now lost a whole 5 lbs since retiring.  Sleep is so wonderful.  But next week I'll work three days, and the first week of April I'll work a whole week.  It will help with our bottom line a bit, and I think it's good for me to stretch my mind muscles a bit....  

    Like the rest of y'all, I hate tax season.  I have them take 20% out of my pension check - which makes getting from check to check a bit tight since we're also paying over $1300 a month for health insurance right now....  I'll be glad when we can get on Medicare next year.  So that tells you how old I am....  :)  My birthday is this month and I'll be 64.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    G.G.........hope you feel better......I need a knee replacement too, but still hobble around......just not up for it..........but also not ready for a wheelchair either.......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    G.G.......what is wrong with your shoulder..........I had 2 rotator cuffs repaired.

    My one daughter has a thyroid problem.......guess what.......she could barely move her shoulder.....they called it "froze shoulder"......caused by the thyroid problem......had never heard of it in my life.....

    Another daughter has a very bad shoulder problem.........they called hers an impingement.....they are both in serious pain, most of the time, and can do little with that arm.............the one goes for is helping her.......the other had PT (actually hey both did).....did nothing for them so they stopped it....

    So what are they calling yours.............

    Mine are bad again, but I have LE on the right side, and think that has something to do with it.....I put too much pressure on my elbow one night in bed, and the next morning could not move my arm....and it has not changed......whatever the hell I did.............

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Ducky I've heard you can get frozen shoulder from diabetes too. Sometimes a cortisone shot will help. I have arthritis in both shoulders. Right side is worse. Would like to get it replaced, but tired of the whole medical scene. And I'm right handed. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    The PT. told my daughter not to get the shot......said it doesn't always work, and can weaken the son got more then he should have in his day he was working (construction), picked up something heavy and tore his bicept muscle................Ortho said it was the result of too much many shots.

    They told me the same thing with my shoulder..........mine said "you can only get 3.....if it still hurts after that and you need surgery,it will be like trying to operate on I opted for the surgery which was not bad on the one side cause it was arthoscopic.......other side the tear was too big and they had too open my shoulder.................never, ever would I have that done...........had 6 kids, some natural........root implants..........would rather have them all done at the same time compared to 1 open shoulder surgery..............pure hell.........left a piece of cake.....right pure hell.....

    And now being on the AI's have caused shoulder pain,and the LE doesn't help either......just falling apart..........

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    When I was 12 I dislocated my shoulder in a skate boarding accident. I have a shoulder that pops out of the socket if I lift it over my head. It's extremely painful to put it back in. While doing rads, I can't put it in the arm holder for that reason.  My rheumatologist is really strict about my depo medrol shots - she will only give me three a year.

    My dad dislocated his shoulder and had the operation. After seeing what he went through, I made the choice to live with it the way it is. I can't even imagine how painful that surgery must have been ducky. I'm sorry you and gardengumby are in so much pain. I wish they had a pain free way of replacing our parts.

    chabba, when our dog has gas he always looks so surprised that it came from him. It's very funny.

    Alyson, I hope you're staying safe.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 grandson dislocated his shoulder playing HS football....he did it once and they put it back.....then it happened again, because once it happens it comes out easier............the final time he was playing basketball.............the ball was passed to went to the side, and he leaped for it,and when he came down he slid across the gym floor with his arm out stretched to get the ball, and jammed his hand into the bleachers driving his arm back toward his came out and this time he screamed in pain, and his arm was dangling and could not be put daughter called me from the car on her way to Children's Hospital, and I could heard him crying and screaming in the car.......this kid was 17 and a strapping athlete..........he had to have 2 surgeries........sad thing is he had 3 free rides to 3 big colleges for football, and was not able to play anymore...........long story, but I know what can happen.........

    So I can see how much  pain it causes......

    I had the same problem with Rads with both my shoulders when I had to put them behind my head for the Cat for the mapping......horrible.......but they were kind and understand my dilema.......

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Oh that makes my toes hurt just reading that story. That poor kid.

    I was fortunate the treatment was on my left side. I wouldn't be able to have rads on the right unless I got it fixed first.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I could get my right arm up into position for rads, but couldn't move it when done. The techs had to gently bring it down for me. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Frozen shoulder occurs in 53% of women who have had Breast Cancer surgery !!! What a surprise! It also can be triggered by diabetes and thyroid problems. I have had a frozen shoulder now for over three years and it just hasn't improved.. I don't want any more injections especially the xray guided one which was terrible. Also have arthritis in my shoulders and most other joints; I have Rheumatoid arthritis so have so much pain with that and fibromyalgia.

    Plenty of wind and rain here, thankfully we have missed most of the storm that has hit the country, some parts are getting a real battering.

    Big hugs.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Aly........Glad you dodged the bullet.........those damn storms scare the hell out of me........sun is just coming up now in Philly.....

    Going to my daughter's to help her do some cooking for her FIL's 80th birthday........annoyed at the whole thing, but don't want to see her do this by herself......just annoys me that there are 4 other kids, other then my SIL, and my kid does all the work........oh well be nice Ducky.......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Cant seem to pull myself off these basement steps. Pain has come back into my side, I don't know if it is progression or tumor die-off. Will find out Monday when I go in for my blood work. I just hope its the latter. On a brighter note, dd and I took Jordan to the aquarium yesterday..he had a blast. Wouldn't touch a thing in the touch pool though, lots of star fish and other crawling things, but he wasn't having any of it. We had a really good time. Im going to spend the night over there, her boyfriend is out of town and she never has liked staying by herself. So we'll have a girls night. Play rummikub or Mexican train..You all have a good night...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Mary.....prayers..........enjoy your time with your daughter and Jordan.

    My grandchildren went to the Aquarium with my daughter........she did not let them touch a thing......she said "don't you dare put your hands in that water"......after she said to me........Ewwwww.....they swim in it, shit in it, and every friggin kid puts their hands in it after picking their nose, coughting, sneezing........said to her "Ok I get your point"........can't say I blame her, cause I gave her the lead, and waited for her to say "don't touch that"........or I would have........LOL

    Just hope you get some good news on Monday.....hugs

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Ah, the difference in kids. We went to the beach with 2 grandsons. They picked everything up (that wasn't attached), made an aquarium out of a huge Costco plastic container, observed everything and let it all go back when we got ready to leave. I can see that the aquarium could have a ewwwh factor.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Wren...........true somehow the ocean does not bother me, other then stepping on unknown debris when entering, or standing in the waves...........drives me nuts......I jump around like some kind of a freak and scare my grandkids, kids, and every other human being looking at me.

    My grands play with all the sea creatures too.......the love to walk along the Delaware Bay, and whack the Horse Shoe Crabs with their wiffle bat................understand they are already dead, would never let them harm them otherwise.....................well we do that until the "green head flies" come around, and then we run like hell, cause those suckers bite.......

    Interesting stuff along the beach.....

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Mary I am on the steps with you. Pity party here as every joint is 'singing' loudly. Just can't stand the pain any more.

    Every Sunday I light candles for my BC friends (and others) and today  I was asked if I was trying to set the place on fire. I just have so many prayers I want to say for everyone; had to get extra candles this morning!!!

    Hugs to all.
