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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Black Bark Ribbon ... we are big on our accessories.  Will it look ok with the Bacon Bra?  Are those in assorted colors?  I hate to be fussy with the shortage going on ...

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Is this legal in California???

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    We better discuss this with the Chair Person ... he wears black ALOT ... I think he'd dig it ...

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Ouch ... easy now ... this is a place of simple humor - everyone is invited.  We are all on our own journeys and have found a place to laugh and have a really great time.  Go somewhere else.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Good idea... he seems pretty good at accessorizing - matching shades, necklace & arm band. 

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Stellar - I'm afraid you are completely mistaken about the intent of this thread.  Laughing at life is one of the best medicines - conventional, alternative or otherwise.   Peace.

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284

    wah wah wah......   ("Charlie Brown's" wah wah wah....)

    this thread has given me many hardy laughs, I agree with Fuzzy, if you don't like us, maybe this isn't the thread for you.  I could disagree with many threads on here but I choose to just stay away from them.

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284

    Now...back to stupidity....just becareful with that black bark and don't mistake it when using your coffee enema's....splinters....ouch!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Maybe this has a "FINE" button so the splinters can be ground down?  What cha guna do ...

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Stellar....while I find it hard to believe anyone would make such UNKIND remarks to others who are fighting this dreadful disease, you are certainly entitled to your opinion just as the ladies on this thread are also entitled to theirs.However there is NEVER an excuse to wish harm on others to "suffer the consequences" for their ( in your mind ) "poor decisions". 

    Now back to our regularly scheduled programing...

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Dear Dog Dear Dog ... what cha guna do ... what cha guna do when we come for you ...

     Nobody ever here wants to do wrong ... nobody here wants to do right ...

    Its all about our need to laugh and continue with on strong our fight ...

    Dear Dog Dear Dog ... what cha guna do ... what cha guna do when we come for you ...

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Now stop that fuzzy...*L*

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    I finally got that tune out of my head....and now it's in there again....*throws asparagus at fuzzy* Food fight!!!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631
    *L* ... mmmm mm mm mmm (lips are sealed)  Sealed
  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    EmilyinOntario:Eloquent!  There is NEVER EVER an excuse! 

    Stellar919: From one angry woman warrior to another...Sometimes it's hard to know when to put down the sword when you've carried it for so long.  I've asked myself many times, what do I pick up when the sword is no longer in my hand?  The answer for me was love. I wish you well and hope you find peace on your journey! I know mine is a bumpy road and often two steps forward lead to one step back. 

    Fuzzy: Sing it!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    I hired a guide for the hunt through the desert.  Cure guy must go off roading - that's probably why Low hasn't been able to find him.  I've got the pack mules loaded with all our secret ingredients.  Yee Haw.  Keep those doggies rollin.


  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Is that a giant asparagus tree in the background??  It's going to take you guys forever to smoke that!!!

    Yee Haw!  Rawhide!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I had to jump ahead-fuzzy told me about this thread today-I'm only on page 3, but have gone thru 4 rolls of Bounty already!  OK-now I gotta go back to the future as I once knew it. 

  • covertanjou
    covertanjou Member Posts: 15

    You ladies are awesomely funny!  Thank you so much for this wonderful thread.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I went out for dinner and missed the excitement. What was she cackling about anyway? People without a sense of humor (or asparagus) are not allowed here.

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250

    I was off the boards for a week while gone to a family funeral.  You must know I laughed, again, til I cried keeping up with this thread.  We have 2 black labs--my girls.  Mine fart as well and look around like, who did that and boy are they smelly. 

    I think the black bark needs to be added on top of the asparagus gardens.  andt thanks for the song, Fuzzy, Bad Dog Bad Dog--whacha gonna do when they come for you?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    okay --my question on Kosher got completely bypassed. Truly it should be given some thought, we wouldn't want anyone excluded. It's just this side of the pooch. Seaweed could be an alternative to the bacon. It does have moldable properties. Not sure about smokability. Inland availability could be a problem. Then it could be used for soup, once no longer needed for dressing. Add some lotus root mushrooms and it's quite interesting.

    It's first for me, to be told I'm so ignorant. But if I have bc and she has bc --how did that make my choices the only one that's wrong . Strange logic. Ah Hah maybe Dr. Strangeglove is the Cure Guy's advisor.

    Puff puff pass

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Maybe Dog could be the new face of Bounty.  Then again, maybe I'm getting that mixed up with Brawny.  Or Mr. Clean?  Oh nevermind.  Come to think of it, that irridescent green in Mr. Clean is bound to cure something.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Oops...I missed the kosher what can we substitute for bacon..turkey bacon? I don't know what the kosher rules are but sure don't want anyone left out...

    I think I met Dr. StrangeGlove once...don't ask...

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Turkey bacon would definitely form better ... hot flashes wouldn't even make 'em crispie! 

    Oooooh...Strangeglove ... had to Google that of course ... and naturally I have to ask ...

    You met him?  Was it in New Mexico?  This guy ain't smokin a cigarettee that's for sure!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Interesting what a typo can do STRANGEGLOVE INSTEAD of STRANGELOVE.

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    I'll try the kosher bra!  I love to make soup too!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Dr StrangeGlove in this case, did seem to have a problem with multple personalities. There we go, he always changed his clothes to match his personality---that's why we keep missing him. Hope Lowrider catches this

  • BlueCowgirl
    BlueCowgirl Member Posts: 132

    Morning Star Farms makes delicious soy fakin bacon which would make quite a lovely bra for those of us who are kosher and/or vegetarian/vegan as well as ER- since it's a soy product, LOL.  And I think Mr. Clean is a nice addition to this thread, as he sports a chemo-style hairdo.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,600

    They make a kosher "bacon" called beef fry.....

    The morning star stuff is pretty gross....though my two older kids loved to make "BLT" sandwiches with it for lunch when they were in elementary school...