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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Oh there she is! * handing over the 5356 orders she took over the weekend*

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My bikini line could be used as bras and panties, I mean is there really a different when it comes to cured meat delicates?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    We could be protected head to toe..

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Girlfriday, I'll take you up on the bedazzling of the bacon-wear!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    I'm a little worried about that women in the dress in the middle picture covering her nose...did her dress grow rancid? Or has she just got gas from the asparagus puree mud bark mulch coffee enemas?

    I'd like to order the bacon hair...does it come in "shoulder length"?

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284

    embracing the cluck!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


    I will go to the stock auction today and see if I can find a really long hog for some long bacon for your hair.  It comes with the bonus mustache you can keep for yourself or give it to a special someone.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    "Cluck for the Cure" ?

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    Cluck for the Cure!!!

    If we keep this up someone might think we're hen pecking!

  • BlueCowgirl
    BlueCowgirl Member Posts: 132

    Oooooh I want a pair of the bacon keds!!! Forget what I said about shoes to match the enema bag...these shoes are IT!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Well now...maybe I'll wear the bacon moustache with the bacon hair for those days when I want to go incognito...thanks Meece! I hate drawing attention to myself...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    If you need something for family photos, I can work something out.

    I used to raise chickens (And show them) I love them and don't consider it a slam.  After all, hens seem to have such a support circle!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    I would like to be photgraphed in my bacon bedazzled bra!  Special gift for DH!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oooh, you could be the poster girl for the add campaign.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    cluck cluck

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    I'm cacklin'

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478

    New to this thread but loving it...will you respect me in the morning if I say I REALLY  love asparagus and am eating it every day since it is spring? Since I have an insurance co that won't pay for treatment I figure to cover all the bases-can I sub pancetta for bacon?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    I think Lowrider is still waiting for orders. Lowrider CG has a partner-- Dr StrangeGlove. Be careful around him when you have the enema bag. He's been known to do strange things with them. Disguise it well. Going in undercover or waltzing in , in a tutu with a bacon bra with matching ked bacon shoes, with a tin foil hat,  clucking DOGS tune won't make a difference --They/ve been trained not to notice. Except if STrangeGlove is around. He's tough to identify, he wears different costumes and has been known to change his name, popping up all over the place.   Telling people they will suffer the consequences of the bacon movement, as well as the enema movement.

    We made great advances since you were undercover. The line available of bacon attire has fully expanded and we learned of a whole new cure --white asparagus. But there will likely be shortages because it so new which will make the cost skyrocket. It might be able to be obtained easier and cheaper on the Canadian market. What do you think Emily?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Have we had a meeting yet to decide who the BOSS is, that should be giving lowrider her orders ? How could we have missed a meeting ? Frankly it's amazing how much we've gotten done without the meeting? I suggest we skip it it could bollicks things up.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Hens  Rule!


    And baby chicks too!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    I suspect the white asparagus has been dipped in peroxide...(peroxide is another well known cancer treatment previously mentioned) I DID see white asparagus int the grocery store last week so I'll start stockpiling it.

    lilylady..we will still respect you..I confess I love asparagus and eat a lot of it..probably more since this thread started..*L* 

    Too bad we can't insert videos in here..a favourite old time fiddle tune of mine is "Cluck Old Hen"..I think it would fit beautifully into the discussion.

    Meetings? What are those..*L*

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Old MacFuzzy had a farm ... e-i-e-i-o ... and on her farm she had a hen...e-i-e-i-o!  With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there, here a cluck there a cluck everywhere a cluck cluck.  old MacFuzzy had a farm e-i-e-i-o.

    And on this farm she had a plant ... e-i-e-i-o...with a puff puff here and a puff puff there ... here a puff, there a puff everywhere a puff puff ... with a Canadiain Goose and a California Roll, a Aussy Little Lamb and sprinkles from all across the land!! ... e-i-e-i-ooooooooohhhhhhh!!!

    (totally down with a cold today ... but some things I just gotta let out ... ) CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK YA ALL!!  Embracing!!  Cock a doodle doo!!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    I think there was a meeting to see who was in charge but then we all starting smoking asparagus and eating brownies.......wait?  was there a meeting?  Do I know you people? 

    Puff puff  CLUCK! pass!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Here's a "modernized" version of Cluck Old Hen..kinda fun..

    Lots of other older versions on youtube..

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    There aint nobody here but us chickens....there aint nobody here at kindly point that gun the other way...hubba hubba hubba hubba hit the hay

    ah yes a good one from the 80's

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Fuzzy..sorry you have a cold but it hasn't affected your sense of humour..*L*

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    I'm so happy to be among chicken loving friends!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    *whipping up some "chicken cluck soup"  for Fuzzy..*

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    How about some egg drop, chicken cluck soup? I could go for some. I just got home from grocery shopping. I'm letting my garlic rest until I use it for dinner. I found some nice bunches of asparagus for 1.49 a pound. I thought I would roast it in the oven with some olive oil and garlic. I couldn't wait to get home to read this thread.

  • SunnyCoconut
    SunnyCoconut Member Posts: 191

    Cluck, cluck   Something was deleted before I got to read it!  I hate that.  cluck, cluck

    I always miss all the excitement. cluck

    I think she was just mad because she probably misread the instructions and put the bounty on her head and the tin foil between her legs.  Surprised  Cluuuuuckk!