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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210

    Emily!  ROFL!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Heidi:  Lol!  My BC friend from the UK sent me this awhile ago!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Emily:  LOL!!!!  Twice today I have been egged.  Bagoookkk!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Reader's Digest even agrees---Laughter is the BEST medicine! 

    I can't keep up, but I try!

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Ok HeidiToo you have just joined Makraz on my list of "I so get and love your humour" favourite members.

    Oh and by the way before I got to the bottom (down under) of the list I was thinking that Australia had just raised it's alert from:

    "Strewth mate you're a drongo"


    "Bugger off"

    Anyway I started this thread, well actually Aunty Lyn started it when she sent that email. An email that arrived after her sister nearly killed (seriously the ICU was involved) her husband after being totally sucked in by a wise old Chinese alternative medicine practitioner (who turned out to be a dole bludging Maori fraudulant quack who had never been to China). The same quack my MIL (Aunty Lyn's sister) tried to talk my mother into pressuring me to see when I had cancer at 36 with two four year olds. The same Aunty Lyn who knows that my mother passed from cancer three years after my diagnosis.  She received virtually NO treatment conventional, alternate or otherwise, she died really quickly.  I had to charge across the continent to her deathbed, she was alive when I landed in Adelaide, but dead by the time I got to Hobart.

    Aunty Lyn knows all this. Aunty Lyn was also previously asked not to send those kinds of emails to me. She was asked very politely and with great kindness.  

    So when I got the asparagus email I snapped. So rather than give her a piece of my mind, I came here, somewhere she never comes and vented.  I felt SOOOOO much better. LOL

    I am sorry for calling her "Stupid".  I meant to say "Stoopid"

    Now back to the chicken chat. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Pleased you feel better coming here Sandy. I think I might have told her to bugger off or worse.

    We don't get Peeps here, I had to 'google' them. Certainly getmarshmellow and we have marshmellow covered eggs which I know they don't get in the UK - have had to send them to my children when they were on their OE there.

    Heidi, that security ratings is great, had forgotten about it, like Sandy I think we lack any security. We are friends again with the US cause we did tell them to bugger off over nuclear vessels visiting the country so you wouldn't play soldiers with us any more, however we are allowed to join in war games again with US and Aus.

    This is too serious. Cluck cluck. Where is the asparagus?

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Oops Alyson,  The Aussies were telling the Drongos to Bugger Off not the New Zealanders.  You aren't Drongos, you're Kiwis. That's different.

    Yes I am about due for my next asparugus fix, the hands are getting shaky (do Chickens have hands? probably not.)

    puff puff pass

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Leaving overpopulation, global warming, wars, and famine aside for just a moment,  I sometimes think how lucky we are that there are six billion people in world.  If we find someone we don't like or agree with, we can just move on to the next person.

    NOW...when you get to 5,999,999,998 you can't start to stress, become a hermit or smoke asparagus.


  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    So that frequent button pushing thing with the elevator doesn't work ey?


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Sandy I actually would have liked to tell your aunt to bugger off.

    Must make dinner, this very clever person -not - forgot to register the car so had to wait until DH ggot home to go to the supermarket. Will be back later.

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Double bugger!!

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Cute Catchick'n!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    It's 3am now wonder why  I' was on the insomnia board by myself apparently some nerve was hit between the alternatives and us.  Since I grew up with an alternative DAD and understand ostracism of alternative, but embraced orthodox medicine. I will jump right in and say. There can be a blend BUT use the science.

    Double blind studies started in the late 40's They have tremendous value. But the scientific method requires that they go through at least three repeats. The problem with any study is the director. Data can be skewed-- translation you can make it come out the way you want it too. That is why clinical trials have to go through so many phases--Each phase is a proof that the last phase was valid. Each trial phase includes a bigger cohort study of people. Yet we have drugs get to market, and then in after market sales we find they harm or kill people

    That's wtc---------

    Alternative approach is not based on science, It is based on anecdotal information i. e. well my aunt had this affect etc. Many alternative sites depend on affirmation of people. No real data, just statements like "It worked for me".

    Both systems suck-------

    what is becoming available is genetic testing that shows if a drug works. It is all based on the liver cytochrome passage. 2d6,2c19,2c9 1a2  3a4 etc.  Multiply this by ten or twenty routes that a drug can take in the liver. Our ability of testing how a drug works is limited, but research is improving that.  The routes have been identified for many drugs, but testing for our ability to metabolize these drugs have not. Only scientific research is going to solve the problem. Go to GENELEX > review the video for use, then plug in your drugs. I had to find out on my own why my chemo almost killed me and the why the Aromatase inhibitors were crippling me . It was a drug interaction with norvasc with arimedex and cytoxan with norvasc. Had this drug interaction checker been used, my meds could have been altered. What sucks is the program was used by one of my providers. They either chose not to do a check or chose not do do a notification?  When my first and only chemo almost killed me -------You don't know why_----no more chemo---will my life be shortened by their error---doesn't that suck. I found GENELEX in Feb 2010 and then found out why cytoxan and arimidex were causing so much harm. 

    This is supposed to be a fun site , but apparently we have been attacked.

    This is my philosophy on the history of how we got here-----Had people not developed ways to manage illness, we as a species would not have survived. So, for centuries cures were handed down.  What we know is that early man learned about what was good herbals by watching animals. What happened after that  some is known. Much was handed down through centuries. Nostradamus's success in several places was based on rose hips which is high in vitamin -c . Then we come into the last few centuries and all that was known started to get screwed up by a fight between the old and the new. In our time , it is orhtodox vs alternative. Orthodox  is the new. Alternative is the old or whatever.  Please, remember we got here. It was by observation of what worked and didn't work. It was not by chance. There were many healers along the way. What changed in this last century was how our foods were processed and how medical care was given. We have some conclusions on what was changed, actually to numerous to mention here.

    What is regretful, is it will be figured out in the next hundred years, to late for us ,and what of our children and grand children

    Uhmmmmm so much seriousness for a nonsense place hmmm

    orthodox with alternative  that has gone through NIH complematary medicine scrutiney

    Puff  puff  pas and seeing the white rabbit  

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Does anyone have anymore funny chicken pictures?

  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Member Posts: 65


    I have been enjoying this thread without writing until now. It is important to have a place were you can vent. love the humor here.

    I really think from experience that you are not in a place to enjoy a thread like this NOW.

    You are in survival mode for your mother. I think most of us have been there.

    But after the fight has been fought, and what ever fight you choose, you need to get beyond it.

    You need to learn to live with the trauma, the fear and sometimes the depression.

    Laughter and humor are a sign of sanity, strength and one of the best ways to cope with the trauma and fear.

    If you are still NOT there, don't come in here.

    And trying very hard to not sound insensitive, I know you are afraid for your mother and that you care, but you are not the one who is sick.

    Most of US here are, or were sick and they need to vent. This is something you can't understand and hopefully you never will.

    just shoot me already

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    MaiTai---you got that one right unless you have the word cancer applied to you . You have no right to make any comment about anything. Period blunt. OH MY. nanay and any of your friends go away -----you are persona non grata

    If you interfere with us again we will go to the moderators and have you censored

    Ombudsman  Of the Master Mother Cluckers SAS

    PS to mai tai i think you were trying to help so please no offense to you

  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Member Posts: 65


    Unfortunately as you can see from my signature, I have the word cancer attached...

    I don't feel offended.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Mai tai -didn't catch that , but i did catch that you were trying to help, Nanay doesn't understand our side of it. We are trying to use words and pictures to amuse ourselves, during an insane part of our lives. You get it , i'm sorry she doesn't. Ask her to stay out of our lives. SAS

  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Member Posts: 65


    I don't know Nanay.

    I agree with you completely. I guess my post wasn't that clear.

    Can I still blame chemobrain?

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    MaiTai~for all that we have been thru, you can blame chemo brain as much as you want!  Wink
  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    I think Low & I need to come up with a threat level system for the hen house.  I'll be clucking about that.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Oh yeah...Please do Janet!!  Could be just what we need to get the group back on track!!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    speaking of elevators - here's one for stupid people

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Stalkers will be pecked to death!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Their carcasses will be canned and cooked!

  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174
  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174
  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174
  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174