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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    I'm baaack ! 

    YEEHA Bluebird.....your home & resting without all that noise from the hospital. We are relieved & hoping to hear from you when you are able.

    4sewwhat,  still getting poked & prodded, shit....I hope this is successful 

    Chevy, you are sounding more like the ol' coot we love all the time...

    Cami, hope his weekend has you feeling better...

    Hugs to daffodils are blooming, along side of the hyacinths....)))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Teka----

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol Teka i also thought it was me, thanks for letting us know. I am not able to upload pictures from my phone either.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Hi ladies - haven't been on much because my shoulder has been so painful, but wanted to let you know that I'm still hangin' round.  Sas - I had no idea that the thyroid could affect so much!!  I'm glad the surgery was successful for you.  Be sure you take good care of yourself and pay close attention to your gut feelings.  Sounds like they are accurate and worthy of attention!!

    Bluebird - so glad you are feeling better.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gumby hello, thanks I'm pushing, and folks are working. So  we shall see. The bummer that i'm feeling right now is the admission by the pathologist that he misread the biopsy tissue in July of last year. It'll take me awhile to work through the emotionalism on that one. That's 7 months of delayed treatment. Sucks. But people are working. The weekend is getting in the way LOL "Always something". The second opinion dx clearly sees/apapilary-follicular ca in both lobes. But thanks for thinking of me.

    How's the new house? Settled in? anything fun happening? sassy

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Hi all you little owl-towel-ettes!  I would say I've been reading but not posting but that would be a big fat lie.  I've not been reading OR posting....because I suck.  I had a little rash at the ankle monitor site when my mink cover for it wore through.  Those monitors are kind of irritating, in MANY ways.  This time I painted it with 1960's flower power design with nail polish.  It's pretty cool. 

    I think someone mentioned TENS stuff to me, but now I can't find it.  I did try the TENS unit just to get an idea of the sensation it causes.  Too bad it won't work for the nerve pain (or so the docs say).  If I get the neurostimulator thingy, I won't do that until after May sometime.

    I loved all the bluebird pictures, however far back they were. Other pictures too, but now they are all jumbled up in my memory bank.

    I'm leaving next week on my road trip and hope to see Lovelygoats and Sassyfras.  Maybe Beatmon too!  Here is how my route will look:

    imageand image  The green is my route there and the blue is my route back.  Okay, it doesn't exactly get me home to where the green line starts, but I can be creative when necessary. 

    Love you ladies,


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    i wonder if my post to bluebird saying I love you bluebird---people interpreted it as her posting----------cuz i don't see a post from bluebird sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh don't worry I bet she'll start posting by Sunday.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Hey, sas.  We are pretty well settled in.  Hubby is working this week on rentals up north.  Two weeks of the next three I'll be working back at my old company, as they are a little short handed, and we can use a little extra money.  Both hubby and I have really bad back problems, so he's doing PT right now.  We decided to change couches and see if that helps, so sold our old one and purchased a new one - it will hopefully be delivered soon.  In the meantime I've got my rocker and he's got his "stressless" recliner, so at least we've got seating.

    We still have to hang the shades in the family room and the pictures everywhere else.  Getting hubby to hang them (pictures) is always a challenge.  He likes having them on the walls but, doesn't like the process of getting them there.  As a result, it seems that he never hangs them until it's time to put the house on the market as a step in staging it.  We have a lovely old (and I do mean OLD) dining room set that is solid mahogany.  I think I'd like to sell it and get something that is less cumbersome.

    In the meantime, I'm plotting the changes I want to make in the yard.  I've started planting my herbs (still have a lot more to go, but it's a start).  I want a fountain, and I'm trying to think of a way to salvage an old bench.  I was watching a tv show or movie or something anyway... and there was a bench in the show that was very bright and creative.  I'm not clear at all on how I would go about doing it, but I'm going to start giving it some thought....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    thanks second time.  I will give that a try.  

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Yeah it worked. Thanks.  Don't know why when I tried it last night it would not do it...  Oh well it worked this time.  Thanks again for your help 2nd time around....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gumby have you been to of design pics---it's free. You plug in what you want to look at and then can go page to page with amid page arrow click. Takes a wee bit to get used too, but it is so much fun.

    I'm almost done with the bathroom. the one where the toilet was on the pool deck for months. A few items to go and it'll be done Phyliss is coming for a visit in April, so, let DBF and his friend do the job. Almost perfect. The one imperfection is of course in the middle of the room just at eye level. OH well. I put a TV in the bathroom LOL.  But thinkink resale down the road. My keywords at Houzz were marble bathroom and TV. Very fun.

    Sorry about the backs. I need two new beds. A double and a single. DBF and I either claim or sleep in the one soft cushy single bed. 

    I'll bring back houzz's link

    have fun --try patio and bench, or garden and bench :)sassy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I had so much fun today!  DD came to get me.... and we went to Olive Garden for lunch.... Then on the way home, we stopped at Sprouts for a few things.... You know, I am not cooking a corned beef and cabbage this year!  We really don't eat it, so I just bought a pound of sliced corned beef!  Now I have to get some good bread and thousand-island dressing, and we will be happy....

    Then we came back to my house, and watched Shirley Temple in "Curly-top" !!  It was sooo cute!  We cuddled up under big blankets, with the heating pad, and just sat there like we had nothing else to do!   DD #1 gave her Sister a set of Shirley Temple movies, so next time she is off, we will have a picnic, here, and watch another movie! 

    Just nice to relax with my silly Daughter!  She tries to help me walk, and thinks I am an invalid or something....But I show HER!   No time for pretending I am sick or something.  Loopy  The Doctor DID say, you are NOT sick, you are "Broken"..... big difference there.  I think I am pretty much healed up though.   Just need to get stronger.

    She helped me move my huge hanging plant....  Got up on that step stool, like she knew what she was doing....  didn't even fall.... once!   I was holding her butt, and she finally laughed, and said "A lot of good THAT will do, if I fall!" 

    Sass, have you tried one of those nice, big sponge mattress toppers?  I have one, with a big feather-bed on top.... But the feathers get so squashed down, I'm thinking of just giving it up, and getting another nice mattress topper. 

    Okay little Blue-bird..... Heard you were home.... now we are just waiting to hear from you..... Rest lots....  drink chocolate cokes!  Love you!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Chevy - sorry you're still broken but very happy you got to hold your DD's butt!  Sometimes they don't like stuff like that.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I recently got to hold my DD's hand but not her butt. Chevy I'm jealous.

    OK grocery done for the week but I have to buy a baby gift card. Is the go to place Babies R Us or Buy Baby Buy? I can get both at local grocery. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. I see grandparents tomorrow night. I kinda wanted a Target card but didn't see that there. DH will prob. not let me stop anywhere else. He'll be p***ed enough I didn't do this today. Of course we don't have weather here for a couple of weeks. What is due tomorrow - yup severe storms.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Phylo you're coming to Fl?  Ohhhhhhh can I butt in on your party with Sas?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Spookie put u'r butt anywhere u want to. Any time u want to.

    Phylocrazymap---I like u journey home don't show the cops that tho, u'd better be sneaky about it. Just be safe.

    Wow Chevy u really did have a good day and u sound so happy----I'm glad u got to hold u'r DD's butt. And now u can crack open a can of coke with chocolate syrup and relax.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Somehow this thread came off of my favorites list and I thought it had just up and disappeared! aggghhh...I panicked lol

    Feeling better today :) I took my 4 year old dd out this evening to get our nails painted. She LOVED it! She picked purple and they put glitter on top of that and a little flower on her thumbs. I got mine painted too, I really wanted a pediure but it's a no-no during chemo :(

    I was embarressed today. I ran into a lady I know that works at the oncology center I go to. She saw me and asked what I had on my I looked bad or something. I guess I did..but I had watched a video on how make a head wrap out of a tee-shirt and I tried it. I thought it looked cute, but maybe I didn't.

    wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Tang, don't ya hate when that happens?  4 yo girls are so fun!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801


    I can't believe you took the time to not only read my post, but reply to me - I feel honored!!!

    Your explanation makes perfect sense. I have felt the port since my Exchange in August 2012. At the time, the PS said it was no big deal. He also was aware that I was planning to go see you for 3D tatts, and was eager for me to come back and show him the results. He could not believe that the pics I showed him were not done on reconstructed nipples and areolas. (I did not have NAC recon.)

    Unfortunately, I do believe the port is located in the area where you would be tattooing... and I do feel that it is even more palpable than it was a year and a half ago... leading me to believe that the subQ fat has indeed atrophied. Waaaa!

    But I will make that appointment with the PS for an overall check. Thank you again for your excellent advice!

    LADIES - I must have missed it, but there may have been some confusion as to why Vinnie Myers was responding to me in this thread? Waaaaay back on page 340, I asked the question if anyone here had an issue with feeling the port on their saline implants. It had occurred to me that if the skin were so thin I could feel the port, that perhaps the 3D nipple tatts I wanted would not be possible. And tonight I check this thread, and who answers me, but Vinnie himself!

    Yes, Vinnie is a totally legitimate member and poster here. I have been researching 3D nipple tattoos since before my BMX and recon in December 2011. I have looked at a gazillion pics of tattooed breasts, and trust me on this: Vinnie is the absolute best. He combines years and years of medical experience in working with breast cancer survivors, with the incredible talent of creating the most lifelike images of a nipple and areola where none exists. He re-creates what cancer took away.

    I mean no disrespect to other artists who do nipple tattoos... it's just that in my opinion (as a former artist), his work is beyond compare. 

    His office is in Maryland; he also works out of the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery in New Orleans. For more information, visit his website at

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    Hello, I'm new here and found myself lurking since the steriods have me wired!  This looks like a fun board and then the Vinnie link completely sold me on messaging, very cool!!  My real fake tata's dont go in for another year though.  His work is phenomenal!

    Watching some Kimmel right now...has anyone seen Fallon's show?  Whatcha think?  How many of you have kiddos at home?  Whats been your toughest experience with them?

    I have 3 little ones and am always wanting to know different strategies for coping...I am curious how this may resonate with them as they grow older.

    Thanks!  Steph

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    welcome Myra/Steph, 

    I bounce back & forth between Kimmel & Fallon. I like Kimmel style, very relaxed. Most of the ladies in our group are a little older, but several of the ladies that post have young children. 

    I have seen some of Vinnie work on another thread, it's impressive. I had a lumpectomy, so I am still solid, except for my name, fantasy, one of the ladies thought it was a metaphor....No, l am not clever enough to think of that...

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Evening all. Just flew by to say hello and see how everyone is. 

    Must get to my bed,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    AhHAH!  So "VINNIE"  IS a real person!  A "guy" in fact.... I just KNEW he was okay!  I mean anyone with a name like "Vinnie" HAS to be okay...  probably from the Hood, too!   Blessings, that is so good, that he is contacting you.... hope we didn't scare him off...  Maybe you should PM him, to make sure he knows you got his message.

    That's great that we can "talk" to others that can "help" us, or give further information, than what we can get here.... I mean I would LOVE to have our own dermatologist on board, or even an allergist!  I know we are not supposed to sell or promote anything, but since I don't know EVERYthing there is to know, it just helps to have someone with more knowledge than I, post.  How's THAT gals?  Shut up Cammi.... 

    I like both those guys GG...(golf-girl)....  (Hole-in-one)....  Do I HAVE to keep saying all those when I talk to you?  Ha, ha!  But I'm never usually away at that time...  Early bird here....  I mean to bed early, and up Waaaaay early.   But I DO wake up in the middle of the night, and watch TV sometimes....  I like the Spike channel, or I watch Cops, or those "Haul their butts to jail" shows.... 

    Yes, Good Morning Steph!  You guys, we have a new gal here, named "Steph"....  so you ones with kids, try and help her....  I know 444444444444 has a ton of kids, and is going through a LOT of treatment, so maybe she can help you also....I just know you will find these women can help you!    Looks like you are not "alone" raising these little kiddles....  I would just think, that your children are really worried about you..... and if this were me in your shoes, I would try and make them think, that everything is going to be alright....  even when YOU are down and depressed....  keep your kids close to you, but let them see the "fun" things in your life also......Maybe they don't have to hear the exact thing that is going on with you.... 

    You and your DH are all they know.... and they don't want to hear that one of you is "broken" or not feeling good....  They probably don't want to know all the details anyway...  just that you are going to be GOOD again, as soon as you get this treatment over with....  Your meds will make you think you are going bonkers...  But if you are really worried, about how you are feeling, TELL your Doctor...  maybe a change in meds is what would help?   Those meds will completely change the way you think....   And looks like your team is really fighting this aggressively.... and all that combination of "stuff" might throw your thinking for a loop.  Just don't worry....  We can just always be here, if you want to "talk"....  take care.... okay?

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Owlettes!! I am awake and still walking on the grassy side! I'm hoping to catch up with everyone's posts soon. Having some limited vision and hallucinations yet from the brain surgery. Oh wait, that's not a hallucination that's just cammi mad as hell she had to wait in the car. You're all in my pockets now and that's where I plan to keep you. I'll try to write more when I can but want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and good thoughts and for finally beating the crap out of my medical team so they would give me pain meds! Long story.  But I'm home now and doing well and will continue to kick ass. 

    Love the bluebird avatars and pictures!  Wish I could have a big pajama party. 

    love you all! 


  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58

    just to let the rest of us INSOMNIACS know offense was taken in any way... I never even considered it negative at all as I think posting ones opinion on boards like these is what they are all about. BLESSING20... I am glad to offer my opinion on the port issue... and thank you for your kind words about my art/work... it is awesome to be able to help any one that I can. Somehow God got me on this train and I am enjoying the ride in all its glory and sadness. 


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    WELCOME BACK ! We were all so worried, happy you are able to post. REST .....

    Yes, Cami got a little restless in the car, turns out she can make a mean margarita....also she made friends with the local panhandlers...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Yay, BlueBird is back singing on her perch!

    Hi Vinnie, you were very kind and answered questions for me a while back too!  Bless you for your generosity, talent, and kindness you show the ladies that need you!

    I have read and read and have lots to address, but my DH just delivered my spinach omelette and fresh fruit!  Yes, I'm spoiled!
