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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Good Morning Bluebird - Love hearing from you. Rest, rest, rest. Write back when you can. L,H & P's as Sassy says.


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484


    Bluebird these are for you and for Sassy too knowing your love for all things glass/ceramic.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    bluebird, great that you're feeling better.

    Ok, I'm dense with the letters things! What's l, h & p stand for? Love, hate & patience? Laugh hard & piss? Love, heal, & party? Like that one. WHF! Got that one.

    Ok, yesterday DH got home and asked if I went somewhere. I said no, why? He said I was dressed! Yes, I put clothes on for no reason! I've been in pjs a lot. So he noticed. I'm trying to get back to "normal" and with the weather being nice (sorry ladies, sunny California), I'm putting my summer dresses back on. 

    Today, I'm working on another bridesmaid dress. Almost done, then only 2 left. Yeah!! This is the end of making wedding stuff. The 2 youngest GDs will just have to skip it. They're 12 & 8. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    Love, hugs & prayers.....but I do like, love, heal & party...

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    oh, ok, that make sense! I really don't like the initial thingys. Makes me feel old.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Smaarty, Don't feel bad. It took me forever to figure it out.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Its so good to heard from you Bluebird!!! sending u hugs ;) 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blubird we were all praying for u--Just rest and drink water and get waited on. (((HUGS)))

    Welcome Steph--Yes there are a few with kids and like Chevy said 4444 has a whole bunch and she's doing a great job. too.

    Tang I love 4 yr old little girls, they're so fun to do things with and so clever. I bet u looked great and if not u still had fun with u'r baby, So what do u care.

    See how nice Vinny is to come on here--that's a good guy that for at least a year I've heard about him. All Super too.

    Chevy we do have nurses that know more than u do, so we're lucky that way. U old hipster. OK my brother (who has a broken hip) is as goofy as u--he's not getting operated on til 3 weeks cux his grandson is getting married in 2 weeks--I talked to him yesterday and he drove and picked up their meds, went to the store, went out to dinner with friends--Goooofffy. He's having a hip replacement. He needs a new brain too, but that don't do that yet.

    OK I'm trying to catch up--was really busy yesterday with confusion and so far a little busy this morning.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Smaarty - I think Sassy 'spained it one time a long time ago. Don't feel bad. I have to google lots of them. Lurk on eagle cams and they use SED when signing off chat. Took 4 diff. searches to turn up Sweet Eagle Dreams. Lol.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Welcome "Home" little Bluebird!  So glad to have you back with us.... 

    And Vinnie.... seems like you have quite the reputation!  So glad you can help these gals! 

    Cammi, your Brother is either dense, or numb.... or maybe both!  Man, when I fell, and REALLY broke my hip, I could not MOVE it!  I could not even put my toe down on the ground!  It was cracked in half!  But not separated...  So tell your dumb brother, his is not really broke, just a little tender.  THAT should get him to the Doc's!   He should just probably put a band-aid on it, and go on about his business..... Not hard-headed at all, is he?    Man, he makes it sound like a broken hip is a walk in the park, under the cherry trees, with an ice-cream cone in hand.......He probably just bruised it......  Maybe I should just toss my cane....Ha!    I'm just teasing.....  sort of.....

    We just got stuck at Super Walmart!  Damnit!  DH's car would NOT start.... NOT that it is OLD  or anything!  It's an 89 Mercury Topaz...  !  It deserves a home in a lake somewhere.  But we have StateFarm Roadside assistance, so we called.  DD came to tote ME home, while DH waited for that Assistance guy....   I just felt so BAD leaving him there...  but 45 minutes later, the guy came, brought him and broken car home.  

    So we'll see how or IF DH can get this box  of nuts and bolts running.... I want to just get it out of here, give him MY car, and get another AUTOMATIC car, which I will drive.    Why is it Husbands do not ever want to get rid of anything of theirs, unless they absolutely HAVE to?  I mean clothes, shoes, cars or whatEVER!   Is it because they get older, and are afraid of not winding up with anything?  We can afford it....  It's like "things" are ingrained into their brains, or on their person!  And they can't stand to let something of theirs go!  I have to be smart about this....  I can't whine and complain about his car....  He has been driving us everywhere, and loves to do it, but I'm afraid to get in that ..... whatever it is.....  Maybe I could bribe someone to steal it.... 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevster, an 89', that is old ! I think you, getting an automatic makes good sense. My car, which is an 09', was having battery issues for the last month. We got a new one, but don't ya just hate car issues?  

    Is DH a grease monkey....can he work on cars? My DH would have had it towed to the repair center or salvage yard....

    I need to get moving....I say that all the I have that lost airplane mystery to solve, weird & sad

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes, he has always worked on our cars!  I just hope he can't "fix" this one....Winking  He thinks it is electrical.... It isn't the battery, because it keeps turning over....  I just KNOW he will work on it, but I'm going to kind of say, "Honey, let's just get another car, and you can have mine... (the 99 Chevy Prizm...)   I think he hates the hassle, but DD knows this guy, that she bought HER used car from, that will help us get a good deal....

    He has been a grease monkey, since before I even met him....  He even put a stick in the 57' Chevy we had.... and raced it!   These newer cars are not so easy to work on.  But that don't mean he won't try.... 

    Yes, I know!  That Airliner.... I thought a week ago, that SOMEone has flown it somewhere.... maybe even to another landing strip....  There were questions like why can't they use GPS to find where they are, with the passengers cell-phones....  But I don't know...  Hope it isn't the worst.....I know they will find out.... but it's just so sad.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ok I'm back--and yes Chevy I told u my brother was stubborn--He saw the dr. and had tests it is broken-but he insists on waiting--I was laughing at him cuz I wanted to know what pain meds he was on (so I could take them) his arent' even as strong as mine-A$$--BTW both of my brothers are stubborn as mules--they take after my mom, and my sister and I (altho stubborn) not like them take after my dad. OK now for u'r car--an '89?? Wow it must have been well taken care of, maybe now it just wants to go, he's had enough. And it's stick? I forgot how to even drive stick--altho I love it. I can just imagine what else he keeps--Oh well on the bright side he kept you. So it's not all bad. But I'm glad u didn't wait for them and u'r DD brought u home.

    Hole are u talking about the news lost airplane or one u play with? Cuz if it's the news one it could have been hijacked and landed somewhere else--flying under the normal radar--so far I don't think they found any remains and I know pieces float up eventually. But I still think the whole plane should be made out of what the black box is made from, which is a lot of times red. But even bodies float up unless they're stomach is gutted to release air. OMG I watch to many crime shows,

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Spookie plan on an overnight or two--we aren't absolutely firm on dates. I even bought a new bed. Well, I needed to for 40 years. LOL it still in as new condition, but DH and I moved to a better bed, b/c it wasn't big enough for him, the dog and I. The bed went to the spare room. LONG story , but I just paid for and it's being delivered on the 24th. Ready for April. We'll figure where to put you. We will firm things up-----YUP you are included sweetie. If you can't stay here we will figure something out :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang sounds like a wonderful day with your daughter. A memory. I can never ever remember having a fun day like that at a young age with my mom. OH, cuz it was all so serious then. Fuck polio.

    HMMMMMMMMMM actually very good. Polio consummed our entire lives. My twin and i were 2 years 2months, and brother was 4 -1 month at onset, 1952. The rest of everything was predicated on polio. Don't remember fun things.  May have been some, but don't remember. So, these special fun moments are very important----besides fun :) 

    There is a thread Ma111's It's about Death and Dying. But the beauty of it that can be missed, is the things that women talk about as leaving for their children.

    May sound morbid, but these treasures are just what we would want to leave, make, design for our kids "even if we were normal". Lots of great ideas. I dropped out after about page 25.  Popped in as needed after that. But I know there were some very sweet ideas. Tang scan by-pass what you don't want, and pick up stuff that makes you happy. I'll bring the link :) sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang BTW the head wrap ---if you looked in the mirror and liked it--that's all that matters. Each to there own taste, thought, and design. Those that can't accept a difference Cluck'em

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings, I suggest that you take your question, Vinnie's response, then your response and figure out were else to post it. You may want to take your last post then cut and paste Vinnie's post below it. Your explanation post before his response makes more sense , and is shorter-----just a suggestion.

    Remember when I spammed(MODS hate that word) about the knitted knockers.  Basically, when I think there is something that will benefit many members, I do a pop in post and then a C&P.

    Please, when you figure out how you want to do it , please, add it to mu Just Diagnosed -Get Prepared thread

    Smarrty I think put a post that said a new TE thread was starting. Thinking into the future , past TE's is a good thought. Putting the info on that thread may be valuable. :) sassy

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OKay Spookie will-----"getter done"

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Bluebird YAY------now down to basics, I had brain sx too. That damn dexamethasone they give you is out into the universe, then you have to wean on prednisone, and your not supposed to bend. Could you please, follow all the instructions? ERhh I can say this b/c I didn't.

    Dog got caught in a thicket in the back yard------Few days home-----of course couldn't ask DB who was here to help------Suddenly, I find myself about 100 ft from the house in uneven earth. Had to put arms out horizontally to balance. Looked like I was trying to fly in the backyard---avoid----ask helper.

    Worst-----the limit of work bending should be at least 8-12 weeks . I was cleaning pool screen four weeks post op---2 weeks beyond clearance time. Legs almost buckled--serious feeling of loss of control of lower body half.-------lesson----serious cleaning and bending forget it for a couple of months at least or longer. No clue on how long. BUT at least 3 months from my not doing it perspective.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MYRA Helllo, lots of everyone here, But Tang and Sweet pea(Austin's 2y/o), i think have the only wee ones.  4sewhat  aka $$$$$4444444, 4, $,  has a 9 yet 20 something daughter that runs the boys, and two teen age boys. Cami has DGS Joey that's with her everyday. Many have grands. Sorry Smarrty I forget? You're quite welcome to join us. If you decide to only stay for a while,please, let us know where you went off too. We hate it when people come and then just go.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG's trying to put your litlle bluebird next to mine lost mine by a click. That'll teach me to not put it on the warm fuzzy page L&H&P's sheila

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    So pleased to see Bluebird back. Well done and do as Sas says -rest and get better.

    Have been reading but not really posting. Feeling really sore so don't want to have a self pity party. Problem is I don't take pain meds so have pain, take them and the whole system gets bunged up and I can't go. Do really need something stronger but worried about reaction cause I react to many drugs.Grrrrr

    We were warned about a storm which came down from the tropics but luckily it missed us. Some parts of the country have been battered.

    Must go and check the lasagne which I am in the middle of making.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Sorry,  I started L&H&P"s on the Catholic thread. I like it b/c it encompasses everything.I fell away from using it until I found badger again. She liked it and never stopped using it. 

    two interpretations.------do what and think what your thoughts want to do

                Love & hugs & prayers.....but I do like, love & heal & party...


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Actually, both are what we believe. Some don't believe in prayer. Not sure that's the case here, but I love the concept in the 2nd interpretration of heal and party. So, I'll think all 5 thought's when I write it :)

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    Thank you for the warm welcome!  This is my second attempt to message and my phone is going to expire.  This chemo is whipping my butt, 10 more taxol to go, blaaaah!  But I do it for my princess, she turns 6 in May, our motto is "girls rule and boys drool"!  How come I cannot upload a picture on here?  Totally my day in a nutshell, I will try to post tomorrow.  Have a great night!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Since our lovely Bluebird is back, I feel I should change my avatar. I love the bluebird and received many compliments on it from people that didn't know Bluebird, and then I would explain.

    I copied to my storage place the directions given to Chevy. So , I'm going to try to chnage my avatar-------------after years of not having one------the first was a disaster, didn't want that again. The following are the directions I copied. Cami it did work, cuz I got the bluebird to come. That's why I stored it. I want to get my Schatzi's pic there. I'll work on it.---------------------------------------

    How to change avatar Chevyboy: Save the pic to your device with a right click or holding finger down on the pic until you get the save option. Different for different devices. Go to your profile, click settings, go to your avatar setting, click on choose existing option, then pick our sweet bluebird.


    What I learned is to open multiple browsers oh about a few months ago.: When you log in to BCO , then click the minimize sign in the top right corner. Then do it again, until you have as many BCO browsers open as you want.    For BCO,I'm opening about three pages. Because of the 2D6, I open a YouScript, Then b/c of wanting to drug check i open a dailymed.nlm, and I google ----iuse it in so many ways---the most is spelling tech words LOL. 

    The point is I figured this stuff out ----took me 3 years--------slow learner on some stuff.

    Now, Because I have multiple browsers open, I can be in the middle of a post and go looking for something without loosing the post  that hasn't been submitted---cool

    Let's see if I can change my avatar---that blue bird is special, but it belongs to our Lovely Bluebird that has come home to us. :) Happy your home babe.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Before I get busy trying to do an avatar,MY DEAR OWLETTES, please post your pics to the warm fuzzy thread so they can be retrieved. L&H------sassy I'll try too.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi Owls and welcome Myra! Teka - love Cat Lady Barbie LOL!

    Checking in after a busy few days. Picked up sheets and mattress pad to make mom's new bed which was delivered Friday.  Laid in critical supplies like TP but will need to grocery shop.  Still need to buy a recliner and may do that tomorrow.  Thought it could wait until she got here but realized that, until the moving van arrives with the furniture, there's no where to sit except the bed and that won't do.

    Sassy, I had radioactive iodine for a hyperactive thyroid and it was given to me in pill form.  Got a micro-dose and scan one day to determine uptake rate and plan for full dose, which I got the next day.  Guy brings it to me in a lead-lined cask with the radioactive symbol emblazoned, cracks it open and smoke (from dry ice?) comes out, he dons thick rubber gloves and reaches in with tongs to get the pill.  Puts it in one of those little white cups and says here take this.  yikes!  They did say to stay away from children and old people for a few days.

    Tues I head to a conference for work then Fri fly to FL.  We start driving north on Sat.  Thinking three days drive but there's no hurry.  I took off all week to help her get settled in.  I'll be off the board for the better part of the next fortnight so please don't worry if you don't see me around!  Love&Hugs&Prayers to all ♥