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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger-----I read essenitally the same thing---except no where did it talk about animals---so we are preparing for shats and dini. The day I get the pill, they so far have told me I have ti stay in a room---not an admitted, but a room. We''l see. one step at a time. I did find a thread just recently started, but I don't want to be there.

    Isn't something the way they bring it? I used to watch it. Those folks get paid BIG $'s

    Any whos I'm going to conquer this avatar thingy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I accomplished becoming a page?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Bejagers;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; too tired to makr it works OH well. Everyone sleep tight. ") L&H&P's sassy

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74

    hey ladies newbie here but can't sleep.  

    I need some advice. I am coping great with diagnoses and DMX 3 weeks post op. Mel, my partner, not so much. She is angey, stressed and depressed. She tells me all the time why her not me. She is pretending to be ok but everyday I see more signs of her breaking down. She says I love you so much all the time. She waits on me hand and foot and helps me dress my insecions. She is my world and I hate to see her this way. After 12 yrs I know her and can read her body and sometimes her mind... Not really but feels like it. I just don't know what to do she has refused to go talk to a professional. Any ideas. I thank her all the time and reasure how much I appriciate her.... Any thoughts....

  • Kitty62
    Kitty62 Member Posts: 9

    Meremere, you and I were dx'd on the same friggin' day. Friday the 13th!  As soon as I found out I went to the library and grabbed every book I could. I even grabbed one called Breast Cancer For Husbands. Not sure what was in there but it sure seem to help my hubby. It might be helpful to your partner. He was the same way too. I could see him going through alot of emotions as well. She may need to see that her emotions are all normal  and others go through the same things. My husband laughed/cried when he got to a part talking about "car cryers" because that's what he did. Hopefully if you find the book for her it may help...both of you. Best of luck.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all.

    Teka the lasagne was great wish I could have shared it. We had SiL and her BF here for dinner. Has been a great evening.

    Hi to the newbies. I am as Sas says a southlander.

    Big hugs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Mere sometimes the people who love us go thru it worse than we do--it's an adjustment--like Teka said just plain scared--we're busy with treatment and all they can do is watch and hurt with us and worry, more. Therapy can help, educating themselves can help and u can help---We've always said this is very hard on the family it's not just focused on us. Lift her spirits with some stories with good results that may help.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Aly we all want Lasagna now thanks to you. I wish u were feeling better tho, and can't u take something that will help somewhat with u'r pain?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes.... Lasagna for breakfast!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sass!  How can you be "missing" and NOT have an Avatar?  Are you broke?  Did you screw everything up?  That's usually what me and Cammi do?  And how can you get 1000 posts so fast?   What did you TAKE?  You have more energy than that Bunny person!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy in all fairness to Sas look when I started BCO and how many posts I have and I say not much of anything--no knowledge here--I admit.. I hope u feel better today and better and then fine--U'r doing good tho,

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Good morning and welcome the newbies!

    MereMere, my DH says ILY so much more now than he ever did.  Partners are scared, grateful that we're here, but maybe afraid to break us with a touch.  In my experience, it'll get better for you both, as your incisions heal and you live your life. I had asked my DH not to talk about it (we live in a smallish town and they gossip) except his mom, because he had to talk to someone.

    Cammi, I have a ridiculous # of posts, mostly from playing games over the years.

    OK now I want lasagna for breakfast too!  ThumbsUp

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG Badger u do have loads of posts hahaha

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    LOL yeah, I know of only two others over 25K.  Scooter-12 racked up her posts playing games with me, and footsprintsangel prays for people.  

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    SAS, I have 3 kids, 38-44, and 8 grands, 8-25, 1 greatgrand who 5 and a new one due in July.

    My grandson went thru the ketamine treatments last week, they didn't work, so on Friday they're going to try a nerve block, if that works he goes straight to PT. If not he wants them to remove the leg above the knee. I don't know if the docs will be willing to do that. It's no guarantee that the pain will go away with the amputation. He sees his GF get around just fine but his is below the knee. Hugh difference. But he's tired of the pain and I worry about how much more he can take. It's been 9 months since he got hurt. The docs did finally diagnosed him with Chronic Nerve Pain Syndrome, stage 2. Nothing he takes works.

    SAS, I looked at my moms glassware, it's all smooth, no sharp edges on anything. And it is mostly reddish orange. 

    Teka, like the cat Barbie and the newbies and oldies pic.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka u find some cute ones.

    Smaarty how awful for u'r GS, oh the thought of all the pain he endures and nothing works that he actually wants to amputate, such a hard road he has. This really affects u and u'r family too. Praying all can be worked out in the best scenario possible.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarty, your mom has a great collection of Amberina. Hope it works with your color scheme if you've inherited it. Use it versus store it. They are valued pieces, but they are meant to be used. If something was way lots of money like American Brilliant Cut--use on holidays and hand wash.

    Now I know of the syndrome re:GS , but must have been a sleep for the story. They changed the name of the syndrome several times in 20 some years. Amputation---does have ghost pain, but why don't they think amputation will stop the awful pain? The damage point is at or below the knee?. If the damage point is cut off, why still anything but ghost pain? Are Phenol injections still being used ? older treatment, but I've been gone awhile. Phenol burns whatever it touches. Was used as a last ditch effort for intractble spinal nerve pain.

    Who has he seen? Who's the best in the world? Is it armed services related?

    Badger will call on your cell phone if I go to Tampa. If we connect and plan, I'll make contact with Spookie.

    Need a nap

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Hello Owl Girls!

    Hope all are having a great Sunday. It is pouring today and I hurt from Friday, so taking it easy!

    Sas, you will figure out the avatar!  I also wanted to let you know I sympathize with how you feel over the delayed diagnosis.  I am still quite bitter that the idiot doc I saw out me off for a year and wonder how much "better" my path would have been a year earlier?

    Cami, you always have something good to say so keep wracking up those posts!

    Wow Smaarty!  That's a big family. I will say prayers for your grandson.  What an awful thing to deal with.

    Teka, you do prolly have the largest number of deletes and the fewest words spoken for that many posts!  Love the cat lady Barbie!

    Badger, safe travels!  It is tough dealing with aging parents.  Harder than toddlers or teenagers I think.  Kids are earning responsibility, parents are losing it and can really resent that.  Hope all goes well with your mom.  Take time and enjoy the sights!

    Chevy,  what's wrong with lasagna for breakfast or a midnight snack or just whenever?  I got you a present I need to send you. I saw something at the store and it just screamed your name to me!!

    Aly, feel better and enjoy the leftovers if there are any!

    Hi Myra,  my 9 year old and I have the same saying!  Girls rule, boys drool!  She has 3 older brothers so that might explain it!

    Kitty! I have learned to embrace Friday the 13th!  I deliberately scheduled to end chemo and rads on the 13ths!  I wanted to kick it all to the curb on the 13's!  2013 was a long year!

    Mere, sorry to hear your partner is having a hard time. I told my DH in the beginning this would be harder on him than it would be on me.  What I figured out was it was the helplessness getting to him!  It he had something to do that "helped" me he was in a better frame of mind.  When he cold capped for me he had a sense of purpose and it made a huge difference.  I would ask him to do things like research on different recon.  I didn't really need it, but it gave him something helpful to do.  Even just asking him to get me a drink instead of getting it myself made a difference.  Hope that is helpful!

    I also pointed out that I was no different than I was pre diagnosis.  I felt good and was not SICK. I told my family that I was infected or invaded but NOT sick.  They  may have to make me feel crappy stort term to kick the rat bastard to the curb, but I was no different than before the invader had a name.

    The other thing I told them was that I just needed them to believe that I was strong enough to beat this!  No matter what they knew or heard or saw online, etc... They just needed to believe I was going to kick ass!

    I have been very lucky and blessed that this has not had much of an impact on my kids because I have not had many bad days and was able to keep going full speed.  DH was a little different story. But if I can keep him busy and "helping" he is in a much better head space!

    OMG I got all life preachy there like my 14 yo calls it!  

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    MereMere, There's a grief process that happens after DX. Something has changed and there's a feeling of loss for what was. I think what she's feeling is totally normal. Perhaps making long long range plans would help. Tell her you're going to be there when she gets old. Plan for something 2 years out (special vacation, trip, whatever). I think it is easier to be the patient than the loved one. Hugs for both of you.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    MereMere welcome...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    HELLO NEWBIES,    MereMere, Myra and Kitty. Mere, sorry, DP is taking it so tough. I thought Kttiy's idea was good.How about you go to counseling for awhile ---I do recommend everyone go  Take the time to find someone that you can talk with. Sometimes it doesn't happen on the first try. Then when your settled in ask DP to join you. "That she would be helping YOU allot". Sneaky , but it may work :)  WREN's right too. $$$$$$$44444444444's right too. Busy keep them busy

    HEY Owlettes. what's the opposite of a newbie? What's a baby owl called? Why am I still a piece of paper?

    Slept the day away. Yesterday was important. Bought a new double bed in honor of our bracelet gal. DBF got tools for 400$, worth about 2000$ off Craig's list. DS Has a contract on a house. He has two room mates lined up. Closings April 28th. Inspections not done yet. Hoping all goes as planned b/c their lease up May1st. ---Good house, nice land for south Tampa. LOTS of room to add on. Best house he's looked at for that region. YAY,  kept telling him it'd happen this way. Mom was right again. 

    Smarrty, I love you, but if I remember correctly we are fairly close in age--63--YOU have all this family ----I'm jealous. Nary a girl in sight.

    I haven't kept you up on the dogs. I can now run them off leash by the horses and cattle---together. Have to teach DINI, it's okay to smell the roses. erhhh whatever dogs smell. He thinks he has to run full bore fast. Now just need to help him be a sniffy dog. 

    This was huge --both dogs out. Cop came by, he just moved over and went slow in case the dogs moved from where they were supposed to be. I was on the wrong side of the road with two dogs off leash. Wonders. The sheriff's ranch is west of where I run the dogs. Many have passed me. I know they talk of it, who wouldn't. Just happy, and dogs are happy. I would hate to have to stop.

    Cami and Chevy yes keep writing. So, tired....................

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blondie owlette happy to see you ---whatup gal. Hows those bones treating you ?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    holy chit! Go away for the weekend and I have a novel to catch up on reading! I get notifications when you ladies post, my phone was busy all weekend with your posts (but no pix). Glad I could try to keep up with the happenings when I was away.

    Beautiful weekend up in the mountains, last 2 times I went, there was snow on the ground (the last time they were chasing us out on Sunday as a big snowstorm coming in. Many got snowed in, not me). This weekend, a beautiful, sunny cool spring day, in the 50's during the day maybe. On the way home, stopped to check on mom and dad, so I'm not at home, and I'll change avatar later. 

    Am very happy Bluebird is home and taking it easy.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Will catch up later tonight, I hope. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676

    (((((((to all )))))))


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Teka, I'll forget by tomorrow! Oh, wait, colonoscopy Wednesday so I need to be good

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow.
    May the soft winds freshen your spirit.
    May the sunshine brighten your heart


    May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you.

    And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    You should be asleep Sas its way past your bedtime.