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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ohhhh.....Vinnie..... you may be a tough tatt
    guy in real life, but these Insomniac women are ca-RAZY!!!!! Just sayin'.....
    Congrats to your sis for being cancer-free for four years. Yeah, it’s a b*tc#
    having to take the nasty estrogen-sucking drugs longer than you originally expected, but
    the time really will fly by.

    Myra- great pics, Girlfriend!!!

    Bluebird- you rock, Woman!!!

    - Only treatment
    for me is drugs. BMX/Recon in December 2011, Exchange in August 2012. No chemo,
    no rads, just one year of Arimidex, then Femara since October 2013. Only 1,310
    days to go, not that I'm counting... Oh,
    yeah…your tile looks gorgeous – any chance of “before” and “after” pics?

    hugs for you, 4sewwhat

    Anita – have fun with
    that baby!!!

    Blondiex46 – no one is
    ever alone on this thread… not even if you tried!!!

    Phgraham – 15 states?
    SERIOUSLY???? I hate riding in a car for
    15 minutes…. You’ll have to give me some pointers for when we start to take the
    RV out. Safe travels to you!!

    Cami and Dutchiris – I’ll just jump in your
    pockets now, since I don’t seem to be able to keep dates straight these days…

    Smaarty – did you
    notice that the pic of the lady in purple (on the right, kicking) has a tattoo
    of a purple butterfly on her left thigh?

    Luvmygoats – had something
    to share with you and POOF! It’s gone….

    Teka – you look
    lovely in your teacup hat!!!

    Chevy – you are not in jail. That’s
    good news. Keep us posted, though….

    Wren44 – I keep
    thinking I’ll lose 15 pounds before I see my MO again. Unfortunately, that appt
    is in two weeks.

    shout-out to 2TA, debzjourney, Spookiesmom, Ziggy and
    anyone I may have missed…

    a wonderful, relaxing weekend, everyone!!!!


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Aww Chevy, listen, it's okaaaaay that yoiu spent the night in the cage, we all understand that with your proclivities, it's just going to happen sometimes.. as long as you didn't do to the cops what you did the last time, it's not something that we can't handle.. no need to make shit up about raking leaves (like THAT'S a story we're going to believe). It's a good thing that tea party's over because I ran outta tea and had to switch to liquor 'cause I was soooooooooo thirsty Sass & aren't you glad that when you have a virtual party the clean up's easy? Firm and vibrating huh? Well. Hmm.

    Myra, if your husband wants to do a reality tv show just have him attach a camera to Chevy, Cami, and Sassy. Jesus God, they would be far more entertaining than Ozzy Ozborne's wife or whoever she is. You and your kids are adorable.

    I'm not still in treatment - just tamo & then an AI, I'm just going through something that's making it so I'm really short of breath & get dizzy sometimes - started after the exchange surgery. It's getting better but my onc wants to be sure that nothing bad's causing it. So.

    Cami, IS still in treatment even though she doesn't know what it is and she's got a bone scan coming up so that she'll have some time to say a rosary, and the Chevster's still seeing the psychiatrist after that episode. Hard to say how that's going.

    Tang and Myra are both going through chemo and 444 and tang have both been through really tough times with their reconstructions. And then there's the recently turned mean as a pitbull in heat bluebird, but she's going to be better and hopefully seeing Chevy's new heartthrob soon. Deb and Anita are in the thick of things, and Hole, Dammit, where's Hole? She's not in jail too is she? And Pgrahmcrackers is NOT in jail 'cause she's on the way to firm vibrations at Sassy's. And Sassy's doing iodine stuff that I do not understand.Goatgirl with the goat coat is done (yes?) and smartty and Teka just said they are done. That's all I know right now. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    HA! Chevy thinks it was Vinnie that called her sweetheart, but in reality it was....

    wait for it.....


    Poor chevy. Now listen, listen though Chevy you REST today. Every girl needs rest after a hard night in jail  .. day of raking leaves. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Ziggy, didn't Chevy say she was also moving POT?  Maybe that's what got her hauled in???

    oh, wait, she's on Colorado!  Maybe she was moving  too much of it at once??

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294

    Sassy:  Thanks for including me.  I finished rads last Wednesday but am still on Herceptin for the rest of this year.  And PT for neuropathy, but I don't think that counts.

    Not sure I can keep up with you ladies but I'm going to try.  I asked my MO about drinking again.  He said none of the studies refer to a recurrence so he suggested that I enjoy in moderation.  Had two margaritas for lunch w/green chili at a great New Mexican restaurant - the only one it Houston.  Now I must nap.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Ziggy - I made the switch to liquor just now. Coffee with Kahlua in it. I've had this bottle since last fall sometime so today was it's day. I mean come on how much can I mess up laundry and shredding junk papers littering the door to DD's room - even though she hasn't been here since Christmas. But I got tired of slip sliding away as I threw more on the pile so Shreddy Bettie I am today (I am all into that rhyming stuff). Besides the pile of giant TP pkg empties was threatening to overtake it's storage spot - I like to stuff them full of shreds.

    Oh yes I'm doner than done. Just 'lil ole Femara for gosh know how long. MO and I don't discuss it. Just coming up on 2 years so no need to get my feathers in a fluff about 5 or 10 years. BUT I do get a bone density anytime now - prob. mid April when I go back to eye doc - and that will be telling. MO mentions variously Prolia (not happenin' on my insurance) or Fosamax. Will quiz my gyn doc who is old friend from college and get his take on it b4 I make a decision.

    Myra - your kids are adorable. Something to keep you hopping. Really too quiet around here. Even dog is asleep and DH is at work. Watching baby eagles passed out from eating on eagle cam - at least when I hear them peeping.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    See you make a list and everyone checks in, a few more and we'll be all caught up.

    For the newbie's, I had this list of interesting topics like --constipation and rectal issues, PORT stuff, wound care, pain, etc., but since the upgrade the links don't work. I have the Mods working on it. Sorry, they don't work. I'll wait to see what the Mods can do then if they can't just fix the stuff I'll remake the list.

    Blessings , I'll try on the before and after pics. If it turns out like what I envision, it will be nice. --The save idea on the white strip was a blessing. It just destroyed the look of the tile.  

    Spookie I keft you a message--we will get it worked out. Made sure nothing could burn or go wrong before I called you. LOL. IT's a huge pot of soup, but will be good for a couple of days and then some to freeze. DS stopped by the chair guys shop---he says another two weeks. It's been another two weeks since before Christmas. 

    DS put in another contract----house inspection done yesterday-----guys selling should have criminal charges against them. DS working on what can be done. Inspections are costly , but worth every nickel. Some termite damage, but termite guy says correctable for about 900.00 Air and heat don't work. All kinds of irregular against code wiring.  Leaks and plugged toilet and other minor stuff. Poor kid this is his third contract. Great real estate agent. BUT they both want this over. 

    Ziggy isn't that the guy from the 70's  sitcom Mr. Kotter? The show that Barbarino was on.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Yes Sassy I think what Ziggy meant that Chevy might think Vinnie Barbarino (John Travolta) was calling her when it was really Horshack (Welcome Back, Kotter).

    Ziggy - are you really old enough to remember this?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I am done with surgery, chemo, and rads.  Now it's just tamoxifen, zometa, and Zoladex all to prevent recurrence.  

    I'm so flippin' tired and coffee isn't helping.  I can't believe how tired I am.  I may need a nap.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK  I can only respond to what I remember--how do u gals do it.?

    Myra u'r pictures are beautiful and u are too.

    And even tho it's legal in ?CO u'r can only have so much and u know Chevy goes that extra mile in having more than anyone else--So Jailtime for her. But she'll never admit it. At least we all know about Phyloanklebracelt and her parole board is now letting her leave the state--but I don't think they'll let her have a passport yet.

    I am not taking chemo anymore I had 2 yrs-every week of it then finished another 6 months of Herceptin  and I was a so called miracle to my Dr. According to her--was there any doubt? Cuz mine got skeered of me and remised into somewhere and so far won't come out, that's why my tsts are so often-they're waiting well they can wait all they want--I just don't think about it really and I was never nervous about it, not even at the beginning and I think that's why it wasn't going to waste anymore time with me. But it left me with lots of problems but not cancer hahaha. My sister too she's amazing really. Oh and My cousin another amazing woman who's been thru so much and still laffing. and working--I'm the lazy one. Wow I made myself sound good, well I'm not really just a very low keyed person. Oh and a little crazy--even my Drs said that. so it must be true.

    Can u tell I just took one of my meds--it jacks me up, then I relax strange effect on me. So whatever I say it's really boring and u don't have to read it.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Happy Saturdy!

    Today has been kind of a lazy day. The 4 year old spent the night at Pop and Nana's so I slept in!! whoo-hooooo

    Ziggy...that was Horshack...Oh oh oh!! Loved Welcome Back Kotter when I was kid :)

    Anyone else here that has a big head? I have a big ol' head and it sucks, I'm not wearing wigs and it is hard to find hats that fit. Not sure why, but today no matter what I put on my head it gives me a headache. bleh..just going bald I guess for the day. I put a full face of make-up earlier to see if that makes any difference and dh said I look sexy. HAHA...that's a stretch.

    Are we supposed to be checking with whether or not we are in active treatment?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895


    Crazy has its benefits!  That's experience talking!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Dutchy,  zoledex,  zometa, and tamox are all preventitive. You have no mets? Do I read that right? I see the node numbers.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang------the Dh says you look sexy,go with it. Remember Sinead the singer and the gal on Star Trek Voyager. Wow they looked good. Make-up and cool earrings and bald---------To bad you didn't wake him up that way, costume and all.Plan on it next week..........see what comes up :)

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Sas I am not in active treatment unless you consider taking Anastrozole as being in active treatment.....  

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Sas, those node numbers are after chemo.  Crazy huh? I have no mets that we can find.  I had a CT of chest/abd/pelvis and a bone scan for staging in 2/2013.  Also had chest CT 4/2013 and 9/2013.   I had a bone scan 1/10/2013 and have one scheduled for this Tuesday.  So far no mets.  Onc said I couldn't talk her out of this bone scan and if this scan is negative I may an MRI.  I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Wanted to share...just got this from my grandaughter.....Grayson sitting in her hi-chair without her brace......what an accomplishment...........


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    i too am only on femara/letrozole. Managed to avoid both chemo and rads so didn't have to go through what so many of you lovely ladies experienced.  Had a DIEP recon.  That was a harsh experience, but I am happy with the result.  Wouldn't do it again, though.

    About weight... I've lost five pounds since retiring but have been stuck losing and gaining the same damn pound for about a month now.  Today though, I probably gained ffive.  For some reason hubby wanted me with him... I've been sitting in the car since 5:30 this morning doing nothing other than smacking a little... ok  - too much - and reading.  He's been busy.  Me, not so much....

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    yeah Ducky..  That is great.  Thanks for sharing!!!

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • 1toughmomma
    1toughmomma Member Posts: 10

    Oh how I have needed to know there are others out there as sleep deprived as I! :) I haven't slept thru the night since my mammogram that started it all in October. First anxiety, then surgical pain, then expander pain, then surgical pain, now pain from fat necrosis and some stupid rash that wakes me up. BUT other than that life is good :) Looking forward to reaching that new normal when all is healed ;)

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Dutchie - YAY for Grayson; that is fantastic. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Ducky!  Thanks for popping by and sharing this with all the ladies that have seen Grayson's many milestones.  I bet they enjoy the updates!  I wasn't around for the first part of her journey but know her story. It is amazing to see how far she has come. I wish my nephew had been so lucky.   

    She is beautiful and you can see the determination in her eyes. Wonder where that comes from?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Hi Kimberly!  Sure is one crazy ride, right?

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    OMG! I'm gone for 8 hours and there's 3 pages to catch up. I can't remember everything, so hi everybody, hope all is good or getting better. Cute kid pics! We have a 2 month old in the family, probably last baby for a long while. Majority of our kids are done having kids.

    SAS, the GB was 3 months before the breast shit started.  Someone said they're getting their GB out soon. That was easy, it'll probably be orthoscopic, so 3 or 4 little incisions. Nothing like having your boobs sliced off. That wasn't that bad either. I don't think I'm normal!  Nothing has really been that painful. 

    I'm done, only the 3 surgeries.  I read on another thread of someone having the implant coming through the muscle after 9 months. REALLY? WTH?? How often does that happen?  Better not on me, I decided I like having boobs again and now I want nipples TOO! So hoping to see if the timing with Vinnie works out. Don't care if I have to pay for them. His looks so GOOD!  (Nipples I mean) (tattooed ones). 

    (I haven't had anything to drink!) really!  I worked on the quilting sample today, learned a new technique. I'll take pic later, too tired to get up and dig it out of my stuff.  Gonna have to do something about dinner soon. I liked it better when I wasn't doing anything around the house!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Yay Ducky that is awesome for Grayson!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks ladies.....appreciate you kindness....just wanted to let you many have followed her from brith.....she is a fighter.....thanks again, and hugs.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Ducky, Thanks for the pic. Grayson is awesome.

    Blessings, Ha! I'm ahead of you. I only have 1095 more AI pills to go. They are not going to suggest 5 more years and I will not listen if they do.

    Hugs to all who need them.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Oh Vinnie, I would definitely be a challenge for you. After my mastectomy the skin was left too thin and it burned off while they were cauterizing  and formed an eschar.  Then if that wasn't enough, during radiation the rest of the skin burned off. It's now a mass of scar tissue that I was hoping would be repaired during my final reconstruction. Of course I could probably always get a bluebird in flight done or something to cover all the burn scars, but heck I'd need a whole freakin' flock of bluebirds! 


    I hope this isn't too graphic. I'll delete if so. This was taken two weeks before what was left of my skin went south.

    Love all the cute kid pictures. Hooray for Grayson! She's a fighter too!

    I am improving greatly everyday. I can finally see well enough to type and correct and went for a nice walk in the woods today. Teka loved lady with teacup on her head! I still have some hallucinations and vision cutouts, so I can relate to Alice's tea party. 

    This is my absolute favorite painting of a tea party by Mark Ryden:


    Even when I was a little girl, I had my totem bird.  Sas, Blessing, Teka and Chevy missed out getting painted because Shatzi chased their cats off.  luv couldn't get her goat to stop eating all the plants.  Poor Ziggy required CPR after her elephant sat on her head. Wrens hate bluebirds so she refused to get in the picture. And everyone else was smart enough not to join in the lunacy!

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    OMG Bluebird, that must be so painful.  And it got worse after that?  Yikes!

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    I will catch y'all tomorrow night but just want to say yay Grayson!  She is such a sweetie!

    Fierce my heart just breaks when I see that...what comes to mind is F**K cancer! I want to punch it in the face but I guess that's what you were doing.  Thanks for posting that picture, BC makes us stronger than we could have possibly imagined as we melt into a puddle of tears.

    Thanks for all the nice comments re my pics:)

    I will figure out who the criminals are on this board eventually...I grew up playing clue.

    3 hrs if sleep last night just took a Xanax to see if I can counter act those dang steriods yet!!  Spring training game tomorrow for the local cancer center, first social outing in two weeks so wish me luck with no side effects!
