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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Little ZIGGGERS!  Geez, you amaze me!  Okay, I like this one!

    MostlyMom!  Is that YOU in your Avatar?  That is so CUTE!  And I just had to laugh, about your slippery chair 'venture!  Ha, ha!   I could just picture you, or any one of us in fact, doing the same thing!   My neighbor DID have to call the fire department last year, when she was in the tub, and could NOT get out!  Seriously folks!  They are both in their 90's, and her DH could not get a grip, and she was just plain dead in the water!!!  So he called 911, and the firemen came, and got her butt out of that damn tub!   What a SIGHT!!!  (she said)  And what made it worse, was those firemen were so CUTE!!!  I have to try that..... write that down..... that's ONE damn way to get attention.

    444444444444!  On that last page, you were a riot!  I copied and sent that to my DD's!  Also miss Lilshit Ziggers, about Blue-bird, and it's just nice to share some of "my stuff" with them...  And about the slippery-butt escapade!  They say I am "so lucky to have friends like you guys!"  

    Morning gals.... I have to post this, because I can't turn the page back, without losing everything.... WHAT did I just say?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Sorry you're hurting mostlymom.  Got anything you can take for pain or sleep?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Me again!  I MEANT to say Hello again Linda!  Sorry you are having all the problems....    It's a wonder you can even THINK straight... (shut up Cammi, and Ziggy)   Hope you find out something today....  Let us know...okay?

    Cammi!  You have been Spring cleaning?  Man, I got rid of a lot of stuff!  DD will give it all to a "friend" she has, who is just recovering from BC, and who has not much of anything.... 

    And I also sent YOUR little post about me and the damn chickens!   Those eggs really ARE good though!  It is NOT their YOUNG!!!  

    By the way.... thought I would mention.... I have not heard from Vinnie.  I didn't think I was THAT hard on him, did you?   I hope I didn't  scare him off.... I think I did..... He is probably scared 1/2 to death now...

    sniff........ Maybe he is off, saving the world, with his black cape on, flying over our houses, and doing good in the universe!

    LittleDutch!  Hope you are feeling better today, and I love your picture...  She is beautiful, just like you are!

    Sass, I don't think you are doing okay..... I just know it.... I can tell by the way you talk....  Is it anything we can do?     And what kind of directions were THOSE that I couldn't figure out?  A coupon?  No wonder you guys can't find your way home!

    And Phylligoober!  What's WRONG?   Getting out on your own, must be a trying ordeal...right?  Man, I sound almost normal, there.

    Myra....LOVE the family pic!  Where do you live, with all that SUN and flip-flops and stuff?

    Okay.... talk to you later! xoxoxoxo

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Good Morning Owlettes and Vinnie!!

    Dutch, glad you are having a good start to the day!  Let's hope that keeps up for the week!

    MostlyMom, Sorry you are having a rough go!  Feel better and don't over soap your butt today!

    Chevy! my friend has to call 911 whenever her husband falls.  3 times last month.  I am sure they would rather come get some nice little ole lady out of the tub than some nekkid fat guy!!  How are the chickens?  I'm hungry!!  I got something for you at the store.  Couldn't pass it up!  So I need to get with you so I know where to send it!!  Frederick's was having a clearance sale!!

    Cami, Best of luck for the most BORING results ever today.  I'll take the pocket with Chevy, we can work on her pole moves so she doesn't break herself again.  I broke my ankle on stairs, I'm fine on a pole, it is stationary!!

    2TA, My DH was honery this weekend too!  Surly even!!  We had a silly weekend.  I love your owl avatar!

    Ok, can't recall everyone so don't want to leave anyone out.  But I hope all the Owls have a great start to the week!  I am off to deliver cupcakes and start a torrid affair with a new PS to see if he has any suggestions how to fix Nemo!!!

    Great day ladies!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    YOU are having a "torrid" affair?  Oh, yes, I remember one of those!  Don't go sending me none of those naughty little sparkly lingerie things... Or any more garter-belts and stockings with SEAMS in them!  I have such a hard time getting the seams straight!   I had a pair of crotch-less panties once.....  WHERE did that body and years GO?

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    good morning!  Getting the crew ready for school and stopping by to say hey hey hey!

    Chevy I cannot really see your pup but sorta looks like a lassie type?

    Cami good luck on your scan today!  I will definitely say some prayers, muah!

    Mostlymom I suppose it's one of those situations you realize when it's a bit too late!  Thank goodness you have a freakishly strong toe to stabilize the soapy bottom.

    And I know someone is making a beautiful quilt!  I love the black and white...I do not quilt but it seems like it takes a lot of time to make one.  My grandma was like a second mom to me, she lived two blocks over and watched me most days.  She did some embroidery when they were in HI, my mom gave them to me SillyHeart

    Have a great day, going to work on getting unplugged...miralax and softeners got nothing on taxol, grrr, now I have to pick up senekot before I have a fourth child.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    The "Sparkles" are TOO itchy, I would never send those!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Aw Geez Myra..... hope we don't shock you, or anything....  Love you talking about getting the kids off to school!    I used to do quilting....  The kind where you print off favorite pictures onto transfer paper, then onto craps of white material, then sew them all together in a pattern!  I made one for each GS, and one for us.... All of their, and my favorite pictures.... like a memory quilt....  I'll try and post a picture of mine...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    This is ours, and I crochet'd the blanket underneath...


    The photos were "reversed" and ironed onto pale-blue scraps for this one.  And DD#2 had given me a poem , so I copied it, and used it around the borders.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203

    Did get to snuggle/play with my beautiful granddaughter yesterday.  2 months old and already a glorious head of red hair.


  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    Chevy how cool is that!!  What a wonderful airloom, I save everything of the kids in boxes...figure I will go through with each of them one day.

    Anita she is so precious, I can't see her lil face though...maybe I need glasses now.  Well wait I'm on my phone so I will check her out later.

    Raining here on the suncoast today...going to grocery shop, exercise, and work from my bed until kiddos get home.  CT tomorrow morning to double check a tumor on my scan did not reveal mets but they still want more pics.  I'll be happy when it's negative, I get anxious before chemo, surgeries (going on #12 in a couple weeks), and cancer testing, lol!

    Just received a call yesterday that my friend has breast cancer, same age as me, damn that is depressing!  Ok, vent ova!  Sassy does seem quiet but maybe it's more of me being a chatter and hoggin the board, I will blame it on the steriods.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Beautiful quilt Chevy, I have made some of those!

    Myra, that was a beautiful, fun pic of your family.  I see your little girl has brothers to deal with too!  Mine has 3 older brothers, but she keeps them in line!!  Good luck on the scan tomorrow.  Someone else is having one tomorrow too and Cami is getting one today.  We need BORING results from all of you!!  Sorry to hear about your friend.  This BC is like a runaway freight train these days.

    Morning Teka!

    Love the new avatar Anita!  We need more red heads!!  My oldest is red and I tell him he needs to find a nice red headed girl to keep it going!!!

    Thanks Chevy, now the Funky Cold Medina song is looping in my head!  And just so you know, we are blaming you if Vinnie doesn't come back!!  And BTW, my friend says I am just flirting at this point, not actually cheating.  I thought a torrid affair sounded like more fun, but you know how reserved I am.  Guess I will start with flirting, like you, with Vinnie...................

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Thinking of you Cami ((hugs))


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Cammi honey, be sure and tell the docs that you want the GOOD scans.  Not any of that cancer crap.  (It's always good to set their expectations)

    Dutch-oven, you did that exactly right.

    P-nut (like a goober)

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Had a rough day yesterday. My kids (teens~say no more) are going to drive me to drink.  Ziggers cheered me right up though, the perfect post to start my day today. Vision and headaches gets worse after stress (thanks kids!) So I need to learn to manage stress better. May take up weed too like you ankle bracelet ladies. And cigar smoking. Buy a Harley and hang out in biker bars. 

    Love the music videos. Listen to the creation one over and over. Wren thanks for big fat head link! I've never met any other women with big heads. Must come from all the extra smartness we have. Crabcakes! Yum

    Goober, I will ride shotgun with you any day.

    Hello New people! Run fast before you get an ankle bracelet slapped on!

    Extra hugs to Camerino, dutch, Linda,  And anyone else dealing with chit.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Mostlymom u'r avatar is so cute----now u must have something to take for pain and sleep if not talk to u'r Docs they'll help u BTW to bad we couldn't see a picture of u in the tub..

    Anita 2 months old--they start so many things then and they know u, I love when they just look at u like they are memorizing u'r Dutch u sound better, but now I'm confused who said what I'm way down here.

    I know Chevy says a lot but means nothing so I basically don't answer her but I do like u'r quilt u do have so much creativity, I have to admit that and Sas where are u-- hope resting.

    And u ladies who have kids to take care of God Bless You--I could never do that, I can barely take care of myself. Oh and I'm giving myself a little longer and I might have to cancel my scan today--my specialty of diarrhea is slight so far but it's there, as u know I have had explosions in the scan area before and I really don't like that--Now I'm more particular about it-so I'll wait a little longer and see what comes out. LOL

    I know I'm missing so many and I never mean o, but I'm having a difficult time this morning so that's my story and I'm stickin to it.


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Good morning ladies! Way too many of you for my poor brain to remember, but am sending lots of positive thoughts for Cami today, hope Sas and DutchIris are feeling a little better, love the quilts, love the family pics! You all brighten my day!

    I have been promoted to soft bland diet today! Yippeee!!! Still have a little nausea and tenderness, but I THINK the GI system is still working .... 'nuff said! Thanks for all your well wishes!

    Half the day is gone, and I don't know where it went. I really MUST do SOMETHING productive today ... maybe fold that laundry that has been sitting there for several days.

    Hugs, y'all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Linda Happy

    Well I just cancelled my scan--they know me to well there and told me not to come again if I have my big D--I promised I wouldn't-so rescheduled til Friday--damn I just like to get it over with--I took my meds and still freezing cold so I'm not done yet--I know the routine but I'm so exhausted from this I can hardly move, but I did email my boss and told him I wasn't getting a test today at the hospital cuz I was to sick to go to the hospital--he knows I'm goofy. So I'll just do the phones for now. ad try to unfreeze.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Aw geez Cammi.... So okay.... arrange for them to come scan you at your house....  Then you can't back out of it!   Tell them you will take a "selfie" and that should be enough.  I just don't know how to stop your big D.....  It's probably crazy to ask, but have you tried ImmodiumAD?   Do you take Melatonin?  I took THAT one, because I couldn't sleep with Tamoxifen.... but the Melatonin WITH Tamoxifen really did a number on me.... That's why I had to take ImmodiumAD like 3 times a DAY!  Is it one of the pills you are taking?  Or just something else wrong!    When I quit Tamoxifen, I also quit the Melatonin, and it all straightened up! 

    I have to go with you, when you go for the scan.....  That's all there is to it!

    And on the last page or 2-3, someone asked about my Avatar, and if Lacee was some kind of a Collie?  Yes!  But she is a Sheltie, only smaller, and a little bulkier than most.  She had really short little legs, and the most beautiful face on this earth.... and her personality was the sweetest....    I think that's why we don't want another dog...  Everything just reminds me of her..... 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy, it hurts to lose our furbabies! They were so dependent on us and gave us nothing but unconditional love. Hoping every time you see Lacee it brings back a wonderful memory of her and puts a smile on your face and warms your heart.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I know losing our furbabies suck.

    Chevy I have been  taken every meds available and perscriptions the strongest they could give me, I have had Drs. upon Drs. there is no sense to this, they don't even say it's my nerves it's a mystery to them with a lot of Drs. wanting to find out but no one has. It makes no difference what I eat or don't eat==that's all been eliminated along time ago. So I  know everyone tries to help and I appreciate that but it is what it is--the depts. in the hospital know me now and they don't want me there when I have it, they've seen enough of it with me. I've been in the hospital for weeks at a time for every test that u can imagine and it's always the same and at first they always wear the contagious outfits and I tell them they don't need them, then after like 3 days they don't hahaha--Oh and sometimes I get a  low grade fever like 100 not all the time just whenever.  This started as a side effect from my very first chemo and never left me That's why I know how long I've had it--I had chemo from 2007-beginning of 2010 and I think my body just got used to that rhythm and kept it up, Wait I did have breaks during that time tho with operations, one took 3 months to go back to chemo--the other took 6 weeks so my chemo wasn't constant--And rads were 31 but took much longer cuz I couldn't go there cuz of this. So it'll stop when it stops I guess, Can u tell I'm aggravated today?  hahaha Not so bad but--I just want u to know this has never been ignored, Especially when I go out.  

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Chevy so sorry...hope you can get it soon!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi, you are an abomalie, or an anomolie, or a gal with more problems than I can fix.   Or ANYone can fix.  I'll bet that chemo DID make something go out of whack!  And that makes sense!  I guess all you can do is treat the symptoms?  So what else can I help you with?

    You want some eggs?  I got 7 more today!  DANG!  I am so happy..... I don't know what their owners DO with all the eggs!  I am making a toasted flour tortilla, putting refried beans on it, then an egg, cheese, and some of that 505 green chili for dinner.  Maybe some shredded lettuce!  I am sooooo easy!!!!  I've heard that somewhere before, but I can't remember where, or from whom....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka true.

    Blubird--r u another one with a big head--mine is huge--I did buy hats that were lardge from TLC and they could be adjusted to so that worked out goo--I di only have one wig tho but again it was large---my kids always kid me about my head so for u to have headaches now must be horrendous--I  know. But I did get extra long scarves too--that's why I wear big earrings, if I wear small ones my head looks bigger--we hold a lot in info in there and I bet u'r IQ is high, like mine is.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    ok Fierce BB and Cami, please quit bragging that you have big heads because your brain is so much bigger than the rest of us and you're so darn smart! From someone with a little brain/little head, I'm feeling inferior to you!

    On another note, got my appt to find out the results from last week's procedures (colonoscopy and endoscopy) moved up to tomorrow. Hoping for a clean report

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh 2nd we say a prayer for u---oh and u'r inferior mind.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Mostly mom---ROTFLOL----only b/c been there done that---its "Oh shit what if they'd have to call the fire department to get me up-----all those guys in turn out gear, trapsing around the bathroom."

    Myra not quiet, just wasn't here. Drove to Tampa so DBF could do the HVAC inspection on DS house he 's purchasing. 6 hours over and back. Took enough meds so in case we had to stay over night. I get home unload the purse. Look at the meds----AND I TAKE THEM-----yikes the were for tomorrow morning. My poor body is going to be so messed up.      Good luck with the scans.  Where's the SUN COAST---I'm on the SPACE COAST, I know where the TREASURE COAST  is..........Sucks about your friend, bring her here when she's ready. But sometimes this type of thing isn't for everyone.

    Sucks about the tumor on your spine---not mets---how'd they find it. Symptoms. Found on standard scanning?  HUGS... The standard scanning works , or at least it has for me, that's how they found the brain tumor and the thyroid tumor.  Wouldn't have without scanning, until a different time. Even the BC was caught cuz i was in the second stage of workup for a bilat prophy.  So, I guess that's make three.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    I made it to Houston!  Now to find some trouble to get I can embarrass my son - again.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Snif snif. 

    My neck of the woods is the Suncoast. I sent her a PM and asked if she lived around here. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Now Phylo you need to stay out of trouble till you get to SASs place.