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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ducky – Way to go, Grayson!

    Tang – I have an insanely huge head. Hats never fit me. They just look
    stupid, like they’re sitting on top of a big beach ball.

    Gardengumby – if it’s not too personal, may I ask why you
    were sitting in a car with your DH at 5:30 a.m. just SMACKING??? SillyHeart

    KimberleyAnn – welcome to the place where everyone knows
    your name…like CHEERS! Only no one will call you by it…. They’ll make up
    something else…

    Wren44 – Not that we’re counting or anything….

    FierceBluebird – Oh, I’m so sorry for all that pain from
    rads. But too graphic? Never. We deal in real here, dear one. xoxoxo LOVE the tea party
    pic…. I’m sure DH would love to see me with a trout on my head. (It would have to be a really BIG one, though...)

    ~ ~ ~

    Almost over my cold, still lounging around in my jammies all
    day, though. Luckily, nothing pressing on the calendar. Tomorrow I may go out
    and start planting some color spots in the garden. Should be in the 80's. I have an old rusty
    wheelbarrow that I have plans for…

    Nighty-night, Owlettes!!! (And Mr. Owl…)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    SHEESH! I was pages behind yesterday, gone all day today, now am even further behind. I will never catch up so why try? So if I've missed anyone or anything, so sorry.

    Myra, welcome and thanks for the photos, makes it easier to get to know you! Love the smiles!

    Vinnie, master of the tit tats joins us now? Welcome! Hope we don't scare you off. Congrats to your sister, 5 years is an important milestone.

    Bluebird, how are you today, sweetie?

    Sassy, new avatars everyday? Can't keep up with you! Are you on roller skates "walking" the dogs?

    Ok, let's see what the last 3 pages have in store for me....... 

    Aha, everyone must be asleep the thread is quiet. I must be the only one awake, seems like I'm talking to myself..... So, catching up:

    Debt, love, love, love the hat! Need to get me one with a long straw.

    Anita, what can we do for you, Sweety?

    Teka, thanks for the smile, so needed it after the day I had!

    Myra, really, bringing a camera into the bedroom in the morning and you're on chemo? Not cool! You need all the restful sleep you can get, now you'll start sleeping with one eye open? Too bad you can't turn the tables (er, camera) on him in the early morning state! Catch him at his first-thing finest. Is this the only practical joke for the jokester? You kids are adorable, love the photos.

    Smaarty, ouch! Thanks for not sharing photos with us! And, yes, let's not let the secret out about our great weather (although it was very overcast today).

    Fierce (or FierceBB, or just FBB for short, not to be confused with the other FB of course), thank you for the photo! Have to admit I didn't do rads (2x BC is enough, thank you), have never had the case to see it first hand. Thanks for edumacating me.

    So Blessings, gardening in your sexy pj's again? The neighbors will talk! Remember the sun screen for the delicate areas.

    If Vinnie visits, is he our "+1"?

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Good morning! Ok, it's 3 am and just woke up from nightmare( probably from seeing that darn photo of me) but if you can't sleep, this is the place to be. 

    2ndtime, I changed from bluebird to fiercebluebird to give myself some fighting moxie.  Luckily, most women don't get burnt like  that! I'm just special that way.

    I say anyone who is doing a project post a pic! I'm living my life vicariously through others right now but would love to see some pics.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Fierce, you go girl! I have a totally new respect for those going thru rads, and I'm sending you oodles of hugs! You truly are fierce!

    I'm living vicariously through everyone too, my life is so lonely and boring, I understand. 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203

    earlier, I had spilled my Pepsi all down my electronics.  Some of them, anyway.  So what time is it really?


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Ducky, I loved this.... You posted it on the "Peaceful" thread...


    And I was thinking of you and Grayson.... thank you for posting that sweet picture of her.

    She looks like a perfectly normal little sweetheart!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ducky beautiful picture and she looks so strong.

    Blue OMG just looking I felt pain--what a horrible time u'r having all the way around. (((HUGS))) to u and u are fierce. U r truly determined. And u'r winning and u will win.

    I'm so far behind on this thred--it moves like a skyrocket==Isn't that a song like afternoon delight. Oh my thinking. My afternoon delight now is a nap.or cookies.

    Just stopping in to say Good Morning


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Man, you guys were a bunch of wild Indians on that last page! 

    No, it WAS Vinnie-whats-his-name that called me Sweetheart!   I think I scared him off....  And you guys didn't HELP!  He plolly thinks I am some pot-smokin' Denver person, covered with temporary tats!    And that I am not real! 

    And no, dangit!  I was NOT in jail....  with Phyllidink!     And what the hell is a "proclivities"????  (at least you SPELLED it right lil-shit!   I was raking PINE-NEEDLES you dink!  And I have to do MORE!  But it snowed!  Does anyone know what we are talking about?

    YES!  Sass, I am in treatment..... not for what you might think, but I'll think of something.... Okay, wait.... I am in treatment for trying to burn a candle at both ends...THERE!

    44444444444!  NO....  I was NOT moving POT!  Ha, ha!   DH says he has heard that a lot of people are moving here, just for the availability of it!  That CAN'T be true!  "Rocky Mountain High" must have come from SOMEwhere though!  Can't really see why anyone would want to screw around with their brain, for ANY reason!   I mean I was always just too scared to try anything....  I mean NOTHING!   Except when/if  it really does relieve pain, that's completely different...  but I'd still be scared....

    Except that time my little Brother and I bought a pack of Spud cigarettes, and nearly DIED from smoking some!   

    But Lil-shit found the rest and added them to her stash!   Her and Cammi....  I think they are in cahoots together....

    Lilgoats!  They were talking about adding little goats to us city dwellers!  I know cows have to be next!   The article mentioned the cheese these folks make from their milk.... 

    So guess what?  I am chickin-sittin again for a week!  I got 7 eggs yesterday morning!  The girls have been BUSY!  Even a little one on the straw, just inside their gate!  Must have run out of room up on top in their nesting area!   We take them over treats & chit...I mean stuff...

    Yes, love the pictures Myra! 

    Cammi, your whole family is amazing!   Why aren't you teasing me lately?  God knows nothing stops lil-shit-ZIGGERS!   She is relentless.  She is like a dog with a bone...  And do any of you see any sort of connection to her avatar and ME?   No-one has mentioned it!  Bet you don't see what they are?  She is insinuating that I am still using a walker!  But nope!  I now have a designer cane.... one with flowers and vines and paint and stuff! 

    Sass, can you make her mind?   And Tang "looks sexy"!!!!  You GO girl!  Yes, so do I.... with my cane, and a sleeping bag on.

    We acquired a "Kimberly!"  Don't let us scare you girl-friend....  at least me anyway....  Most of us are pretty normal, and rational, but then again, not so much...Ha! 

    LittlemissFierce!  You are beautiful!  No matter WHAT they try and do to you!  Good God that looks like it HURT though!  Don't ever delete...  We can't do that here...  We will track you down....  image  I love the Tea Party picture.... Are you SURE you gals are not making a political statement?  Is there some hidden agenda here, somewhere?

    Okay it's Sunday.... I have a date with Vin.......I mean Nascar.... so I have to get all prettied up....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    This picture was on another thread!  Thought of you Blue-bird!

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    ha, Bergun county is where my cracray hubs grew up, he is 19 yrs older than me.  He is the first older guy I've  dated and i hit the jackpot...he will always keep me laughing through the darkest of days!

    The early morning glamour shots was a little much;)

    Love the bird pics, we have a bunch of bluejays in our yard...but no chickens, goats, horses, pigs, whatever other farm animals y'all have.  I will visit said animals though!

    Yes on posting projects!  Great idea for all the crafty peeps, which I am not but love others creations, great day to all!  Hope you all feel well today!  Falling off the grid for the day:)

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I hope I can get back to working on my projects.  I have some that need staining and a finish.  I have one large bookshelf/sofa table thar needs some trim then I can put the finish on that too.  I would live for people to see what I've made.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    That bluebird picture took my breath away!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I know!  He was just beautiful!  Just like YOU, little Fierce!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Okay you little moxie filled bluebird, I am going to do something that I know I will regret and will only happen once in a blue moon - I am agreeing with Chevy (there, I said it). You are beautiful bluebird, here's the picture I have of you and it's truer to life than an photo can be because it's a picture created over time not just in a moment. So my picture, I see a woman who is tender as can be with animals, I'd guess that birds come and sit on her shoulder. She's smart and witty and funny and most of all kind. She cries, but wipes away the tears and pulls herself up and gathers her moxie to face whatever challenge awaits. She comforts others even when she herself is in pain and she laughs with a wonderful laugh that is as pretty to hear as any bird singing. She is spiritual but never preachy and draws her strength from nature and will never lose her faith or joy in the beauty of the world around her. She should never be hurt, because she never hurts others. She's got these scars, but is prettier than any perfectly plastically unflawed super model could be, because those scars only serve to remind the ones who love her of how truly beautiful she is and how blessed they are that she is there in their lives. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Good Morning Owlettes and Mr. Owl!!

    Here's Brunch!


    Ha, I figured the Avatar out.  Now I'm as smart as Sas or a Smart Ass or Something!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    That was Beautiful Ziggy!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ooooh! High chickens! That's Teka under the bucket, right? And Chevy on the ladder because she's super chicken and can FLY and can't break anything. Cami is the one face down. Sas is laying back all relaxed.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    You got a guy to come here and post????  Holy crap!

    Wow!  He"s got to be some kinda tough... or maybe just nutz.  And tattoos!  As a coinkidink, I'm headed to my friends house in Houston who has done a dragon garden drawing for me for my tattoo at my mastectomy site.  Hope I can get that started when I get back from my trip. 

    Speaking of my trip, Big Alice was not able to come with me this time.  She's in solitary confinement for bad behavior. AND I'm 2 hours late getting on the road to meet little goats. I'm texting her soon.


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Very nice ziggy!


    Here is what I got done in 6 hours (I'm not usually not that slow. I plan on putting it into a b/w lap size quilt. This piece is just the beginning, I'll need to make it about 6 ft long. It will have a white band on both sides that will square it up. Hope that makes sense. The last section doesn't have it white wings yet.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Safe Travels Phyllo-on-the-road-again!  Sorry about Alice, I know you will miss her.  When you get back ask Chevy to cuddle up to Vinnie again and see if he can hook you up for the dragon!!  We will try not to scare him off in the mean time!   OMGosh, that will make you the girl with the dragon tattoo!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Grahamcrackers, yes a guy, and now Chevy is head over heels and thinks he's got a thing for her. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Very nice Smaarty!!

    Myra, sounds like you did indeed hit the jackpot!  Mine is very good to me and spoils me, so I'll keep him around a while too.  At least until Chevy is tired of Vinnie!

    Chevy, Beautiful BlueBird.  Have fun with the chickies!  YOu should ask Ziggster how she pictures you, i mean right now, while she agrees with you.  Strike while that iron is hot!!   Tell your DH YES! people are moving to CO for the POT!  They say so on my news I don't watch all the time!  Unfortunately it is people with sick kids that need the pot elixer to stop their seizures and one parent is moving there with the kid while the other stays behind and works or the whole family is uprooting to go help the child.  It's sad and stupid that the gov't makes things like that so tough.

    Cami should write a letter!

    Anita, been there done that!!  Hope it is all working and the buttons don't start to stick!  Feel good today, K?

    2time, Don't be lonely and sad.  I do get the living vicariously though.  After all I'm a druggie via Chevy, a parolie via Phyllo, a tart via Cami, I get my sex life via Ziggy and I'm a Badd Ass Bitch via BlueBird!!!

    Speaking of BlueBird, you are an inspiration.  I got the perfect pic in my head reading Zigg's post!

    Tang, hope today is a good day!

    Dutch, hope you are having a good day too.  That is/was crazy about your nodes.  Mine too only mine were before chemo.  They told me if I had done chemo first I would have had to do it again. EEEKK!!  Glad you didn't have to do that.

    Blessing, Kimberly, Wren, LilGoats, Gumby, Teka, Sas and anyone I missed, only on first coffee!  Have a great rest of the weekend.

    Chevy, Let Vinnie up for air from whispering "sweetheart" in your ear, and let him frop by and say hello!!! 

    Easter decorations for Chevy!!


  • 1toughmomma
    1toughmomma Member Posts: 10

    Oh my!!!! A fun bunch:) 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Helloooooooooooooooooooooo Kimberly Ann .

    That will probably be one of the last times anybody will call you by your name ever on this site, soon it will be Kimwiththefathead, or dinkgirl or whatever.. God only know why what happens here happens here, because nobody else could figure it out. Welcome. 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783 have a way with words.  That was beautiful just like Bluebird.

    Bluebird...I think posting pics of our projects is a great idea.  Hope you're feeling better every day.

    Anita...electronics don't need hydration.  No mire sharing your Pepsi with your electronics. :)

    Smaarty...I'll be waiting to see that quilt when its done or even an updated pic while you're working on it.

    Welcome KimberlyAnn!  Things move fast here but these ladies are a riot or maybe I should say they're a hoot.

    Good morning to everyone else!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks ladies...............appreciate your kind words......I let my grandaughter see them all, so he knows how much love and support Grayson gets from BCO........thanks again.......

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    To anyone else with a large head: check out SundayAfternoons in Oregon. They make a huge variety of hats which come in SIZES. They can be adjusted within a size as well. I have a sport hat and a field hat and love them both. I've had basal cell bits removed from my face, so I try to stay shaded. My head is quite a bit larger than DH's, so I'm familiar with the problem. They have periodic sales, so get on their e-mail list.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Good Afternoon ladies and Vinnie, how are we all this fine Sunday

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294

    Wren:  Great hat site.  Thanks for the reference.