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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I DID it!  I posted a picture of Lacee for my Avatar!  I wanted to post one of a 57' chevy, but I didn't have one stored in "my pictures" and this one is better anyway.... 

    Just been cleaning out my closet!  Getting "stuff" ready to give away....  Maybe one of my Daughter's friends can use some of these clothes....  I haven't worn some of the things for over 15 years....  It's like I just get used to wearing the same things! 

    Oh that's right LilshitZiggy!  KimberlyAnne.... Do we HAVE to use your middle name?  I mean is that like my name in High School?  Billie Jean Bodine?  Just kidding.... I prefer to be called Elizabeth Darling....  Or Daaaahhhhling!  Or even just Ed....  But I have to stick with Chevy, because we HAD a 57' Chevy, AND our first dog was named "Chevy" and it just has significance....

    Ziggers.... I'm serious here..... that really was beautiful.....  I mean what you wrote to Bluebird..... Honest....  You are a Sweetheart! xoxoxoxo

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Ladies, I apologize for my absence here - I just can't keep up with you all!!!! I think I am about 20 pages behind, and I will try to catch up. But I want you to know that you are ALL always in my heart and prayers!

    I have had a rough patch, but I must be extremely strong, because it hasn't killed me YET!! I have completed 2 cycles of gemzar, and am doing much better than I had hoped. I had to delay my last dose because of low wbc, but only for 3 days, so I am pretty much still on schedule. MO says after next cycle we will know if it is working. I think it must be to some extent, because those tumors have quit growing, and they were growing pretty fast for a bit! I don't think they are shrinking all that much, but I am happy for no growth!

    OK, Sas, you and I know what narcotics do to the GI system: slows it down. How often have I preached to my pharmacy students: make sure your patients take laxatives with their narcotics? Do I do that religiously myself? OH NO, of COURSE NOT!!! So I ended up with partial small bowel obstruction on Christmas Day, and again this Thursday. Spent Thursday in the ED, agreed to whatever tests and scans the doc wanted. Good news is that lump that I kept feeling in my belly that I was worried was cancer is NOT - I am just FOS (full of sh*t)! At least I hope that's all it is, so I am doing lots and lots of fluids right now. Pray for me that it is just lack of laxatives and not adhesions or something else awful. Will check in with my PCP tomorrow and see what's next. I am really ready to trade this body in for a new model - I have been taking care of this one for over 60 years, and am just about ready for one that works! Seems like all the parts are wearing out at the same time!

    Now, I will go back and try to catch up as best I can. Meanwhile, know that I am always hoping for the best for each of you (many of you I see on some other threads that don't run as fast as this one!). Sending much lovingkindness to all, hoping that you are all free from fear and pain, and that you find beauty and peace each day.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Chevy, Billie Jean is Not the One!!  Good job on the Avatar.  Now you gradiated remedial computer 101 with me.  Like my new Avatar?  It represents my left big boob and my tiny concave right one!!!  I swim in circles now and roll to one side if I try to float!

    And wait, you are giving away your stripper outfits?

    Linda, they do say practice what you preach.  nope, I don't do it either!!  Sorry for the rough patch.  We are doing lunch soon!!  M, W, or F work best for me.  I'm on the strip from 4/7-4/12.  Not doing the strip like Chevy, please don't confuse the 2  We are a lot alike, but still!!!  Any other week is great so let me know!!  It's working, it has to be!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I GOT it 444444!  I just was paying attention to the cute little clown-fish!  Ha, ha!    I'm glad you recognized me!     I used to raise fish...... and floating sideways is never a good sign!  But I couldn't take a fish to the Vets, could I?  So I usually just treated the whole tank....  It was stressfull, because you just don't want anything happening to ANY of your pets.... even fish!  Or chickens....

    Linda!  Oh for God's sakes!  I had no idea you were being wrung through the wringer!     I hope you got your clock cleaned by now....  Yes, this thread runs fast, because we mostly just talk....... and talk..... and......

    AND we have a GUY on here now!  He knows a lot about tattoo's for our "girls!"  He sounds like a lot of fun, beSIDES being of help to us!  Or, I don't mean me, exactly, just the gals who need his services.... or whatever....

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Its so quiet here today.  My hip hurts so bad and its scaring the crap out of me.  I had a clean bone scan in the beginning of January for low back pain.  Im so tired that I can't motivate myself to do anything that might distract me yet I cant sleep.  So I just sit here and cry and think I shouldn't be puting this here either.  I dont know what to do :(

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    LittleDutch....  Can you go to an UrgentCare clinic?   I know they don't do x-rays.... but maybe give you a cortisone shot, until you find out what it is?  Did you somehow strain it? 

    I've been using heat on my hip, and back.... and I take 2 Aleve, usually in the morning....If you are still having problems, then 2 more at night..... but there is a "reason" for it being that painful!   Maybe it is just a strain?  Or over-use?   I/we just feel bad when you are hurting!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Dutchie, that is not good. Do you have pain meds, if so take them.. please. It is what they are for. Would a warm bath help? Sometimes it eases up the muscles. I cannot think of you sitting and crying. You are a wonderful woman with kids and grandkids, can you call one of your daughters and just take your mind off of things for a little bit? Can you turn on a stupid tv show for a bit - or some drama? If you don't have netflix, you can get a free month of movies - when I feel like I 'just can't' do anything, I'll turn something on just for a distraction and that will sometimes put me to sleep eventually  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG U bunch of yakkers most saying nothing, like I do.

    ZIGGY That was beautiful, I'm sure it touched Blu's heart as it has all of us., At first I thought u were talking about Chevy, but after the 3rd word I knew it was Blue cuz--well  we all know why.

    Linda I feel like this is working for u and u'r going to start a whole new part of this. And mentally u will feel better.

    I actually did some work today--the kids are spring cleaning--so I had to go thru al whole big thing that I had to see what we could throw out--Well I sat while Joey and I went thrue things--I threw out about 3 things, I had so many compression socks and things in there, I wondered what happened to them-and about 20 lip glosses to add to my other 75 and they're still goo, funny tho I haven't worn lipstick in like 30 yr--they must have been on sale. Maybe I'll start now. I'll lure in the whole male population if I wear them that's why I stopped.

    Oh Oh welcome Kimbers I hope u stick around and post often we love new blood--er people. One thing I have to tell u is this we will brighten u'r day and don't pay any attention to Chevy--she's on leave from her pole strip-dancing right now-since she broke her hip, but she still steals eggs from her neighbors chickens and enjoys that very much and eats them. It's like eating their young, but she doesn't see it that way.

    Another thing is u can get a lot of questions answered here which is great--we're serious when need to be so feel free to vent or cry we're all in this crap together. We all have the commonality of this chit disease so we all get it.

    Oh my screen is jumping again---right when I was ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille. OK BBL

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    For Dutchie - I suppose that Irises would be the thing to send, but little pansies seem so 'right' this time of year. I keep having to hold myself back from buying them. But soon it will be Easter & that's a good time for putting these little guys in some wonderful black spring dirt. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    My daughter left Sponge Bob on when she left for work.  Sponge Bob is not going to do it.  Ill try Netflix in a bit.  I took a pain pill but not that long ago.  I was thinking warm bath too but would have to get my lazy behind out of the chair.

    I have a bone scan sceduled for Tuesday.  Ive worked in the imaging dept of my hospital for 22 years.  Everybody knows me.  It makes it harder to keep my business private.  They can't go in my record but they know about the bc and see me come in.  

    Now I have a headache from crying too.  It just keeps getting better.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783


    This my youngest daughter and her boyfriend.He graduated last spring.  She graduates this year and starts college in the fall.
  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    CHURCH: ('cause it's Sunday) 

    Make a joyful noise unto the Lord

    These little babies mark the beginning of Spring. And Spring always follows Winter. 


    Because heaven is big enough - even for wonderful sinners like Chevy.. and if it weren't, I wouldn't want to go there.

    When I was little, my Dad planted a little Cherry tree outside my bedroom window so I would have something pretty to look at. He passed away last year, but that tree is 40 feet tall now and it'll be covered with beautiful blossoms soon. Love you Pop.


    For all of us travelers... because while our last stop might be heaven some sweet day, in the meantime we're going to make the most of our time here on earth, even with all its potholes.

    God bless all you Owlettes (and Vinny) ..the whole splendid bunch of you.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ziggy, thank you for being part of us, you bless the spirit

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Duchiris, sending warm gentle hugs your way, and offering my shoulder for your tears. Sometimes you just gotta cry when you hurt, cry 'til it's all out, then try to rest. Wishing you gentle and pain-free rest - hope the pain meds kick in soon.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Dutchy, today we are in pain together. Got time for a chat. Can you chat in the chair or do you need to move to a different place. God has given me so many lessons on pain. I've learned a bit more than I cared too. But I can bring the perspective of "been there done that" along with the "book learning words". Will PM number.

    BTW the kids are a gorgeous couple :)

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thank you Sas!  I feel relief from fear and the physical discomfort.  I think I have the pain meds to thank for the latter.  Thank you Chevy, Linda, and Ziggy.  Your words mean so much.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Ya'll are the best group of ladies!! Dutchi-sorry you are in pain and I know that not knowing what is causing the pain is quite distressing. ((hugs))

    Seriously though, ya'll are such a blessing and I'm happy I found you. Seeing how you rally around everyone is so wonderful. Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Monday will be here soon enough :)

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    dutchiedoodle - I'm sorry things are feeling bad.  Here, use my sleeve.  You have some snot.  See?  We'll take care of you.

    I had a great drive today.  From Shamrock, TX to Mineral Wells, TX.  I didn't get to meet up with LovelyGoats though.  My own fault for being a goober.  However, it was a beautiful day for an 8 hour drive that should have taken 4.  That pretty much explains the goober part.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Phyliycan'tfindherway, that sign awhile ago apparently was true. when you hit florida I-10 is a straight shot across the top of florida, then the bypass around Jacksonville. Then follow signs to ST. Augustine.  Shucks I shoulda used AAA for a trip tik of augustine and coupon -------well that was a stupid thing not to do. Bummer.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thank you Phyllonosewiper.  Did I do it right?  I I mean the name thing, lol

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    hey ladies!  Just checkin in to make sure you all have your ankle bracelets back at the respective homes on this Sunday Funday.

    Sharon sorry your hurting, I'm a newby but more important a total wimp when it comes to pain...glad you were able to get some relief in that respect and were able to let it go, let it go, be one with the earth and the skyyyy.

    Ok too much time with DD today:


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thanks Myra.  Was that  taken today?

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    Yes it was...So nice to get out and do something together, been weeks! 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Tonight looking at my dinner plate which contains a crab cake, sweet potato fries, and something green and leafy. Me: 'What is this?" DH: 'It's a crab cake and sweet potato fries.' Me: 'And the green stuff?' DH: Oh, that's baby kale and collards.' So did he think I couldn't identify sweet potato fries? Or a half eaten crab cake? He cracks me up sometimes.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    What a lively, lovely bunch you all were today! So glad I get notifications on my cell phone during the day to keep me smiling and trying to keep up.

    Sassy, new avatars almost every day? Like an identity crisis? Keeping me on my toes.

    Welcome Kimberly!

    Chevy, yee-ha such a pretty avatar of your wonderful Lacee! Now we get to enjoy her too.

    Sorry Dutchie and Linda for your pain! Wishing I could give you a nice shoulder or foot rub, if only a cyber one.

    Ziggy, what kind words you had for our dear Dutchie!

    Myra, beautiful family!

    Dutchie, beautiful DD and her boy friend, they look like a sweet couple!

    For anyone I have missed, hoping you had a wonderful weekend and will have an equally terrific week.

    Love and hugs to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG u gals have beautiful children, what a blessing, not because they are beautiful but they all have you gals as moms

    Dutch I hope u'r day got better and u'r pain has lessened--Oh everyone knows u for u'r Scan, well one thing u'll be treated really well, u must be a private person so I'm sure it's harder on u, but I guess sometime it is nicer to walk in and no one knows u. But hopefully the scan will be good and it will be all good reports for you and that's all they'll know.

    I hope u all sleep well tonite and start the week off with good feelings.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Wren, so cool you got waited on! (I couldn't do anything right for DH this weekend, so not having to think of an idea, having it prepared for me would be a dream! Your DH is thoughtful making you something healthy)

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


    3:47 am....  wandering around the web again in the middle of the night.  it's been going on for weeks now - feel like i'm working night shift.  i seem to sleep good when i finally fall over but i feel like i'm missing over half the day since i don't get up till well after noon.  in the wee hours i'm sure every ache & pain is the big C spreading and i swear i'll make an appt with my pcp but in the light of the afternoon sun, i don't.  i'm so tired of hurting.

    i have to share - i learned not to sit on my shower chair when my butt is soapy....  i was scrambling for a toe hold & knew if i slipped off the chair that i wouldn't be able to get up by myself & i was determined not to yell for dh or dd - besides, they would fall down in giggles before they would be able to help me.  i was finally able to stand up but i had sore muscles for 3 days after that adventure - but, by golly, i didn't have to call for help.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I'm in your pocket today Cami.  I'm in the left one unless you keep used tissues in that one. Make sure Chevy is in the right or tell her to wear sensible shoes.  I don't want t deal with her stilettos.  

    I feel good so far this morning and it felt so good lying in bed.