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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    ahhhhhh Xanax, feeling tired and annoyed today so catch y'all tomorrow, feel better Camipoo, muah!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Phyllie embarress him all you want!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LINDA--------oh yes the practice and the preaching----- and the ignoring for ourselves--------oh .............but so glad you acme back here--love you and your life

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Mucch to catch up on, but sleep is calling-----love to all-------sassy

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Good one, Teka  ThumbsUp

    Chevy - I heard you were easy, too.... er, but not in a BAD way..... Winking

    Cami - our exceptionally large heads ARE full of information, useful or not. And our brilliance is only outweighed by our humility!!!!

    2TA - in your pocket tomorrow, demanding a slick-as-a-whistle report for you!

    Miss GrahamCracker - are you driving ALONE?????

    Hope you got to bed early, Myra....

    Spookie, Blondie, Sassypants... waving at you from the Left Coast

    Vinnie - hoping your absence here means you are no longer suffering from insomnia. Either that, or Chevy has become your stalker, but don't worry, you can probably outrun her for at least a little while longer.

    Hope I didn't leave anyone out... I was too afraid of losing my post to check previous pages!!!


    Nah, it's not 1:30 a.m. here.... it's only 8:40 p.m. in Cali!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Mostly mom, love the avatar!

    Houston, we have a problem.....

    Spookiesmom, your avatar continues to remain right side up. Cool!

    Thanks Blessings! My, you are witty tonight.

    Also hoping we didn't scare Vinnie away.

    Only 8:53 here and watching DWTS.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Ha.. speaking of big heads here's a funny story....I knew when I got pregnant with each of my kids. (I'm special like that.) Normally I'm a careful kind of girl, but during our marriage we attended two wild and crazy weddings (where there was a bit too much champagne and not enough planning later that night if you know what I mean) and the next day I just knew it. I'm special and lucky like that. 

    At my first ultrasound for each pregnancy, I had to argue with tech and doctor about my "first missed period".  Looking at the huge skulls of each of my kids in utero made the doctors think I was many more months along.  With my son, they even thought he had some rare chromosomal anomaly causing him to have a huge head. 

    My husband just looked at them and said, "nah...that baby has a Schmidt skull"  (my family name) and then joked about Charlie Brown being the dad.   Har..har...! ThumbsDown

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Cami, I hope the D gets better.  You really can't know if you can be still long enough for the scan with that going on.  My scan is now on Thursday.  Its too busy at work to have it done today.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thinking of you and your results today, 2TA.  

    Bluebird, Charlie Brown was the dad, lol.  Wait, does the thumbs down mean I want supposed to laugh at that part?  Oh the delivery...the baby, not the joke...ouch!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning my bright and cheerful sunshines!   And even Blessings is getting back to her "old" self... I mean just self!  THAT was sooooo cool what you said about  "brilliance is only outweighed by our our humility!"  Yes!!!   That is exactly right! 

    MADDY!  Why did you take Maddy out of your name on your bottom?  I almost didn't know you...!

    Looks like Sass went postal, or coastal, or wherever!  See, she takes these pills ALL AT ONCE, and then wonders why she is either sleeping or hallucinogenic.   Even I know THAT one.

    Phylliworldtraveler!  You made it to WHERE?   Do they let you go that far, I mean without some sort of Police escort?   Sorry about Big Alice, and her not being able to accompany you...  just as well, I guess.......  Yes.... you can embarrass your Son any way you see fit... 

    Yes Maddy, I was watching DWTS also, but decided sleep was more interesting.... I made it through that big guy, trying to dance...  Man, if I danced that badly, I SURELY wouldn't want the WORLD to see it!  I mean the Pole Dancing is a piece of CAKE compared to that... !!  He gets an A for effort though...  I think when a person gets a certain age, they should hang up those dancin' shoes.    I'm not there yet.  As you can obviously tell...

    Blessings, you know Vinnie called, and said he had a head-ache.... so he is just trying to probably back out of all that he promised.    Just as well....  Him with his needles and me with my cane, just wouldn't have worked out at all......  Either that or he is out with Phylli.... those two are like Thelma and Louise, you know!    And YES..... Houston, you really DO have a problem" now!  Ha, ha!  That was funny...!

    Fiercelittlebluebird!  WHAT did you do this time?  Charlie is the Father?  Do we know him?  Ha, ha!  That story was the best.... So it works THIS way.....  "If you have a big head, that means you are smarter????"  You guys made that up!   Right?  Now the rest of us feel like 2 shades of inferior or something....

    BUT!  I have a big butt!  So there!  Well, not actually tooooooo big, but big enough.

    And Cammi, little runt of the litter, are you feeling poopy again today?  Guess what?  I got 6 eggs yesterday!   Or did I already tell you that?  I am having a hard time trying to eat them all.   DH won't touch them.....  he has this notion, that since they are "fresh" there must be something wrong with them...  probably wouldn't drink fresh cow's milk either...  unless it has been handled beyond all recognition......  

    Even fresh mushrooms, that we used to have growing on the tree-stumps in the ditch!  His Dad saw them one time, and went and picked up a bunch...  We cleaned them, and fried them with bacon grease and garlic, and while his Dad ate them, we all waited for him to fall over dead.... but he DIDN'T... So we waited a respectable amount of time, and then we went and got some more, and cooked them and ate them ourselves!!!!!!!!!! 

    So that just goes to show you.....  something.....

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58

    I'M back!!   Yes good sleep last night and a very busy weekend... worked Sat and Sun. Oh well... 

     No you are not scaring me away... and dinner late last night with Chevy was awesome! See you again tomorrow night right Chevy? 

    Another busy day today... 8 ladies all from out of state.  I am going to try to post a pic of the map we have on the wall of the shop showing all the places women have come from for tatts since last Jan. Its pretty f-ing crazy that BC has affected so many... it never seems to stop...!

    This week I am putting the final touches on planning my trip to Australia where I have 37 ladies on the list already. I don't think I can take more than 40 in a week and still have any time for fun... but I will try. Hoping to go the last week of September and first in Oct. 

     See you all later tonight... if I can't get to sleep... which I probably will not be able to do... got lucky last night with the help of a Tylenol PM...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Chevy, if you had dinner last night with Vinnie, why did he have to get lucky with Tylenol PM?

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Cause she gave him a headache with all that chattering on and on about......something.  Had to take Tylenol pm just to get some shut-eye.

    Chevy, I have so many eggs it's crazy! I can't keep up either. Over 4 dozen! Made a yummy quiche on Sunday. Hardboiled a dozen. Looking forward to dying them at Easter.

    And I eat wild mushrooms but only the "foolproof four". Love chicken of the woods!

    Sas being so quiet is making me nervous. She's up to something.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG Chevy u can' hang out with Vinnie--he'll think we're all like u, no wonder he had to take a Tylonol PM--I'm sure he took at lest 2 or 3

    Yes our brains are bigger and that story was so funny, it really is kind of a curse with this big head, but as u get older u get used to that I guess.

    All right who's getting a test this week--I;ve changed mine to Friday but still have D, but now (last night) I was throwing up but I think this is flu thing, how am I supposed to know it stars he same way.

    I'm totally staying kind of in bed cuz I feel like chit-

    But I'll check in later

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    2nd, waiting to hear an all clear when you get your reports back today!

    Cami, feel better!  We're you eating those crazy shrooms Blue and Cevy were?  I think you re supposed to snort or smoke some of them instead!  I get mine in pill form, seriously, I do!

    Blue, I agree, but then Sas is ALWAYS up to something!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Cami, I wonder what chemo you had, and I wonder if it was one that causes peripheral neuropathy. The neuropathy can affect ANY part of the nervous system, including the autonomic  nervous system, and the GI is part of that. Diabetics often get neuropathy that causes diarrhea. I don't know if there are any actual tests to figure this out, but if this has been a problem since your first chemo, with what I have learned about neuropathy, I would suspect this COULD be a cause. However, I doubt that many of your docs will agree - they seem to have an incredibly high rate of rejecting anything that isn't in the textbooks or the drug prescribing info! So many of them know what they learned in residency and fellowship, and they TRY to keep up, but the number of drugs has increased so fast, it is impossible!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Ol' 57 you crack me up, there just aren't that many people who can go from creation songs to crotchless panties all in the same breath, no wonder you tired 'Vinnie' out. Still don't know how it is that you can not tell:

    image <<<<< This........and......This  >>>>    image Apart

    I know the online dating thing can be tough, but once you see the guy in person you SHOULD be able to tell when you've been played. Maybe those old eyes of yours have just sizzled out from all the things you have exposed them to. I swear we have to watch out for you ALL the time. Go away for a day and you're in trouble again. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi guys--u'r quiet today.

    Linda I do have peri-neor--found that out along time ago--but u'r right on the nose--the Drs. very rarely will say this drug or chemo has caused this to happen to u--Cuz u know I have my theories and I would tell them and I would be looked at like they were in disbelief cuz the computer textbook never said that. I do remember before it was documented from Mayo clinic I ws saying my brain felt funny and I swear I called it chemo brain and they laughed aand said oh like u'r funny--then about a few yrs later this big study came out fro Mayo talking about this and it was true, not a fallacy and it could last for whatever time it wanted to--they didn't know why but it was real--I of course said haha u thought I was going crazy--but it was my theory At 1 point my Onc. was checking on something that I had a reaction to and it was weird one--so she actually looked it up--and said less than 1% of people get this (I don't remember now what it was) but I knew then I was going to have crazy things and I too have said this is still from some chemo that turned my whole system around--my theory--too. But there is no reversing it now. Cuz I never had it before chemo.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh, sorry Vinnie!  I can't make it!  But yes, dinner was lovely.... I mean on that cabin cruiser, at midnight..... all those stars..... (in the sky) and yes, it was great!  Didn't care for the fish-eggs and ham though....   We'll do it again sometime..... as soon as I get over the sea-sickness..... GOOD LORD I was sick!  But up until then, it really was a fun night to remember..... other than breaking my heel getting off the boat....  and then you trying to help get me out of the bay.....  And all you had was that stupid little life-ring thing!   I could have DROWNED!   Thank God for the fishing-boat that stopped.....  You really didn't have to stand there laughing your ASS off....

    But yes.... maybe some other time..... I have to think about that one a little more....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Geez Lil-shit!  He blabbed!  Thought he could keep a secret..... guess I told HIM though....Hah!    It really WAS fun, but I meant to keep it under wraps.... I mean, well you know what I mean! 

    4444444444....  He just had a head-ache....  It was from me smacking him in the head with my cane....   I TOLD him to come through the door.... but Nooooooo!  He tried the window!   And I thought he was an intruder....  in that boat....   So what is a gal to do?

    Fiercly!  WHY do you have eggs?  You been takin' MY eggs?    WTH is "chicken of the woods"???  Is that Vinnie you are talking about?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    So Chevy tell us what meds u are on so we can share u'r delusions and enjoy things the way u do.--Cuz u know it's the meds.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    It's the chocolate cokes..... and a wild imagination...Loopy I actually don't take anything, other than 2 Aleve this morning....  But I worked outdoors, so maybe it's the fresh air?   I also had chocolate ice-cream with one of those little oranges cut up in it....  Do all those things, and you will see things the way I do....

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, Vinnie..... little did you know what you were in for on this thread..... Shocked

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Ha! She SAYS it's chocolate cokes. I think she's been to the wacky weed store!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    I think she grows it now!!

    Chevy! Good girl, trying to keep IT under wraps!  I'm glad you listened when we had that "talk". I know you have been out of circulation for a while!  Zigglette is the one that's stayed active in THAT department.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    i keep losing my bright and witty posts.  losing the dark and swearing ones too.tomorrow are 6 mo scans for this dirty sneaky bastard tnbc.    hoping this posts so I dont have tot hrow phone and tablet out on the highway  phyllo litters

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Tablet again.

    Vinnie, I must Google you.  And I mean that in the  nicest possible way.  Will I find dragons?

    Blubie, shotgun means you dole out the caramel flavored Bugles and the beer...not necessarily in that order.

    Blessit, yes I'm by myself.  Sometimes I might not have good sense but I do have fun.

    Chevy - get your shit together woman!  Falling off a boat is NOTattractive.  Really, I mean it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi, lost on trying to keep up , but all is well, Thinking of you all with many happy thoughts that we are "blessed" each other. 

    Hope all scannings and procedures are going okay L&H&P's sassy

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    Hey there, ct was this morning then met my friend for something to eat and I started feeling crappy after that.  Lots if abdominal cramps, sore and achey muscles, some bone pain, headaches and tired....trying to go to bed soon, will catch up when I feel better.  Hope you all feel great!!  Muah!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sorry Myra sometimes it just comes on quickly--just rest like u are planning and drink lots of water.

    Chevy I was thinking maybe u still have the ORIGINAL coke--Hmmm that was made with coke--just a bit that's what got u hooked .Hence the name--it explains a lot.

    Phyo u'r all alone?  OMG we may never see u again, u'll end up in Canada, or the UK--tell us where u land.