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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    ha, I don't know why but thought you might enjoy this comedy skit

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Chevy - pot, coke AND mushrooms??? No wonder you can't tell the difference between Vinnie Barbarino and Horseshack. Slow it dowwwwn woman. 

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58


     sorry to hear the effects of ct got you ... my little sis sow by hot baths after to make he feel better... guess that would have been hard while eating lunch out but I do hope you are feeling better...


     if you google me you don't know what you might find... but anything you do find I will still be bald... no way for me to get around that... but you will never be able to tell because I am always wearing a hat... dragons maybe... fish and nipples fore sure...!

    chevy... it was a lovely night for a swim ...yes? you looked so sexy with the moonlight shimmering off of you salt water soaked body!... and it wasn't a life ring!

    and I don't know how you are sea sick we never left the dock... and you broke you heal off in that guys ass that kept walking up to us asking us for a light of his cigarette... I think he just wanted to watch!  Looking forward to the next time!!! xoxoxo

    My hangover today wasn't too bad tho... I have to prepare to lecture at Georgetown Univ. Thursday to the PS residents... I have so much I want to say to them about all the f-ed up ways they look at and do things. Don't get me wrong but sometimes the way they are taught is not the way it works for every person needing breast recon. Everyone is different and has their own say and opinion on what they want to look like in the end. Too many ladies just do what they are told and do not force the issue of what they want and the PS's just do their thing... just what they are taught. I just would like to see some of them put their egos aside and ask " what is it that you want..." and them make it happen. I am going to share my thoughts and ideas with them on the things several thousand women have told me... the things they like and dislike... the things they may not feel comfortable telling their PS. I will be the middleman ... they might not like what they are going to hear but since I have the opportunity to talk to them ... they are going to hear all the things that all of you have told me and could not say! There will be fireworks for sure... they invited me... and not they may regret what they wished for!!! HAHAHA... gonna be a shit storm... I will keep you all posted!!! 

     as for sleeping tonight... I will do my best... much to prepare for and a full load tomorrow. 

    Smaarty... got your message... gonna make the Cali thing happen for sure... Dave said something about your offer and it sounds intriguing... I will keep it in mind. Richie will be in touch with you soon... if not let me know. 


     Vinnie Barbarino... I wish I had that hair!!! DAMNIT!!! lost all mine when I was in my early 20's... I have dreams of having long hair and it keeps getting in my face and stuff... weird! Just would be cool to run my fingers threw it again ... now I have to run my fingers through my sideburns or my... well other hair.... sorry but when you get old and you loose the hair on your head it just grows in places you don't want it to. SORRY LADIES... it's just a man thing!!! HAHAHAHA !!!

    If I don't get to be in a timely fashion tonight I will check back with you all in a few hours... otherwise good night... see you soon chevy... nighty night!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Vinnie throw Chevy aside and take me, I'm falling in love with u---altho I'm deboobed with no recon and not very attractive anymore, I have a good personality.

    It is so nice of u you to take your time with these lovely ladies, u really do make everyone special and care that is why u r so well known. Thank .

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575


    I'll be in your pocket during your lecture.  Give them the news-it's not about them, it is about us!! They need to start listening. I was fortunate to have a PS who did listen and I ended up with great results.  What a blessing you are.  I could support cloning if it meant more of you.


    Greetings to all.  Been lurking. 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294

    Vinnie - we know about the hair in "older" men.  Ears and noses!!!  Good luck w/your talk.  It would be great to see the list you're going to hit them with.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Vinnie, don't let Chevy know about our intriguing plans, she might throw a choc coke at me. I did some checking, lots of openings, 3 in SD and 1 in Oceanside with 3 bdrms.  Can't wait, but I'll be more patient then Cami or Chevy!  Good luck with your lecture. Let them have it between the eyes. These younguns need to know its about the women, not them.  My PS was very good.  

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58


     boobs are a SMALL part of the whole package... and a less important one in the grand scheme of things... BUT I am a boob man since it is what I do!   I do love boobs... real and not all men do. No boobs, fake boobs... real boobs... sometimes the fake ones look better than the real ones...a women is a women and boobs do not define her... in my view anyway!... and I see A LOT of boobs i assure you of that. More than almost anyone on this planet!... KINDA COOL!  What a job!!! lol  BOOBS  BOOBS   BOOBS ... its what I do!!!

    juliaanna... I will have ALL of you in my pocket on Thursday... they will not be happy hearing the things I am saying from a TATTOO ARTIST! Can you believe it... a tattoo artist it took to realize what looks good in a breast reconstruction. It is so hard to look at a recon and see what looks right and what does not. If you can look at it... see what does not look correct... than it can be fixed... that simple. If one can reconstruct a breast from nothing... everything is removed.. than how hard can it be to make it look good. They are starting from scratch... there is nothing there... so why does it have to look bad... ?

    A sculptor starts with a piece of clay... it is nothing and he/she makes it into a work of art. A MX starts as nothing and the PS has everything at his/her disposal to make it look good. Some PS can pull it off... why not all?!! It is the same block of clay! The same tissue and anatomy. I understand that there are extenuating circumstances and everything is not cut and dry but it is basically the same for most ladies. Just make it look good... why is there so much disparity in recons? Is it the PS ... the breast surgeons... their technique... their philosophy... their attitude... or their EGO?! I do not know but it has to change... IT MUST CHANGE!!! IT CAN CHANGE... AND IT WILL CHANGE!!!  If it does , the bad PS of the world will soon be out of work because the good ones will set the bar so high that no one will go to the bad ones.  At least this is my dream... my mission!

    one must educate themselves to realize what is available to them... what is good and bad. One must understand that  they are the masters of their own destiny and surgical result if one takes the helm of their journey. One cannot let their PS determine what it is the result ... they must have a say in what happens. 

    I REALLY REALLY understand that the 800 lb gorilla of breast cancer on your back weighs heavy. I understand that it burdens one into listening to their PS or their breast surgeon and it is easy to fall victim to what they might say. It is just hard to be on the back end of the BC womens journey and I hear ... " well I didn't know so I did what I was told"... It breaks my fucking heart!  I am sorry to cuss but it kills me!! We need to set up a resource like BCO and maybe it is BCO that has some source to let everyone know the realities of breast reconstruction... all the real truths ... from the mouths of the ladies that have done it... before it begins... before and scalpel is put to skin. I know it is a huge undertaking and I am dreaming way outside of my trousers but it is something that is needs to be done...

     Sorry I am running on... it kills me everyday see and here this stuff... I wish I had a magic wand and could make things the way they could be... but I can only do my little part in it... and I will!!! I promise ... I will!!! 


    Its not just the ears and nose honey ... it goes way farther than that... and it sucks... ! Oh well ... its what god dealt me and its what I will deal with!  Better to be bald and handsome than bald alone!!!!   LOL !!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Vinnie u are a sweetheart

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Give 'em Hell, Vinnie!!! Devil

    Remember, you're speaking for all of us!!!

    What you say is very true. But sadly, there is a huge difference between science and art. Most docs feel if they get the science right, their job is done.

    The first time I went back to my PS after Exchange to discuss some distressing issues with one of my implants, his answer was "I think they look really good. What is it that you want?"

    WTF?????? ( Excuse my French...)

    He really is a good doc, but that innate sensitivity, that intuitive understanding that what HE thinks is good may have no correlation with what MY expectations were was missing. And that made me sad. The good news is that thanks to an awesome Myofascial Release Massage Therapist, the ornery implant began to behave in only two visits.

    BTW, I called Richie the other day and got on your Cali list. WOOT!

    We will all be there with you at Georgetown on Thursday.... we are your TATA cheerleaders!!!!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Dutch, Blessings and 4So, thanks for the good words, they musta helped!

    So, good report! Little blips (polyps) but no problems, am on the 5-year plan now! Yay! Feels like I get to close the chapter on my fear of cancer. Huge weight lifted off my shoulders. 

    FierceBB, love the story!

    Blessings, I'm envious that you get to see Vinnie and his magic hands, er, I mean artwork

    Linda, good to see you here.

    sassy, hope the bathroom is coming along.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Vinnie-Your last post made me sad and empathetic (shut up Chevy-it happens) with the women who go through that process with no direction except what the PS tells them.  Thank you for being such an advocate.  Good luck with your talk.  I'm looking forward to your report on the shit storm.

    Also, I did look at your nips and fish online.  Well, maybe not your very own nips, but your work. Very nice!  I'm not in the market for a nip (although I could use some pretty big tucks) or a fish tattoo, so I'll will just admire your art.  And your heart!  Ha I'm  poet!

    p.s. sorry about your lack of head hair.  Most of us can sympathize!  I won't judge the rest until I see  it.

    Cammi-you have a good personality?  You have the BEST personality....even though we aren't sure what that is exactly....due to your pathetic spelling and grammar skills.  The BEST!  I don't care if you don't have boobs either.  Winking

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Second!  That is awesome news!!  So happy for you!

    Vinnie, I agree. Give them hell!  Smart going after the ones that are not set in their ways yet!  I got lucky, my guy is very humble, especially for a PS. He told me after exchange that once they settled if there was anything didn't like we could fix that.  Unfortunately, I'm down to one and starting over again with the other one.

    You are not alone on the hair thing! DH begs the thinning hair to stay on his head and tries to curse it from growing everywhere else!

    Calling it a night ladies!  Hope everyone is tucked in and comfy for the night!

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Holy Canolli! I am gone a week and have 500 pages to read! 

    Since I have tamoxifenbrain, everything gets a little jumbled, so sorry if I miss anything. 

    FBB, so glad that you are feeling better, and I hope you gave that rude doc the what-for! Blessings, I hope you did too! the nerve of some of these people! you have to wonder why they don't think about what it would be like to be in our shoes. Cancer doesn't pass over doctors- chances are they will be a patient one day.

    Vinnie- it isn't only the PS, the initial BS needs this info even more as they make the initial cut. I know their main concern is getting the cancer, but they should be thinking of our quality of life after and how the best recon can happen. Thanks for taking up the cause for us! Also- we all understand what being bald is like :) bald is beautiful!

    I see there are quite a few here that have been having a rough time lately. I hope things get better soon for you. <<hugs>>

    I have been busybusybusy as the yard is a disaster from me not being able to take care of it since last May. The BF is wonderful, but landscaping is not his forte. We are also starting up on the house renovations again. So much to get done! We love working on our house, but cancer sure did throw a big wrench into all our plans. Sometimes it is hard not to be terribly angry about it. I know you all understand what I mean. 

    In PT with lymphedema in my arm and trunk- on my prophylactic side, of course! But saw my Onc. yesterday and she said I am doing great medically. That made me feel good. I don't have to see her again for another 4 months now, unless something comes up. Hooray! 

    I am hoping that all of you have the same kind of good news from now on. 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    PGE 361-

    Chevy---now you have me worried. Never say you are worried about an OCD person----only intensifies their OCD--which voice was I using. I have a bunch---the friend, the nurse, the teacher, the goofy, the wine, the"that's a no"--reserved for dogs, and children, and DBF, the serious/concerned etc. Many many more. Very animated. Makes people crazy. But the dogs are happy b/c they now what each sound means. 

    I honk the car horn for come. If I have to honk several times it means they have done wrong and the run is over. Dini is much more sensitive to this. He's so happy to run free. AND sniff. He still turns his head frequently like he's saying "okay Mom am I doing okay, huh am I". Today he got to far ahead, made him get back in the car-----consider the matter. Let them both out again ----got the behavior I wanted.

    BTW Chevy's voice is absolutely laughing all the time. Hard to explain it , but it's up all the time. In the Irish, we would say "lilt". 

    Chevy honest I'll let you know when I'm not okay, Promise :) Yes I have lots to worry about---but this place keeps me sane.

    One of the bestest things is you all allow me to get really serious and off into science stuff- and wandering in to the realms of the unknown without restraint or complaint.

    We each have our thing-----to be able to express it and be supported--cool

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Must go spend some squishy time with DBF, so, still on page 361. If someone needs help PM. L&H&P's sassy

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Jwoo , I ditto that.....I am out of state, 5 couples golf thing....Miss you all, have not been able to keep up. I  have kept up for months, this thread is my salvation of honesty & acceptance. 

    Hello Newbies....

    Fierce bluebird, kicking butt, taking are a rock! 

    Ziggster, are you are writer? We all were so touched with your sweet, caring words to BBird. 

    Hello, hugs to all.....BBL....

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Vinnie, do you take photos before and after your artwork? Maybe that ca help the PS you talk to, get the picture, so to speak

    Jwoo, Hi1, and Sassy: love the new avatars! Sassy, is that one of yours?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Gee have missed pages was in basement then had to deal with turning 65 which makes me officially an old owl. and now I get a government pension. First time since retiring I have any of my own money. 

    So now I can grow old disgracefully.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600


    Bald is beautiful! Especially totally bald naturally. I do have one problem with bald men that have the narrow fringe around the bottom. My father and my favorite uncle had the fringe. Uncle would sit at the kitchen table with his coffee and a book. I would sneak up behind him and kiss the top of his head. All dad's brothers were bald and all of them had beautiful skulls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I've been up all nite with my D so I'm probably going to be sleeping on and off thru out the day but I'll check back later, so I hope I can get some sleep now.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Cami, I can really empathize regarding the D.  I have/had irritable bowel. I would avoid eating out and always had to know where the nearest bathroom was located.  The kids kept me leaving home so lots of antiD meds and familiarity with public restrooms.  It was also difficult to manage it and my work assignments.  Things are better since some of the treatments/meds have constipation listed as SE.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    2ta, great news!

    Aly, welcome back from the basement.  Congrats on 65 (Happy Birthday) and government pension.

    Chevy.... shameless, simply shameless :)

    Hope your feeliing better and got some rest, Myra.  We moms dont always have to wear our supermom capes.  Make sure you rest and don't overdo.  We all know you're a strong woman with a great family.

    Sorry if I missed anyone.  I must get ready to go to work.  My hip is less bothersome these last couple of days but onc want bone scan even if it feels better.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, okay..... I'll share.... THIS time....  And Vinnie, Phylli googles them ALL....   It's just how she does it!

    Myra, hope you are feeling BETTER....!  You hear me?  xoxo

    Lilshit!  I CAN tell the difference.... that's why I am.... um....... "talking" to Vinnie~ 

    And yes Sweetheart.... It WAS a lovely night for a swim.... But now that you know I can't SWIM, we won't try THAT again.... okay?   BAD boy!    I know.... !  That guy WAS a pest, wasn't he?  

    But other than that "dinner" ..... oh wait!...... Never mind....  The night was beautiful!  

    We will have to try it again, as soon as I recover from the near DROWNing, and seeing YOU with all that FUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good Lord man!  I have a jar with soap, a razor strap, and a straight edge razor!


    I'll just carry it in my purse......

    And I can't say anything more, or they will lock me up... 

    Smaarty!  What's this with you and VINNIE?   Sokay though, I said I would share....  And you TOO Camminottooshy! 

    Wait.... Vinnie....  Just have to say you should be commended for what you are doing, and how you are trying to change "things"....   You are just a little piss-ant, and so fun to read!  We actually admire your determination, AND dedication! I loved you writing about what you are trying to do....  Yes... let us know what goes on!  Never met a guy quite like you!  Okay, dinner 8... okay?   Thought you would like to have a small token of me to carry with you....


    And that's as serious as I'm ever going to get.....

    Morning Jwoo, and everyone.... I've just been so tied up with Vinnie, it's hard to think straight....

    Sassy....  Don't ever get worried about anything I ever almost say!  You KNOW me by now.... I just always worry when you don't post!   You have MORE things going on in your little life, and brain than any of us ever THOUGHT of doing!   So what is OCD?  JUST kidding!  I know it is OverlyConscientiousDecisions.  So there!   About the same thing, right?  

    Morning littleDutch....  Yes... you nailed it...Ha!  Good to see you again!

    Okay.... guess I'll go behave now.... It's getting light out, so have to get this day whipped into shape.....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    At MDA waiting to get my port popped (stuck? accessed?) and drinking that delicious contrast!   CT scans first.  The FUN!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Phylliopiusminor2......  Thinking of you..... Geez, we should all be there..... with drinks or SOMEthing!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Phyloallovertheplac--u drive that far just to get u'r body violated. Hell Chevy doesn't even leave her block. She of course likes her violation as she's noted.

    Dutch u know how I live, it's actually disgusting, it's going on 7 yrs now and it doesn't stop. (not daily) but whenever--still have it this morning--ha ha I think everyone can tell I'm really getting aggravated I have a scan Friday and it better be gone-

  • myra104
    myra104 Member Posts: 54

    hiya!  I'm here and happy to see that Vinnie stopped by...and Chevy you are just working it!  Holy Toledo I'm free Friday after chemo!?

    Scan was a snap, just getting some GI side effects throughout the day now...I guess from taxol?  I had to leave the car shop cuz I could not wait around to have it fixed.  Sad to think that this may be the onset of more side effects for the next 9wks.  I'm am getting close to not eating at all cuz the pain:( my expander is now hurting where my rib is cuz it fell.  They are going to fix it in a week and half...really hoping that it all goes smoothly.

    Thank you for posting, y'all have me laughing!  Much love!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Hugs to all getting scanned, poked, prodded and probed this week!

    phgraham, I'll pass you whatever you want to eat if you can just drive me far away from my teenagers!  I'll eat caramel creams, you have caramel bugles.

    chevy, I am so happy that I finally know I have OCD. I cannot make decisions without examining every angle!

    funny drunk girls video

    Vinnie, doing my rain dance right now for a powerful shitstorm for you during your lecture.  They need to hear it. Anyone can use a scalpel, it takes a true artist to see a vision. I'm convinced half the surgeons in this country go into it for the prestige factor and don't truly have the skill. You can give someone a lump of clay, but only an artist with skill can make it into art. Education, medical degrees, Internships and Fellowships won't do a thing for you other than add letters to your name if you don't have what it takes.

    By the way, it's a known fact that testosterone is what makes men lose their hair. Men that have full heads of hair are a little on the light side if you know what I mean. Ask Chevy, she knows every kind of man out there.