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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Little goats------a locked unit --------ah the insanity

    For those that don't know there are locked psych units-----those are people that are considered to be a threat to themselves or others.

    Nonlocked units are people that aren't a threat to themselves or others but need care.

    Old story LMG---as a student--I was assigned to a patient in a locked VA unit. He was up for review for continuation of containment. All these bigwigs at the central table. They made a big to do about his Mom reporting that he set a fire in their home. That Mom said he was in several states where assainations took place. When the person running the show asked if anyone had questions? I raised my hand-----everyone looked at each other. Wasn't kosher for students to talk, but know one told me that.

    They asked what my questions were. I asked him how old he was when he started the fire in his parents home.----3y/o(normal behavior for a child of that age /bc they imitate adults, lots of people used liters in 1972----one time occurrence---no one gathered the data). 

    His responses to whether he was in these places where assinations took place were off the wall as to being credible. 

    It threw the whole proceedings off. Plus my instructor was pissed. 

    The guy was getting railroaded. Not sure how I helped in the end.......I just know allot of people were not happy------------lesson get the facts----My conclusion was the Mom was nuts, poor kid.

    My psych instructor who was a controlling bitch-----was not happy---------oh well.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    My SIL was a mental health tech at a private psyc hospital here. Now he is a LPN there, soon to be RN. He likes it! I don't think I could do it. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I have a question. 

    Has anybody had their port removed?  What/how is it done?  Mine can come out in Sept, everybody is after me to get it out. Not so sure I want to. Seems like I heard they can't put it back where it was. And it can't go on the other side because of tissue damage from rads. 

    Anybody know?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger--------so happy Mom is happy and already making friends ---bodes well---she obviously is special to you, but what's even more special is her recognition of need to be near you. 

    ALSO, she knew what was valuable. I hope in the sending of other things to thrift you payed attention. 

    Imperial Glass made Candlewick. I'll link're going to be amazed at some of the prices. If you don't find a piece listed that means it's even more rare. FUN. Then to find out what it's worth----try and find and Imperial glass collectors club, or a candlewick collectors club. These are things that you definitely want to pass on down the family.

    Remember with old glass, we were once the greatest innovators of design. That time has passed. Large scale manufacturing of glass in the USA is done except for a couple of companies----really I think it's one. It's all gone to other countries. The molds for pressed glass have been sold. If looking for a particular pressed glass need to be careful ---that it's not new to look old------caught one seller doing it, but if I hadn't said something, he would have gotten away with it.

    BTW if buying art glass from someone here in the USA, make sure it's signed and ask for a provenace (their history). Art class here is made by individuals that don't want to see the art die.  Wrong link , but okay LOL


    Two links for candlewick b/c the pages turned

    BBL there are allot more candlewick patterns than I thought. I want to take a look at some more. But these two links will cover everything.

    I love They are keeping the history of out crystal, china , silver, collectibles---------great organization

    Badger---what fun--you have a very valuable set----------

    Here's a link to Imperial Glass History-----------bummer

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783


    This is my Kali napping on me.
  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Don't know answer to port question. Bet somebody does on here.

    Oh see Sassy found her link. They send me stuff on DD's silver that I cannot afford LOL. My problem. But do love looking at glassware, pottery etc on there. Cannot seem to find S&P to my pottery canisters from Dillards. I don't think I registered that on there but just look for it occas. HAHA have to turn canister over to find name.

    Am loving listening to internet radio. Nothing on the tube with a million channels tonight.

    Have played Barry Manilow, Willie, England Dan & John Ford Coley. This is a local AM station that has to turn down signal at night. Very good unless playing SMU women's basketball which I think is ending soon - right?

    Dutchy - beautiful cat. Only had one for real - an Abyssinian that we had b4 DD. Loved that cat but she was standoffish. She would lay on one end of sofa not on or near me. But every night when I came in from work she would jump on back of chair and rub my glasses frames with a welcome home. Was in hosp. for 5 days with C-section (Sat to Wed) and DH said she went nuts looking for me. She passed way too young from either a brain or spinal tumor. DH not a cat person - just tolerates the dog.

    We're getting the rare treat this weekend. DD coming out. But I figured out why - she wants her dad to do her taxes. He beat her to it and has printed out the forms already.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Hi :)

    Dutch-glad to hear things look "okay". :)

    Today was 3rd chemo, and boy did they load me up on anti-naseau stuff today. Emend, Ativan, and Aloxi!! Whoo-hoo. I'm feeling pretty good so far, so that definately helped. I started feeling sick at my stomach when we got there, So...alot of it is nerves for sure.

    I had the US earlier before chemo. I had a crappy radiologist, at least her bed-side manor was crappy. So, I've been told that I do have fluid under the surgical scar/opening. The mass(and a new one came up last night) does not have fluid. They asked me where my pain was, and it told her where the masses are, so the radiologist said no aspiration then. uhhhh okay, she left and I was kind of taken back by how she said and acted like that. The nurse and US tech explained to me that they will forward this to my BS.

    So, I talked to BS's nurse later and she was incredulous that the aspiration wasn't done then and said I need to go back and have that done. The fluid could be pushing on something and making the mass hurt, the mass could be scar tissue. What cluster fluck!!!

    I just get annoyed when dr's act half assed about stuff. I then I'm annoyed with myself because I should have spoken up, but on this deal I didn't even know what to speak up about.

    Thank you Sassy for the links, I've saved them and will look later.

    I broke down in the MO's office today and told her I was tired. She said I was trying to be super woman.....she told me that I was going thru chemo and all the other complications I've had take a toll physically. It was nice for her to reassure me again that I've been thru alot and need to go easy on myself. Why am I so hard on myself??

    Okay...sorry this is so damna long.

    Love ya ladies!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    port thread-------------

    Edit _______spookie we were cross posting ------i have definite views about ports and removal. Lets talk when you are here. -Short time-----------no biggy--keep it till after we talk A:)

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Tang - gosh you need a big ole Hug tonight. Not one for cursing but agree what a c.f. that was today. So what does BS's nurse propose you do? Not like you can march in there and demand an aspiration? Are they going to do something about it? Sounds like radiologist was a jerk besides.

    Glad your tummy is better. I think with all that you have to watch out for serious constipation after.

    MO sounds like a dear. Have you given any more thought to decreasing work hours?

    You must have had quite a light show out there tonight. I'm 20-30 miles NW of FW and I could see the building clouds.

    See Spookie there's a thread for that. Who knew?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG's once you know the name of the pattern , you can go to EBAY. That's when it gets fun------you can't believe how many ebayer sellers don't have a clue what they are selling.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    We had an awesome view of the back end of the storm. It was AMAZING! We love storms though :) I have one of the pics dh took

     Dang how do we put pics on here?



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang---hang in there babe-----it does sound like a cluster fuck and that they frogot you were a human in need of answers. call MO in morning and leave a message that you want an answer and action

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, Miss Sassypants - I was just thinking the same thing... where is Vinnie? I'm sure he did great today, and us Owlettes need to throw him a par-TAY!!! (Chevy... you didn't sneak into Georgetown on the sly, did you? Untie Vinnie this minute, you naughty girl!!!)

    Spookiesmom - can't help with port questions.... hope you get some answers from those in the know!

    Oh, Madame Dutchess... Kali is GORGEOUS!!! If I had that precious furbaby napping on me, I wouldn't need any Valium at all!!!!! Just looking at her picture, I can feel those soft paws, that little short-haired place above her nose, those soft ears... can you tell I miss my kitties?

    Miss Goatsie - I get a lot of info from Replacements. I once found some gorgeous (unused) dishes at Goodwill, and come to find out, they were Mikasa Garden Poetry. I ordered some of the missing pieces from Replacements, and now I'm on their permanent mailing list. As for taxes... we used Turbo Tax, and finished last night! WOOT!

    Tangelina - no chemo for me, but many of my BC sisters referred to "white coat nausea".... just walking into the infusion room would set them off. Thank goodness for great drugs! ARRGH about the stupid Radiologist and the excess fluid... it's difficult enough to keep it all together when you're fighting as hard as you can. When someone does something incredibly stupid to make life harder, that's just unconscionable. I say we get together the Owlette Pissed Off Posse and go after that Radiologist. Now THAT would not be a pretty sight!!!

    ~ ~ ~ 

    Was actually up til 3 a.m this morning... wanted to finish a book I started. It wasn't worth it. I should have been here instead. 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang next phone call in the morning is to Human resources----ask about short term disability, long term disability , and leave of absence if you didn't sign up for either-----human resources will walk you through the process.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Spooks - had my port taken out a couple months ago. Mine kept clogging up - the last time I was in the office to get it flushed one nurse called out to the other... "What does it mean that I can't get it to draw blood again." and the other one said "That mean's ziggy's sittin' in that chair again." 

    Anyway, getting it out was easy as could be - they put me under with the happy sleep stuff, and about an hour later I walked out of the hospital. Slept for a couple hours and was good to go. Not sure about what happens if they need it again, but I'm not planning on needing it again. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Ziggy that's exactly what I wanted to know! I thought I heard it was an in office procedure. That's a TOO scary thought!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    dutchie - I hope that you are at home, snuggled under soft blankets. sound asleep and dreaming of nothing but breezes through the trees.

    tangerine- your MO is right, it's one thing to be a working mom - that's a pretty big load. To be the mom to a four-year-old and try to work 40 hours a week and to do that while on chemo after going through what you have with mastectomy and infection etc.? And to do that the way that you have - with little complaint, few tears & the idea that you should be 'able' to do whatever life throws at at you with heels on? You wouldn't expect that of someone else would you? We're just human. Tell the husband that he's in charge of everything for awhile & you are just in charge of you. Does that seem like a lot to put on him? Maybe, but it's just for a couple months and it doesn't matter if he does a 'perfect' job. Just scraping by's okay. Your little one needs you to just rest - so that you will be better sooner. So many hugs. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Spookie - That's what they told me too, but it wasn't, I was in a full fledged operating room, but it really was easy - easier than anything else on this ride. 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Ziggy - you say the nicest things in the bestest ways.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Tang..I always get those anti nausea needs plus I take a zofran..hang in there, they r correct. Take care of yourself first, they need u healthy and u owe it to forward to be kind. To u like u would b to someone else..

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Ziggy, Dutch, Phyllopian,Myra- when do you get your MRI results? fingers and toes all crossed for you!

    Happy birthday Alyson!

    Sas- thanks (my old photo)  and thanks for all your info. you are a wealth of information!

    Chevy- you find the best stuff :)

    Vinnie- I hope your talk went well and you go t through to some of them.

    2ndTime- that is totally all my cats.

    Spookie- i had my port taken out during my DMX since my chemo was adjv. and my MO said the likelyhood of me needing it again was nil, and if so, there would be other options. I just could not stand it anymore- it was so…pokey!

    Tang- I worked full time through my chemo, but only because I work from home and don't have kids. I can't believe you have been trucking through this with as much strength as you have! Take some time off and give yourself a break! 

    Everyone has such cute kids (both 2 and 4 legged!)

    How many exclamation points can I possibly get in one post?!?!

    - Jeni

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Friday morning coffee:


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Tang...I worked "full time" through chemo too BUT onc said no on call or overtime.  I also only had one child left at home.  She was 16, had a driver's license, and is very responsible. Definitely an entirely different situation with younger children.  I don't know that I could have it if my kids were all younger and still at home.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I have two other cats as well.  They were from the same litter and are about 14 years old.  I'm one cat shy of being a crazy cat lady.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I can't catch up, but my cat looks like that one.

    I never got my port ou still use it--neither arm can be used so I'm keeping mine.

    And Tang cry anytime u ant to it's u'r privilege to/

    I'll be back--I still have my D and I'm miserable. I admit it. Chit.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Given my stats, I don't imagine I'll get my port out either.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka I like that==I remember that movie where they all danced and that was the best part. LOL--I'm trying to stay away from my DD she wants me in the hospital--I hate when she gets involved--see how bad I am instead of saying Oh my dear sweet DD I get aggravated with her.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Yes, Cami, none of Chevy's tricks now.  Tricks as in her falling, not the other kind.  Lol

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Yippee!  Scans were clean!  I still kinda want to smack MO upside his big fat arrogant head, but that's another story.  After my appt. I took my kidlet out for celebratory sushi. Yum!

    Good luck to those of you still waiting on results.

    I have an appointment on Monday with the MDA Pain and Symptom Management Clinic for my peripheral neuropathy.  It will be interesting to see what they have to say.  Stupid MO didn't say, but implied, that I just need to exercise more.  Thinking about it now, I'm really not sure why I let him live.  Grrrrrrr!
