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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Okay Nettie, if your cats have kittens - that counts. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Went out to dinner tonite.....grabbed the low iodine diet I have to start April 2nd. OMG I'll starve. Plus, i basically shouldn't go out to eat until 3 days after the pill on the 21st of April.

    I'm a person that will use any excuse to go out to eat.. We are talking 25 days till I get to go out. My greatest hobby second to thrifting.  I eat fish all the time---no fish. Dairy lover--nada in any form. The list is going to starve me. Well if I don't loose weight on this diet, but since it is to deprive me of any little escaped thyroid cancer cells by making them so iodine hungry that they will eat up that radio iodine131 like pac man. -----I guess it's my life to comply. That's a hell of a diet. But with the complete absence of thyroid-t3  I'll be so hypothyroid--I'll likely gain weight . Sheesh. Deprivation and weight gain--not fair.......
    I know several here warned me, but now I'm learning. No new lessons need, I'm retired.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    life at my home: cats and earthquakes


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy how did the cat handle the earth quake? My Schatzi alerts as soon as there is a barometric change. Only once a quick rain caught her unawares. That's when they both ran in drenched, I turned on the ceramic wet tile paw prints. Down I went. That was Sept. Both shoulders still recovering, but at least no sx needed (yet). Dini's oblivious to noise, storms anything except squirrels and lizards

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    actually, the 2 girls weren't any help at all. They just woke up when the earthquake started but I think I startled them when I started running towards the back door at break-neck speed

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG don' the cat's know before about the quakes somehow. I mean they're  aware of like nothing that I would think an earthquake would somehow have a feeling for them. I mean right before a thunderstorm my cat sniff around and hides in the closet and I know something is coming and within minutes it starts and when she comes out I know it's all over. So that's spooky to me.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Sas, you have to swallow a radioactic pill to attract the bad cells, right? How you going to keep that pill in your system for 25 days??? It's going to come out the other end! Or do you take it every day? Are you going to be glowing in the dark so dbf can find you in the night and not trip up his ankle?  ;)

    Got to go to bed, almost midnight. Night owlies.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty-----i"m deprived of thyroid hormone totally starting the 2nd, Then on the 21st i take this radioactive pill at the hospital. I stay a few hours to make sure i don't get strange. I go home and in isolation for 3 days +. I have found homes for DBF and dini/schatzi.. I eat on regular plates and utensils, but they must go through the dishwasher 3x's . The request was not to use anything disposable as it would go into the landfill. Flush closed toilet 3'xs. No sex for 7 days. Sleep separate rooms.____already sending everybody away greater than the requirement..Can't be near prego's , children, people < 45. 

    The diet--oh my-----must work on laying in supplies.

    May thrift some cheap stuff --do the wash 3x's thingy and send to landfill. Just a now thought. Asked how it would affect septic and growth over it--supposedly no affect.

    probabaly will be on boards allot tose three days-----???? how is that different.

    Worry is since last contrast injection have had edema problems. now on lasix everyday. Total body scan to be done x days after pill. 

    Worry about kidney affect---called friend that;s nephrologist.

    Talked with DS today---forgot plan wasn't to tell him till treatment over.--it fell into conversation----oops.

    But we did talk about the legal aspect of the pathologist altering the the final report of the second opinion report.and that he admitted that he went back to original slide from bx last june/july and said to ENT he could see it then------that's an ass kicker. 

    So, friggen lesson is: I always collect reports as soon as signed. If he destroyed original slide or report ---got'em. -----delay of treatment by 10 months and alteration of 2nd opinion report. stupid, just stupid.

    DS's a lawyer

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sassy, can't sleep? Sunlight will come quickly where you live, sleep weel!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Badger!  I'm starting with you!  I love yard work too!  Got a lot more done yesterday, and DD came over and we laughed and giggled and fooled around putting a "garden bench" together!  Sounds so EASY, but with dropping the damn little nuts, washers, the directions blowing across the yard, and ME trying to help, we just were like the blind leading the blind.... Ha!   But it was fun...  !  We stood back, and admired our work....  All that toil and stuff!

    And Nettie got some sleep!  Finally....  !  Hope that holds out awhile!

    Oh woa!  How do you say whoa?  Is that it?  I mean our Nettie does WHAT??   She's a RANCHER!  Right?  I mean she owns a kennel, 6 pigs, 3 sheep, and a Partridge!     I love that!   See, SHE has incentive, and determination, and will never say never....  I think that means something.

    Sassy, I looked all over to see where I somehow said I can't type?  Did I actually say that?  Or was it about copy and paste?  WTH???  And are you bossing that boy around again?  Yes, I ALSO did ice and elevation.... then Heat and chocolate cokes....  Makes a person better much faster!    I go for final surgeon appointment this morning.... then she will release me out into the wild...  Which I have been doing anyway. 

    Dutchess!  Yes, I remember now, about Cammi!  Guess she went where there is no electricity, or ANYthing modern like that.  Probably even has an out-house, and a river running near, which to wash the pots and pans with. 

    Hey LilshitZiggy!   Not ME!!!  Vinnie must be secluded...  He must have just been imaginary anyway.... like most of my dates...

    "Old Ladies".....  Oh HELL no!  WTH???  We also have lives.... just slower than most...  or maybe NOT!  If I can keep from falling over my cane, I am GOOD!  Gotta ditch that thing pretty quick.  It keeps falling off the cupboards, and table, and it makes such a RACKET, and DH is going to throw that cane in the ditch!   Another THING!  My hair is NOT blue!  It is a lovely shade of "brown-sand"  ... Or so it HAH!

    Oh, speaking of stock-boys.... I remember one time when I was working for Pepsi, and I was taking my trash out to the back, and this, well this ........ of forget it.

    Teka, my Brother was in the Navy Band!  A drummer!  He even taught drums at the Naval Academy...  I LOVE big dance bands,   My Brother played with Stan Kenton one time when he was here in Denver...

    Did any of you gals ever dance like this?

    And this one...  Cammi, show Joey this one!

    Yes, of course I pay attention!  To what?  I meant to remember that, but, well, you know...  I'm glad you had fun, and mostly glad that the big D has rescinded it's hold on you....  !  Dang girl!    And what does "reasonable shoes" mean?  Are you making fun of my Crocs?  Or my Stiletto's? 

    Blessings, Morning little honey....  You make it so easy to read your posts, by "bolding" names!   And talking to all of us...!    And so glad you have a life!  Ha!

    2ndTime!  So awful about all the people losing their homes! 

    Sassy, sounds like you are in for a whole jar-full of no fun!   But I don't know about "thrift" stuff, either, for using to eat off of?  Maybe just do what they say and wash stuff 3 times? 

    Okay.... guess that's it....  Later's gators'!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I just found this.... Talk about Precision!!..... Oh wait, maybe we weren't, but this is amazing!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning--

    Well Chevy take u'r pick Stilettos or crocs either one I stay aways from now, but I do realize in u'r work u need the stilettos so I accept what u do and have full respect for whoevr u choose to do it with--Well not the person, but I still respect you anyway--u can't help u'rself sweetie--It's been a part of u'r live since u were young and u know nothing else.

    Damn I don't remember one thing I read last nite.

    Sas this is a strange thing to me--I told u my brother lied cuz he said 1 week cuz he didn't want anyone to bother him, but it was really strange to my sister and me (the treatment ) for thyroid cancer--we just never heard of it before. The nice thing for us is we couldn't do anything for him hahaha but call him. Just a strange kind of cancer and treatment to us anyway. Just do what the Drs. say.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good Morning all, 

    Chevy, sounds like you & DD had a lovely day. My DD has helped me with flowers since she was a tyke, and has worked in a high end nursery for the last 2-3 summers, for extra $. She is a social worker and will not give up her Sat. this year. We enjoy planting, moving perineals and getting dirty. 

    Maddy, I hope you are done shakin & rockin....seems like you have your days & nights turned around. 

    Cami, happy you are done with the D....Did we scare he ship out of you with all that hospital talk?

    Sas, your treatment is interesting & sounds almost third world....

    Still need to read back again, Happy Monday to all...

    Bluebird, wavy hello & thinking of you with positive healing wishes..

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627


    Don'meaO New littersimage

    Dont mean to bore you ladies.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Nettie, love your kitties. I'm a cat lady too. 

    SAS, glad you told what going to happen. We will all keep you company as you go thru this. Do you skype or FaceTime? Might be fun to try it out while doing treatment. Is it a one time thing or multiply depending on how attractive you are? You know, bad bugs to the pill? Not saying you're not attractive, I think Cami or Chevy have you beat there.  So the ENT also knew and didn't say anything to you?? WTH is wrong with these docs. Get his butt too if you go after them.

    Everybody else - HI

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy was Smaarty insulting us--I don't even know. Not that it really matters/

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    I do not know how you ladies keep up with all that goes on here!!  I get lost!  But I do so enjoy reading!  I am not the witty type, but I so enjoy those of you who are!!

    And Chevy, I don't quite have a ranch, but if my DH had his way we would!  At present, our animals are limited to dogs & cats, but in the past we have had chickens and rabbits and horses!

    We take care of our place by ourselves!  I do the mowing and/or bushhogging and the DH does the rest!  I'm not much of a flower bed type, love to look at them, but don't have a green thumb!  My daughter, who was living in our cottage, had quite the spread, but since she has moved, she is taking her flowers with her so now I have a mess to clean up!

    And Sassy, I don't know what I would do if I had to be isolated!  I feel for you, but hey, we got to do what we got to do!!

    It seems, for the moment, that some of my back pain has eased off!  Really scared to say to much about it for fear of it returning!

    I'll catch up again later!  But boy, a lot can be missed on this thread in just a few minutes! 



    Just a couple of shots of our place!


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Chabba, I can do you one better - I actually got to PLAY with Dave Brubeck! I played French horn in the Decatur, IL community band back in the late 70's, and he was the guest soloist for one concert. It was awesome!!!!! Even though I am not really good at playing jazz, I practiced a lot and we had a great time.

    Sassy, hang in there with the miserable diet. Right now I am on "low reside" meaning less than 10 gm fiber per day, and I am a vegetarian, so am having a pretty miserable time with it. Canned peaches and greek yogurt, cream of wheat (haven't had that since college days!), WHITE bread peanut butter & jelly. I looked at some of my favorite yogurt (Chobani's key lime) and it has 4 f'in' grams of fiber in it!!!!! And my good all-fruit spread has fiber! So cheap grape jelly is replacing my extravagant good jams. *sigh* - Maybe I can send you a little "advent calendar" like we have for Christmas so you can count down the 25 days! PM me your mailing address and I will see what I can do. When do you start this treatment?

    I am joining the cat-lovers group. I love dogs, too, but right now can't handle the responsibility and physical needs of a dog. I thought maybe a miniature Chihuahua would be nice, but DH likes larger dogs, like German shepherd or Alaskan husky, both of which I love, and I also like mid-size dogs like Shelties and other herding dogs, but they are all too high energy for me to really care for, so our lazy spoiled cat is the answer for a little warm fur ball of love.

    Nettie, I LOVE your yard, and your dogs have the best view EVER from the kennels! Talk about spoiling our critters!

    I have a couple photos on my iPad of my garden (I think I may have posted some last year) and my cat, but I am relegated to my PC this week as the iPad has been injured. A couple months ago, I dropped it while I was getting chemo (lesson learned: don't use iPad when not in complete control of senses and movement!) and cracked the corner of the screen. Well, that was just a LITTLE crack, it worked fine, no problem. Then last week, I was handing it to a friend to look at something, and in the transfer, we both lost grip and it fell onto the carpet on my concrete porch floor and that little crack expanded across the entire screen, from left upper corner to right upper and lower corners, and even into the left lower quadrant. The glass is just a little rough in a couple of areas, just enough I could slice my finger if I am not careful (and we all know that "Klutz" is my middle name"), so it has to go for repairs, and I am not using it until then. In any case, the photos are still there, I will get them and share them when I can.

    Chevy, Cami, Smarrty, Holeinone, Bluebird, Maddy, Wavy, 2TA, Ziggy, and anyone else I have forgottne to name, I am sending lots of good wishes your way for a great week. May we all have the strength to deal with whatever crap comes our way this week! And may we handle it with humor, if not with grace! Love you all!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Nettie, Have you said what kind of dogs you raise? Your place is charming.

    I watched a video on bottle baby kittens last night. OMG! Talk about work with something extremely fragile! My shelter is looking for more bottle baby receivers, so I was looking into it. They have to be fed every 3 hours and I'm not sharp without sleep, so I think my role will have to be helper rather than foster Mom. I could help at the shelter until a foster parent picks them up. We fostered a Mom with kittens, but that's easy because Mom does all the work.

    Linda, I think we're beyond handling a big dog, but there aren't a lot of medium size dogs. Little dogs have a really high pitched bark which annoys my ears. All our own dogs have been larger. We've had a shep/border collie, a shep/coyote, and a shep/yellow lab. DD had a huge German shepherd. She said she felt totally safe walking her at night.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Nettie, I love it...

    Chevy and Cammie thanks for keeping me smiling I treasure you!!

    alll others, thanks for coming and being you




  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Nettie, your place is very cool, do you have fruit trees? I guess no garden, since you are lacking that green thumb...

    Linda, I learn so much from all of you. I thought I'd better google  Dave B. yes, I regonized him & music immediately..what a wonderful memory of getting to play with him.

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Ok, if my  memory will hold up, I'll try to answer!

    We really don't raise dogs - we board and train!  We have raised a litter or two of Labradors, but it is a lot of work and we raised one litter of Springer Spaniels, they were born right before one of the Hurricanes we had here and our whole property flooded during the night!  We woke when the floods "killed" the generator at 4 am and ventured out to find everything under water!  We ran to the kennels and all the dogs were fine except for the newborns, they were floating!!  We lost two, two were fine and I managed to resuscitate one and he is still with us and he is an awesome hunting companion!  But talk about work, that was work!

    My husband used to raise a vegetable garden, but we just don't have the time to do it right, so until we can retire, we just have to purchase our veggies!  :(

    I have 3 big dogs, 2 are Louisiana Cur's and 1 was a mixed rescue!  She is lots of work!  We raised her inside and after having her spayed, she has urine control issues and I don't have the heart to leave her out, so I'm always changing her bedding and if we have company, I have to put a diaper on her!  We don't have carpet inside, thank goodness because sometimes she drips!  So the mop bucket is always close!  If I haven't bored you enough with pics, I'll post some here of the 3.

    Thanks for the compliments, I wish these comments had a "like" button!!  I have a hard time remembering to mention everyone or respond to questions or comments!  Please don't be offended, it's just my brain is still recovering from chemo!




    Elly is the mostly white and Si is the big dog!  Si has a sister, I just dont' have her pic and Dig is the Springer I saved!

    If you are interested, check out our kennel facebook page!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Aw Geez Nettie!  I love your pics.... AND your dogs!  And cats & kittens!  Actually I love everything....  even the damn Chickens!  My neighbor has 6 Hens, and right now I have 2 dozen eggs, because I've been chickin' sittin' for a week!   The girls were busy!  DD took pictures of them, and when my Daughter sends them to me from her phone, I'll post a couple!   And I love your property!  Wow, it's beautiful!  Your story of the flooding was sort of sad, but happy that some were rescued! 

    Cammi thinks I am eating the chickens "new-born" but she doesn't know they aren't quite "born" yet...ha!   It's like I have to eat them all, because DH thinks there is something "wrong" with fresh eggs!  Like it's in-humane, or something!  So he has his old store-bought eggs, and I have mine!

    We had a little Sheltie!  She was 11, but got so helpless, and something very wrong with her, and we finally had to just help her the best way we could, and let her go to sleep....   So hard to lose someone/thing you love like that....  Vets did everything they could, but you just have to know your dog, and know when it is "time"....  So right now we just have the family of Squirrels, and the chickens, if you count the neighbors stuff... AND their Cat "Edith" who I also watch, when they leave. 

    Thank you Blondie.... Yes, I have to watch over Cammi....  She gets out of control once in awhile...  But she is okay....  She has her Katie-Kat, and her Grand-son Joey, who ALSO watch over her...  It takes a Village, I tell you! 

    Hi Linda, Wren, and HoleGG....!  Yes, my DD has her own Floral Department in one of the King Soopers here...  My Dad was a Florist, and my Mom raised Orchids, and Bonsai's.... I just raise anything I can get my hands on.... but DD loves her flowers....   So it's fun working with her...  She was helping me throw out some old .... I mean OLD yard stuff yesterday.... And I was sort of reluctant, but she was right!  She said "WHAT are you doing with THIS thing?  You had it before I was BORN!"   So since that was over 50 years ago, I relinquished my hold on a few things....Loopy  Brat...!

    Okay kids....  gotta go see if it is too windy out there....  At least the sun is shining! xooxoxxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Netie u have a load of furbaby lovers here so post away and tell us u'r stories. We love them The only problem is Chevy starts on those damn chickens, oh it's been a struggle to try to shut her up about eating and stealing their eggs since forever--u'd think they lay golden eggs according to her. and BTW Chevy if u'r DD was cleaning out all the old things be thankful u'r still there.

    The sun was out before and we actually have a window open, but now it looks like rain so we'll see--First day of window opening and actually last for a little while. It's windy tho.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh you little BRAT!  Ha, ha!  GOOD one Cammi!   You were even paying attention!  Damn!  How's the phone business going?  I mean your what do you call it?  J-O-B...???

    You probably crack those people up....  !  At least you do ME!  I laughed out loud at that one!  You guys, don't pay any attention to her...  She just loves to get my goat.... I mean chickens....  She's just jealous!  I have to lay low for awhile....  she is ON to me! 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I'm so tired.  Beautiful dogs Nettie and what a wonderful home you have :)  No green thumb here either.

    Blondie, right back at ya, thanks for coming and being you!  Chevy and Cami make me laugh too.

    Thank you everyone.

    I need a nap.

  • flatnfab54
    flatnfab54 Member Posts: 13

    I an new and have been reading this tread and really enjoying it. I have read  some of the topics on colonoscopy and I had my first one today. I had 8 polyps and 4 were removed. scary!!!!SadDoctor said he said they are being sent in for pathology but did not seem too concerned. I will know more on April 9. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    welcome flatnfab, I bet you are happy to have that over with...some people just grow those little buggers & they are nothing. My DH usually has 3-4 snipped & 1-2 will be precancerous. I think it's a wonderful screening method to find it early. I wish mammograms were as good as a colonoscopy.

    This is a fun thread, we have it all....

  • flatnfab54
    flatnfab54 Member Posts: 13

    Thanks for the welcome. I am glad I had it done just was surprised I had so many. Also was the first procedure I had done since they took my port out in 2009 so I was very anxious!!