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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • flatnfab54
    flatnfab54 Member Posts: 13

    Jwoo thanks for the compliment. What the collection agency is hoping is to get a default judgement which happens alot when you do not respond to the court papers. I answered the summons and I got approved for legal aid so I do have a lawyer helping me. This case has been pending in court for over 2 years. They have to prove that they own the account. My next court date sometime this year will be all parties before the judge and I have the advantage that disability income is judgement proof. Even if the judge decides in their favor they can not collect but the judgement will stay on my credit report for 10 years and that is what I want to avoid. Yes they are wasting alot of time and money persuing this but again they are not used to people actually showing up in court and not settling with them.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Bluebird, so sorry to hear you are having to make such difficult decisions. One way to approach this is to list all the pros and cons on a piece of paper, really think through them, try to come to a "rational" decision. Another way is to live one day with the idea that you WILL go with radiation, see how it feels. Think about how your future will look if you have rads. The next day, live as if you will NOT go with radiation, see how it feels. How will your future look if you do NOT have rads? Which one makes you feel most peaceful? Do you get a feeling of peace at any time when you think one direction or the other? I found that the decisions I made with this approach have allowed me to be at peace with myself, and the decisions that I made out of fear and pressure from well-meaning loved ones and health care providers are the ones I continue to resent, the ones that make me angry and full of hatred, which I don't like, and these were the "rational" decisions based on the pros & cons approach, based on statistics related to a whole population rather than me as an individual. You ultimately have the power to make this decision, so you want to get as much information as you can, then see how it applies to YOU and YOUR VALUES for your life. Wishing you all the best in this difficult time.

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    I know there is probably a better forum for this question, but I'm too tired to search for it! 

    Has anyone had aches in their arms, hips, legs that comes and goes?  The pain is not constant and doesn't even happen everyday, but it seems on days when it comes, it is often and very painful!

    I thought it was from the Aromasin, so I've been off it now for 3 weeks and the pains are still coming!  Could this be bone mets?  I have a hard time distinguishing between muscle, nerve and bone pain.

    If this is not the right place to ask, could someone point me to the correct forum?


  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Hi ladies....I'm so in and out now that I really don't know what is going on. This may sound crazy, but even coming to the this site makes me feel naseaus. That's why I've been laying so low....the naseau is so bad and mental now I know. It's like anything that I read that has to do with BC makes me feel naseaus and forget about reading my thread on chemo...ugg!

    I can't even read the words of the chemo types w/o feeling it...crazy right?

    Hole I love the avacado toast idea...gonna have to try it. Did you have a biospy done or something?

    Miss you ladies ((hugs))

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Oh my TangandChris - I hate that you are having a difficult time!

    What chemo are you having now?  For me, I took 4 DD  A/C followed by 12 weekly Taxol!  I did fine with them all!  The meds they gave prior to each infusion worked wonders for me!  With the AC I got a steroid, Zofran and Emend!  Then on the day after I got a neupogen injection to help with blood count!  I took Claritin daily to ward off the aches that the neupogen shot can cause!

    Hoping it gets better for you!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Blessings, love the dancing bear....thanks for the good wishes...

    Shellshine, love the moon pic, I have always been fascinated with the moon. My favorite time is the full harvest moon. Just so amazing to watch. I got to float the Grand Canyon in 2012, there was a full moon while we were on the river. It was special. 

    Sas, hope it goes well. Seems crazy this is still going on. 

    2nd/Maddy, good luck @ the job fair. I keep putting off sending in my letter to resign. I need to do it, as I can start collecting my small ( very, very, small ) pension. I was really only planning on working at the school for one more year anyway. Just hard to let go. You said you have worked with kids before, have you thought about applying at your local schools or subbing? 

    Tang, feeling better? When is your next infusion? You will be 75% done soon? 6 tx total ? Then on to radiation ? Radiation is a walk in the park compared to horrific chemo. 

    Dutch, how's it going? 

    Hello to all my caring "Owlettes ", think of you all & wishing the best for you...

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Yes...6 total and 3 more to go. My next one is 4/ because that is actually our 10 year anniversary. Not to mention Easter weekend and my step-daughter's bday party. I was thinking about putting it off a week, but I don't know if I really want to.

    I'm feeling better overall, but I still have just that nag of queeziness and tired feeling. I also have a seroma that tomorrow is supposed to be aspirated. I'm trying to figure out how I got a seroma so far after surgery? I had my TE's removed at the end of January.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    opps, I was slow Tang, did not hit preview, so did not see your post first. But did see the second, your chemo is every 21 days ? I had mine every 14. You might ask to bump it up a week instead of postponing it. Doubt if they would do it, but I was glad mine was 2 weeks apart. I just had a ultra sound to look at a node in the axillary that lite up on Pet scan back in July. So it looks good, time for me to put it  behind me & move on.

    Take a break from the boards, we will be here when you feel better. I spend too much time reading about some of the ladies that are facing scary times. Not good for me, but I just feel so bad, and some how thinking about it, I think I'm helping them....silly, not productive...I need good weather to change.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh I'm far behind but.....

    Nettie I hate to give big advice because wo really knows, but I do know that sometimes there is more pain as u go then when u started. When I think about it and was told about my BC I felt fine, I worked full time, did all of my own everything, then as it started feeling worse and worse--I'm in remission and I feel bad most of the time--not all but most my bones have suffered a lot of degeneration so that causes pain. No one in the medical field really takes my theories seriously, but I think not only aromasin but chemo and rads has done a number on our bodies--it did the job of cancer but hurt a lot of other places. Not everyone I know but for some--But if u feel scared about it talk to u'r onc. and make sure.

    Tang I'm sorry u feel so awful--don't worry about taking a break we all understand and wen u'r ready please come back, and I hope u'r up for the plans u made it's not easy

    Bluebird Linda said it all-I think she has great advice for you--give it a try and see how u feel--sometimes u''r gut feeling is the best.

    Hi Hole u sound chirpy/

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Linda, that was great advice. I am at peace just reading your words. Thank you

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Alyson – Pre-BC, I lived with uncontrolled asthma for almost
    ten years. Colds and upper respiratory infections were deadly for me. Then I
    happened to tell my sweet MO about it and she was furious that my PCP ignored
    my symptoms for so long. She said I could no longer risk any more lung damage. She
    prescribed a new asthma drug, and it was like night and day! Hope yours
    resolves quickly. Your island jaunt sounds wonderful!!! Love the insomniac cat.

    Flatnfab – I hear you. I went through those same struggles
    many, many years ago. Fortunately, I didn’t also have a BC dx to deal with. Sending
    you love and hugs and prayers.

    JWoo – I know, huh? Snarky!!!!

    Cami – I never know what day it is unless I look at the
    calendar. I’ll bet you’re tired! Any time I have even one episode of the big D,
    I’m wiped out for the rest of the day. I can only imagine how exhausting having
    it all the time must be. Wishing you a comfortable day without the you-know-what.

    Shout-out to 4sewwhat, Valsa123, Sassy, and Ziggy!!!!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Dutchiris – I loved my job, but retiring was the best thing
    I ever did for my health. There are a few benefits to reaching Social Security
    age! Hope you get some much-needed rest!

    Teka – pretty picture!

    2TA – sorry the bear didn’t move!!! Are you using Google
    Chrome? I hate it, but most things work on it. We had a good downpour last
    night, and then the cold front moved in. We have snow in the foothills – about half
    an hour north of us! Sorry about your friend’s passing. You’re a good support.
    Wishing you much success at the job fair… let me know what happens!

    Shellshine – pretty poem and pic!

    Chevy – maybe DH needs a CAMO cane! 


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Nettie – I had the worst joint and muscle pain on Arimidex.
    It started at about the six month mark, and by one year, sometimes I could barely walk. That, coupled with a long
    list of other serious side effects, caused my MO to take me off it completely
    for two months. By the six-week mark, I started to feel better, but it took the
    entire two months for the SEs to completely go away. Then she put me on Femara,
    and (knock-on-wood) my SEs have been very, very mild. Has your MO said that you
    might be able to stand a different drug? Arimidex and Femara work differently
    than Aromasin.

    Tang – there was a point where I took a three month break
    from the boards. For many reasons, I just needed to be away. Do what you need
    to do to take care of yourself. Like Holeinone said, we’ll still be here!

    Linda – beautifully and profoundly well-said!

    Bluebird – keeping you in my prayers for a decision that
    will bring you peace in your heart. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    O.K. I decided that maybe my posts were too long to read! So
    now it looks like I just sit here and make posts to this thread and answer them
    all by myself… Scared

    Well – I took Melatonin last night for the first time. Not
    sure what I expected, but staying awake all night sure wasn’t it!!! Will try it
    again tonight… I got the 3 mg tablet and cut it in half for the first time.
    Maybe I’ll – GASP! – take the whole tablet tonight. Any suggestions?

    We got a nice soaking rain last night, and a huge cold front
    came in, dropping our snow levels to about 3,000 feet in the foothills. For
    those of you living in the frozen tundra, this ain’t news… but here in the
    drought capital of the world, we are happy for any spritzing we get!

    Haven’t had an acupuncture treatment for three weeks now,
    and I’m feeling it. Time to make an appointment to get stuck. I feel like an
    old car needing a complete tune-up… I need a colonoscopy, an eye exam, an appointment
    at the Vein Clinic for my varicose and spider veins, an appointment with the PS
    to cop a feel of Righty’s port that is just beneath the skin and may prevent 3D
    tatts (waaa), and… I forget what else. Oh yeah, a ton of labwork for my MO
    and my PCP.

    Hope all my Sistah Owlettes are having a great day….


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Netti, are you on cholesterol meds? Sometimes they can cause muscle aches, be best to check in with your PCP anyway. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Hey you fierce bluebird, I was NOT pole dancing, I was just there spotting the ladies because Cami always tries to do this thing where she's practically hanging upside down, and for GOD'S SAKE I didn't want her to go flying off the back of the truck. And Chevy?!! I can't even go there, first, she insists on 9 inch stilettos even though she wobbles all over the place, and it just gets worse from there. Somebody's got to look out for the old crazy ladies or they'll hurt themselves.

    Bluebird, my heart is hurting for you. I read your post and didn't know what to say because there isn't really a way to say the thing that is right, and I don't have any advice, other than mentioning that I remember reading about someone here on these boards who was told WBRT by one doc, but had another say that gamma knife was still an option. So I'll tell you about my day, because I thought a lot about you.

    It has been a nasty winter here in Ohio (in case anyone had not heard). Even just this last week, snow & then melt and snow and melt. Everything's been grey and brown except for a few little shoots coming up. But yesterday was glorious - sunny and that perfect temperature when the the sun feels warm and the shade is not too cool. So I went out to examine the gardens - which I do every day. And look!                   image

    and more! 

    image  They are everywhere, purple and yellow and white. And I thought about you, blue. I love crocuses, they're one of my favorite, because they pop up just at that time when it seems like winter will never end. And they are like you, delicate and unassuming but so pretty and so resilient. These little beauties just went through a hell of a winter & here they are. And then I thought about Sassy, she's not a crocus - she's a bright tropical flower that just blooms and blooms and blooms no matter how many hurricanes hit. And chevy and cami - those old fashioned wild blousy roses - pretty, not like florist roses at all, careening and flopping over fences, completely unstoppable and with disregard for anybodies ideas of boundaries because they have lived too long to care about that chit. Hole is a more stately flower - but not stuffy at all. Maybe a lily or a delphinium. And 444 - tickseed, so cheery & goes everywhere and anywhere. And blessings, she's a flower that fills out the garden - teka too. Never too showy, those two, but so necessary and with a beauty that you see when you look closely. Linda, she is perhaps a lovely dark Iris. 

    So, blue, that's what I was thinking as I raked and dug and planted, which is what I love to do when I'm not riding my Harley or making fun of Chevy. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Aw, Ziggy... you da best.... SillyHeart 

    Thanks for the beauty, and the HOPE!!!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Ziggy, love the flowers!! What a wonderful surprise for you today! And your analysis and assignment of each of us to a flower is interesting ...

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934 are such a beatiful writer! ((hugs))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ziggy how beautiful that post was and those flowers are perfect and they are real NOW I'm surprised really.

    Blessings I love u'r posts, I might not always answer all he posts but I read them all and everyone does have something special to say and bring vibes to all of us.I am on a few other ones too, but a couple I can spill my guts in and I do here--and I've only pick threads that people are really nice and I'm comfortable with==there are so many I'm sure there are many many nice ones but I stick around here.And for Jiminy Cricket sakes take the whole pill. U know I read where they have Melatonin cream to put on pulse points, ??? I have no idea if it works or not.

    My job has been keeping me busy . So that's OK for the most part Oh today I did answer the phone upside down, I thought I graduated from that one, but I guess not. Oh and some customers are starting to ask my opinion about their electrical problems--are they crazy? I told them I could help them with the color to paint a wall but not anything else. Jeez

    OK I'll check in later--Hello to everyone and if someone is new and I missed them I'm sorry but Welcome and join us. In this area we reserved for insanity.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Aww, tangy, I forgot about you, you orange poppy. The chemo will  end sweetie. It will. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Geez LilShitZiggy!  That is beautiful!  She said me and Cammi are "flopping"..... "over fences"....! Now THAT is a picture!  Ha, ha!  Ziggy, you should have been a writer.... a little creative writer.... That's what one of my English Teachers said I was..... once.....   and YOU are a Blue Orchid!  Wild, and completely in it's own world!   Afraid of no-one.... and standng above the rest!   

    So DH has gout today!  And HE is limping..... but that's all the news I have.... Made an appointment for him in the morning.... The Aleve didn't help much.... 

    Blessings!  That cane is cool!  Ha!  I tried to make him use my Grandma's cane, but it hurts on the back of his heel, so he says the cane doesn't help....??   But I'll take that cute little injured boy in the morning....  GEEZ, I hate to see him hurting!   He finished sawing down our back Aspen tree yesterday....  He climbed a ladder, and threw a rope around the last loooooooong branch, and I pulled the rope while he sawed....  It worked!  He had been working at it for a month!  Taking down smaller branches.  Then he got out his trusty little electric saw, and cut the trunk off...  And now I have a little stand, for the piece of flagstone on top, making it into a Table!   I'll take a picture when I have that little back garden finished.   

    Nettie, I agree with the other gals.... especially Cammi!  I mean it's like everything we take, or they do, or give us, usually causes some OTHER side effects!  Some gals have them worse, some not so bad, and SOMEtimes they kind of get better..... But yes, ask your Oncologist....  See if they know more than we do.....  It's questionable, because WE know a lot, but it's worth a try....   Sorry for all the aches and pains.... And for all you gals going through the chemo....  Oh man.... I just wish you ALL felt better....!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Our two "little" girls... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    And us two.... about 57 years ago!

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    <3<3<3 the photo! is that really you? fabulous!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    OH well, nevermind!  Just wrote a long post, replying and commenting on the above post and it just disappeared!!  

    So, I'll just let it go!  Not enough energy to type it out again!!

    Enjoyed the post and thanks to those who replied to mine!!

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Awww, look at you Chevy.  And your girls, they're beautiful.  

    Bluebird...I don't have any advice but I'm thinking about you.  I know you'll figure things out and find what's best for you.

    Nettie ....I'm sorry your hurting.  I hurt on and off, here and there.  I don't know what to think of it either.  Isn't it frustrating when posts disappear?  I really want hear what you had to say.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy---such a beautiful couple and trendy for the time.-oH


    I'm smhossed on wine after being pissed.......tried to do right like Servantes. totally f**cked up It just went a hundred degre opposite----------f*****************g

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Wow Ziggy!  How can you write like that.  So beautiful!

    Aly..I hope you got some rest.

    Blessing....ya...I don't think I'll be reaching social security age.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you have that available to you.  Enjoy it :)

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Tang....I didn't have problem with nausea during chemo and had the same chemo drugs. I had dose dense (every two weeks).  I had premeds.  I also had steroids and compazine for the days after chemo.  It was suggested that I take the compazine on a schedule for the 3 days following chemo (10mg every 4-6 hours).  Has anyone at your center suggested this?