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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Welcome flatnfab, I'm new here also, but it is a fun thread.

    Now I must confess...I would much rather have fresh yard eggs over store bought any day. And they make the best cakes, much richer than regular.  I have a friend that keeps me supplied when the hens are in overtime.

    One day we will have our own chickens again.

    I've never had a colonoscopy, but probably should do that soon, just so tired of doctors.

    AndmI'm like dutchiris, I'm exhausted, just took GD home and she is a handful, but I love playing with her. Just resting a minute before I start supper, really not feeling it but hubby needs to eat.:/

    Later ladies.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Dutch I'm glad u'r resting and Nettie u rest as soon as u can.--Warm up some (can) of soup and make some rahmon noodles and add them and just say it's home made  That's what  Chevy does.

    Welcome flat and Fab--I'm glad u decided to land here. Oh when u have a colonoscopy it's a pain in the A$$ especially when u haven't had things done for a while. It's not unusual to have polyps and hopefully they are all fine==but the night before is the real drag part so at least it's over. Tell us about u'rself we mean no harm, we just get carried away. 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Now Chevy told me that no one would figure out that soup trick.

    The colonoscopy prep, ah yes.  I think once that stuff starts running right through you and is coming out clear, you should be able to stop drinking it.  But nooooooo.  

    And no nap for me.  The phone rings.  Water bottle leaked and filled her soccer cleats with water.  Could I bring her other pair?  Sure.  Then my parents called me to go for a walk.  Then I made supper.  Now I'm watching The Voice.

    Welcome Flatnfab!  

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Welcome 54!  It's crazy, but fun here. Speaking of 4s, where is she? And Nettie, what kind of pupper is the big blue Merle? And which part of hurricane country are you in?  Aren't they fun? Not!!!!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627


    He is a catahula cur and I'm in central Louisiana. We don't get fullforce hurricanes often but we did a few years back with rita and katrina.

    And Dutch...No rest for me either, cooked supper, cleaned up, D and SIL here to take shower as their water is out.

    But I am trying to put my feet up and watch the voice.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    The "Have a Little Faith in Me" duet was so amazing.

    Edited to say I LOVE DUETS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OH OH using numbers for names Phylojail is going to feel like she's back in the slammer--oh she traveling all over so she won't even be reading anything.

    Dutch u never got a nap==but u need one or at least rest somehow.

    I was busy with the phones today and all I ask of these MEN is to acknowledge my posts ao I know they get it and then it's on them--but nooooo they are so stubborn and I lost it==I told them getting them to talk to me was like pulling a ducks neck and trying to make a swan--so just answer me. Now we'll see, ye right they'll still do what they want anyway. my last message was after 7 so I hope it's done for the day.

    Dr. called I have to run (oh right run) to the hospital tomorrow for a quick pee test--I hate to pee as a direct order, then I'll have my scan on Monday. Did I tell u this lready--cuz I don't remember sorry if I did. Oh my brain, it used to be so sharp, now it's like  Chevy's.

  • flatnfab54
    flatnfab54 Member Posts: 13

    A little about myself: Almost 6 years out of stage III b breast cancer and Her2 positive. Lost job, insurance during my year of treatment, qualified for Medicaid for Breast Cancer, Divorce, qualified for disability because of SE of treatment and lovely AL!!! Also qualified for food stamps and on waiting list for Section 8 voucher programm. Have two boys 24 and 27 and 3 grands! SillyHeart 2 boys 6 years and 7 months, and a 2 year old girl Mia that is our miracle baby  2.10 pounds micro preemie. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    "...getting them to talk to me was like pulling a ducks neck and trying to make a swan"


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Flat--u've had and are still having a rough go of this rat bastard cancer--and I see u'r pic and u'r smiling--It's the Grandkids that make u smile and that's wonderful.

    Well u are in the right place that no one wants to be but if u have to it's good here--we're pretty open about things and poke fun at one another--it the way we deal and it's not a bad way. So I hope u post a lot and stay this is a great bunch of a little loony ladies, but we cn be serious when needed. So remember that. Glad u'r here.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Welcome flat n what cammie said

  • flatnfab54
    flatnfab54 Member Posts: 13
    Yes grands are great. I am very thankful to still be here and still in remission at my stage but the financial issues and credit problems are not changing anytime soon. And also dealing with the fact that you will probably never return to the "old you!" I also hear alot the the MO's when you are 5 years out and just on 6 months or yearly checkups really dont take your SE that serious!! It is like "I got rid of your cancer what else do you want??"
  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Puts everything in perspective.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi Owlettes!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Nettie, thank you for sharing pix of your furbabies, they are darling!

    Chevy, that fast dancing wore me out just watching it! Wishing I could dance like that. Must have lost a couple pounds watching and tapping my foot.

    Flatnfab, welcome! Hoping for a clean report . When is your dr appt?

    Smaarty and Blessings, hearing that rain is on it's way, thanks for sending it to us. Still raining up north?

    Hi1, yup, have always had my days and nights mixed up since the day I was born. 

    Up late last night with a 3-hour phone call, then DH's phone going off all night with calls and texts (DD listed her old car online and gave DH's phone number). Needed to sleep in the old recliner with a heating pad as I overdid some yard work yesterday, didn't get much sleep. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Nettie, glad you like this thread!  We're all a little nuts.... well I mean just a few are, but we have fun pretending we belong...Ha! 

    Yes, I love fresh eggs also!  I went to visit the chicken gal next door, and she had let the "girls" roam the yard, so when a few of them saw me coming, they ran over, and I broke off a piece of cookie I had taken for the 2 little girls, and they ate it right out of my hand!   I didn't know they would be "tame" like that! 

    CammiMasterChef!  Oh?  So I add Ramen noodles to my SOUP??  YOU who are ITALIAN would say that???  Oh, so do you use ketchup to make your spaghetti sauce?  Someone said you did....  so I was just wondering.  You know what is good?

    DD told me this.... Just go buy a jar of Ragu TRADITIONAL spaghetti sauce, and add it to 1/2 # of fried, browned chopped Italian Sausage...  Add about 1/2 jar of water.... And I add about 1 T of dried sweet Basil, Oregano, and chopped dehydrated garlic...!!!!!  Cammi..... "dehydrated" means dried....  just thought I would add that....YOU, the ITALIAN one, could add FRESH chopped garlic...  Garlic is the bread of life for you folks...... So I know you have plenty of it...  Cammi probably adds garlic to her cereal..... 

    Dutchess!  I told you, if you snicker at her, she will just fuel up, and get even worse!   I didn't watch the Voice last night, I watched Dancing with the Stars!  The judges on the Voice just crack me up!  They are so good together!   But did any of you see the gal with no legs dancing?  Oh man, it just made me feel so sad!  I mean watching her with her "new feet" being twirled around by Derek, was just amazing!  And her DAD???  Oh wow!  Such a heart-felt story!   But what a powerful story!

    That was such a kick, about the Duck and the Swan!  Did you just make that up?   Swans are just like Chickens you know... So are ducks.  Only you can't catch chickens swimming.

    A Pee test?  For the Camster?  Just do it at home in a Tupperware, and take it in.  Same thing.  Maybe they are looking for some sign of a disruption in your inner area...  and they can fix it.  DON'T CANCEL THAT APPOINTMENT!!!  You have been known to DO that!

    Flatsy, glad you came over here!   Hope we don't scare you...  See, I'm one of the older ones, so that means these young gals are afraid to mess with me, and I can say anything I want...Ha!  Me and Cammi...   Well, your breast cancer sounds under control...  Now we have to work on your other stuff...  Can you give those folks another call?  And ask them what is the hold-up?  Tell them you are in dire straights....  I've heard that somewhere...

    Your family sounds beautiful!  And your baby GIRL!   Yes, a miracle baby!    So your name says it.....  Be not only "flat" but FAB!!!!!

    Ziggypop(Lil-shit)  Yes, that video was beautiful....  Makes us think about how much we have to be thankful for.... 

    Oh Teka!  YES!  April Fools' Day!  ...  And that cartoon was hysterical!  I sent it to my Daughter's! 

    Morning 2nd!  Everyone else must be sleeping!   Hope you rested well last night....

    Yes, where IS 444444444444?  Probably baking 5,000 cookies for someone!  Love you guys! xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning all.

    Oh Chevy I like that black cat-fuuunny. And Yes there is a cereal called garcereal for Italians--very healthy and u don't have to be around people--u know I like that part.

    U know Chevy years ago u could just drop off u'r pee, now u have to go I swear there is a camra in there to make sure it's u'r pee and u get this stupid thing to pee in--It was easier at home.

    OK Today is April Fools day and I didn't get a picture printed, but we all know we're fools so let's just take it for granted that today we all get honored.

    I hope everyone has a decent day and feels good. and it got colder out

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Hi owlettes. Just a quick update. Had an appt.  with a specialist yesterday who didn't leave me feeling too positive. Wants me to have whole head radiation, and I'm already scared of the gamma knife which is one day radiation.

    Lots of critical decisions to make and not strong enough to make them. Keep praying for a sign to tell me what to do, but so far no one's listening. Or more likely I'm not listening.

    In Philadelphia yesterday got stuck behind a stripper bus. Pretty sure I saw Chevy, cammi, and ziggy twirling the poles. Those girls just have too much energy.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    Hey - I'm looking for my friends and found them here.  

    WTH..... Chevy? Cammi? Are you hanging here with  Sassy and the rest of this gang? 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Ha!  I'm on page 368 and don't stand a chance of catching up!

    Just wanted to pop in and say Hello!  I was thrilled to see good scan and test results lately!  I hope all is well with everyone.

    I will ketchup and be back later.  Spring break for 4's Four, so keeping busy.

    Have a beautiful and blessed day.  I'm clueless about anything else!

    Editing for FBB...big prayers!  The decision making part is tough. You will figure out what's best for YOU. Hugs and more prayers...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Shell we're here. we're here--we all kind of followed each other here it's nice a relaxing and wonderful women too, so stay and tell us what goin on.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Bluebird how do they really expect u to make so many decisions when u just had extreme surgery. This is so important for u. Are u talking to other Drs. and what about u'r family. This isn't something not everyone is familiar with either. There must be a couple of Drs. there that will have the options of what would be the best for u. I'll make sure  special prayer to guide u in u'r decision. And sometimes there is a deep feeling inside of u that gives you an answer so be aware of that. (((HUGS)))

    Sorry u got caught behind our bus, but some of us still practice Chevy not o much, she's been doing this so long she can do it with a broken hip.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good Morning all, rainy & cool here

    Bluebird, happy to see your humor is still in tack..wish there were words to ease your mind, do you have a Dr. that you trust ? We are all supporting you & sending love... on  spring break, it was what I looked forward to every year. We always took our big family vacation on spring break, as I wanted out if the cold. Best family memories. 

    Shellshine, good to see ya pop in. 

    Chevster, that video was amazing...made me want to move...

    Cami, Did you pee in the cup? Kinda makes ya feel like a felon, huh. 

    I have my ultra sound in a few big deal, but I do not want to go, see little Camster has rubbed off on me. Plus, I am no longer worried about that stowaway node. I had a tantrum about it during radiation, so RO scheduled it. Now, I think it's a waste of $.....


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi everyone-----hello newbies Flat and Nettie,,,,,,, and oldie Shellshine dropping in :)

    I caught up on reading in the middle of the night, So, that means I've forgotten most everything by now. Love all the cat and dog pics and talk. 

    DBF's court case on child support is tomorrow. This thyroid decreasing about brain fog, and feel like I have sandbags on every body part. How much is related to the stress and how much is related to thyroid, I'll know after case over. 

     May not see me for a couple of days, or if I throw my hands in the air and say cluckit---you'll see me back. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    howdy ya'll!!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Just checking in to get my daily dose of wit from you ladies!

    Sorry for those having issues - hope they resolve as easily as possible!

    I'm at work, so I don't have much time!  Should have visited here last night while I was up with my sick Hubby!  He's such a baby!  Got a head cold and you would think he was dying!!

    I'll catch up again later!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nettie most men when they get sick are so much of a baby, it's laughable--no one is ever sicker than them.

    Hole no peeing for me today again I'm with my good ole diarrhea --It started a bout an hr ago and badly we'll see about tomorrow. And Hole see what I mean about tests, every time they wat to take one, I'm tired just thinking about it and I do have mre radiation than the nuclear radiation center. Which I know I have mentioned that u u add certain things together in nuclear med u can make a bomb--so this is what goes into us a lot. Just so u know.

    I've been busy this morning with calls too. I'm exhaustipoopin today. I know TMI