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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Nettie u should be home, not that u'll feel better there, but u can ignore everything.

    Teka I love the coffee rooster. LOL

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Just another hour, then I'm headed home, only thing, when I get there, there is much to do!  For starters our lawn has GOT to be mowed to get ahead of the storms coming in tonight or I'll be drowning in weeds!  It has been so wet that it has almost been impossible to keep up with the yard!  So even though I feel like crud, the work never stops!  Got to keep on going!!  I'll hit the tub for a soak early tonight and then head off to bed and hope that I don't cough the night away!!

    Either way, tomorrow is another day and barring no fever, it will be back to work for me!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Holy chit Nettie, u r a trooper or this is still the 3 cups of coffee still talking.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hello, all, just went through a clusterf*ck. DBf's child support could have remained at 28$ a week for eternity. But since I felt their was an injustice done b/c his ex claimed her son as a custodial child when she wasn't the custodial parent. The court awarded her back child support which put him in arrears at the onset of the decree. She was custodial parent of one child. He wasn't at that court case b/c he never had been served--second injustice. Third the amount of child support was never reduced when the one child reached 18. He's been paying for a child that should never have been involved b/c he was the custodial  parent, arrears never awarded, and is now 30.

    So, I pay for a lawyer to fight this injustice. Instead, the judge doesn't care about any of it. Increases his weekly/ monthly payments for the arrears. So, if I had done nothing, DBF would have been better off. MY DS a lawyer did warn me that the law doesn't care once a judgement is rendered. I was naive, I thought it would. Should have listened to the son. This is definitely filed under one of life's bad lessons.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Need coffee. It's Friday morning here and I need coffee. Not sure if I will make a cup or go up the road and get one but that will mean I will have to have a shower and get dressed. 

    Hope you goils know I do live in a Civilised place. When my Yankie cousin visited her friends from PA asked if she needed to take shampoo and soap with them. She assured everyone that we have such items here and that we didn't live in grass hits and ride sheep. That last bit is what's DDs and friends told hosts in Texas while on a school trip. 

    Hope all those having tx go well and oldies like me have a good day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Ah Sassy, was just getting on to say that I consider it one of my obligations to do a translation when you write a post in Schatzian, so I'm glad you dropped by with this bit of info because it gives me the last piece of the puzzle which I couldn't solve because unlike the normal Schatzian language in which about one fourth of the words are missing or backward, the last post included a dialect that I am rather unfamiliar with in which at least 3/4 of the words are missing. 

    So, here is Sassy's last post - which occurred after Chevy posted the picture of that cute wholesome couple that she hired as stand-ins for her and her husband so that people would actually think that the Chevster was actually once cute and wholesome. JUST in case anybody's interested, here is photo circa 1925 of the Chevster and her real 'husband' who she generally refers to as "You stupid gouty pet':


    Okay, moving on. Here is a copy of Sassy's post. The bold parts are where I have interpreted or added info to make the post somewhat understandable to the general English speaking public:

    18 hours ago sas-schatzi wrote:

    Chevy---such a beautiful couple and trendy for the time.-oH [ "- oH" is a simple inversion of the letters "Oh!" The missing section can be surmised to be something along the lines of "- Oh! That picture reminds me of the years (many, many, many, many years ago) when these guys were popular (you know like back in the Colonial era when Chevy was young): "


    [ Little tricky to figure out Sassy's meaning here, but I think this captures it pretty well: "Your husband has the look that was made popular by Jett Rink, the character in the 1957's movie 'Giant' who was played by James Dean." Here, BTW, is a picture of Jett Rink so that you all can consider whether Chevy's rent-a-husband-stand-in does in fact have Jett Rink's 'look' ~ personally I think Sassy's insightful comparison is quite brilliant once you know what the hell she's talking about:]

    image   and Chevy's pretend photo:image

    [Back to translating]

    I'm smhossed on wine after being pissed.......

    [ I am completely drunk after having 17 or so glasses of  wine. I got this way because I was so mad (pissed here being 'angry as all get out' as opposed to being 'piss-ass drunk' before she got even more than piss-ass drunk OR 'pissed' as in "I wet myself") ]

    tried to do right like Servantes. totally f**cked up It just went a hundred degre opposite----------f*****************g

    [This one really creates a challenge, but I do believe with the additional info supplied by Sassy herself above, the translation can be made: The first missing word is 'I' - we can surmise this because when Sassy is mad it's generally because she's mad at herself; so we have "I tried to do right like Servantes." Now WHAT OR WHO is 'Servantes'? Servantes are props used by magicians - like a bag or pouch hanging from the magicians belt. This is probably not what Sassy was trying to imitate - perhaps she meant Cervantes - ah yes, the author of Don Quixote. Of course it was Quixote not Cervantes and not Servantes who Sassy was imitating  by trying to do right but ending up not solving the problem or in fact making it worse. Her last post verifies this interpretation and gives meaning to the final word 'f*************ing' the only missing word here being 'chit' .. 'f*********king chit'.  Of course we all love Don Quixote .. and Sassy].

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Oh Alyson , that's funny!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka--I explained it to him---he's happy. Not sure how 28x 4==112 a month-----compares with 200 a month till jan. Then 600 /month till it's paid off. I'd be pissed as hell. My interference has radically changed his life. When he gets to the 600 per month, think how much he has to make to survive life. He was paying 580$ before and couldn't  make it.

    But he's said he's happy that all the money is going to the arrears now, instead of paying for support of adult children not living in the home. Son not living in the home for 12 years.

    He felt he got a fair hearing. He now knows there is nothing that can be done about the wrong things related to his one son. He talked of these irregularities allot. It angered him allot. So, putting that to rest, is may be what's making him happy. I'm clueless.

    I'm sure his ex is /will be happy, I'm beside myself. It was there in front of me in preparing the papers before the hearing. Just nothing jumped at me and said stop. It's okay. leave it alone. Never guessed the judge would increase the arrears amount so high. Particularly, since he's unemployed. No money. 

    BBL Thanks for listening. It's going to take me along time getting over this one. I thought justice would prevail. I'm flummoxed. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ziggy ROTFLOL, you were right on every single point. Should have had you next to me all my life. Now will you go to 2d6 and do the same thing?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka-yes, , but I already laid out about 5000- 6000$ to get his life back on track.  And it backfired. 4K for lawyer, about 1300 to get his license back. 600-700 to cover medical bills, 400(worth >2000---great Craig's list deal) for tools. I had all the exact numbers under liabilities in his financial affidavit. The judge didn't even look at it.

    What do I do now?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    He could get a job tomorrow if he had a car, but if I buy the car, that will put my cash reserves dangerously low. DUH--- since I'm already "gifting" money to DS for down payment on house. 

    A mess, and I'm responsible.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Sas - it's a mess in the short term - but in the long term it's not a mess and your DBF apparently knows that.  He's not PO'd at you, it's time for you to let up on yourself!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Ziggers.... WHAT the HELL are you TALKing about?  You are interpreting SASS, and NOW I have to figure out what BOTH of you are talking about!  ANYway, James Dean did not look like..... who IS that guy you posted?  I don't know any Jett Rink!!!  I only know James Dean.... personally..... just like what's his name Vinnie....

    And Sass!  WTH for you too!  I feel so bad about the moneyDownTheDrain stuff!   What does DDBBFFWTFsay about all this?    Are you the least perturbed?

    I'm perturbed!  Because DH has this heel problem!  Went to Docs.... It's either gout or Achille's Tendon problems or inflammation!  Anyway he can't even walk!  And I really can't carry him around the house!  He is using my cast-aside walker.... I am using my cane....   He just has to sit or lay down, and take it easy....  Me?  I will take it any way I can get it...... just thought I would throw that in.....

    So he can take Indomethacin starting tomorrow morning... 3 times a day....    I just feel bad for him....  He is NoT one to sit around.... or not be busy!

    Oh well.... tomorrow is another day.... I have to go back and figure out what YOU two are talking about!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Sassy, what does the BF do for work? Stop hitting yourself over the head with this in any case.  

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    All I can say us I must be extremely exhausted because I d didn't follow any of the above post except the amazing video if the Bird and dog

  • Blueberry4
    Blueberry4 Member Posts: 20

    Aly - that's so funny about the riding sheep thing.  When we first moved to Texas 5 years ago, we went to the rodeo, and for intermission they had kids ride sheep to see who could stay on the longest.  It was totally safe, but not really, they wore bike helmets and held onto a belt.  My son wanted to do it but he was 7. It was only for kids 6 and under. They were worried about the sheep getting hurt or something. So don't worry if you're not civilized.

    FierceBB - I didnt know what a blueberry buckle is either, but I am lazy and I love pie.

    Sassy - that hearing sounds crazy.  Can these things be appealed? Or would that make it worse?

    So about me, hmmmm.  I'm 43 and have a husband and 2 kids 12 and 15.  They are awesome and I love them very much.  My husband is in the navy, so we've lived a bunch of places.  I don't work, but I homeschool my kids since we move around a lot. I love to read and binge watch on Netflix or Amazon.  Thank you all for welcoming me. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Nettie, your not expected to be able to follow along yet 'cause your new, but chevy - geez woman, I wasn't even born in 57 and I know who James Dean played in Giant. And you should be able to get to Quixote from Servantes by now. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Chevy, maybe your hubby just needs some attention since you've been spending so much time with Vinny lately. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gumby---hi nice to see you, but not under these circumstances

    Gumby & Ziggy Well it's to public to talk about his work, But he's a tradesman. He is very good at what he does. He's also a very hard worker. But he is clueless as to money. He paid 580$ a month for child support and his grifter children 30, 24, 18 3/4 call him weekly for money which he sends. All that money could have been put towards the arrears, if the ex would have given it to the children. BUT she wouldn't so he'd pay CS, and then send more money by wire transfer to three states. He did handyman work on the side. So, he routinely was working 6-7 days a week. Anywhere from 10-12 hours a day. He will do anything anywhere any time. 

    Erhhh that's how we met----he was doing his work for his company. I needed the same thing done to other stuff. He wired a thermostat. I said I needed oodles of wiring done and other stuff. Hired him for every Sunday for weeks b/c the house was in decline after the cancer years with DH, and typical 25 y/o house needs stuff fixed.  Then La-de-da-de.

    I will beat myself up unmercifully for days to weeks. But you are right he isn't PO'd at all. He's happy. I don't get that?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi Blueberry, we now have two Blues--Bluebird and Blueberry---going to be difficult with nicknames. 

    Teka, I could do it. I saved  and invested well. Lived cheap or frugally whichever word you like. Practically, no vacations. Did receive inheritance money that I used to pay off house and invest versus playing. Best move I ever made. The big nest egg would be untouched. 

    Technically, if I buy a car, put it in his name---the state could take it for arrears. Can't have it in my name b/c of liability.


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Sassy - handyman's great - always necessary and always can find work to do.
    I can translate 'La-de-da-de' too...

    Okay, can you hire him for some additional work (real handyman work) or help him find enough work nearby that he can buy himself a cheap car?

    Whatever, stop beating yourself up over it. Seriously. I'm sure he is a wonderful guy & I happen to like people who are lousy at money, but he's been on the planet for a number of years now & you're not responsible for fixing his finances. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy you are so funny. I'm not sure who Jett is , but I was thinking of James Dean, but couldn't think of his last name. Sorry, about DH. Ask doc for referral for HomeHealth(HH)for "Nurse to evaluate and assess changing condition, response to & teaching re: new medication" PT to Evaluate and Treat for changes in ability to ambulate"........HH is covered if you use the right words. The nurse has to be the first in. The nurse can order for a nursing assistant that can help with DH bath, bed changing, and other related things.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    What happened to Littlegoats?

    Teka---he does give all his money to others. Not much to me. He's paid back 620$

    Ziggy I'll work on it.

    Thanks all for letting me work this through. One step at a time. I will call an ask about an appeal.

  • Blueberry4
    Blueberry4 Member Posts: 20

    Oh poop, we have tornadoes and baseball size hail in the area!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Oh golly, now I have to interpret Schatzi for Sassy?! 


    He (Chevy's husband) has the look created by the guy (Jett Rink) that James DEAN played in Giant. 

    You old ladies drive me batty. 

    Sassy - you make this DB happy - he's lucky to have you. Remember that. 

    Chevy - Unhandcuff Vinnie, eat canned soup for awhile (not out of the can), and remember you just had some hardware stuck in your leg and take it easy. Lay around and watch porn with the hubby or something. Maybe one of those episodes you starred in where you're wearing.. nevermind.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    tbough I'm generally speaking opposed to leasing vehicles, you might look into that. Or you could buy him a car that isn't worth much. The state might leave it alone...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hmmm judge judy never pulls any punches. 

    Ziggy, I get it---I never knew the characters name--lol,  that was a good one.

    Gumby, I guess I could think used car or truck.

    Thanks :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blueberry--are you in a safe place? 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    LMAO....You ladies make me laugh.  

    Sas....child support issues here too but different side.  I will forgive arrears accumulated beyond when the kids graduated high school.  Because he has been avoiding paying support for the last 2 years, he won't go to child support office to make the change.  They say he has to do it.  I'm not sure why.