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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blueberry, funny story! Hope you're home and resting. So where was he hanging out - in a cafeteria? And you weren't being biotch -- like you said, you were Woozy, you just had a procedure done. Sheesh! Don't be hard on yourself. 

    Smaarty - BOTH my hands are up! Can you see them?

    Hi1, you got to go outside and pick up some pine cones. Wind is blowing really hard (for here), almost got bopped with a pine cone. Gave up and now back inside

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Uh, oh..... I was just searching owl pics and found one that's kind of perverted. Laughing so hard, I might pee my pants.  Wonder how long the mods will it stay?

    For Chevy, Cami or anyone else that needs it:


    sorry if I offended anyone, it was just too funny to resist

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    tomorrow is a big day for GD. A couples bridal shower. We're given her cash and I wanted to do something different so I found a utube that showed how to fold a bill.


    I leave for my trip to Disneyland right after so I'll check in but probably won't post. I'll get a pic with Mickey Mouse. This is my reward for the past year. Yeah!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty, you are the resident artist! dressmaker, quilter, $ folder, 

    Have a fantastic time in the Magic Kingdom

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Smaarty - you are too clever!!! Hope you have safe travels, and an awesome time at Disneyland.

    p.s. I just sent you a PM!!!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    thanks guys. It's going to be in the 80s. Yeah!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    okay everyone the pitty party is over. thanks again for dealing with my  craziness.


    Just in time for Phylliecomingfromhouston and spookie from the west coast.

    Blueberry sorry about loosing your nip.Deciding what tho do is hard, b/c you can't go back.

    Saarrty so right.

    Maddy almost choked cuz I wasn't expecting it. Mods wouldn't erase that

    Blessings --isn't melatonin the greatest. It was so delicious to get some sleep. now sleeping is irregular, but not the exhaustion with it

    H1 pine cones everywhere. I remember, miss them. Had ravine behind old house. Everything got blown into the ravine

    Ziggy :)

    Chevy, what was docs report --completely? torn achilles? Hmm why aren't they doing something?





  • MusicIsMyTherapy89
    MusicIsMyTherapy89 Member Posts: 4

    ive been feeling kind of lost and depressed lately. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 2/26/2014 and treatment hasn't started yet. im only 25 years old and no one can understand or relate to me.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Sas you have Bathroom!!!' Yeeha. It has been so long. Not sure how you coped.

    I have has a great day. DH and I has a great morning down on the water front has breakfast and looked around then had a drink before getting home. We has taken a painting to get reframed and ended up buying a painting for DH's birthday which is while I am away. So all in all a good time on our own. 

    Our daylight saving ends tonight.

    Big hugs. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Hi Music,

    So very sorry you find yourself here.  Much support on this thread and BCO in general.  Welcome and feel free to share your ups and downs, rant, vent, scream, yell or cry.  We get it, we really do!  I know on the cold capping thread there are a couple girls that are so young like you that have just recently finished chemo.  I think they are also on another thread specifically for girls around your age.

    Ask away with any questions and someone here is sure to jump in with help or support.  You are honestly in the worst part of all this and once you have a plan and start treatment things in your head will settle down.  The beginning and the waiting to get started are the worst and everything is really scary.  The reality of treatment is not nearly as bad as where your imagination will take you.  I promise.

    So hang out with the crazies here and we will help you smile while you conquer this!  You will conquer this!!  Remember, you have it, it does not have you.

    Hugs and Prayers

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Welcome Music and where is everybody it is 330am and I am

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Music Therapy, welcome! Hopefully, you've found a good home here. Adding on to what 4Sew said, what's great here is it's open all the time. The worst can be when you're awake, alone, in the middle of the night. Just shout out to see who's awake. Generally, it's fun and light hearted here, but we can be serious when needed. 

    Aly, big boo daylight savings ending. I forget we're opposite seasons.

    Speaking of that, Chrissy, haven't heard from you in a while, hoping all is well down under.

    And where are our European friends - Nicky?

    Sassy, so happy you finally have the bathroom working! Good things you have Owlettes visiting or it might not have been completed? Funny about the molding (a friend had the same thing with a pineapple-print wall paper put up upside -down in her kitchen). Liking the new avatar too.


    Yup, nearly wet myself when I googled "cute owl images" and the one I posted popped up. 

    Smaarty, great dollar bill folding! Where did you get the instructions? Glad it's supposed to be warm next week, it's been cold (for us that's 60*) all week and drizzling so happy the weather will behave itself.

    12:30 AM here, going to try to get some sleep. Nighty night all!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just after nine here. Have been playing around with some genealogy tonight - good fun.


    image This owl is yawning.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    WelcomeMusic,4444 really covered so much and I think this s the hardest time and at u'r age I;m sure it's hard for others to understand any of this. And we are here lots so anytime u need us someone will or should be  around. There re some very knowledgeable women here to help decode Doc stuff if u need it. And sometimes we'll make u smile too.  (I hope)

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Your up early on a Saturday morning!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Smaarty u are just so clever, even if I watch a video on that, no way could I do it. Have a great trip and remember Mickey Mouse looks innocent but ever notice the size of his hands with missing fingers.

    Well  Sas u'r bathroom has finally brought u into this century--yea for u.

    I'm still chilly but weather is OK.

    I hope every one has a great weekend---BBL 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals..... I'm baffled.... Oh wait!  WELCOME Music!  Man, I can't imagine what is going through your mind!  Oh wait, yes we can!    I'm so sorry!  We'll take care of you.... just ask us anything....  Most of us are extremely knowledgeable, or somwhat, or maybe not at all, but we have fun anyway.

    You guys, I don't know what to do....  NOW DH's foot hurts even on TOP!  I gave him his regular pill, the Indomethacin.... but then AGAIN, it hurt so bad when he went to bed, so I got up and gave him one of my leftover Oxycodone.... (She had said I could)... THEN he got such a sick stomach!  So I went outdoors, with only my panties on, got the little plastic tub, and wash-cloth, and he took Pepto-Bismol!    He didn't throw up....  So I turned on TV, and sat awake with him for awhile!

    NOW his foot hurts ON TOP!  And all over!  I have to call the Doc's..... when they get in, and ask her NOW WHAT DAMNIT?   He canNOT put any weight on foot.... I just want to take him to the Emergency, and have them do an MRI, or Ultra-sound, and figure out what is really going on!  We were told it was probably gout or torn Achille's Tendon, but now I don't know!  Blood test showed no gout!   

    I'm TRYing not to get upset, when HE is upset, but man, I think I should just go cry somewhere....I first fix the ice-bag..... but "that made it hurt".... then I connect the heating pad... but it didn't help...  and I probably SHOULDN'T have given him that Oxycodone, that made him sick...  But I was TOLD if the pain was worse, he could take it! Now I can't find that heat thing, that goes in the Microwave....  Maybe if I just pour hot coffee all over his foot, it would help?  Just KIDDING, but I just had to come here and whine....

    I have to get him help today....  getting him up, and out of the house, will be a miracle! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Damn Chevy, it seemed a little undercontrol---Just get him to the ER forget all the Dr. they can do proper tests on him, it can be a number of things. Can u call u'r DD and have her help u in anyway. And u have to make him go cuz u can't wait til Monday. if u have to call an ambulance, then he'll get up to go (maybe) And u be careful too, this is not good for u'r hip either trying to help him now. Please call u'r DD or call the ambulance nd get him to ER--u'll feel better knowing WTF is going on and maybe he can get better treatment for his pain. PLEASE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh this is a stupid time to tll u or I'll forget, but I have 2 parties to go to next week (fingers crossed) and I've already figured what I'm going to wear--the blackand white scarf wto one thing and the purple one to another--I justlove them, u have no idea, they are so me cuz they have a sparkle to thm, like I picked them out myself. And all the bracelets at one time love to do that. OK take care of u'r DH.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Worsening pain and he can't walk?  They need to do more for him and at least get his pain under control.  Did he take the oxycodone on an empty stomach?  I did that once with hydrocodone and got a sick stomach.  It was awful.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Dutchess.... Maybe that was it.... We ate about 5:30, and this was at 11....  so maybe that's why.... 

    And you know, I told him "We should just call the doc's, and ask her what next.... and then go over to the Emergency, and get tests, so they can help you..."

    "I'm not going anywhere now!".....  So okay then....   Anyway I did my hair, AND my face, and if his mood changes, I will drag his happy ass into the car.... He can walk that far....  

    He failed "Patience" and excelled in "Stubborness".....   so what do you do?  Cammi,  yes, DD said to call if I need her, but so far, we can do this.... she is working today, but would come if I needed help.... 

    So when the girls call, to see how he is, I will let THEM talk to him...  I can't do anything else....  DD in Orlando, AND the boys called last night to talk to him....  If he is comfortable not being able to walk, or do anything but sit, or lay down, then I can't MAKE him do anything else....   Yes, I would like to haul his a$$ to the Emergency and let THEM do what they do best.  No matter how much I look up on the computer, nothing sounds like what is wrong with him....

    Maybe I should just hit him over the head with a cast-iron skillet, and get him on a two-wheeler, and take him in?

    Cammi, you are an angel..... thank you....  Two parties?  Yes, remember when we used to do that in High School?   You were such a hit at the sock-hop!  But those guys you left with, were, well, not very sober!  Just sayin'.....  Remember?  Oh probably not....  Okay....  talk to you later! 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    What a mistake this Melatonin is turning out to be!

    Insomnia of the past has been mild - a little tossy/turny, but only one or two completely wide awake nights....every few months.

    Took it at 11 the other night, slept off and on til noon the next day.

    Took it at 9 night before last, fell asleep at 11, woke up several times during the night and got up at 9:30am.

    Last night took it at 8:30 pm, couldn't fall asleep til 11:30 pm, then wide awake at 3 am. It's now just past 6:30 am - soooo glad I don't have anything on my schedule for today.

    Has anyone had the OPPOSITE reaction when taking Melatonin? I swear I slept better before I started it. Or do I have to take it longer before I see any results? SHEESH! 


    Sorry for the rant, I'll catch up with y'all when I get off my iPad and on my desktop.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    • Chevy, no expert advice here ( goes without saying huh ? ) but I do not think gout always shows up on the test. He really needs to have it x-rayed to rule out a tear. 
    • Sorry for the dots, hit a wrong bottom, cannot undo it. We know he is not getting in a ambulance, but suggest in your nicest, sexiest tone, that he could be on the road to recovery in just a few hours if he would just get his bony ass in the car.
    • sorry...damn stinkin cancer, you are too young to have to deal with such misery. We are a fun group, lots of intelligent women that get it.
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Blessings that is the reaction my daughter has if she takes works the opposite way.  If it's doing that to you don't take are right, you will sleep better without it.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    Well, I guess the title insomniac fits because it's 3 am and I'm wide awake. Have the day off today, first weekend in quite awhile. Some parents are coming over at 8 am to pick flowers for DS's  college's luau in Oregon next week. About 30 parents will then meet on Sunday to clean, cut and pack them for agricultural inspection and shipping to Oregon on Monday. If anyone lives near Forest Grove, Oregon, stop by Pacific University next weekend!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi1, look at the tool bar. The one to right of the strike thru T is for bullets

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    THANK YOU, CHRISSY!!!!!!!!Shocked

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes I know GGH.... !  I just can't do the MRI here, nor the Ultra-sound, much less an Xray...Ha!  When he starts being a little nicer, then I WILL explain that 'If you would just go in, I'm sure they could really help you today!"  I think he needs not only the tests, but maybe some sort of walking cast, or splint, depending on what it is.

    Dd is calling before she leaves work, to ask if he WILL try ctutches, because her store will rent them....  If he wasn't sooooooo stubborn, maybe ALL this would work!

    I also think if he would stand at the sink, and wash-up and shave, he would feel better....  Oh well.... only so much I can do.....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Chevy, my mom has had both tendons operated on.  Surgically detatched, then they scrapped off the spurs, arthritis and general crap clean out.  Then they re-attached.  They were "shredding" because the gunk (technical term) was rubbing them the wrong way.  He does NOT want it to RUPTURE and you do not want to be near him if it does!!  He needs to get it figured out before it gets worse.

    I vote for the cast iron.  put something on wheels next to him and hit from the opposite direction.  Kind of like dropping a tree.  Then wheel his unhappy ass to the car.  If you get him in it, the hospital will have somebody to get him out of it!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Very Cool Teka!!!