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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Ack, I just woke up and my stomach is just a little queasy.  I don't work today.  

    It took three months for my ex to respond to child support when my oldest graduated.  I agreed to "forgive" the child support paid on oldest child for those three month.  I assume the DBF's ex is not willing to do this?  I was amazed that it wasn't an automatic thing.  I called the CSA here and they said my ex needed to contact them to get this done.  I wanted to have them make the appropriate adjustments but they wouldn't make any change without him. 

    My life story could be a Lifetime Movie Network movie.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Shell I always like u'r posts, we've been together for a while now so I'm glad u come here too. U'r name fit u with shine cuz u do. And u have accomplished so much it's amazing/ U and u'r family have to be so proud of u.

    And yes Sas put what happened in court behind u it's done. Remember when I  went to court for my loosing my home--I new it was all done so I went by myself, remember that was when I was called up and landed right on the floor with spread arms and legs. Well then I got his attention but it didn't help any, LOL and all I could do was laugh. There is no sympathy in a court room. Lets face it justice normally applies to who has the better lawyer. Jez we've seen it on TV.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Off to sleep, oh fair ones, the wine is drunk, and so is the drinker. But were it not for the lack of drink, I would continue espousing. Espousing what I cannot say, but it may be something.

    Ziggy, please, translate, dear friend, await your words. :) sassy

    Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out shouting "holy crap....what a ride" SAS

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Goodnight Sas.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good nite sweet Sas. Well we know Chevy can say what a ride.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    ooooooooh lordy i am so glad i never got knocked up! All the men i dated before were jerkface losers, and i see everything all my friends are going through right now: fighting over visitations, payments, drop offs, after schools, etc, and then see Sas's mess-o-blues and all i can say is Good Luck to you all and I'll just have cats and dogs thank you very much! HolyMOly!

    Bluebird, I wish I had some insight to share. All I have is love though. Sent from me to you- i hope that whatever you decide, it works best for you. <3

    Blueberry- Hi there! welcome to the best loonie bin ever!

    Cami, glad to see you might be feeling better s you have been at work kicking a$$ and taking names!

    Blessings, glad you got some much needed rest

    Wren, how are you lately?

    Teka- what a cute little nightowl

    Dutch, you wanna stay outta those lifetimes movies- they are a mess! :)

    Ziggy- those crocuses are beautiful! and so are all the sweet things that you say to those that need you here. 

    Netti- hope you can breathe again

    Tang- how you doin'?

    Alyson, hope you are feeling good today!

    it is 442am, i have been awake for 20 hours, just had a dear friend fly in from SanFran, and MIGHT get to sleep before the sun come up… we'll see.  Loopy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    JWoo get some well needed rest now and be lazy too that's part of resting. This I'm an authority on.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Good Morning gals!  Man!  WTH did I MISS?  I mean now I am back on the page where I left off, but all hell broke loose, in the mean time!  I mean with you Sass, and all this stuff that I don't know nothing about!  I'll have to ask Cammi.... she will know....  I wish I could help... But I barely understand the need for me to wear a BRA, much less what the courts are doing by screwing your ddbbff out of his money!

    I've been trying to help DH walk, but it was almost impossible, as I grabbed him, as he was going---- going---- over the walker into the bathroom!   

    But hope springs eternal!  I called Doc on call last night at 8.... So much pain!  (for ME, not for HIM!)  just kidding.... But the Doc on call said I could give him another Indomethacin, even though he had had one 2 hours before.... Said I could even give him one of the left-over Oxycodene I had saved.... But I didn't.... too afraid of those things....

    Anyway the pain settled down, and he is still resting/sleeping!!!!!  Thank God!   I am calling to find a pair of crutches this morning....  That way he won't have to put any weight on that damn foot!   Okay...  I'll keep you all updated, for this important thing going on in my little life!  image

    Cammi, I was just thinking maybe Vinnie got in trouble for the way we talked...  I thought maybe someone reported us for being, well.... not appropriate....  like I even know what that is....

    I mean like I should have some sense of good behavior... or something.

    4444444444444  He was NOT tied up... I mean chained up... like that! 

    Almost, but not quite....Ha!

    Nettie, hoping you are feeling much better today!  With your Vicks and companion meds!  My Doc gave me another Advair Inhaler when we went yesterday...!  It was a sample, but I was almost out.... and they DON'T have a generic to that one!    They were laying on a desk, and as we walked by, I said so innocently..." Oh!  Can we buy them from you guys?"  She said "those are samples, that the Doctors give to their patients".... and I threw myself down on the carpet, and sobbed  "I have run out of patience, and I am now BEGGING!"  (just kidding about all that).... But when I left, her Assistant said... "just take one".... So I quickly did, and hid it in my DH's pocket!

    Cammi....  I'm whispering....  Teka is trying to correct us.... Did you see that?  I mean about "chit" being spelled wrong?   Does she KNOW about flustercluck and recockulous?  Oh watch her go crazy with THOSE!!!  Ha, ha!   I could make this thread be filed under x rating, with only 1/2 an effort!  Well, me and Cammi and Lilshit Ziggy! 

    SPEAKing of Ziggy....  She goes and posts a pic of this guy and this gal... and insinuates it is me...  Man, I WISH!!!   And then she actually takes it upon herself to TRANSLATE  the Sassmiester!  And did it to a T!!!!

    Ziggy, you are amazing!  I mean seriously!  You MUST have been some sort of comedy writer in your past...  I mean in your past, that we can TALK publicly about....  That post was brilliant... and I use that term loosely.  I didn't understand what YOU said either, but it was fun reading what you almost said!  Cammi, did you get that?  

    And WHO was riding Sheep?  I'm pretty sure people don't DO that, do they?   Oh, it was YOU, miss BlueberryHill!  Yes, I remember seeing that on TV!  Geez, you are really young... probably beautiful too... AND with little kids!  I did that once too!  Many moons ago...   Just have fun on this thread, and don't let us corrupt you...too much...

    Oh?  So littleZiggers was not born in 57?  Hah!  Neither was I!  We were must kids when we got married... Met when we were both 18... Oh wait... he was still 17!  WTH????  I met him when he was a BABY! He was not even old enough to drink.... not that he DIDn't... Or even drive?   So SEE?  I HAVE to take care of him...  !  But I still don't get
    Quixote from Servante's....  WHAT is she talking about?

    Sass, I AM his nurse!  AND cook, and bottle-washer and everything else...Ha!   So I can't bring another woman in this house.... he ain't THAT old...image

    Okay Ziggy, we'll go watch porn..... But he can't barely even MOVE!  Now what?  Okay.... I got it! 

    And you said your Dad used to get a "cramp" in his Achille's Tendon??

    That makes sense... I've been looking things up, related to pain in the "heel".... (not pita) ...  But I didn't see THAT one... Blood tests are supposed to be back today....

    SHELLS!!!!!!!!!  Yes, we are here... just waiting for you!!!  I asked awhile back, how is your DH?????  Things better?  I really hope so, at least you sound happy! 

    Morning Jwoo, Dutchess,  and all our other Owlettes!

    Oh wait... Cammi said she is an authority.... on something....  Well, anything is possible... she must go rest...  so she can be authoratively..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Crud, I'm too lazy today to catch up!  I can't seem to wake up!  Maybe later today I'll revisit and try to understand what everyone is talking about!!

    Way too much action for me right now!  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Jwoo, you are really good at mentioning everyone and keeping up! Caught that positivity, thanks!

    Sas you're a warrior through and through and want to charge into battle to make things  right. Save your energy for yourself, especially if DB isn't riled up. There may be factors at play that haven't made themselves known yet.  I have a good friend in a similar situation. She loves and lives with a man who was married for many years and has 5 kids. That's a lot of support. He didn't pay enough or at all when he wasn't working. The arrears builds up quickly. Now his kids are grown but he still owes the money. Now he has cancer and can't work, but it doesn't release his obligation. (Many people would just hide from the system if they only had to avoid paying until the kid reached 18)  

    The hard part I see is watching my friend spend all her earnings paying off his debt. She works as a secretary and doesn't make much. But he makes her happy and they are good together. One thing I will add that is that whenever he came into a bit of money, (his mom died) his portion of the inheritance (over 10,000) went straight to back child support and also when he was in a car accident and got a settlement, he never saw any of it. 

    Just realized I should have pm'ed you cause poor Chevy and cammi won't know what the he'll I'm babbling about. 

    But you charge on sister! DB is lucky to have you by his side!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    "Off to sleep, oh fair ones, the wine is drunk, and so is the drinker. But were it not for the lack of drink, I would continue espousing. Espousing what I cannot say, but it may be something.

    Ziggy, please, translate, dear friend, await your words. :) sassy"

    Ah, a challenge from the master challenger. Okay, I will give it a try: 

    I'm going to bed you lunatics. I drank all the wine (so the wine is drunk) and so am I (the drinker). If there were some more damn booze around I'd stay up and keep on talking, but I done drank it all. I don't know what I'd be talking about if there wuz more booze to be drank, but I am a schnookered genius so it could be something incredibly wise. 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Btw, Ziggy, I really like your avatar (and your translations).

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    for SAS,  (and anybody else who needs a reminder)!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    12:15 pm OMG ROTFLOL and go lay on the couch. 

    DBF and friend were supposed to put up the crown molding in the bathroom. I wasn't awake. They put it up, upside down. But God was kind it still looks fabulous Almost there. one piece away from running water in the sink. 1 year , 3 months

    Okay BLUe's I'll keep charging--right to the bed.

    L&H&P's sassy

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Happy Friday Friends......lots of chatter, ah the challenges of life...

    Ziggsters, I am honored to be the resident delphinium. Love them, tall, resilient, an old fashion staple. Thank-you for all your kind, beautiful words.

    Welcome to our Newbies, Blueberry, Nettie & Flat

    Chevy, love your photos. DD on the left, Mom to your grandsons ? DD on the right never married? 

    The triage nurse called me last week, when I was in CA. & said call, set up an appt. to talk to MO about a biophosphante tx. So, I did that several days ago. That person says MO does not have time to see me, but they will call me back...Have not heard from them....arrrggg....Can't be mad at MO, she probably knows nothing of this, but is annoying. I see her in mid May, but want to get this done before then. 

    Be back later, out to rake up hundreds of pine cones, the wind was brutal recently & my backyard is a mess....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    OMG!  Ziggy, you are a master of something.... Not sure what yet, but it is hysterical to read what you say!   And, yes, you nailed Sass just perfectly!  So funny!   She too, is extremely bright!  And I can't keep up with her...!  I can keep up with Cammi, but so can the chickens.....  

    And yes GG...  Mom to the boys on the left, and Janie, is the one here in town, that I watch Shirley Temple movies with...Ha!  She was married YEARS ago, but thankfully divorced 4 years later.... In fact THAT guy is still a loser...!  But we meet his Mom, about every Month, because she is just a kick!     I'm sooooo glad they never had kids.  I told her to come over every morning for coffee and a Birth Control Pill, because you could just SEE something wrong....  The booze was always a problem....  She has done amazing.... "alone".... with her 2 cats, her home, her job, and her life!  So proud of her....  Same with the other one!

    Okay.... DH doesn't have gout.... just that torn Achille's Tendon....  I am being a good nurse....  so we are having fun talking, and watching TV.....   I have to wrap his heel, and get an ice pack!   Nurse stuff, you know...... xoxooxxo

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Dutchie, I'm glad you like the translations and the avatar (which is of course chevy and cami). BTW, you of course are a whole field of dutch irises in multiple colors. I just ordered a whole bag of DI bulbs, now I need to figure out a spot that is sunny enough to put them. I might just have to start digging holes in the lawn.

    Speaking of holes - hideho hole! I'm glad your good with dephiniums, I just ordered a couple of those too - in a lovely fairly dark lilac color. So I shall have a reminder of both you and dutchie in my garden very soon. I hope your mo gets back to you soon - I hate that waiting. I've been waiting on a particular PT my PS wanted me to see for over a month and a half - by the time I get to see her it's going to be past the time for the problem to be solved. Ah chit. 

    Chevy .. so what are you watching on 'tv' ? And what are you doing to keep your poor hubby happy while he is so sadly laid-up? 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Awwww...thanks Ziggy.  

    Wise words, Smarty.

    Sas, put the bottle down and do like Smarty says.

    And my day is not complete without hearing from Chevy and Cami.

    I know I am missing a bunch of people here but please know you are all so special to me.

    I'm so tired.  What happened to that nap I was going to take? Oh wait, here it comes.  ZZZZZZZ

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hooookay!!! Took the Melatonin at 9 last night, tossed and turned most of the night, woke up at 9 this morning.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    "We" are watching the Colorado Rockies....Ha!  I mean he is....  He "tries" to walk a little, and at least it is not that searing pain he had last night.... I think the pills are really helping....  I fixed us some of those Ramen Chicken Noodles!  That soup really IS good...Ha!   So I sit there and crochet, and we talk and do nothing... Loopy  He gets discouraged so EASY, but man, I was laid up for how long?  I mean you just have to take your time, and know it will get better! 

    I started cleaning the garage.... I mean getting chit together...!   It's cooling off now though, besides you GIRLS are here, so I had to come visit you! 

    Love you guys! xooxox

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Nettie, please consider your day not wasted, I loved the laugh!

    Chevy, I always your wit and funnies!

    Sassy, hope you got some sleep. Please leave yesterday in its place and turn the page to today.

    Blessings, cool you got a good night's sleep and even your coffee welcomes you in the morning. 

    Ziggy, can you put a couple indoors like on a kitchen window sill?

    Hi1, have fun with the pine cones! They never falling

    For all the Owlette, wishing you a great Friday and a fantabulous weekend!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


  • Blueberry4
    Blueberry4 Member Posts: 20

    Thanks for being  so wonderful. I needed a good dose of laughter. My little surgery went fine and I have no signs of infection, not even in the dead stuff, yay.  But I did lose my left nip. I tried that whole nip sparing thing and it worked beautifully on the prophy right side but not so much on poor, unfortunate lefty.  So y'all seem super knowledgable of 3D nip tats.  Go Vinnie what's his name! But what about nip reconstruction? My PS says he can build them back up and tattoo around them.  What are y'all's thoughts?  I've started calling my trio of docs "the fix its" because at the mention of any SE that's what they say, "if that happens, I can fix it". I was so excited when I met them, "yay, they can fix it/me!" now I'm all, whatever.

    But I digress, the reason I needed a dose of the laugh is... the hospital lost my husband. So in recovery, I'm all woozy (which is what DH calls me by the way) and I was asking for him because I planned ahead of time that I was going to to be cute and fuzzy and smiley when I woke up. He loves my drugged up smile, don't judge. And the nurse was all, oh we don't know where he is, he left.  This went on for an hour and a half, so I started to believe he did leave and became depressed/ enraged Woozy. Of course he didn't leave, I borrowed a nurse's cell phone and tracked him down in three minutes, but they ruined my plan. And DH was a little put off since I was being a biotch.

    Chevy - it sounds like you are a wonderful nurse doing appropriate nursey things.  I'm sorry hubby is hurt. How does a Achilles tendon heal anyway? Does it knit back together like a bone?

    Blessings - I love it. The coffee is too often cold before I get to it these days. It would be truly shocked to see me while still hot.

    Dutch - you must obey the nap. I hope you feel better.

    Ziggy - I 've just added your name to my dictionary.  Take that, auto correct. I can't wait to get to know you better, so that you can write nice things about me and translate for me. You have a gift, woman!

    Nettie - are you still under the weather?  Maybe try some theraflu? The day quill, night quill duo seem to have changed their formula and don't work too well for me anymore.

    Holeinone - I don't know what a biophosphate tx is, but I'm here for you, mister sister. You sound good raking pine cones and going to CA.

    Sassy - thank you again for helping me with my chit, especially while going through your own chit (am I allowed to say chit, or am I too new? I don't want to break any rules.)

    And Smaarty - thank you for showing us what to do with all that chit.  I'm kicking the grass over it as fast as I can.

    Jwoo, Cammi, and FBB - I want to write to you too, but if I turn the page back,I will lose all these words, so for now, hi.

    Please forgive wordiness, I am on the drugs.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    hey blueberry... my docs wouldn't do the nipple sparing mastectomy as they said "You had a LOTof DCIS.  All the ducts terminate at the nipple... not gonna happen". 

    OK, that's my version of what they said, but the end result is the same!!

    Anyway in regards to nipple reconstruction... my experience is that it's possibly a waste of ttime.  When first done it was too big. PS said it would flatten.  It really (and I do mean REALLY) did. Now barely a bbump.  I think the 3D tat would have been better.

    But your experience could be different from mine. Talk to your PS and tell him you want to clearly understand what the probable end result will be.