INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    I am tired today...and was tired yesterday....but I slept in, met friends for brunch and then did some shopping...drove to the beach for some salt air but too cold to get out and walk. Made a good meal....mostly on my own today, which is what I reallly needed. How are you doing?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Sandee -haven't been here in a few days missed your post about encouraging words----thanks. Now it's my turn. Are you in a cardiac rehab program. They are excellent because they teach you all this stuff about management and then ease you back into an exercise program while monitoring your heart and vital signs. Cardiac was a strong suit for me. Send me a list of your meds by PM and I'll do a search. Also a synopsis of echocardiocram results and cardiac cath report. Which vessel was stented. Previous cardio hx? Or did symptoms start after treatment. Thes drugs we are taking that we have never taken before, have a strong cardiovascular affect. I think I have already said, I had to be the one to figuire out my drug interactions. The docs cared about their own drugs and didn't check for interactions on their own and the pharm docs didn't either in the hospital or outside. Had  they checked I may have not failed chemo one, and almost died. And then drug interaction with the AI"S . We have to be our biggest self advocate. I know you have stopped Tamox, But it could have been a drug interaction with somthing else. My case it was Norvasc -amlidpopine---antihypertensive------interacted with cytoxan and then The Ai's. I also had a chest pain ambulance ride and overnight observation, then stress test--------no evidence of damage with no indication of why?----------but as I say I found the reason after I gave up on them.   Again send your drug list including all supplements and over the counter drugs. I'll take a look then if there is anything of interest,  I'll talk you through how to get to the site.

    Marybe-------glad the eyes doing okay. Your right about anestesia, but IV valium at least in USA isn't used anymore. Versed has replaced it. Both are in the benzodiazapine family. Commonly referred to as benzo's.     Aprazolam--xanax, diazepam--valium, versed--midazolam, temazapam-restoril, lorazepam--ativan. Each has it's own little specialness.

    It looks like everyone is sleeping pretty good tonight. Went to Tampa for weekend. What a great place. In the Hydepark/Soho district many restaurants with outdoor eating areas that are dog friendly. So, was able to take by 70lb fur ball of bundled anxiety with us. She was excellent, but I could tell she was nervous, but she was on her best behavior. She was just very inquistive of all this activity and she was allowed vs being shuued. Last night, There were 4 dogs in the same area ---not one was barking or misbehaving. Inquisitive at first than just layed down to sleep. Each restaurant brought water out with ice for the dogs. LOL.

    Namaste! usa sheila

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey girls.. just a quick fly bye to say hello. im always up, but not posting much these days.. my hands are really crippled, of late. but, did want you to know i read, and keep up..... 3jays

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502

    And a just-passing-through hello here too!


  • Honeybear
    Honeybear Member Posts: 6

    This is a great idea.  I was in the hospital last month for bone met pain (kind of a rework of pain meds) and they definitely were against me sleeping.  I started radiation to part of my spine for the 3rd time to the bones (C2-T4) and was on steroids for a few weeks.  My esophagus is blistered from the rads, so I've had a massive sore throat for 3 weeks and have felt so weak from not being able to eat and drink enough.  Needless to say, my sleep is all over the place.

    I hope everyone else is okay tonight.  I see my rad onc really early in the morn (probably alarm will go off right after I fall asleep) but I think I'll ask for a saline infusion just to see if it helps me feel stronger.



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jennifer---------how are you eating? I despise feeding tubes for the purpose of keepimg the dying alive. BUT you DO NOT fit that category ----a PEG tube might work well for you for awhile, It would allow you too administer your own fluids and get some High caloric liquid foods into you. Just remeber to rinse tube well with fluids and perioically use something that will prevent bacterial fungal growth in the tube------ask your enterostomal certified nurse. 

    Hospitals have unwritten rules-----when you notice that the patient has fallen asleep wake them up for --------something.    I used to work diligently against these unwritten polices---------Of course at this point I am again up all night

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Judith  Thanks you are so dependable at popping in and solving problems. Do you have the same setup as the gal on criminal minds with several computers going at once so you can swing from one to the next without loosing a previous post.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    The sister of the Catholic thread are starting a novenas to St Theresa on Apr 28th. It will then be followed by a novena to our Lady of Fatima. The intentions list will be hand carried to the shrine by two members. Below is a hyperlink to the intentions site where you can list you intentions.

    If you wish to join us in these novenas. Theresa will do a description of a novena and a description of the importance /history of whom the novena is too on the Catholic thread at the beginning of the novena . usually the prayers for each novena are on the Catholic thread, but theresa will decide and announce it on the thread

    May be back tonight---------sleeps not looking good. USA sheila

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    not exactly insomnia, just up and awake very early.   5 am here.   Guess my little nap in the recliner was a mistake...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    You do that too have been known to have a little more than a nap in my arm chair.....guess it shouldn't be soooo comfy!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Plunk myself in the recliner, turn on tv and soon am out like a light.    LOL !!!!

  •   I am up early also....but only because I have to be at work at 6:30.  This is our early day.  I am happy to say due to being off chemo for three weeks now, I am actually sleeping, have been going to the bathroom without having to take laxatives, and actually feel better than I have for a long time.  With me, I don't realize I have been feeling bad sometimes, until I start feeling good.  Because of this I am having serious reservations about even doing this new chemo the onco wants me to start next week.  I know that is crazy, but that is what I am thinking. 

    The good news is I saw the eye surgeon again yesterday for another post op check and he says my eye is "golden"...20/20.  I get the rt cataract done this Friday and after that one will only need  slight magnification reading glasses for close work. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Help bad diarrhea, the can't make it to the toilet in time sort.   I am taking loperadime, Immodium A-D but it hasn't slowed it down yet. I took three of the little pills about 3 ti 3 1/2 hours ago. I am so thristy.

    I had food poisoning all day Sunday and vomited even while laying down. I day perrt well off and now this.  Any ideas on what else to take to stop me up. 

    Ginger who would rather be asleep.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    ARGH!!! Love the galwho lives above me in this three=apartment apartment bt mother of god...wear slippers without heels if you get up a 6am...which menas after a night of waking at 4am and 5 am I am now up for the count at 6am too....not enough sleep.

    Sas- thanks I will pm you my meds. the pharmacists at both the hospital and my local drug store have gone through them but  athird eye is always good Thank you

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    marybe, thats' great about your eyes.. chrissy, so happy to find you here. hope all is well with your family; and Ginger, thats; all the stuff i use too. just remember to hydrate. i also use a little gatorade, to make sure my electrolytes do go bad. its' full of sugar, so i can't do much, but i get the electrolytes as even as i can. im so sorry your sick.

        we got the flu from the family we did see Easter.. a reverse blessing, i guess. so, although bot much sleep has happened, ive been lying down a lot, too.       3jays

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    marybe- great news re. the eyes

    3jays...well the flu is notlikely the way we woul dhave wanted you to rest comein odd packages

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Ginger, so sorry! Keep chewing the immodium. HUgs, pal. Ugh.

    Marybe, great news about your eye.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Well ladies.................this little Aussie celebrates 16 yrs since first dx of primary BC today.........I remember it so can we ever forget.

    I had my first mammo on April 24th, and had to wait two days due to our ANZAC (WW1 memorial) day.  I had 4 teenagers in the house at the time and one of them had me running him around town while he did his 'thing.'  I was glad to be out of the house at the time, as DH was campaigning very heavily that we sell up everything and hit the high seas in a yacht with the aforementioned 4 teenagers aboard.  This was, at the time, my idea of the very worst type of nightmare. 

    When I got home eventually, DH informed me that the GP had called and we had to get to his office a.s.a.p.  The fact that the GP's office was only about 50 metres from the local river Marina, raised my suspicions.  I was tired of having strangers in my home who were bought with the promise of a hot shower/meal in exchange for extolling the virtues of ocean-going travel to me.  On this particular day, I thought he had upped the ante to taking me to someones boat, where they could show me in detail how much I would enjoy living in (very) cramped quarters with 5 other people.......4 of whom, at times, were one rung up the evolution ladder from savages.

    All the way there, I was verbally arming myself for the battle ahead.  This mostly consisted of saying the word NO in every way known to woman-kind.  I was so busy inside my head, I failed to notice that we had NOT driven to the Marina, but were, instead, parking behind the Dr's surgery!

    When the car stopped, it took me a moment to realise where we were.

    This was my 'Ooooh Aaaah..............I'm in big trouble,' moment.

    Right about that same moment, I had an epiphany about the sailing thing and felt a tremendous urge to climb aboard any old boat and disappear over the horizon.

    As we walked into our home after the app't, DH stated very emphatically, " Right that's it...........we are definitely selling up now and I am going to show you the world!"  which may have been the top item on his bucket list but had nothing to do with mine.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Congratulation Sheila!!!!!   16 years!!!  way to go girl!!!!!   doing the Happy Dance for you and hoping there will be heaps more years!!!!

    Ginger, my granny used to use a little corn flour and water mixed with a little sugar to make it palatable and it used to bind us up real quick another is bananas and hard cheese.  Hope something works quickly for you. 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Good news marybe on the eyes.   My left one is getting done next Monday.   Gotta get the Rx drops to put in for 3 days before - anti inflammatory drops.    I hear you Sandee on upstairs clomping,as i am in an apt also.  Then those big footed folks clomping down the hallways...   Ginger, keep hydrated - even popsicles help.    Hugs for all, Nancy

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Sheila, sounds like the first chapter of a great book, when can we read more?

    Ginger, get better soon, chrissyb is right, bananas and cheese, and tried boiled rice, nothing in it.

    Rads are kicking my butt, I'm so tired, they have "fixed" my insomnia.....

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    GramE- was woken up at 6am with the mule slippers today.we alked about it when i first moved in..I felt so guilty asking to see her slippers and then explained that I hear every single move she makes in the am...I wake up when she wakes up every today it was 6am....who needs to get up at 6am when they are retired? Does church reallly start at 6:45am???really.....?????? but she is sooo sweet...I don't want to say anything to her about it...she can't live in stocking feet- she'll slide and hurt herself!....anyhow, no idea what to do abou tit except add it to one more reason to leave at the end of August and put my stuff in storage! you go off in a boat?

    Sagina- curl up with a good book my hart meds what rads could not do fo rme...made me least you are sleeping right now, right? small blessing, I know....but do what you can and then just a wee bit more and then stop....and let sleep carry you away for awhile.{{hugs}}

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Sandeeonherown~ I have a seroma, a BIG one! No more rads till the BS calls back....have asked in others threads, can a seroma make you tired? and thank you sooooo much for the Hugs, really needed today.  Sorry about the noise, I'm a lite sleeper too, and I like the very DH is a morning person, bless his heart for doing dishes but at 6 am on weekends, clank clank clank, ping, clank, I don't have a big house~ then Oh, are you awake already? lol.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    sas-schatzi wrote: A minute ago sas-schatzi wrote: if you are getting spammed with cure info

    I wrote to the mods and made several suggestions-----I watch far too many Forencics programs. Don't delete and don't respond. The mods are evaluating situation with the Tech/Geeks. If we delete the letters until they are ready to do something with them . We may be deleting EVIDENCE. So, just let them hang there until we hear from mods. This could be VERY INTERESTING. Hope we catch these really bad buggers.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gina-- seroma from what ----------I know I should know , but------Usa sheila

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    SAS- yeah, I have sent the moderators a pm every time I have received a spam on 'curing cancer' too. seems to be    somebodysmith+a #... evidence hmm? let's leave 'em then....

    Sagina- seromas...I know nothing about them but I have plenty of hugs to share so I will leave the information giving to the others and just send you some calm

  • judylynn
    judylynn Member Posts: 7

    Are you talking about Bob Newhart??

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    While I'm waiting for Sagina-------------I believe these spammers have broken all kinds of laws , and our evidence is the spams. That's why I suggest no deletion, but we actually have enough evidence that can sink them----------tooo many forensic shows.    Abby on NCIS and Penelope on Criminald minds And the two on the new NCIS.  I also sent the first few to the MODS. I don't want to trip my hand or there's, but I would be having a whole lot of fun right know calling the big boys.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    me too on the spammers.   I sent pm to moderators and ask if they want me copy and paste but they did not need it and I did not open it.    

    Calm, peace and hugs for all as I know nothing about xeloda or seromas.   At age 62 I Had Taxol w/Herceptin for 12 weeks then one year of Herceptin, after dose dense A/C.     SE of herceptin is potential heart trouble so Muga scans and EKG every 3 months while in tx.    Write questions down and give copy to doctor.    

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193

    sagina, Sorry you are having problems.

    How many rads have you done ?  They sure make you tired, or at least did me and I have heard that from others as well,  I had a huge pocket of fluid after surgery, then it came back during rads, and is still coming back on and off ever since, and I had surgery in July 09 and rads sept.nov. 09, so long ago, however I don't think the seroma itself made me tired. Good idea to wait with rads until the fluid is either drained or leave on it's own. I am guessing here but could be lymphatic fluid collecting, but could also just be SE from rads, although I think all rad oncs would say no way.

    Hope you hear back from BS soon. Let us know what is going on
