INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Seromas are ---------blood tumors by exact definition-----sera--blood ----oma tumor---------real translation is large blood clot.........Bruise-small breakage of blood vessels with discoloration of skin that changes in color in an expected pattern over days>>>>>>hematoma---small collection of blood underneath the skin that has palpable margins---usually has a slight bluish color at onset depending on how close to the skin it is. Hematomas can be deep without any external manifestation. ---------Seroma many characteristics in common with hematoma, Most common association is post surgical. Multiple ways to manage depending on presentation. Expanding rapidly, considered a bleed ---sx re-entry and find bleeder and clamp and tie, or aspiration as needed or let reabsorb over time. Multiple approaches. All have there pro's and con's .

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193

    Hey sas- thanks for coming in and answering sagina about a seroma - I guess I was told the wrong thing by my doc, she called it a pocket of fluid, it was around the scar from lumpectomy and node removal, only had one incision.

    It came back in the same place after approx 13 days of rads, and shows up ever so often when I overuse my arm and LE shows up.


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi everyone! I love you all!!!!!!!!! I really do!

    I have to see the BS to aspirate I think....the RO said the problem is that they come back often.  I don't know if because I had a lumpectomy and they took a lot out, cause I had a lot to fluid or blood is just sitting in the hole saying, ok we'll live here.....

    The RO wasn't real clear about postponing or stopping or what so I'm waiting to talk to my BS, I have great confidence in him.  He sits on all the cancer boards in San Antonio and keeps up with all the newest - he was a teacher at the university's health science center and he only operates on cancer or pre-cancer - no general surgery - so he truly understands.  My OC is wonderful too and I know she is going to want to be in the loop, I'll ask my BS to call her.  The team up really well.

    Thank you all for rallying for me, I was feeling a little down until I got Sas' PM to get over here! You all are wonderful inspirations to me, each of you!

    dsgirl, how do they treat it?

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193

    Hi sagina, Glad you have a great team looking after you. Austin is only 130 miles from where I live. Small world.

    mine was drained the first time only, and sort of filled up a bit again, but then just disappeared on it's own. The rest of them have gone away on their own as well. It seems to help too to wear a sportbra, held the pocket of fluid close to the body.

    I was told to always watch out for redness, fewer, as that can turn into an infection if you get a cut or bug bite or some other injury on the same side as your swelling, luckily have not had that.


    Edited to add: the reason a small thing like a cut or bugbite can cause infection, is because the fliud is mostly lymph fluid and it has a real high protein level, which is prime ground for infection to grow in. So always treat bites, cuts and keep them clean.

    SAS: you are a nurse, correct me if my memory fails me here, lol.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    dsgirl~ 130 miles in Texas that's like the same town! lol.  It takes me 40 minutes to get from one side of SA to the other without traffic!

    Thanks for the advice. Will let you all know tomorrow evening....I like my BS a lot, but this is a heck of a way to see him!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    dsgirl- thank you for the explanation of why we need to be careful of cuts on out cancer site side...I had no idea! You and Sas are a wealth of information!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    dsgirl! funny you should say whenever you overuse your arm, I actually have been told by a hand/arm specialist that I have "overuse syndrome" in my arm.  I type at work a lot....I have permanent tennis elbow and never played a day in my life, nor golf....

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    ok its been awhile but im up tonight...... hi ladies!!!!

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193

    Hi Sandee- how are you doing tonite ???

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Just a quick hi and bye again as i get ready to head to bed.   Will play bridge with the other old farts at the rec center.   We play 7 rounds (4 games each). Start at 10, play 4 rounds, half an hour for lunch, then the last 3 rounds.  When everyone is in town, we have 4 tables, but that is rare.    

    I got a much needed haircut today - talk about a boring life...   For which I am grateful most days.  

    Hugs and Blessings and restful sleep when it comes.    Nancy 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    TINK --------love you So glad to see you here

    The rest of you ----------oh my ----love to see you here , but the questions?????????????????Blood and plasma have different components. How they end up in a SPACE is different. When your doc talked about a pocket it could be filled with blood or plasma.  The naturel response of the body when a space as been attacked for any reason------is all the bodies inflammatory reactions go into attack which is really a protective mode------serous fluid which is yellow contains many of these protective cells. When you give blood they separate out what they want.  Well when it's within our own bodies, mixed things can happen. Talking about a pocket of fluid could mean serous----minimal blood -high in plasma--------or a seroma that is predominantly blood. I have previously written about seroma's. Please let it be this page. Otherwise I have to go find it and do C&P.  Surgery causes the body to react as if it were attacked. DUH Yes it was. Surgeons try to counter every attack mode they can by their knowledge of tissue, and the bodies reponse to tissue being cut, manipulated, and reset. The body does not like being messed with!!!!!!!!!!!!. The fact that surgeons can do what they do is masterful under a skilled hand. Depending on the outcome-------------which should be monitored by your description to your nurse and doc, AND their ASSESSMENT.-----------you have a combined input of you and them. If that combined input doesn't match then that's when to raise questions?????????? Especially if it's on your side. If you are feeling something isn't right DO NOT LET ANY ONE BLOW YOU OFF AS IT BEING NORMAL----UNTIL ALL EXAMINATION PROVES OTHERWISE

    did THAT ANSWER THE ??????????? If not please rephrase---sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well maybe the chickensand kiwi's got it

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi non-sleepers.

    Have just flown through to see how people are. I will look in again a bit later after I have finished some work I have to do. hope you are all OK.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    ALLYson -just missed you checking on other threads-------------bummer

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193

    Thanks SAS - no doctor blew me off in regards to the seromas, it got it all taken care of between my Primary doc and the surgeon.

    even the Rad onc agreed I had it, he did not think it had anything to do with my having radiation and told me to go see the surgeon. I guess he only does RADS.

    I took an ativan the past 2 nites and slept well, planning another ativan nite tonite.

    SAS- noticed we have similar diagnosis, are you on Aromasin too ??? I think that's a sleep-robber too.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    DSgirl-------------yup aromasin-------sucks sleep out of you like the old time stories of cats.   Tried it at night------------tried am taking------------only thing that helps is ativan------------

    glad the seromas taken care of -----------there are many approaches.    resoulution is the key

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Hi Sas... stayed on awhile then checked out!....missed ya love ya too!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi Sas - I got spammed.....elisasmith47 that's the screen name, not opening or deleting the email....hope this helps Judith.....

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    Hi techies, and Judith, just googled the screen name that sent me the email, they are also posting on another community board:
  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi everyone! checking in before I cook dinner to let you know I went to BS today about the seroma.  He was concerned because it was so hard, so he wheeled in the ultrasound.  I made a face and he said "this won't hurt, it's just an ultrasound" and I said "I know it won't hurt but I know what you are looking for" .  He said I was right and he wanted to make sure it was just fluid.  and guess what~ IT WAS JUST FLUID~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen and there was my first after cancer hold my breath test!  He doesn't want to puncture the tissue while in RADS so as long as I can stand the discomfort, we are leaving the "third boob" alone.

    Thank you all for your support and well wishes!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I just saw this thread.  Over a year ago, I thought SLEEP (or more properly, the lack of it) would be a good topic...and look how hugely popular it is!  Well, I used to be real bad with insomnia.  Not the going to sleep kind, but the waking up in the middle of the might kind.  I mean I've seen every Law & Order episode ever made..twice.

    This page has digressed from the original topic already, and I don't know if you all have covered it yet but one thing that has seemed to make a change for the better in the quality of my sleep is taking Vitamin D.  The calcium and magnesium I take might also be helping.  There's already aVitimin D thread, so anyone who is inclined can read more there, Google it, etc.

    Sleep is one of the main foundations of good health, so make it a point to keep trying to improve the quality of your sleep.  Don't give up on it. Good Luck!

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193


    Glad it was just fluid, although it can be uncomfortable, how many more Rads do you have left to do ?  I slept with a sportbra when I had the fluid buildup during rads, kept it in place, it was not a tight fitting bra, just comfy enough, felt better than not wearing one.

    Joycek, I feel most of the AL's, Femara, arimidex and aromasin are causing insomnia, indirectly maybe, they certainly mess with our hormones. Not easy to live a normal life on any one of those, and I have tried all three.

    Hi elimar, think we met on Sept, or Oct Rads, thanks for the tip on Vitamin d use for insomnia, I am already taking some with my calcium to prevent osteo, but maybe not enough, I do get plenty of sunshine, but know my D is low, and was blaming it for my achy joints and muscles.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey dsgirl, yes we were in the same "rads era" and look at my Dx, just one day after yours.  Pretty bad summer, eh?  You know, could it be Tamox. or an AI making you feel achy???   Just part of the gift that keeps on giving. 

    Oh, I see now that the topic of this thread is not really sleeplessness, but a thread for all the night-owls to get their hoot on.  My mistake.  Well, it's good to know there are some of you out there in case Law & Order ever quits running.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi dsgirl, I have 28 rads left.  they told me no bra at all during rads.....i hear ya on the fluid though, hit a bump in the car today, and let out a yelp!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502

    Good morning/afternoon/evening/whenever, nightowls!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Helllo elimar--law and order quit--------unheard of.

    We talk about what ever strikes us when were up and alone ----and can't stand another hour of TV. If someone pops in then great. If not and I'm in the mood I'll talk to the chickens.

    DSgirl, Waiting for ativan to kick in, hopefully won't be to long. I've been on all three AI's . tolerating Aromasin so far, but on several meds to make that possible. Ai's caused fibromyalgia and countless other problems. Arimidex the worst for me. Surprised Aromasin wasn't the worst because the drug interaction with Norvasc was the worst.  Been on Vita d for three years--perscription strength

    Glad your seroma improved

    Sagina----glad you have an answer. DSgirl's suggestion about mild compression is a good one. Avoid housework LOL. or anything that causes to much use of that arm.  WE start the Novena today see you -there Namaste sas

    May pop back here before I'm off

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi Sas how are you this evening?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey Judith---------hope all is well with you

    Sagina find out why no sports type bra during rads . I didn't have rads, and haven't studied it. I understand that you wouln't want anything on skin that is fragile. Ask about and ace wrap?

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    They told me nothing compressing anywhere on the skin, I guess not to rub against it, could be since I have big boobs, and only had lumpectomy, they seem real concerned with underarm against the boob and the underside where it touches the belly.  Seems a sports bra of some sort would help in those areas?  I'll ask the techs tomorrow, getting more comfortable with them.  My DD headed to the ER for a massive headache about an hour ago.  I hate when they are away from home....

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    sas saw your post in catholic thread, thank you.