INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    i didn't forget , SAS...3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i hadn't forgotten Viv, or  Pink Rose... welcome is for you, as well. having a little trouble doing what i usually do, post here, go to my other z'favorites" then, back here. I also did chemo, pink rose.. glad your'e done.. now what? ALs? has

    just lost a whole post.. i have no idea how. im REALLY  overtired. Missed almost 2 days of pain meds, dealt w/ Migraine, and not thinking right. please forgive my "looniness" tonight. can't promise it won't be every night you hear from me...

       its' wonderful to have a thread to go to. the Aussie girls and i were the only ones' around a lot of nights.. their mornings are our night.. it worked, but im glad to have this new thread, as well. can be found in "older women with more sense" and spirited older" threads.. im 61 last month, so i fit!

       the with more sense was added for a particularly nasty time on another thread... so, it doesn't mean altogether we have more sense, we just have more sense than to keep an argument going!!! ck those threads out, also... Chrissy started the "with more sense" she's in Aust... so she's one who's up in our  nights...just not right now, in her life!!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Pink Roses, im sorry for your loss of your brother, and then the bc dx on the heels of that. your' family must be shell shocked... glad you're done with chemo. i went back, and caufght up, see your mx is in May. will be praying for you, if thats; your "thing" if not, i light a candle for my bc sisters, also... i'll light it the morning, (it electric, i can't be trusted with fire, with crs...)lol... it will stay lit till we hear back from you that you're ok... we do worry about our dear sisters, here... 3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3 jays -there's a problem getting here -----it's a whole tech thing if you know how to work the system--it's doable, but there were three newbies toniteall within 10 minutes or so---tough. Glad you are feeling better sas

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Candles been lit 4u3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    GRAM e.. i went  back, saw that you asked me about the tv shows we were discussing, like days ago...

       soryy it took so long   lol    they're both on Sci fy here. i have a fixation with werewolves, which goes way back. not gory stories... Being Human, is actually a bbc show imported over here.. the story is strange, but it light me up... so, there's this werewolve. who meets a vampire; thye'r both trying to live a real life, and beat their natures; they move into this house, and bc. of their "differentness" they can see a ghost, who is trapped between worls.. a strange premise, but i love it!

       Sanctuary is also like that, but with werewolves, and ???aliens?? i have'nt really seen it enought to explain that one.

        have you ever read any of Nalini Singhs books, or Christine Feehan ? they're the ones im off to bed with some nights. i get many of that genre' on amazon. got 9 bools by Nalina Singh last time, a series. almost done reading them i was surprised, but ive discovered a few ladies here, BCO; with the same reading tastes. i sometimes break down, and read a "real" book, most i wait for the movie.. thats' what im doing with "water for elephants."  DD read it, said it was good, gonna go to the movie with him soon...     3jays

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    3jay, thanks for the tv info.  I roam around and watch this and that and had been hooked on Law & Order for the longest time.  The British sit coms are also good - last night I found Waiting for God at 2 am, I think...    I cannot get into books since chemo tx, nearly 3 years ago.   Before I would stay up to finish a book, but now after 3 chapters - can't remember what I read.   Old age, CRS, PSD, or chemo brain...    

    I wondered how to get back to this site after posting - my connection probably ended up in cyber space.    Not "sci fi" but cyber fi ???    Although this is not the wee hours, I send good vibes, hugs and blessings,   Nancy

  • Well, I don't know if anyone is still up, but I JUST got home from the ER where I took myself this evening...yesterday now...because I was quite certain I had a blood clot and I did.  I have had enough of them that I know what they feel like and tried to see someone at my onco's office this AM since I know a nurse goes in on Sun, but she either was not there yet or just was not answering the door.  I keep saying this AM, but this was all on Sunday....anywho, the onco on call did return my call, but I am not impressed....told me to stay active and use warm compresses on the area (this was my right calf) like it was going to get better on its own or something.  Well, I was lying there in bed watching Desperate Housewives and thought This is not getting better so I went downstairs told Tim I was going and headed to the hospital.  I will say he did offer to take me, but he's been drinking so I told him no, I would be better driving myself.  I would have croaked if they kept me, but they just gave me a shot of fragmen, drew some blood for a panel and did my INR which was only 1.4 so I still have a way to go before I am back to theraputic.  And all of this happened because I went off the coumadin for the eye surgery....kept asking, Shouldn't I be giving myself those shots of lovenex or arixtra in my stomach?, but oh no, it will be Ok.  Pretty soon I am just going to start writing my own Rxs.   So tomorrow at 8 AM I have to call and schedule a doppler which evidently they are not set up to do in the ER  The only redeeming part of the evening was I stopped at White Castle on the way home.  I justify bad eating when I have to put up with DA medical crap.  I am giving someone two mins to respond and then I am off to bed.   You up, 3Jays? 

  • Well, it looks like no one is up on any of the threads so I am going to bed.  I was actually sleeping on the table in the ER after they finally took me back.  The horror stories about the ER room wait are all true!  Oh forgot, I do have some good news.....2nd cataract surgery went as well as the lst and I am now 20/20, but guess that is just for distance since he said I will probably need a slight magnification for reading.  The great thing about having to be at the hospital at 5 AM on Friday was that I got to see all of the wedding before they took me in for surgery at 7:30.

    I am glad you are all getting some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZs tonight.  They are important.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I am here Marybe, watching a comedy on the royal wedding, very funny

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    sorry i missed you last night, Marybe.. if im not here, you guys know, im in the bedroom, but not sleeping.. so , feel free to call me any night, marybe. glad you took your arse to the ER sorry the drs. are such ARSES themselves...     3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    SORRY ABOUT THE NEG EXPERIENCE WITH THE Er and Eye doc--------they should know better. If ever put in a situation where your coumadin has to be stopped. Tell new doc it won't happen unless you get written instruction from yore cardiologist and the other new doc signs it. Then you hold on to the paper. They could have seriously hurt you. Did you call your cardiologist?

  • Everybody likes my new pic....I had a new one taken for my passport which turned out to be another fiasco, but maybe next week.  I am always putting things off, thought I finally had everything I needed to get the passport going and found out the certificate of birth I had from the hospital is not the same as a birth certificate from the I had to send for that to Michigan since my mother was from there and insisted on having her children where her parents were.  I went for a doppler today and my clots are all superficial as I thought so that is good.  Oh and you know the eye dr was not the one who told me to go off the coumadin...he told me it was not necessary,but at the hospital they told me they did not want it to be above 2 for surgery, that the 1 range was better....INR I am I was cutting back and my onco then said if you are worried about it, just stop taking it until the surgery and I did on Tues and surgery was on Friday...then I went back on it and then off again on Tues for the following Friday and other eye which really did not give the stuff a chance to work.  I asked about taking the shots for coverage since I did that when I had the bunions done, but onco said he didn't feel it was dong doppler today said they should have listened to me and had me do the levoxin.  So actually it was my fault as much and anyone's and no I have not seen my cardiologist, but I have an appt with her in a few weeks.  

    I am making cookies tonight.  Do any of you know springerlies, a German cookie that you stamp a picture on....they will sit tonight and I bake then in the AM.  My sister loves them so I am sending her some with her birthday present. 

    So what have you all been up to?  Been watching the news today?

  • Maybe I need to change my deoderant or something....when I am on here, no one else is.  I realize it is a bit early to turn in, but I am tired and tomorrow is one of our 7 AM work days so I am going to go to bed early.  I am taking Wed. off since I will be starting my new chemo that morning and don't know what it will do to me so just decided to take the afternoon off.  Hope to catch up with you all later.   The thread doesn't seem to be having problems now, but another one I post on is....have to go back to the topic after I post since it automatically sends me out of it.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi Marybe! It must be me....I can't wear deodorant right now - poor poor rads techs....

    I with you tonight on the sleep thing, I am so tired, can't wait to hit the pillow and get some rest!  Work, rads, DH's work, college kid entering finals, they're all exhausting....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    No it's not you Marybe-----we never know when we are going to be awake.  I'm just make rounds now before heading for bed---------with a hope of a whole night of sleep.

    Glad the eyes did well and clots are superficial. Please let your cardiologist be your guide in the future.  Remember each doc has there own body system and drugs they are masters of. Go out of their mastery area, and it like trying to make a bowler a golfer.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Sagina hello -passing by doing rounds----anything knew before I go?

    Edit: goodnight I think and hope1131pm

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi Sas, nothing new so far, thank goodness.....just really red from rads, using the radiogel cream they prescribed for me.  I see the RO tomorrow.  My seroma sure does make rads uncomfortable, and I'm trying to find some kind of undergarment to wear during rads.  Ok so I guess I did have new stuff! hehehe

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Good night all, please stay asleep and don't read this till tomorrow....shhhhhhhh....go to sleep.....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey girls! good to see you Marybe: and all!! a very Baaaddd night tonite, with pain. so, in a little while its' back to the hospital bed, and another pill. muscle spasms are really bad, w/ MS lately. im sooo angry with the MS clinic, am thinking of just NOT going back, starting fresh with the U of Miami... , which wwas recommended to me. this last neuro kept saying i was TOO good for over 20 yrs out.. and he just isn't "convinced" on how to proceed. he also was pro interferon, which can cause a reoccurence; which he just brushed off. i want to do the blood work he ordered, but have decided against the nerve conduction test he wants. he was suppossed to sched. it in his office 2 wks ago, and hasn't. shouldv'e done it when he could!!!

       any way, the excersize just walking 2 stores, with a cart, and working outside in the heat drove me to bed today. we'll see if the next few days i can manage w/out the hosp and the "big guns" for pain. i try to avoid the germs in the hosp if i can!

       marybe, i love the new pic, and am so glad you're ok. glad you went ot the ER.. you need to ream this dr. about taking you off the coumadin.. it could have been a nightmare!!! and im so glad it wasn't.. i'll be around for a bit, and will ck back.....3jays

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187
    Anyone up? Hi everybody! Glad you all made it through some especially scary stuff. Hello to all the newbies. Smile How do you know when you have a blood clot? Does it feel like somethings jumping around under your skin? I hope not.
  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    Marybe your avatar makes you look way younger - can't beat that!

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    Guess I'll just go to bed and read. I feel like Eyore from Winnie the Pooh. Hello my nite friends -where are you all. Sas did you finally pass out tonight?

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    3jays I hope you are sleeping and feeling no pain.

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    I'm lonely so I'm going to bed now.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Val, I'm here if you are still up!

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    Hi Chrissy! You look like you could be one of my family on the English side. Burgess was my mums maiden name. I always wanted to go to Aussie, then on to New Zealand... its my dream trip.

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    ok now i'm really going to try to go to sleep - Have a good evening Australia!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks for the compliment Val.  I was just watching the last bit of the old movie 'Rhapsody in Blue'  I just love Gershwins music!  Hope you sleep well.......if not I'll be around for a few more hours yet as it is only 4.30pm here.

  • katfinn
    katfinn Member Posts: 15

    Can I join you?  I can't sleep either.  What can we do?  I'm on day #8 for T/C treatment #1. I took Tylenol PM some nights and I tried and Ambien yesterday but it didn't keep me asleep for too long.  I feel like something (guess it's my heart) is pulsing.   Should't the steroid be out of me by now?  What is causing this.  I'm afraid I'll get addicted to sleeping pills or be a very grumpy person at work each day.  Any suggestions???