INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    glad your feeling better, sagina. rest, rest, rest and stretch thise arms up just a little with a breathe!!   3jays

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502

    Hello nightowls, and other birds!


  • KarieB
    KarieB Member Posts: 6

    I only waited a few minutes the other day as I guessed you had gone when you didn't get a response right away.  

    Jeff City is a really nice place and has our really good Governor.  I'm sure your cousin's wife loves her job working with the Governor's wife.  They are good people.  My daughter worked several years at the Capitol as the Executive Director of the Joint Committee on Public Employee Retirement in the MO General Assembly.  My twin sister also taught for a little while at Stephens College .  Most of my cousins are in the north cental part of the state where our family settled about 200 years ago, although several of their children have moved to Jeff City and taken up residence in the last few years.  I don't actually live in Jeff but I get my mail there.  I live on a small farm north of the Missouri River and out in the country.  When I go "into town," it is to Jefferson City.  And I love that Dairy's Ice Cream Parlor.  Have you been there for some treats? 

    We were in Columbus, Ohio for 6 months a number of years ago and enjoyed it a lot. I have an old friend from Cincinnatti ...surname Lippincott  ( forgotten the spelling).  I know Cincinnatti is a big place but if we already have so many other things in common just to cross paths in the middle of the night, we both might know of that family, too! 

    I'm so pleased to have met you and will be checking in to see if we are both up prowling around at the same time in the future. 

    Take care.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi Karie B--------I was in Akron for 21 years. Used to love going to Columbus for meetings, because they had such great restaurants and night life.  What s was "ERMA's and______". They might not be there anymore.  Great salad ------greens, strawberries, red onion and salad dressing that brought it all together. At the time it was a radical combination, now not radical. They were at the advent of creativity with salads. Remember the days that it was basically iceberg lettuce and tomatoes and carrots---Ugh --boring.

    Chrissy-------and the stove is???????  and what are the foods turning out like. And what have you baked????----You might consider this easy recipe for over a steak------Blue Butter-----equal amounts of butter and gorganzola or blue cheese-----blend well with a fork.  A doplet on a steak, Might put under a broiler for a minute, But if steak is hot should melt okay. Heaven if you like both. Also sinfully unhealthy, but.........----Freeze left over BB and it won't go bad.

    Marybe----sorry about the hair, But have fun with the scarves! ------Neulasta----my description of it was like "Wolves gnawing at your bones". What did I miss about the shoulder? PM me please.

    The article below my post says "heavy coffee intake linked to lower BC risk" ---DUH----I used to drink it all day. HMMMMm My genes missed out on that one.

    Sagina hope your feeling better, you will probably post tonight. Hope it all gets better each day:)

    AI pain control suggestions appreciated.----- Been through arimidex>>>femara>> on Aromasin now>>>>>>>>lots of bad things starting to happen. On a Fibromyalgia treatment, exercising, eating better, Omega3, B, C, Multi---------had to restart pain meds--------most joints involved and full spinal and some wandering parasthesia---(-wandering kind of numbness) . Joints hyperextending in wrong direction, way more than usual post polio hyperextension . Some nodules forming on finger joints on the palm side--- Musle spasms in feet----oh my--first down then stretch in the opposite direction-- they spasm that way ----then flare----I know the tech term is extrapyramidal.. Now I have to find out what it means. Anyone else on Ai's having similar problems????

    Did find out the last three nights sleeping with head of bed up at 30-45 degree angle-- less breast, axillary and upper inner arm  swelling on LND(3 nodes)side. This is amazing since it's been 2years and 3 1/2 months since bmx------3days---huge if it keeps working.  Did the head raising thing because of back pain. Actually semifowlers---head up legs up, straightens out lumbar which relaxes the muscles. 

    May even try to sleep LOL

     Hey Judith----------hope alls well with you


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Shiela that recipe sounds delicious and I will try it!  This is the stove in situ with the new range hood!

    I have done so far, a loin of pork with all the trimmings, tripple choc fudge brownies, a pineapple fruit cake and pizza.   All might I say, cooked to perfection! and tasting fantastic!!!

    The head up thing I've been doing for awhile and yes I have found a difference in the arm/shoulder swelling.  My feet get so sore not underneath but on much so that it makes me think that all the small bones in there are broken!  I know they aren't but boy does it feel like they are!!!!

    Hope you manage to sleep without too many disturbances!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Anyone having trouble with bra fittings and migrating foobs, this is the site you want to go too. Amazing information.  Will be back want to post this on some other sites :)) sheila

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    Hi Everyone!

    I haven't been around because of my alcoholic husband who has no gone off half cocked and filed for a divorce -SO I WON'T HAVE ANY HEALTH INSURANCE!!! I'm struggling to live with this assho-e to see if he'll agree to a separation- so I can stay on it. I hate him now, and I don't know what to do.I'm just a mess. I should be going to lymphadema therapy and instead I'm back here kissing ass for his insurance and hoping I don't get killed in the mean time - retired police officer.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Valgal; im so sorry for all the crap going on in your life!!! if you;ve been married a long time, you can get your lawyer to get ins for you, in any settlement... i did with ?

    lost  my 1st post... ValGal; im so sorry for all the crap you're going thru... the thin blue line is hard to cross, i know.. have you gotten any legal advise? you'll need it, if he won't agree to the seperation.. maybe he'll agree to keeping you on ins as part of alimony.. i di; cause we were married 20 yrs. the judge awarded me alimony, and health ins for me, and 3 boys with #1...

      i'll be praying for you, sweetie.. thats a tough place to find yourself in!!!   make sure and be good to yourself thru all this........ 3jays

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633


    Don't kiss his ass for insurance!  Yes, you can get more with sugar than salt but march yourself to a good attorney and file for a legal separation, which should stipulate how  you both handle your financial matters and you continuing on his work health insurance policy.  I know years ago my Mom tried to divorce my drunken out of work Dad and cut off his money supply but the court said he was 'ill' and if she divorced him she would have to continue to financially and medically care for him as things were before the divorce.  Hmmm, she didn't divorce him as it was too expensive to have him living somewhere other than with her and his liver finally gave out.

    Anyway, I don't think any court would allow your husband to cut off financially providing for a sick woman with BC, and that includes health insurance.

    My thoughts are with you..........

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187

    Dear Justagirl,

    Thanks for the input. I'll try to keep you posted. I'm so bummed out its incredible. Lots to do and figure out. Thanks for caring. It helps to know BCO friends care.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Valgal - I too care.  Seems to me that at least talking to a good attorney would be a good idea.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Valgal____________the atorrney thing is great advice-------even if you have to go through legal aid --meaning you haven't got the money. There are rules and law. Make him do the right thing re: insurance. You were married in good faith by the rules of law ---------let the rule of law now protect you.

    Chrissy---------the stove is to live life well for. Couldn't do it where I'm at because I did propane for gas dryer when we moved in and the truck led to serious concrete problems that I should have fought about and didn't          Bummer

    food glorious food--------I bag of frozen 32. oz frozen hash browns, 1 Lb velvetta. 1/4 Lb sharp cheddar cheese, 1stick of butter, 1pint 1/2 half and 1/2 milk,salt and pepper to taste,1 large yelow onion diced.  Melt  velvetta /cheddar/ butter/ mix with milk. Poor over frozen hash browns----  now thawed mostly while you are working. Mix with onion by spoon. Let sit for minimum an hour.  Longer is better to my taste.-Add pepper sparingly to taste, add salt sparingly to taste. 

    Cook@ 350 degrees for 1 hour covered  Casserole dish should have at least 1 1/2 inches from top of concotion because it will bubble. Uncover for the last ten minutes or add ten minutes for browning the top------either way you can't go wrong........ Pam at the beginning will help with clean up.

    After you have done it per recipe ------for the first time---please do it that way at least once. Then you can modify to choice for reduction in calories etc.  But to taste it once is a treasure.   

     Modification is 2 % milk and 1/2 the butter or omit the butter---------still nice but not like the original. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oooo Sheila that sounds to die for!!!  I could feel the pounds gathering around my middle as I read but I will give it a go as per recipe for the first time as you suggest.

    I have just gottem home again from the city and it is such a cold day today I have made a big pot of home made tomato soup with egg noodles and mini meat balls.  I think we'll have some garlic bread with it and that should do DH and I for our dinner and with a little luck there will be some left over for tomorrow!........I I can have some for lunch as well.....yum!

    This new stove is a dream to use although it had both DH and I stumped on Sunday night.  DH was cooking a Pizza and was going to use the Electric side of things so he could get a nice crispy base but neither of us could figure out why the elements were not working so ended up using the gas.......needless to say the pizza was delicious.  I had a brain wave while driving back from the city today so the fist thing I did on arrival was to test my theory.....yup....I was right! order for the electric side of things to work, on the timer there is a small symbol and I wasn't sure what it was.....yes you guessed it!  It's the symbol that allows the elements to heat!......Yay!!!!   Problem solved!

    Valgal......((((hugs)))) dear girl.  Your laws are different to ours but it sounds like the others have given sound least talk to a good lawyer so that you will know all you rights under your law and then your not so DH will not be able to bully you.   Best of luck.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • KariB,  I PMed you about the Lippincotts I know, did you get it?  It's not a common name so who know, it may be the same family.  Valgal....your post about divorce and husband's ins caught my eye.....that is the only reason I got married as most of the women on these threads know.....sometimes I wonder if it was worth it, but know for sure I would never be able to do treatments without ins. Believe me, I know how important being able to keep it is, and sure do hope you are able to stay on the plan.  I think a lot depends on how the particular plan is written.....on ours I was giving a member # and they actually use my SS# as my ID, although it is my husband's I think it depends on whom the consider the member to be....if it is actually only the insured (husband) and if you are part of the family plan and under his # or if you yourself have coverage?....that probably doesn't make any sense, but know a lot depends on how it is worded.  With my husband's plan, it is set up so that if something happens to him, I would still be able to keep the coverage, BUT think I lose the coverage if we divorce. I am soooo sorry you have to deal with crap like if BC isn't enough to deal with.

    My shoulder was hurting so I got up for an icebag and made the mistake of checking out the board and have been PMing for about an hour now.

    Is anyone up?

  • KarieB
    KarieB Member Posts: 6

    You all have made me so hungry and I don't have much here.  Guess I need to go to the store.

    sas-schatzi,,,Sheila,  We were in Colmbus so long ago, I don't remember names of the restaurants but i remember the good food.  We were there in the spring and summer and it was jusy so very pretty.  It was an easy place to live in and feel really spoiled.   Like you, I drank the gallons of coffee and ate bushels of broccoli and all the other good for you things that they now say help you avoid cancer and it did nothing for me either!!   (My identical twin smokes, drinks and eats mostly white food, does not exercise and is fine.  Surely, this is proof that what you do does not cause your cancer.)   I do think my healthy life style helped me recover after the surgery for triple negative bc.  I am not on Ai's, but I have ALL of your symptoms mentioned and I don't have Fybromyalgia, I have arthritis well documented now on x-ray and body scans.  My doctor claims the severe pain from the arthritis causes the muscles to become paralized thus allowing for the hyperextension of the painful joint.  The muscle spasms are also associated with that although they can also be caused by electrolytes being out of balance or a big cause...dehydration.  I've also found that a chilled muscle will do that.  So be sure you stay well hydrated, your electrolytes are good, and protect yourself from draughts or being out in the wind for an extended time. I keep a tube of that smelly muscle rub close by so I can glob on to the muscles that are acting up.  (They won't behave if I just flex the other way.)  And when I am into a spell of muscle spasms, I take muscle relaxant meds.  I understand the numness has to do with pressure on the nerves from tight muscles or tissue when the muscles are involuntarily tense trying to protect a certain joint that is in pain.  I also wear a pain patch and take time released morphine for pain and can then go about my life most of the time although I've had to mostly give up wearing rings because of the bone spurs on my fingers.

    chrissyb, I love your stove and I love your kitchen!!  That is a beautiful picture.  I've been looking for a new range but have not found anything I want.  Could you PM me on some details on your stove?  My kitchen would not be so pretty if I had one like that and I will most certainly not be as good a cook as you, but I think I would have a chance to try with a stove like that....At least I could sit and enjoy looking at it if nothing else!

    Valgal, I am so sorry that you are having all this to deal with.  Divorces can be a super devastating experience all on their own.  In fact, I've often said the super nasty experience my husband put me through (after 17 years of devoted faithful service) was just my training to get strong to be able to get through my bc challenges.  You are going to be so strong, you'll be able to be President of the WORLD by the time you have dealt with all this!!  I agree with everyone advising you get an attorney (especially justagirl's excellent suggestions)  and asking for a legal seapration with continued coverage of your current or better health insurance coverage.   You may even need to counterfile for a legal separation.  But that is what you need to go for with him ordered to continue your current or better health insurance....nothing less than what you have now.  And take nothing for granted although the actual laws of your state may appear to be in your favor.  My husband had the judge bought and paid for.  (I filed an appeal and won as errors were posted on the judge's record but none of his order was changed,,,the legal system !!)   Even though he had made me cash out my retirement account so he could use the money to buy back his military time to enhance his federal reirement and we had been married the full time he had worked for federal government, and he was the one with "extracurricular activites," and he was eligible to retire at full benefits then,,, I got nothing of his federal retirement except $100 a month once he dies and he had never worked under Social Security so there is nothing there for me.  I've been told that abusive marriages end in even more abusive divorces and I fear you may be in that situation, too.  I don't want to scare you by telling you this.  I'm trying to tell you that you must really be strong and leave no corners unturned in order to come out of this okay.  Don't give him an inch because if you do he will grab a mile.  You may have gotten your bc to make you strong for this.  The legal system can be made to take some time for things to progress through court and that combined with a period of legal separation long enough that will get you into the health care insurance coverage that is now law is what you need.  So then if he goes on for a divorce later, you could have that to rely on and you are not looking at not having any health insurance coverage as so many of our sisters have had to endure.   And because of that, I would suggest that getting a legal separation with him continuing your health insurance is probably going to be easier for you to get than it would have been in the past because the separation can be seen as a stop gap measure just between your marriage and the time you can have your own insurance, even if the government will be subsidizing will be yours.  You have all my best wishes and prayers for a glorious outcome to this most unbearable ordeal.  You will come through it and you will be happy and healthy and secure again!!  If I can help you in anyway, please let me know here or PM me.  Blessings on you.

    MaryB, I finally get to you as I logged on knowing you would have posted something for me.  I have been able to sleep the last few nights so have not been on here.  I did see your PM and replied there.  Thank you!!  I'm so sorry your shoulder is giving you so much trouble.  You may be way ahead of me on this but have you tried sleeping on a Memory foam mattress?  My daughter has one and when I stay there, I don't think I move all night and I have to be waked up instead of my pain always waking me up.  I'm getting one even though my mattress is is just a regular pillow top type that in no way sleeps like the Memory foam.

    Best wishes to all and my prayers are for healing, restful sleep for everyone!!



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Karie a dx of fibro is done by evaluating minimum 18 pressure points 11+ are minimum needed to make the dx. Whats interesting is that all the pressure points coincide with the pressure points described by the chinese centuries ago. My muscle spasms are definitely post polio related. They are just following the PPs pattern. I know what you are referring to with electrolytes etc. but i have had these since childhood. When PPSis present the symptoms can remain the same or get worse with age. Well add another causative agent ---more trouble. AI's and I don't get along. If it was place on a spectrum for 0 to 180>>>> I'm probably at 160-170 with aromasin. Arimidex I finally said -Nope----that's it I chose life with quality vs life with debility. You know that was a tough choice. Femara symptoms started after only 2 weeks went off the drug at 3 weeks. Well I forgot what I posted and can't go back and look without loosing this. I will check tomorrow . it's already 5:18 am. maybe will try sleep.         Namaste sheila

  • SS  Are you still on or did you go to sleep?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Marybe-----still here are you?

  • Yes, I am here....posting here and there.  I would guess that right now we are having Florida temps in OH. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh poor you at least we are acclimated to it. you must be miserable

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Believe it or not I have the thermostat set at 80

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    You must have gone off somewhere Marybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Where are you?????????

  • Mine is on air and at's been in the 90s.  I still find when I post on here I have to go in and out to read the response post....Oh well, at least we can get on so I guess it is somewhat better.  So how are you?   I have completed two cycles of the new chemo and will find out if we test or what next week. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    How do you feel?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Found out some very interesting things on the bra thread. really helpful , if not life changing. very happy.

  • I am actually feeling very thin, constipation, but those are easy to live with.  The thing that got me the most was the neulasta shot, but I took claritin as some women on the boards suggested for the 2nd one and had no SEs at all.  SO if this chemo is working, life is good.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MB what was the new chemo-----seems to me did we have this conversation already LOL?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Sure wish that they could produce some science behind the Claritin connection-----it is so ?????????

  • I find bra shopping to be a nightmare.....I thought I had some that fit, but just in the past week, I cannot keep the staps up....perhaps I have suddenly started to slump?  I have no idea why  this just started....I make the straps shorter and the next thing I know I am  having to pull them up off my shoulder again.   It is tough getting a bra when you are lopsided.....the natural one got old and droopy.....Sigh. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MB any LE????