Any 40-ish survivors?



  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    eema - that just sucks. I guess it is not definitive at this point but it still sucks. I hope the biopsy is good news.

    Although I hate the news, I have to laugh as all the f-bombs. I feel guilty sometimes with my potty mouth. Glad to know I am not alone! :)

    Speaking of f-bombs, I had totally forgotten about a funny cancun story until today when it popped back into my head. This may not translate well in writing. The first night we were there the movie Disclosure was on tv. it was on a spanish speaking channel and had closed caption in spanish. during the sex scene, the caption kept reading "sexo." it was cracking us up. that then became the word for the weekend. Mexican man flirts with you...sexo. (prounounced sexxxx - o). Slutty dressed woman walks by. Sexo. bend over with your ass in the air in a bathing suit. sexo. And so on. and we were not particularly quiet about it. so we are laying by the pool later on and i start contemplating sexo. why on earth did the caption say that? I assumed it meant sex and i know they are not saying "sex." then it dawns on me, sexo must mean "f*&k me" . . . that sounds more like that scene. So I tell my friends my theory. A few minutes later my friend who along with me was the sexo instigator rolls over to me and says "Oh my god, if that is what it means, do you realize we have been running around all weekend saying "f(*k me"?! we were rolling. I don't know if that is what it means. and we kept saying it. just quieter from that point on.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2012

    LOL!  I needed that.  :)

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Whw, a lot of posts in one day! 

    Kiwi - good news!

    Tracy - wow, so glad you BS was thorough and did extra tests, that is a lot of biopsies, I feel for you, were they all MRI guided?  I thought that was the worst!!  The ultrasound guided weren't nearly as bad.  So did you then do have a BMX?

    Gina, how did you get free sub to Cosmo???

    bgirl - congrats on your last rads!!!  Another milestone down, definately cause for celebration!  You had to pay every day for parking for rads?  That is an injustice, you should definately have gotten comped, don't they give out tokens to patients?

    Eema - so sorry, tears in my eyes for you now, definately praying for you tonight!  And not that it matters now, but I loved Up in the Air.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012
  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2012

    Adore you, Eema.  I especially love the "not a fan of watching anything inside my body grow unless it's a human."  LOL!  Anything I want to say "Hang in there,"  "It's going to be okay," all sound useless.  I'm here.  We're here.  We love you.  Those are better things to say.  Let me know if there's any way I can help.  If you need a good friend to bitch to, I'm your gal.  :)

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

     Hi all!

     Not been on here for a while, but read about your worries, Kiwimum, the other day, and have been thinking and worrying about you. SO pleased it's just fatty tissue - love and celebrations to you!

     I've also thought of you, Eema, and  so sorry to hear about your scan. Bitch and swear away on here - we won't be offended if you let off steam.

     Love to you all, keep the laughs coming, girls!

     Sarah x

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012

    Eema - you are so full of life and so inspiring.  Thank you for sharing your blog.  Don't know what to type to encourage you and tell you not to worry.  Just know that I am thinking of you, praying for you, sending good vibes your way and we are all here for you.  

  • Kadia
    Kadia Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2012

    Eema, I will keep you in my thoughts.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Lisa LOVED the Cancun story, I'd have been rolling too. 

    Emma still sending you good mojo.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Eema - love the blog!  Sending good thoughts your way!

    Walked today, 3x round block, instead of two (~2.7 miles), so that's good.  Made up (sortof) for not going yesterday, it was raining, I have a cold...

    Had f/u with PS yesterday from DIEP.  Went very well, will schedule Stage II/lipo/fat grafting for early June to hopefully make the left, radiated side as big as the right.  He want to fill the right also to make the contour better, ok by me!

    Getting back into work and not as distracted working from home as I was last week, all good steps in the right direction.

    Have CCD tomorrow afternoon, then going out to dinner with friends, who dd is best friends with my dd, should be fun.  Slow day Sunday and Y and shopping with dd on Monday.

    To all is US, enjoy the long weekend, hope no one has to work on Monday (sorry if anyone works in retail)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hey Everyone,

    Eema ...I love your writing...I feel as though I am right there and you are speaking to me. I think we might also share a warped sense of humor and Lord only knows what could happen if we were to share some "cocktails"...sorry just had to say that. Wish I could be there to listen in person and hopefully bring a smile...but will try to do so here.  Not the same :-(

    Lisa..I knew there HAD to be a Cancun story...even a tiny one..but that was a good one!  I have not been there since my 20's and as you know( the toenail loss and so on) but I also lost my sunglasses while being washed back to shore that day..when I did not drown...yay for not drowning!!

    Thought I would tell you all..with all this exercise talk..I had this bright idea to get some good protein diet kind of food...went to trader joes ( do you have trader joes?) anyway...I bought chicken sausage this and whole wheat that...tried the chicken sausage this am  OH ...SARAH...a British style muffin the name is Disraeli and Gladstone Just curious if Trader Joes may be lying to me and they are really made in Wisconsin or something ( not that there's anything wrong with that) Have you heard this name?? BTW..miss you when you are not on!! Have you walked the hilly countryside lately?? 

    So far...we heard from one school for our son all boys Catholic school ..he is is more expensive than a year of state college???? How is this possible?? We have not heard from his first choice school ed and in the top 62 schools in the country and free??? I'm praying for the free co ed school...

    Have a good day ladies...hopefully I have not bored you to death yet with my endless rambles...I just have to find some humor somewhere.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Reading Mama - parking - everyone pays at cancer centre - attached to local hospital.  But that is all I have paid for except for copays on prescription drug plan, so I can't complain too much.  When my FIL spent his last 6 months in hospital (brain cancer) I stopped counting at $2000 ($16/day), had little kids I could have spent the money on - a bit on insult to injury!!

     Love Mexico story. Have friend in Mexico right now and it made me laugh to think of her doing that - something she would!

    Eema - no point in telling you not to worry, but know others are thinking of you and feel free to bitch all you want.  You certainly have the right.  Love the writing.  I am a twisted sense of humour gal myself.

    On a happier note, my oldest daughter came home for reading week yesterday, so happy to see her as she hasn't been home since Christmas.  Daughter #2 coming Monday.  Daughter #3 has acceptance to 2 of universities applied to.  Waiting for the one she really wants, don't offer until April, so keeping fingers crossed. Nice to be done rads and just thinking of mom stuff even if boob does still feel like it has been dipped in fires of hell.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Okay, time for a little BCO vent. Someone just started a thread stating her opinion that whitney houston's death would not have gotten any coverage if she had died from cancer. This, of course, has me in one of my "what is wrong with people" states of mind. It got me thinking about prof's post about how amazing it was that I kept my diagnosis relatively quiet. I did it for a reason. I did not want my life to become completely about cancer. I did not want all the questions and pity and "you are going to die" looks. I did not want people making donations in my name (one of my mom's friends who is a BC survivor did and, while it was very thoughtful, I found it very intrusive too). I do not want friends doing pink walks for me. My favorite reaction to my diagnosis was my good friend (one of 4 that I told and the other "sexo" instigator) calling me after getting my email about it. The first thing out of her mouth when I answered the phone: "If you think I am going to get my lazy ass off the sofa and do one of those walks, you are out of your damn mind." It was the first time I laughed that week. I worked full time through treatment because I wanted normalcy. I will never do a Komen walk or any other walk. Not because I do not think they are worthwhile - I do and I have donated for years for others doing the walks, but because it is not something that the true me would ever do and I do not want to change who I am because of cancer (to the extent possible anyway).

    I have been watching a great deal of the whitney coverage over the last week. I grew up a fan and am sad about her death. Not once did it cross my mind that the coverage her death somehow reflects poorly on cancer. In my mind, that thought process is f'd up. Just like I don't see a pink ribbon and start to cry. Hell, I barely notice them now. And I don't get offended when someone who has not lived cancer does not understand the horrors of it. The world does not revolve around cancer, nor does my world.

    And for that, I think I am amazing. :)

    It is also why I think the women in this thread are amazing. No one is hung up on cancer. It is a part of our lives but does not define it. This thread was started with the idea of talking about every day life and we have done just that. Thank you ladies.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    Lisa, cracked up at your sexo story!  I'm sure the local guys loved you ladies running around sexo mad!  LOL!  Did you get lots of free drinks?  that song on the radio, I'm sexy and I know it!, plays in my head when I picture you guys poolside!

    ReadingMama, glad your check up went well, one more step towards being done!  June will come before you know it.  Glad to hear you were able to walk a little longer, every improvement is a milestone!  I slacked off walking this week, but I am planning on a nice walk this weekend, and getting right back to it Monday.

    had a birthday party for my husband last night.  first party or big celebration since getting diagnosed last year.  we usually have several big parties/bbq's a year, so it felt so good to have everyone over.  it's always so much work, but i love to cook and entertain. things went great.  only a few awkward moments from friends asking "No really, how are you? No really??"   it's so funny, i don't know what people want you to say sometimes???  i think they want me to say my life sucks now because i had cancer.  it's such a strange thing.  other than that all was successfuly.  my husband had a great time and I want to celebrate every birthday with everyone in my life to the fullest!!  i'm already working on the party i'm throwing for myself next year, lol!!!

    anyways, have a great day ladies!!  hopefully everyone is having the same gorgeous weather we're having up here in the Northeast!

    Kiwimum, still thinking of you all the way on the otherside of the world. Hopefully your enjoying your beautiful weather and still celebrating your good news.

    Kmur, keeping my fingers crossed for your son! Hopefully he'll get into the school he wants, plus free to boot? double bonus!  keep us posted!

    Bgirl, sorry about your pain, but so glad you get to shar some time with your girls!  Mine is only 10, so I still get her all the time, I can't imagine when she's going to be gone from the nest and off to college!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    LOL tracy - we did get a few surprised side eyes and laughs from the waiters. Oh well . . .

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited February 2012

    Lisa - great post!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    eema.. I have been away and have trouble with Internet access (up in Vermont skiing this weekend).. I am going to add that the word SUSPECTED is wide open... could go either way. And I agree that if they see anything at all, they will say that, and it could also be NOTHING... Get your biopsy and we'll go from there... try not to imagine the worst. We are all here for you and will be thnking of you daily. Think positive thoughts for BENIGN .. who knows, it could be some calcification or something.

  • hawk
    hawk Member Posts: 255
    edited February 2012

    Lisa - great post!

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012

    Great post Lisa!

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2012

    Well, I am almost done with radiation (5 more). I am pretty cook, red but not sore. On my underarm I have a tiny tiny little "pimple" that has hurt for 3 weeks, I am thinking that it is possible an in growth hair but I keep forgetting to tell the nurse. It's painful, but I don't want the rest of my life to jump and worry for every little things  and think the worse... By the way, my skin has a lot of black spots like "freckles" now and my arm hurts a little because I think I have been protecting my "foob"... and.... Well, ALL of these too shall pass. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

     Hi all!

     Hi Kim - bless you, you are so thoughtful!  My son's been off school this week - on half-term holidays and, what with one thing and another, I've not been on here much. Don't know about those muffins you mentioned! I've never heard of them!  The US style (cake) muffins are more popular here than the bread-type ones, which you call English Muffins, I believe. All I know is that Gladstone and Disreli were former Prime Ministers here, not sure if they were  muffin-addicts or anything! I have done a bit of walking, but, shamefully, not much. I've just read " Freedom" by Jonathan Franzen and re-reading my 10-year-old copy of "The Corrections" - both v.good. - so I'm snuggled up on the sofa quite a bit! 

     I agree with you, Lisa. There's much more to think about in life than BC. I try and forget about it most  of the time, these days, though I am eternally grateful for the treatment I've had. Very sad about Whitney, though. Good for you for stating your case so well.

     Love to all,

     Sarah xx

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited February 2012

    All this focus on Abraham Lincoln's assassination is taking the focus off breast cancer!  LOL!  People die of other things?  Really?!  Sheesh!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    You girls have been so busy, I have been away for a few days and missed many pages. 

    Quick scan and saw the great news Kiwi,  I have been thinking of you.  Now we just need some good news from Eema.

    As usual, all your posts bring a smile to my face.

    We have traveled to the beach this weekend, all my guys ran a race friday night (5K) and we watched the Myrtle Beach Marathon today.  Talk about some hot bodies, makes me want to take up running.  Beautiful day, hard to believe we could have snow tomorrow.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    Amen, Lisa!!!!  Well said. 

    Christine- glad you had a good trip!

    bgirl-Congrats to be done rads! Hope the pain eases soon! Enjoy your girls!                              Ralston- Almost there!!!!

    Kim- here's hoping for your son to get the school he wants.

    Eema- still thinking about you!  Love the blog!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Love You Girls...well said Lisa. Yay for trips with the boys not make me want to run...I would die...but they do make me want to tone and be the best put together almost 50 year old I can be!! YAY for the 40ishers and toned bodies and being 50ishers!!!  YIPPEE!!!

    Sorry ...carried away again... glad you are off enjoying no school with Dan!! That's how life should be...but I do miss you when you're off living life!!  Lol 

    Mamachick ..not long for you now...I am excited for you...wish I were close so I could bring you food!

    Hi to everyone and hope you are doing well.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2012

    Hi everyone. I haven't been on for a couple of days as it's been beautiful here and we've been out and about.  It's officially autumn/fall here in a week so we are making the most of the heat now.

    Exercise still going well.  I'm getting better/fitter at spin.  I went again this morning, my 3rd time this week.  Every session feels like it's killing me ... but worth it I'm sure.  Like you Kim, I'm aiming for healthy. I've got a long way to go before I'd be considered toned!!

    Ralston - I got those black spots, like freckles.  I thought it was weird at the time.  They are gone now.

    Too many posts to respond to right now - it's time for me to get the girls into bed.

    p.s. is it a long holiday weekend there?  Why?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi Everyone,

     kiwimum...I just think that is awesome you are doing spin class...I really do think that it is a tough class.. I imagine you to be toned in no time...I don't know if this is true or if the instructor was trying to get me "in the zone"  Lol but she said a 45 minute spin class is equal to a six mile run?? I know she means all of the changing ..up hill, downhill ,standing and the killer hover..I guess the body is tricked and so on?? I only did 20 min. but will go again this week.

    Christine ..I hope my post sounds as I meant it...funny...I admire the training all of the runners really is conditioning and they are very both of your boys do cross country? I just remember one of them doing very well in a meet ..seems like a long time ago now.

    Had a great day yesterday..lunch with my husband at the Sushi place..we sit at the Sushi Bar and talk to the little guy that makes food into art..he is so modest and I have taken pictures of the plates he puts together. Just a sweet young guy...lots of sweet people around.

    Oh and Sarah...I knew Trader Joe's was lying to me!! English Muffins probably are made in Wisconsin...( not that there's anything wrong with that ) Lol 

    Happy Sunday/Monday Everyone

    Thinking of you Eema

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

        Just quickly wanted to say all of my guys were sleeping as I husband just came downstairs and said should I have a non- English ..Engish muffin??  Lol

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Eema - There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said or that will make you feel better but am hoping it is just one of those false positives we've heard about. Vent away and reach out if you need us. We are here.

    Lisa - Love the Cancun story!! What a riot!! And great post on Whitney! I totally agree with you on every word.

    Christine47 - Are you still in Mrytle Beach? I am still here for my annual girls weekend and we have been having a blast. Still doing 2 miles on the treadmill daily to work off the crap food &  margaritas ........... 

    Kmur - Fingers crossed for the free school. Heaven knows, free is GOOD!!!

    Rainy day at the beach but still not too shabby... Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.....

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Christine - I hope you are having a nice vacation and are getting better weather than we have had here in atlanta.  not a nice weekend here.

    Kiwi - I cant believe you are doing spin classes already.  It took me a good 4 months to be able to walk more than 15 minutes.  My muscles burned soooo much when I would try to work out.  Aerobically I was fine; it was just that my muscles were like jello.  They still are to some degree but I am better than I was.  I think taxotere really did a number on them.

    I wish I could run.  I used to be a runner - about 30-45 minutes a day.  It kept me so thin.  Whenever I had a doctor appointment they would always comment "you are a runner arent you" because my resting heart rate was so low.  I hurt my knee snow skiing about 10 years ago and have not been running since.