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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    I'm confused and upset, I got an e-mail from BCO, saying I mis-used the discussion boards??  And they are limiting my PM and revoking my ability to report posts that violate community rules (What, I've never done this??).  I really don't understand, I mainly post here and on the DIEP threads...

    Anyway, I decided I needed a exercise goal.  I had one before my second dx (four 40 min walk/week), but not since then.  So my interim goal is now Y program 2x week and walking 4x week for 2-4 miles.  A little vague, but a start.  So I need to get out there today!

    Kiwi - I also can't believe you are doing spin, that is great.  Today is US Presidents Day, which celebrates Abe Lincoln and George Washington's birthdays (but in reality has turned into another excuse for a retail shopping sales).  For much of the NorthEast at least it is also our Feb break, when the public schools have off for a week, so no school for my kiddies this week.  Many families go skiing or south to the warm weather.  We are just hanging around...

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2012

    That's odd.  I wonder what they could be talking about, Meegan.  I can't imagine why YOU'D be blocked! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Me neither..I will check my email to see if anything is there????

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Lisa, I too used to be a runner. I love that post run feeling, and the way it keeps you lean. I'm starting with spin and want to try to get running fit again. I too get knee issues.

    Kim, they say spin burns 600 calories an hour. My main goal is to lose some weight. I'm pretty sure I've lost a few pounds in the last 2 weeks.

    Meegan ???? Can you email them and ask? I'd be upset too. Thanks for explaining the holiday. Enjoy your week off. I like doing nothing and "hanging around".

    I can't scroll back a page and see who posted they were away for a girls weekend. How fab! Enjoy!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    Readingmama, that seems crazy!  I guess you are a radical and didn't even know it.  My funny story, recently I got a detention from local hospital for not signing a chart on time, came in certified mail (you can get 4 in a year), turns out it was not even my patient.

    Odie, back from the beach.  It was beautiful, but home to rain and maybe snow later tonight.  I know you are having a fun time.  Where do you stay?  We stay at the marriot in Grand Dunes area, lots of dead jelly fish on the beach (yuk!).

    I hope I did not mislead anyone into thinking I ran.  My boys and husband ran, I cheered.  My 13 year old did the best, followed by 15 year old and then my 53 year old.  Both of my boys run cross country and getting ready for spring track.  I continue to plug along on the treadmill and love the eliptical trainer.  I did tell my husband I would run a 5K next year if he runs the 1/2 marathon, and he is considering this ( I have a good life insurance policy on him).

    mamachick, when do you leave for SC? 

    So I am thinking about going to a conference at Atlantis, anyone ever been there?  I would take my 13 year old (leave DH and 15 yo at home). 

    Happy Sunday to all, heading to the Y in a few minutes.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Meegan - do you post on an ipad or other touch screen?  I have inadvertantly reported a post before because my hand touched the screen and hit the report button by accident.  Why don't you email the moderators and see what it is about?  

     Kiwi - does the spinning bother your knees?  I have never been able to do stair steppers because of knee pain.  I can do the ellipitical and have recently bought a recumbent bike that is not bothering me so far.  I would love to try spinning but worry about that angle of movement aggravating my knee.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Christine - just noticed your question about atlantis.  I have been there.  I LOVED it!!!  We did one of our girls weekends there.  Your kids would love it too.  In fact, I would imagine the one staying home would not be too happy about it.  The hotel is pretty amazing with all the aquariums.  The water slides and fast current tubing are so fun.  We did not have good weather - cold and very windy - so I never made it to the beach.  The sand was blowing so bad you could not even walk down there - did not even get to see the beach.  But the pools are numerous and fun.  The food/drink is crazy expensive but good.  The goat cheese fondue at Dune (at Ocean Club next door) is to die for, as are the ginger margaritas served at the bar outside of Dune.

    We have been dying to go back but getting to nassau is a hassle for one of our group.  I am trying to plan a trip to take my nephew. If I could get away with a trip there as a business trip, I would be all over it.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    ReadingMama, I can't believe I got the same email.  How totally odd!!  I did email them through contacts to see what was up , but did not receive a response.  I have only been on this thread and one other, so I had no idea what they were talking about either! hopefully just an odd error.  Glad you set a goal for yourself.  I always think its easier if you have a specific goal in mind and write it down. 

    Hope everyone else is good.  Nice slow sunday here at my house.  Enjoying the long weekend with the family. 

    Totally jealous hearing all the travel stories!  Love the warm weather and Myrtle Beach is awesome!  I grew up in Virginia Beach, so I love being anywhere along the southeastern coast.  I live near Boston. There are beaches around here but the water is soo cold, your numb in about 5 minutes!!  I seriously have to start making some travel plans!

    Anyways, have a great Sunday all! 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Thanks, Tracy, maybe it wasw a bug!  I did post on the suggestions forum with MODS in the title, but no response yet.  I have never reported a post and don't use an ipad so its not that.  I don't know how to e-mail the mods , how do you do that?

    Off to walk, my usual walking buddies are busy, so my dd is coming with me!

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    Meegan, not sure how to contact mods.  I just went to the Contact Us tab and an email form popped up.  I just filled it in and haven't heard anything yet.  It says they don't respond to every email, so I have no idea.  I have never reported a post and don't have an ipad either.  probably just some strange glitch. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Good Morning,

     Did you girls here anything from the mods?? I did not have an email,but have to think this must be accidental.

    I am so excited, we have planned our trip to florida. We are going to surprise our son and leave not long after his 8th grade graduation. The last time we were there..I had no hair..could not taste and was in the middle of Taxotere...with achy bones..but still loved every minute so much as I like food...I better "high tail it" and get in shape so I can get out of shape while there!!  Lol

    Last night my little lady YMCA friend Helen called me at home. I was surprised to hear from her. I wish I could remember everything she says. Some things are moving and others are wise. One thing I wanted to share ( hopefully this is not annoying) She said she was given 3 gifts with breast cancer the first one was the "gift of no fear" guys..I don't know why that struck me so. I waited for that to settle and asked her "well what were the other two ( I thought that first one was just well I don't have a word)..anyway ..she said "the other two are" A New Kind Of Love" and "Joy In My Heart". Hope you all don't think I am crazy ..but she says things that really make me think.

    I hope you ladies have a good day..I better work out and get moving

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Just got good news! Still need lymph biopsy, but radiologist found An MRI from 2009 and lesion is stable! Another scan in. 3 months! Thank you, G-d, and you for praying!

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2012 happy for you! Prayers for an easy lymph biopsy and continued great news!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    Great news Eema!!

    Kmur, oh, how sweet and wise your new friend is!  I love your stories.  Are you all going to Disney?  Last night I booked a trip for me and my 13 yo to Atlantis in March (my husband has meeting he can't miss and oldest doesn't want to miss school).  So I need to loose 5-10 lbs in the next month.  I need to reschedule my next fat grafting as it was planned for the same time, not a hard choice, surgery vs vacation.

    Happy Monday to all!

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012

    Eema - wonderful news!  Still sending prayers and good thoughts your way for the lymph biopsy.

    Kmur - love the stories.  

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Eema...I am just soooooo happy!! Thank You ( you know who ) Eema ...somehow..I knew he was hearing us.

    Christine ..we are going to Bay is near Panama City..but on the bay by shell island. It used to be a Marriott now it is a Wyndham. It is so pretty and we walk everywhere and the guys fish and catch critters. I would LOVE to go to Atlantis..I looked into it some time ago...but I have not flown since 9-11??? Isn't that crazy?? I am sure you and your son will have a great time. I'm with you on the weight loss..I tried on my bathing suit this I  do not like bathing suit season  Lol I will see PS next month...not sure if I will do more or not...we will see what she thinks.

    YIPEE   YIPPEE eema....just can't say it enough!!!!

    See you all later

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Eema!!!!!!!! That's the best news!! I'm so happy for you.

    Florida ... Atlantis. I LOVE planning holidays as much as I love going on holidays.

    We are off to Perth, Australia in about 6 weeks. Both my mother and sister live there. We haven't seen them for a while so I'm really excited. It's an 8 hour flight, which will be the longest flight we've ever taken the girls on. Here's hoping they don't moan for 7 hours of it!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Eema - GREAT news!

    Kim - your trip sounds great.  I love the gulf coast of florida.  I grew up in Tallahassee and we vacationed there often.  In fact, I still go there at least once a year.  Have a great time!

    Your story about the old lady reminded me of something.  This is kind of long and sappy - very unlike me.  I will also preface this with what may come a shock to some of you  - I am not a very religious person.  Ha - I realize that is not remotely shocking.  When I was at the cancer center for my biopsy I met this older lady in the waiting room.  I was a complete wreck and had been ever since they told me 4 days earlier that I would have to have a biospy.  I had already had an ultrasound at that point and knew it was not a cyst.  I was sitting the waiting room waiting for the mammo to be done.  The lady started talking to me.  She obviously saw how nervous I was.  At first she was just reassuring me about the mammo but then I told her that I already knew I had something going on and it was not a cyst.  She told me she was a cancer survivor (I kind of guessed that because of her very short hair) and that it was the best thing that ever happened to her.  She was obviously a very religious woman and she said it brought a lightness to her life that she never had before and that she would pray for that for me if mine turned out to be cancer.  She then hugged me at which point I started crying and said I wish my mom was there with me.  (long story short - mom was going to be there for the biopsy but I lost my mind and convince them to do an immediate biopsy instead of making me wait 10 days for the scheduled appointment - my mom was on her way but could not get there in time).  She said she would be my mom for the afternoon.  I remember this part in such detail . . . she grabbed my hand with both of her hands and leaned toward me, looked me right in the eyes with this look like she was hinting at something or was trying to send a message and said "My name is Frances."  Frances was my grandmother's name - my mom's mom who I was very close to.  She died three years earlier.  I swear from that moment forward I was fine.  I made it through the biopsy and the rest of the afternoon without a tear and relatively calm - something I had not done up to that point.  When my mom arrived later that day she was shocked to find me so calm and commented about it.  I had been such a basket case for the few days before that.  I told her that I met a woman in the waiting room who calmed me down.  When I told her that her name was Frances my very religious mom started crying.  I don't normally believe in stuff like that but I am convinced that was some sort of message from my grandmother.

    That said, Frances was dead wrong.  Cancer is not the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish every day that it never happened.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    I'm not sure about cancer being a gift. I think all life experiences teach us something, but I would rather have learned some other way than cancer.  Thought the same when we lost our infant son 18 years ago!

    Husband going to conference in Niagara Falls for 2 days this week, I think I am going to go with him.  Breast a bit better, couldn't stand it Saturday so I went to walk in - nice Dr. gave me great cream and some excellent drugs, very kind, said his wife had BC so maybe understood.  Downtown clinic, but I guess he decided rad burns not a great way to troll for drugs to feed my habit lol., so wrote prescription against policy. Will shop for those shoes while husband goes to meetings during day. Not quite our New Zealand dream trip, but may still be on radar as soon as my insurance company will cover me to travel.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Eema - YAH!!!!!!!!! So happy for you.

    Kmur and Lisa, love both your stories.  I wouldn't say cancer was a gift, but I do think it has helped me become a calmer person.

    The mods responded to my thread and said it was probably a mistake, that someone else hit report this post on one of my PMs.  They said to PM them next time.  So i got a "restored" e-mail today.

    Did the Y program today, so happy about that.  The thigh machine was broken so tried to do some regular exercises for that. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Lisa..that story means a great deal to me and I am so happy you shared....I did not tell you the WHOLE story as mine was long too...but this is more of it....I am also a work in process..and a goofed up mixture of Baptist dad Catholic..anyway I fall somewhere in there... This is more of what she said..first of all she is very Catholic. She said when she was first DX she said "certainly I was scared to death,but God gave me three gifts..and they are the ones I shared with you all...I didn't want to share that part earlier because I didn't want you to think I'm crazy...I shared this part with Gina,but will share it here too...OK THIS IS JUST SO weird how people come into your life and you KNOW they are supposed to be there.

    When I was first DX. I did not know anyone and I still do not feel overly welcome in our church..I can not explain it..but I had this day during chemo when I was down and I needed to pray somewhere that felt "right" OH MY GOSH ARE you ready for this??? I drove 15 miles to my GRANDMOTHERS Church ,the one I went to when I was little ( she was also very Catholic) anyway..when I got there I was told the Church was locked...I explained my grandmother BLAH BLAH..and she could tell I needed to be there ( no hair ...etc..) she said come with me..she unlocked the door and turned on just a few lights and when I entered that church I lost it!! I could not contain myself..I am not a person to cry ..I kept saying I am so sorry and she said you stay as long as you like....OK SO now my little old lady last week said...."when I was DX they did not give me much of a chance to live..this was ( I think 15/16 years ago) she said her husband would not have it and he took her to church to give her a sense of healing.She said " he took me to St. Mary's,do you know where that is?"....I said "yes, I do "THAT was my grandmothers church ..the same one I went to. I know ...I do not want to sound all crazy...but I do think I was supposed to meet her and your story is just too close to mine....BUT.....on a lighter too if you asked me I would say ...that's ok I do not think I would like to have breast cancer right now or ever....but it does make me think

    Thanks for sharing that. I was not going to tell you my long story ...I do not normally think this way.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    Yay!!!! Eema.  Answer to pray!  Will keep you on my thoughts for you lymph biopsy!

    Kim and Lisa- Love both of your stories.  I will admit I do believe. Do I want breast cancer? NO, but it has changed my life in ways that I don't know if I would want to change.  Enough said. Please don't think I am strange.

    Christine-glad you had a really good trip.  Jealous about your trip to Atlantis!  I leave next Tues. for Charleston.  Surgery on Wed. the 29th.  Just wish this little cough would go away!  Feel great though.

    ReadingMama- glad you got everything worked out with the mods.  That was really strange.  I am on the DIEP 2012 with you and I can't see anything that would cause the issue.

    Bgirl- hope your skin feels better soon.  Have a great trip to Niagara.  I am getting really jealous with everyone's travels.  We usually only make it to DE and back 2 times a year to visit relatives. And Atlanta for the same reason.  Would really love to go away somewhere new and fun or relaxing.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    first of all YEAH EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stable, such a good word!

    Lisa, I loved your story.  Sometimes us telling our experiences can mean the world to the person listening.  Sometimes they might not even be meant for thank you again.

    Kim, yes I loved the whole story too.  A lady in church when I was in chemo reached out her hand and grabbed on to mine.  I thought I looked pretty good, but I must have had the C word written all over me. She was a survivor and I guess she just knew the look.  Lisa - she asked my name and said her granddaughter was the same name - weird...too.

    Ok Lisa, talk about stuff not cancer - how's this for a Monday morning -

    I get up around 5:30 am to go to bathroom and I see a light flash on and off twice.  I thought it was weird by my DH was convinced it was the neighbor's motion light. The morning goes on, and right before 7 am there's a knock at our door - VERY STRANGE!  My DH checks the window before going to unarm the alarm.  I asked him, as I call out from bed - who is it? He said it's the police. He opens the door, while I scramble to get dressed - robe - whatever I could find.  Turns out some very bored and bad kids were breaking into cars up and down the street.  They took an old wallet my DH had in his truck, so the police were able to track back to us.  Anyway, after they got all the info, and we figured that was the light we saw - flashlights - I thought to myself - good thing he didn't knock on the door 15 minutes earlier - he would have had to wait! I mean really after this last year, feeling good is a luxury!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2012

    I'd like to return this "gift" for credit towards some shoes.  :) 

    Eema, I'm so happy for you I can hardly stand it!  If I was still drinking alcohol, I'd lift a glass to you!  xoxoxo

    Kim, Lisa...your stories.  :)  I grew up Catholic.  I have to be honest and say that I don't have faith any longer, but I look back with great fondness for a time when I did if that makes sense.  I even went to Lourdes in France, and it was very moving to see all those people believing in something together.  Anyway, I love your stories.  Sometimes things just do come together in ways that make me think things are connected somehow.  

    Bgirl...hubby and I went to Niagara years ago on our way to a wedding.  Have you been before?  The Maid of the Mist was such a trip!

    Meegan, yay for the mods fixing the mix up.  I was beginning to think you must have 2 personalities b/c how could anyone think you were offensive!  LOL!  :)

    Christine, have a GREAT trip!  We're headed to Disneyworld in a couple of months.  (Our first vacay really since our honeymoon 9 years ago!)  I can't imagine putting on a bathing suit right now.  ugh.   (Those 2 fudge pops I just ate are not helping I'm sure!)

    Hi, Stacey!  :)

    Love to all!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Gina - is your post saying what I think it says?!  LOL.

    Stacey - You are not strange.  I think it is great that you believe and that you see positives in your diagnosis.  I think that maybe I will see the positives one day once I get past the fear.  But now, in the height of the risk of recurrance period, I see no positives.   

    Prof - yes, me too.  Shoe credit please.  Can you even imagine the dollar equivalent of the gift of cancer.  Holy hell.  I would have to convert a bedroom into a shoe closet.  

    To lighten things up a bit, I will share my two "small world" stories that are more funny.  One I think I have already shared.  A guy I used to hang out with when I was 21-22 years old and who I had not seen since suddenly is now back in my life.  He coaches my nephew in baseball and his son is my nephew's best friend.  It is too funny.  Just last week we were talking about this guy's son and how much he looks like his dad.  I said he really does look just like him.  My nephew was all "How do you know?" Lordy, lordy . . . if he only knew.

    Along those same lines, my senior year in college my friends and I went to st. george island for spring break.  Totally lazy, no-make up week planned.  This is not a party destination.  Well, three houses down from us are a group of guys from the Univ of Tenn.  We ended up partying with them all week.  I spent a lot of time with one guy in particular. . . not always behaving particularly lady like.  But it was spring break and we were never going to see them again, right?  Flash forward two years and I am in law school and one of my friends at school is from Kingsport.  We were at a pregame party for the UGA/UT game and were talking and I said that I knew some guys from Kingsport.  I start listing the names of these guys from spring break, and he knows them all.  I get to the one that I hooked up with and my friend says "Yes I know him too.  He is my best friend.  In fact, he is in town for the game and should be here any minute now."  OMG.  We ended up being friends and hanging out some (totally platonic) while I was in law school.  

    The world is funny that way. My world anyway.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Lisa ~ lol, yes even the police would have had to wait....we have some catching up to do afterall! Some things you just can't fb!

    Lisa~ I'm a silver lining girl too, I have to try to find the positive in 14 years ago when  drunk driver tried to kill off my family - my mom, dad, and baby brother....I met my DH through that tragedy.  I would have never ever crossed paths with him.  When my first DH left me, hold the darling please, I couldn't find the good in that at the moment.  It all makes sense now, and perhaps faith is the easy way out of difficulties.  It has made things more tolerable for me, and I like the music too! hehee 

    So small world stories....let's see...I'll have to think about that one.  But unlike us with memories, our kids now will have everything they do recorded on some kind of techno equipment.  How scary, thank goodness my mom didn't have GPS back then! She would have been tracking us on the computer!

    Profbee~ my mom went to Lordes a couple of years after treatment and got in the water all the way! She came back to the states dancing and happier than I've ever seen her.  To her they were healing waters, whether they healed the cancer, the bone pain, the fear, the anxiety, it worked for her - 13 years she's held off the cancer beast!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    Gina- LOL, but glad you were safe and all they were getting into were cars and not houses.  I take they caught them if you got you DH wallet back. Yay! for mom!  13 years is great!

    Lisa- I would die if I ran into a guy like that years later.  I am a little shy and kind of backwards.  I would be so embarrassed.  

    Hey, Prof!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Oh, I was embarrassed.  Lord have mercy.  But eventually I just got over it.  What choice did I have, really?  Particularly with my nephew's coach.  I see him all the time now.  In fact, my nephew and his son are planning a sleep over at my house.  Oh, the irony.

    Gina - you are too funny.  No, you cannot fb that.  Good for you!!  LOL.

    Amen about todays technology.  I cannot tell you how many times I have thanked God that photography was not digital when I was growing up and there were no cell phone video cameras.  Not that I was horrible.  Far from it.  I was a relatively good girl (compared to my insane friends).  But I still am glad that some of those moments are not digitally preserved.  They are best left to my memory . . . only to be relived after a few drinks on the girls weekends. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Hi ladies.

    First things first, CONGRATS EEMA!!!! So glad as stable is good. 

    Kim & Lisa - Love the stories & appreciate you sharing them. 

    Sagina - You go girl!!! LOL

    Back from a girls weekend with a handful of special women. Had alot of food & fun so will have to get back to a healthier diet again. We were staying at the Sheraton Broadway Plantations timeshare in a two bedroom condo. We took in a comedy show, saw the movie "The Vow" and explored the outlets...... First vacation since dx. as I was diagnosed in June last year so all summer plans came to a screeching halt.  We have the family beach trip to the Outer Banks set for the end of July so I will get the toes in the sand again in a few months...That is if I can still fit in the

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    YAY EEMA...

    Meegan... I had a pre-BC picture of me that someone "reported" it was just a picture.. so I know it was an error... But last week, I posted a link to the picture forum and I did get a legit email from the MODS... oops.