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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Betsy, I dunno what you did wrong? I guess I better go read rules somewhere?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    The picture forum rules say not to post a link here... I am mistaken.. It was the picture forum that suspended me...

    BUT I did once get an email from the Mods here that I had broken the rules and it pointed to a particular post.. it was literally a regular picture of me from pre-BC.. fully clothed, nothing racey... so I think it was an error.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Eema - so happy for you - hope your biopsy shows nothing to worry about. Cancer certainly does tip our perspective.  I know how excited I was when they said my light up on scan was arthritis - before BC I wouldn't have been happy.

    Profbee - been to Niagara before, but not for about 7 years - took our French Summer Exchange student there.  Nice weather and Maid of the Mist was amazing - won't be doing that in February.  Just nice to get away - maybe we will get a little of that Valentine's romance I wasn't quite up to last week.

    My close encounter with the past came indirectly.  I was shopping in local grocery store last year and ran into ex-boyfriend of my roomy who I shared an apartment with in college.  He was all nice to see you and all I could think about was what I had heard through the walls.  Kind of Strange!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    So, to keep everyone up to date with me, quickly, Dr. Radiology Fancy Pants today called me and told me that I don't need a biopsy, to wait 3 months and see what happens.  I said OK because my MO is on vacation.  She will have to fight this fight when she gets back. 

     In other news, I have a sinus infection.  But not a cancer sinus infection!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     thanks know my warped humor...All I could think of is....Gosh, I'm so glad it is not a cancer sinus infection!!  You make me smile!! Feel better soon.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012
  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Bgirl~I just read your dx on the bottom of your thread.  I had a bad biopsy reaction too, they thought my tumor was over 7 cm and were going to put me in a study.  The cat scan later that week was still inconclusive but the MO guessed around a five.  My original mammo and ultrasound measured 4 cm.  I was so bruised, which I took a pic of (my tumor was at 12 oclock but on the chest wall).  Certainly if I post that pic, I'd break the rules!

    Eema isnt' that the truth.  My friend has a brain tumor (BC 5 years ago), while we were waiting for pathology results to determine what kind of tumor - we both thought, let it be JUST a brain tumor.  Well JUST a brain tumor would freak anyone else out, but not after cancer.  

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    EEma- so glad your sinus infection isn't cancerous. lol Glad you still have your sense of humor through all this.  I guess if you didn't someone would be dead by now and it wouldn't be you!

    Went to Niagara for part of our honeymoon.  Actually the best part.  Hope to take the kids someday.

    Have a good afternoon/evening/day all!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012 really should write a book.  Dr. Fancypants and Nurse Good...Can not help but think your humor could reach many people..and although nothing about breast cancer is have always reminded me to laugh. I know you will get to the bottom of it. I am really hoping it IS arthritis and not breast cancer arthritis...I know we are all different..but my ONC said no scans for me because things will appear to be something of concern on a scan when it is not...boy..I hope he is right cause I would like to have a scan every month ( Just in Case) I hope your non-cancerous sinus infection is better today :)

    I have been good fritters or cupcakes! Every day I have been eating the same salad...don't know if you all like goat cheese...but I had a recipe where the dressing is White Balsamic vinegar-honey mustard- a bit of honey and olive oil-salt and pepper...then I put my mixed salad greens on my plate --then sliced Bartlett pear-sprinkle some blanched slivered almonds and then goat cheese...

    Have not been to Niagara..but I can not wait to hear about Atlantis..would like to take my guy Zane maybe for high school graduation?? Or would he be too old to enjoy it then??  He has never flown..thought of St. John..but have not been there in years and I think several hurricanes have been through...

    Hope you gals are good today

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012


    I was in St John last March... the north shore has some beautiful beaches... we stayed at the Westin, which was nice, but the water is not nearly as nice as by Caneel Bay... If you want nice beaches, go to Turks and Caicos!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Kim - I agree with betsy - caneel bay is the way to go on st. john.  I have only been there on day sails from st. thomas.  the beaches are amazing.  I love T&C also - Grace Bay is spectacular.  I do not think high school is too old for atlantis.  I had a blast at 39 years old!  There is lazy river tubing, rapids tubing (although not really like white water rapids . . . is is an easy ride), and several fast and fun water slides.  Some of the water slides go through an aquarium that has sharks in it.  You are in an acrylic tube with the aquarium around you and if the timing is right, you go floating right next to the sharks.  It was so much fun.  Touristy, crowded, and overpriced - which I normally despise - but I loved it.  It is like a water park built into your hotel.

    That salad sounds delicious.  Would you share the dressing recipe? 

    eta:  a picture of the super cool side through the shark aquarium.  It starts off as a fast, winding ride down a dark tube, then dumps you in this tube where you drift along slowly before being dumped into the pool at the end of the ride.  I so was to go back!!! 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    I forgot to mention - there is also a dolphin swim facility at atlantis.  I did not do that there, but have done it elsewhere.  In fact, it was on a trip for my HS graduation.  To this day it is one of the coolest things I have ever done.  You get in the water with the dolphins and do tricks with them (like you spin around and they come up next to you and do the same) and they take you for a ride around the pool while you hold onto their fins.  They are so amazing . . .and much bigger than you realize once you are right next to them. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi is the dressing recipe:

    3 T. white balsamic vinegar

    1T. honey mustard

    1 T. honey

    1/8 t. salt

    1/8 t. pepper

    1/4 c. olive oil

    Whisk together vinegar,mustard,honey,salt and pepper.  While whisking,add oil in a thin stream.

    That is how it is written. I have also used regular balsamic vinegar and I do not worry about the thin stream..I put it in a little jar and shake the crap out of it  Lol.  It is really good with blue cheese and apple too on the salad.  Hope you all like it.  I have some others too if you like that one.

    Thanks for the info on St. John.  We were there for our honeymoon....I forget how many years!! We ran away on The Norway and got married. I will look at the Turks too....I really look forward to hearing about Christine's will have to post some pictures on FB Christine..... I just think it is soooo good to be well and having fun!! I'm excited for you!!

    OH!!! Maybe that is where all of us should go for our BCO Party!! Can you see all of us flying down the slide????

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     You all are the world travelers and doers!!  A long time ago..I went to Grand Cayman and snorkeled with the Stingrays.  That was really fun,but somehow dolphins seem much cooler. Lisa, I hope you get to take your nephew. My Aunt took me to see the beach for the first time and I have never forgotten that trip!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    I love to travel. . . as is obvious!  If I had an endless supply of money, I would spend my time traveling the world and blogging about it.  I have been to grand cayman but did not do the stingray thing.  I HATE stingrays.  They are pure evil.  They look evil.  I was stung by one as a child.  I don't think I ever got over that.  Ha!  Yes, the dolphins are much more fun in my opinion.  Really, there is not much I would put below swimming with stingrays.  Having cancer may be the only thing.  Yes, I would rather swim with stingrays than have cancer.  So I guess they are not the worst thing the world to me.  But almost.  They are also nasty and slimy.  At least the ones at teh georgia aquarim petting tank are.  Yuck.

    Speaking of evil, did you go to Hell while on GC?  It is very small town on the island.  There is nothing there but a souvineer shop with lost of devil/hell themed stuff and post office, where you can send postcard with a "Hell" postmark on it.  I thought that was funny and did go there just to do that. 

    Unfortunately, I had to share andrew's first beach trip with his parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.  Being from florida, the beach trips are frequent.  He does not even remember his first few beach trips he was so young.  But I would love to take him on his first atlantis trip . . . now THAT would make an impression.  He wants to go.  Has been bugging me about it for two years.  His mom is the problem. . . she wants to go too.   

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Lisa...that is so funny the string ray thing...oh my gosh ..yes, I went to Hell.  Lol  We were so annoying  I am sure asking the driver ..."could you take us to Hell  snicker ' He was nice and did not kick us out of his car!!  I bet he heard that a thousand times.

    When we were with the stingrays ..I thought it was cool...they swam through my legs..I thought they felt like silk...but I don't want to bring back bad memories for you Lol...I won't tell any more about them!! Lol

    I hope you get to leave your sister behind ( If you want to anyway). Do you find the beach trips are not AS exciting because you can go anytime ( I mean the florida beach trips) We have thought of living on the Gulf side someday.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    LOL. We did the same thing . . . "We would like to go to hell, please". . . cracking ourselves up.  I am sure they get that all of the time.

    I don't mind if you talk about the stingrays.  Just don't ask me to get in the water with them!! They have GIANT rays at atlantis.  The really evil looking ones . . . all black and huge.  We saw one that had to have a wing span of at least 8 feet.  I cannot even imagine seeing that while in the ocean.  I would completely freak out.

    I do want to leave my sister behind!  Nothing against my sister, but she ruins the fun sometimes with her "mom" stuff.  Just ask my nephew.  :)  No, the florida trips do not do a lot for me.  In fact, on our girls trips we have considered florida.  One of our crew still lives there and I lived there for 20+ years.  The other three of our crew did not grow up there and either never lived there or lived there only for college.  They always like the idea of florida and me and the other florida girl always shoot it down . . . been there done that a million times.  I do love the gulf coast though.  We still go there often.  My mom is still in florida and the gulf coast is an easy drive from her house.  I greatly dislike the atlantic coast of florida. . . so overdeveloped and with the cars on the beach . . . blah.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Lisa.. if money were no object, I would be right there with you travelling the world.. I have been many places, but have so much more to see... My parents have travelled to all the continents, and I think that is so neat. I have yet to make it to Asia, South America, Antarctica, and Australia... Maybe I should play the Amazing Race and let someone else pay for my travel... LOL.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    I've been to Hell and back, but darn I forgot to get a postmark! lol.  Lisa and Kim you both crack me up! Been asleep on sofa since after work, feeling a little better now.

     Betsy, I'll be your team mate! I can eat any of the gross stuff if you do the heights?? I mean, I ate a pure vegan diet for 8 months....I can eat anything!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Oh good.. cause I can't eat the gross stuff...

    Just got this from Kayak.. special on Atlantis:

    $329* & up
    Stay 4 Nights at Atlantis for your 4th Night FREE
    PLUS a $250 air credit - Last week to book


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Oh good.. cause I can't eat the gross stuff...

    Just got this from Kayak.. special on Atlantis:


    Stay 4 Nights at Atlantis for your 4th Night FREE PLUS a $250 air credit - Last week to book

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Betsy - I am missing those continents too.  Well, technically I have been to asia but only for a few minutes.  We took a taxi from the europe side of istanbul to the asia side just to say we went to asia.  But I don't think that really counts.  

    As for amazing race. . . no way.  I do not do adventure.  I am more of a splurge and pamper myself kind of gal.  The shark slide at atlantis is about as adventurous as I get. I used to work with a girl who did all the crazy (and amazing) trips . . . hiking everest, patagonia, etc.  One time - I think before the everest trip - she comes into my office all excited about something she bought for her upcoming vacation.  Now, I hear that and I think a nice new leather tote bag or a cute new outfit.  Not quite.  She opens up this bag to show me the portable supplies of toilet paper she found . . . little back pack sized rolls.  Oh. My. God.  I just looked at her like she was insane and said "Yeah, at a bare minimum, my vacation accomodations must include toilet paper."  LOL.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    I have done a lot of outdoor adventure... a couple of NOLS trips (one to Wyoming and one to Alaska) plus lots of other campy things... horsepacking, backpacking, ranch trips etc... and backpacked all over Europe.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Gina, Glad you are feeling better. The amazing race would be fun. I get lost in my own city with a GPS so I probably would be a horrible partner...I could eat stuff though!!

    Betsy..I have been hearing that about Atlantis..  I would love to go to Australia.  My husbands boss was just transferred there for three years. They have projects going on and he may need to go ...I would love it but I'm pretty sure his company will not send me on my merry way..I think 4 or 5 thousand for the flight.

    Lisa,  we also love the gulf coast and the people there. We love Mobile Bay..Wonderful little town of Fairhope, Alabama.  Point Clear Alabama has the most beautiful on the bay.

    We really have so many pretty places here.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    I am familiar with fairhope.  My dad actually lived there for a few years while working in mobile.  It is a nice area.   

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Chiming in here as I just have to comment on Atlantis. We went in Jan 2010 while on a cruise and swam with the dolphins. Absolutely the coolest thing I have done! The hotel is gorgeous and absolutely breathtaking. 

    Oh and just fyi, I have two puppies that we got from a rescue group in the Turks & Caicos... Too funny!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     We fell in love with Fairhope. It was just a couple years after Katrina. Some of the  homes on the bay side were still under construction. Did you ever go to Wintzels Oyster House? Oh and Panini Pete is down there. Lol  His restaurant was on Diners drive ins and dives. Or whatever that show is called.

    Hi Odie!

    Good night girls...have a good day tomorrow

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     BTW...this is why I am not you can see vacations are also about food!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Odie - aren't the dolphins amazing.  I have always loved them.  We used to see them in the wild all the time on our boat when I was growing up.  They would swim up under the bow and ride along with us.  I swear they would look up at us and smile.  And they would the would do little jumps in the air right next to the boat.  They are such sweet animals.  I think of them as very gentle because they seem so friendly.  I was suprised how non gentle they were swimming with them.  They are soooooo strong.  On the lagoon ride on the fins, I had the two whose fins were in my hands (we were told to put our arms out to the side and they swam right up and caught our hands with the fins . . . amazing) and then a third that was just along for the ride . . . RIGHT UNDER ME.  He/she nearly beat me to death with his/her tail.  It was slapping me in the gut the entire way.  But it is was still so fun.  There was a baby in the group when we did it and my sister ended up on the fin ride with teh mother.  Apparently she would not do what she was supposed and just followed the baby.  She dragged my sister all over than damn lagoon.  It was funny.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Odie... Those dogs are everywhere.. can't remember what they are called... Pot something??