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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Still in the hosp. No food. Blah. Kim, your egg story is so funny! Come sit w me and make me laugh.

    This place stinks. I mean bad odors. Oh, maybe it's me?

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Still in the hosp. No food. Blah. Kim, your egg story is so funny! Come sit w me and make me laugh.

    This place stinks. I mean bad odors. Oh, maybe it's me?

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    I'm home.  Well, I got some interesting news that didn't have anything to do with my heart.  The ER doctor sat down and said, "So let's talk about your bone cancer..."  BONE CANCER?  WTH? 

    Apparently there were more changes in my ribs than previous.  "Changes more prominent..."  

    Are they ever going to give me a PET scan?  The insurance company denied it again.  Maybe after I'm dead they'll give me one.

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited April 2012

    Eema - Wow.  I am so sorry!!  Has your doctor tried appealing the insurance's decision not to cover a bone scan?  If they write a nasty letter, they may be able to get it covered.  Praying you get good results!!!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Thanks, JulieLynn. 

    Are you in MI???

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited April 2012

    Yes - Are you?

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Grew up in Oak Park!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Eema, please demand answers.  I can not believe you can not have a scan.  I thought they settled the bone issue before.  Please keep us posted.

    kmur, I am convinced some of us are going to meet!  I am also a scatter-brain lately, I am glad nothing worse happened with your eggs.

    Today has been another busy day, trying to get things in order for the weekend.  I am starting to get alittle anxious about my surgery.

    Over the weekend I will post some photos (Facebook) of me and my youngest on our Atlantis  trip. It is a beautiful resort and the weather was perfect.  We spent all our time at the water attractions and on the beach.  I love sun and in recent years have been good about sunscreen, but this trip I went alittle crazy and got sun.  I am sure my plastic surgeon will have a comment about that.  At least I don't have to stand half naked in front of him and his cute young residents ghostly white, lol.

    Will check in later.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hey Girls....

    Eema..what the heck is right??? I hope you get to the bottom of this.. Still find I am learning about what can and can not be seen on scans..I wish I could help in some way??? will do fine ....maybe a bit sore after ( did learn that part) LOL...good luck with surgery.  I can not wait to see your pictures!! I bet you had a ball. So glad I am not alone in the scatterbrain area...well..I mean not happy that you think you are,but happy it is not just me!! LOL...I swear at times I do think of early dementia...Lol

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited April 2012

    Eema - I grew up in Rocheter Hills and now live in Lapeer.  My sister lived in Oak Park for a few years.  Such a small world!  Are you still in MI?

     Drive the doctors nuts until you get answers!!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girls, the regulars and the newbies

    Eema - WTH??  You need a break from all this stress!  I am thinking of you.

    Kim - eggslosion! Jokes aside, I have a friend with terrible scars on her face from an egg exploding out of the microwave.  It happened a few years ago and she is quite scarred.  I am glad you weren't injured and didn't burn the house down.

    Christine - Atlantis sounds like it was fun. It's always great to get away.

    I have been quickly reading along for the past week and never gotten around to posting.  I've been in Sydney for a few days and then time just keeps passing so quickly.  My girls finish school for 3 weeks holiday tomorrow.  We fly out to Perth, Australia early Friday morning.  We have to get up at 4am. It's not going to be fun!

    BouncingBetties and Cindi - welcome and nice to "meet" you.  I look forward to getting to know you.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls!  It's your absentee group starter.  I'm sure the newbies have no idea who I am.  Welcome to everyone new!  And HI to everyone else!

    Just wanted to check in, say hi, apologize for not really logging on anymore...I do think of all of you daily, though.

    I'm on Facebook daily (as well as some of the other ladies), so I'd like to extend the invitation for the 40 somethingish group on there as well.  I guess you have to friend one of us then we can add you?  At least I think that's how it works.  My name is Kim Melvin, and I'm wearing a pink t-shirt standing next to the ASU Sundevil.

    Sorry I would type more but I'm trying to do this one-handed--severely sprained wrist that I think is broken.  Waiting on xray results.

    I did want to give a shout out to Eema-please demand a PET scan!  Have your doctor write an appeal to the insurance company...something.  Thinking of you.

    Love you girls! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Burley!  I so appreciate you taking the time away from your non-cancerous broken wrist to write to me!  Yeah, this time I think I need to go hard. 

    What I have learned (and will blog about once my semester is over and I have time to think) is that doctors are just good guessers.  They have studied medicine and stuff, but they don't know everything.  In fact, I just researched and found a new BP medicine for myself, since my PCP kept perscribing things I was allergic to.   The ED doc was very non-challant (how ever you spell it--good thing I don't teach spelling!)--"So, it seems the cancer has spread to your ribs..."  WTFH?  Couldn't it just be arthritis?  and if you are not an onoclogist, why the HELL are you playing one?

    OK, at work, have to get things done before they shut this place down for Easter.  Oh, to be a Jew at a Catholic place... I get Easter off--and since it coincides with Passover, it is all good for me!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    So my oncologist just called.  There is something that looks like mets on my ribs and t8 now that wasn't there 2 months ago.  PHUUUUKKKKK.

     Next week I will have to have an MRI w contrast and then a biopsy.  Oncologist doesn't think it is from the cancer, since it was DCIS, nor the melanoma, since it was in 1982.  Could be a new primary cancer, or could just be funky bones.

    I'm at school but I can't concentrate so I'm outa here.  What the hell.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2012

    Eema - no way to say it really, but that really sucks!  I hope you get a positive answer, but whatever happens, I hope it is soon.  Waiting and wondering is awful.

    Kim - glad no one suffered but the eggs.

    Thinking of joing local Y - not sure I am up for spin or something yet, but I need to get out of the house more and also exercise more.

    Going to travel to see my parents this weekend.  Haven't seen them since Christmas, so it will be nice.  They are 76 and 82 and not in the best of health themselves, don't like going so long without seeing them.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    EEMA... OMG... SUCKS... I really really hope this is one of those cases where it looks like something and turns out to be nothing... Sometimes if you go looking for something you just might find something, but it isn't always what you think it is.... Keep the faith!!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    Eema - that really sucks.  I hope it turns out to be nothing.

    I don't know about you all, but I cannot wait until the 3 day weekend this week.  Tomorrow is really Friday . . . woo hoo!  This could not have come at a better time.  I need a short break.  And it looks like gorgeous weather for the weekend to boot.  Yippie!

    Christine - glad you had fun at atlantis.  It is such a cool place.  Can't wait to see the pics.   

    Hi to everyone!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Eema - so sorry, my prayers will be with you and will hope the biopsy is b9.

    Kim, I am doing okay.  My surgery is scheduled for June 4th, but I got an e-mail from the PS office yesterday saying there were having trouble getting insurance approval to do the fat grafting at a surgery center (instead of hospital).  However, my hospital is not set up, apparantly, for fat grafting so now they are trying to convince hospital to bring in equipment.  Grrr, very annoying.  the only thing in my favor is that we still have two months to battle in out...

    Happy Passover and Happy Easter in case I don't get on in the next couple of days, unfortunately I have to work Friday, but I took a vacation day Monday to sleep in and recover, even though we are only having 11 over for Easter.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Hi Ladies,

    Eema...I am hoping what they see is old bones like were are supposed to get. I have to think on the positive side!!! My ONC said scans often show what appear to be I  ( like the others) will be praying for b9 too.

    Meegan...good grief!!  Insurance issues are so annoying!!  I don't get that sometimes!! Hope you have a wonderful Easter too. And I hope you get the procedures you need.

    Enjoy the long weekend Lisa..hope you go somewhere fun!!

    I am working on a memory album for my sons 8th grade graduation. Have tons of pictures of kindergarten-6th grade. Tried all day yesterday to send them to a cd to print and was too goofy to figure out why it would not work. Turns out the file was too big over 4,000 last night sat and picked the ones to use. So if I am not around much these days..I am doing this,plus painting some rooms in the house..I have got to get in gear and get the house in shape!!

    Happy Easter Everyone, Love to you all

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited April 2012
    Eema - thinking of you and sending good thoughts.
  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girls and happy holidays to all, which ever you celebrate.

    Had my tune up surgery today.  I was lucky to have early start, we went into the OR at 7am and I was in recovery by 8:30.  NO nausea, and just alittle sore.  I am not supposed to shower until Sunday, yikes!  I am all bond up, but what I can see looks great.  I no longer have a golf ball size arm pit (axillary disection side).  PS said no exercise until I see him in 1.5 weeks, with all the Easter cooking and eating this is not a good thing.  I am kind of happy it will be cooler over the weekend, easier to hide breast and belly binders.

    ProudMom, glad to hear your son is doing better.  My youngest is most sensitve and our trip was so great for him to see I am going to be around for awhile and normal.

    Eema, I am praying for just some funky bones.  Remember many of the radiographic tests are sensitive, but not specific, ie, until biopsy it is have to know if it is the cancer crap.  Hope you are feeling better.

    kmur, you are such a great mom, doing album for you son.  Tell me again what city you live in?  I may be making a rode trip to see an old college roomate.  Can't remember her city at this moment? 

    Today I will blame any poor spelling and memory on anesthesia!  I have had my surgeries at large teaching hospital.  One of the anesthesia doctor spent a great deal of time discussing my past anesthesia issues with me with me today.  He even called me after I got home for more info and to obtain some past lab work.  He and several of residents are doing a paper/case study on my case.  I wll get a copy and he told me I can come to grand rounds when it is presented.  I am excited that "I" will be published. 

  • Josiekat
    Josiekat Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    Hi fellow 40ish ladies. I am 38 for a couple more weeks. Diagnosed 4 months ago. I had chemo today and a margarita with dinner tonight.

    I have been reading some of the posts. Fingers crossed Eema's scan comes back AOK. Fingers crossed all of us have nothing but good news and then they cure this MFing disease.

    Glad to have a place to meet others in a similar place in life.

    Good Pesach, Happy Easter and everything in between.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Welcome Josiekat!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Seems this is always the first thing I do in the AM with my coffee...check on you all!!

    Welcome Josiecat!!  You have found a great group here...I had to chuckle about your chemo+margarita ( not the chemo part) sorry you have to be here,but look forward to getting to know you and we will be here if you need anything.  How many treatments will you have?

    Christine!!! You made it !!! I knew you would be fine..hope today does not find you too sore. That is pretty cool "you" will be published and studied!! Look forward to seeing your pictures of Atlantis. Thanks for saying that about my momness....I try!! You shoould see my dining room..I have about 400 pictures with little pieces of paper between that say 1st grade...second and so on.  If you are anywhere near me in your travels..I will meet you or you can come here too. I am in Louisville, well about 10 miles just outside the city. We used to live just outside Oxford Ohio near Miami University. When you know where/when you are going feel free to send me a message through FB. I had said to my husband I may head to North Carolina with the young man in tow...poor kid ,he keeps me from hurting myself  LOL!!

    Today my husband is off..we are shopping for shrubs and then we are going to get sushi ( well of the cooked variety) then we are going to shoot pool...we actually met in a pool hall. My girlfriends and I used to play after work..the girls are really really good and it was fun to see them whip up on the poor guys that would try to play!!  Before she met me, I think my mother in law thought her son may have hooked up with a leather wearing rough kinda gal!! ( not that theres anything wrong with that)

    Have a wonderful,peaceful day.

    Love to all...where is Sarah??

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Thanks, josiecat, and welcome to the club no one wants to be a part of.

    So here is how up and down my life is.... Day after the MRI to confirm mets (or new primary cancer, we don't know where the F this is coming from ) I'm going to be featured on tv. I teach a hip hop, rap, and communication class to white college kid, and I'm an observant, head covering Jew (and I have hair, never had chemo, but still rock the do rags like it is my job... Because it is!). Apparently, this is news! Trying to focus on that instead of "let's talk about your bone cancer..." I am imagining a movie deal, LOL! Mayim bialik or queen latifah can play me!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012 cool is that..I bet you do rock that do rag...hey maybe Ellen will see and think you are cool and then you can talk her into booking all of us???

    Guess what????? You know today we went to look at shrubs at a greenhouse down the road from us???? I left there with a job!! Turns out she just put an ad in the paper and I didn't even know..told her I could spend all day there..she said You want to work??? I said sure!!  So I start Monday!! Unless it is pouring!!

    So funny how the day can change!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Hey girls! Sorry I have been a bit MIA as I have been super busy at work.... Have managed to get in some serious walking (17 miles over the last 4 days) so I am exhausted & ready for a weekend.

    Would love to see the Atlantis pictures as it was so beautiful when hubby & I were there a couple years ago. Hope you had a wonderful trip Christine and am glad you came thru surgery well. And now you are going to be published too? Show off.... ha ha

    Eema -  Hoping for B9 results for you. Continue rocking the do rag! 

    Kim - Congrats on the job!!! Does this mean you will get an employee discount on the shrubs? LOL.... You are a great mom & I bet the album will be fantastic.

    Happy Passover or Easter everyone! Wishing everyone peace, love & blessings this holiday!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone! Eema in the midst of that you are going through, you still give me a chuckle - can't wait to hear the title of that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please post a link to the tv spot!

    Burly - Yeah it's just a broken wrist! sad but true that everything else is ok when we see doctors for not C stuff!

    Christine feel better soon!

    Hoping everyone finds what they need this weekend, family, religion, meditation, hookah,  sex, whatever you need this weekend - go for it! Me, my body is reminding me that ovaries still work, like mad - ouchie and good night!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Eema, Can not wait to read your book and see the movie.  We all can be extras.

    I continue to run to mail box daily looking for our invitation for the Ellen show.

    Kmur, congrats on you new job!  what great time you will have, doing something you like. Will you be full or part time? 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Ok Christine...I am totally serious when I say...I do not even know how much money I will earn!!  LOL    I will be part time...she will work around my need to pick up my son has been so funny....How are you feeling???