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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Shoot , I forgot We need to revisit Ellen...I'm thinking I need to just call every morning until I am so annoying they just give in!!  LOl

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Kmur, some of the best things in life are the ones that are not planned.  Soulds like a flexible job and great place to work. 

    I am feeling better today, really don't need anything for pain.  I have some major bruises, and very ithchy all over   But all is well.

    Keep working on Ellen!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Christine, So glad you have no pain...I remember last time being ahead of you with fat grafting and I did have some pain....I hope today finds you feeling good. Hopefully this last round of grafting will find you all done with this!!

    I know what you mean about the unplanned.  I have always enjoyed gardening/plants as much as cooking so it should be fun although I have much to learn too.  Wish you could see this place....they have greenhouses with lime trees etc.  Really pretty.

    Thought I would share with you all...I got Easter goodies yesterday. We got the young man his first shaving kit with razor and cream....He has what we call a Fu Man Chu  ( don't know if I spelled that right) anyway..he has said " I think I need to shave this off" you can try to imagine the "hair" is only on the sides not on the lip....It is so fun as a mom to see him become this young man.

    I hope you all have a great day..hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2012

    Hey friends!  Sorry...I've been SLAMMED at work.  April is the cruelest month at a college--right, Eem?  Girl...I HATE reading about the mets.  Damned, f'in cancer.  We're in the home stretch.  I can TASTE summer coming!  xoxo

    Hi to all of our new friends.  This is the best group of women ever.  :)

    The eggs!  Oh man.  And the urine sample!  What our hubbies have been through!  I have often thought how intimate going through an illness is with a partner.  I mean, damn if I haven't sent Larry out to get me some diarrhea medication, etc.  Well, I guess we couldn't be any closer!  :)

    We had the best time ever at Disney, then I came home and promptly got sick (along with hubby Larry and son Jack) then off to a conference then back.  Now, I've thrown out my back from all the coughing.  ugh.  It's the worst.  I don't like to complain, but it's more pain than the freakin' BMX!  I sure hope some serious couch time with anti-inflamatory meds and a heating pad make it better for work next week.  

    If it isn't one thing, eh?  Love, love, love to you all!  I promise I'll be more in touch!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    just a quick check-in.  Kim, congrats on your job and Christine, glad you are not feeling pain.

    Went to Y today to do my strength training and it was closed!  So bummed, I knew it would be closed tomorrow, but thought it would be open today.

    But found a friend and we walked more than an hour, so that was good.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Hi Everyone

       Happy Easter to my favorite ladies....

    Love to you all

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Happy Easter everyone. Hope everyone had a great day!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    What a lovely day today, so sorry my DH couldn't get away from part time job to come down from college town.....sad face sad face.....

    Happy Easter bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Profbee...hope you kicked that cough...if it is like here..over there..everyone seems to be hacking and coughing with allergy issues. Seems our warm weather is making everything bloom all at the same time!! So happy you had an amazing time in florida...such memories I am sure.

    Meegan..glad you found a buddy to walk with . Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

    Gina...sorry your DH had to work,but I hope you were able to enjoy the day.

    I worked my first day.  They trusted me to remove dead leaves/blooms from geraniums...not just one geranium...but a thousand geraniums!! A whole greenhouse full....I had a good time though..I got to talk to little old guys about tomatoes and little old ladies about annuals. I thought I knew ALOT about plants..seems I know a fraction.

    We will be getting ready to see Chattanooga soon. I have lost about 4-5 pounds,but we are going to a town that has the most amazing diner ( like you would see on triple d ) they have this case right when you walk in and it revolves so you can see all of the goodness...they are cakes..of every variety each one huge..then if you turn around....cookies..great big ones and brownies and ....I have been known to be overcome by the goodness there..unable to speak!!  LOL...maybe I will pull up a chair and watch them turn,take a picture and let them go!! I will report back and let you know!!

    I hope you all are doing well..think of each of you every day.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls!

    You all have been quiet.  I guess everyone is recovering from too many chocolate bunnies.

    Kmur, your new job sounds great!  Only thing that could be better would be working in a bakery.  How many hours are you working? 

    I have had computer problems for several days, loads to catch up on.  I went back to work yesterday, after having company all weekend, what was I thinking??  My house is a mess and I am very sore today.  Boys are home from school all week and I need to get some groceries, somehow my DH is oblivious to it all.  My oldest has his Confirmation on Friday and I have not a clue what to get him for a gift, any ideas?  Sorry to grumble...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    forgot to add, PS said no exercise for 2 weeks, I am actually missing my exercise.  Can't believe I would ever say that!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Kim it was my DD not DH opps.  Missed her so. Your job sounds fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone, chocolate OD, that should be a dx we all get! 

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2012

    Hey all!  Been almost a week since I've checked in.  It's been so crazy busy for me!  Just signed up for American Cancer Society's Relay for Life and it has been a bit of work getting things going, but thankfully should be a breeze til my fundraiser in May.  Work has been busy.  Got another client lined up and I'm babysitting a friend's son afterwork 3 days a week so I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. 

    Eema, hope your doing well.  Thinking of you and sending positive energy your way!!

    And welcome to all the new ladies I haven't said hello to yet!  Sorry you have to join, but this is a great place to be!

    And I have definitely been ODing on chocolate!  I love those Cadbury mini-eggs!  soo delicious, thankfully I've been working like a maniac so haven't gained any weight.  Unfortunately haven't lost any either.  Leaving for a long weekend in Washington DC tomorrow and the kids are off school next week, so working out is so hard to get in.  As soon as they get back to school, I've got to start walking my 3 miles! 

    I've been having some atrophy above my implants causing some pain.  It almost looks like my chest is caved in around the implants.  Finally gave up and went to see the PS, said they could do fat grafting to fill in but not sure how thrilled I am with another surgery!!  Anyone else have to go through this?

    Christine, it sounds old fashioned but  a chain with a cross?  don't know if boys wear necklaces anymore??  Lots of times if there is a lot of picking up to do, I go into drill instructor mode yell "Chore Time!!" and start barking out orders.  The kids and hubby get a laugh out of it and everyone pitches in.

    Hope everyone is doing well!  Probably won't touch back in again til next week when I'm home from DC.  Love to you all!!  tracy

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    tracy, have a great trip!  Bet you getting all your walking in while in DC.  Just had some fat grafting above implants and axillary area , EASY surgery in comparison to the others.  Thanks for idea of cross, I actually thought about that or some special rosery beads.  Might try "chore time" tonight.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Gina...I know CHOCOLATE!!  I actually snuck some of the little Hershey chocolates (the dark ones) from the old Easter basket!!

    Tracy,  I also did the fat grafting as Christine did. Not too bad although..I was a bit sore from the donor sites. I may go again here after summer for another go. Have fun on your trip.

    Christine...that sounds perfect...a bakery with a greenhouse  we could have pastry and coffee in the garden!!!!  Lol....I was going to suggest a special Rosary also or maybe a Saint medal with his chosen saint name???? You have a lot going on with company/surgery/work. Hope you are not too sore.

    We are in Chattanooga and I have been eating really bad/good stuff!!  LOL...I will be better tomorrow. Christine..I really think exercise has become a habit for me as well...when I do not I feel like a slug..I guess that's good. I want to get my butt in gear before summer!!

    Hope you all are doing well

  • Cindi2011
    Cindi2011 Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope everyone had a great Easter.  Mine....well, not so good. Not only does my hubby have pneumona, MIL came down with it the following day and FIL on Friday.  He just came home from the hospital today.  Spent 4 hours in urgent care last night with my son, also has it.

    Went to the onc today and have so many mixed emotions that Im trying to sort through.  It is all just so crazy.

    Have a good rest of the week.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Cindi I hope you are wearing a mask around them. Sounds like you've managed to stay away from the virus, thank goodness.  Sending hugs to you and your family.  We have a friend here, spent 3 weeks in ICU with that and is still in the hospital.  

    Happy Thursday everyone.  Seems since dx and all, I REALLY look forward to the weekends. 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Hello ladies!  Twice in a week-mark it on the calendar.

    Eema-thinking of you.  Wish we all lived closer so we could have a gigantic group hug!  Please keep us informed.  And congrats on keeping your wonderful sense of humor :-)

    PET scan this morning to check on all the rib pain I've been having.  I mentioned this on Facebook, but maybe some of you have opinions also?  My ribs hurt all the time.  Specifically under my breasts.  One of them feels like it's bruised, but it has felt that way for about 6 months.  My last reconstruction was on November 17, so maybe it's still sore from that?  I also suggested to my Onc that maybe it was just because the implants are so heavy?  I honestly have no idea.  And I don't feel like paying $300 for a 5 minute visit to my plastic surgeon so she can just say it's nothing. 

    Follow up xrays tomorrow to see if this wrist is actually broken.  My doc said maybe a little bone somewhere near the base of my thumb in the "snuffbox?"  Interesting.  And I still have to wear this brace 24/7.  Just when I let my guard down I try to dry myself off with a towel using that hand and I about fell to the floor.

    We literally did nothing for Easter.  The kids are 12 and 17, so they just asked me to buy them candy (which I did the day after for 50% off-ha!)

    I was working out 2-3 days a week with a trainer, and now that's on hold until who knows when.  So I immediately started eating like crap too.  Shame on me

    Have a great evening everyone, and a terrific weekend if I don't pop on again! 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone.  I hope you are all doing well.  I read back through a few posts and would love to make some comments to individuals, but my dog tired brain can only remember one thing - someone loves cadbury minieggs.  Me too!  My favorite!!

    I have been crazy busy lately.  I am just drowning at work.  It is getting to the point that I have serious thoughts about just walking away.  I am worn down.  I think the last two years has finally caught up with me.  It seems like my life is so much more difficult than it should be.  Blah.  I am in a horrid mood.  I need a change.

    I am headed to florida tomorrow.  My mom is on vacation and asked me to go home to check on my granddad who had been under the weather just before she left.  He is, of course, perfectly fine now . . . playing golf every day.  I really don't have time to do this but my mom spent $600 on the plane ticket so I am going.  At least it is supposed to be a pretty weekend.  I am going to drive down to the coast for the day saturday.  Maybe some sun will make me feel better.

    Blah, again. 

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    see yall tomorrow! 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone, guess we have all been busy, I haven't been on in a week, but didn't miss too much.  Easter was good, had 11 over, I took Monday off and spent 1/2 day cleaning and then went bowling with the kids.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to bowl, but I use my right hand, the non-cancerous side, so it was fine.

    This weekend is going to be crazy, my son's 1st communion is Sunday.  Like you Christine, I wasn't sure what to get him, we ended up just getting him a 1st communion photo album and a Jets Tebow Jersey (which he will like more than anything 1st communion related...).  My m-i-l is getting hime a basketball hoop, which he will be thrilled about.

    My exhausted already, I am training for a new role at work, and while I think it will be good for me, I wish it had come a year from now.  Not sure I have the energy for it now.  The guy training me is a workaholic, works every Sunday, yes, even came in this past Easter.  The guy who worked for him just retired and at the party, they told a story of coming home New Year Eve one night and seeing the ball drop from the car home, crazy!!! I told my new boss do NOT expect that from me!

  • Josiekat
    Josiekat Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    Hey y'all. Sorry, I too have been, Passover, visitors.

    Hoping everyone is feeling good and ready for spring.

    I have 4 chemos left (outta 16) but who's counting?

    Next on to surgery. Still debating lump vs mast.

    Anyone have any input on why they chose the surgery that they chose?

    Peace and love, Jo

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    Josiecat.... I chose MX over lumpectomy, even though 4 doctors told me lump/rads was all I needed... Here are my reasons:

    1) no more worry with breasts gone, versus years of mammo's, US, MRI and biopsys

    2) improveed my risk of recurrance by about 20%, and mostly eliminated the risk of new cancer

    3) I could avoid radiation, and with a left sided cancer, didn't want to radiate my heart side... and wanted to not radiate my lungs... was scared of scatter

    4) I had other things in my breasts (papilomma in left and something they were watching on right) so knew I'd want those out regardless... so if doing surgery anyway, just take them off.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Burley, forgot to say Hi both times, glad to see you here, still so grateful to you for starting this thread!

    Oh and also forgot to mention that my two sister-in-laws are apparantly not talking to my m-i-l, who is up for 3 weeks from Florida.  And they will also be at my house on Sunday for the Communion.  And if they make a scene and mess up my son's comunnion, I will be very, very angry.  It's so stupid, they are mad my m-i-l is staying with us first, so have now decided that she is not welcome to stay with them at all. WTF?  You are complaining she is not staying with you enough and so you decide to have her not stay with you at all??? I just have to bite my tongue and stay out of it, unless they start to argue on Sunday as I will not tolerate that.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Ladies,

    Cindi...hope everyone in your family is much much better. I can not remember where you are in this treatment ( you mentioned ONC) after treatment,I think it can be difficult to find your new path...hope that sounds right??  Sometimes I feel my ONC thinks we are all done with this stuff ..we are all good now...I am waiting to feel that way too. Time I guess.

    Kim, good to see you, I hope your scan is all clear.  I think you sound like a person that could ignore pain in the past ...I was too. If my back hurt, I figured it would go away.  I have had issues with my ribs being sore. I can not remember if you did rads?? I think mine is rads. I also think it is a bit of the LE ...when I try to wear aggravates the area under my BC side..I do not have the same feeling it is not pain but uncomfortable??? Very hard to describe..and the implant is heavier feeling on that side ( tighter) I will see my PS soon.

    Josiecat....I wanted to say the decision for me was aided by my BS ( also a woman our age) she specializes in breast cancer. For me, this stuff began with a visit to a PS to fix my old breasts...I breast fed and my age saw them not where they used to be.  She found my lump. ONC said he recommends lumpectomy..chemo..rads  (it was in my nodes). My BS said if I was the type to worry about a second cancer and if I was not crazy about my breasts, she would do the bilateral..and they can do amazing things with tissue. So...I could go on,but that is how I made the decision...many of the same reasons Betsy posted. This is a big decision and you will make the right one for you.  I am happy with my decision, I know this will sound silly but one thing I miss about real breasts is the lightness of them...and an even crazier statement is kind of how they used to jiggle??? The silicone does not jiggle

    Lisa..sorry work is so crazy...I really do think you could take your baking skills somewhere. I wish I were smart enough to find my niche with baking. Your decorated cakes/cookies are amazing. Do you like to cook as well? Just thinking about the people that started the Inn in Beaufort...that is how their life change happened. The need for change with crazy work.  They didn't make anything crazy either. Eggs in a basket/fruit etc. Wine socials with cheese. The Inn was expensive though....sorry to go on

    Meegan....good grief ( with the family). I hope your sons first Communion is a good day with adults behaving!! We tend to shy away from lots of family our case it can become very is too short for fake and drama.

    I hope I did not leave anyone post is too long will say happy sat. everyone!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Happy Saturday Girls!

    kmur, sounds like you had a nice trip?  I look forward to hearing lots of stories about your new job.

    Meegan, hope your sons first communion is beautiful. We had confirmation last night and although it lasted almost 3 hours (95 kids being confirmed) it was lovely. We have a fairly new Bishop and he is young and related well to the teenagers. My son looked so handsome and grown up. We had a nice get-together with some friends and family after, I am worn out today.

    Kim, I did see your facebood post about the scan.  When do you get results?  I think a scan is often the best way to go, you can then know for sure what is going on.  Maybe sore from exercise or the weight of your implants. 

  • Josiekat
    Josiekat Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    B-Davis and kmur. Thanks for the input. It is always good to get the perpective of people who have been down the road before.

    I have to get rads no matter what, due to major node involvement. Every doc has said I am the perfect canidate for lump and node dissection, because of the small size of the mass.

    I don't think of myself as much of a worrier, but, this disease can put the worry in anyone.

    Meegan, I hope your family behaves tomorrow and your special day is perfect.


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls,

     Christine our trip was very good. I stayed away from that really evil Diner with all the really great food!!  I did enjoy a margarita one night and some kind of martini with Saki/cucumber vodka/lichee ( spelling) and then I had a beer somewhere....not all the same day ( I would have been hurting LOL) We had fun though. Thanks for asking. I am glad Confirmation went well. My son will do the same next month. How are you feeling now? Have you seen the work yet? I'm thinking about going again...or do I just go on with how it is...can not decide if I want another surgery.

    My new job is so funny...I am such a is good I do not have to "help" any of you!! I thought I knew so much...but I know very little. Makes me laugh (to myself) but I am sure some folks think "what is wrong with this woman'  Did have a lady say today.." may I ask a personal question?" I said sure..She asked if I had breast cancer..she noticed my sleeve she has a friend ..same deal..she gave me a high five and I thought that was nice.

    Have a good night ladies!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    HI everyone, please stay safe in the bad weather covering so much of the country.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited April 2012

    Eema - been thinking about you.  Sending good thoughts and prayers in your direction.

    Hope everyone stays safe with the bad weather.