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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Checking in for a sec. Passover just ended. I had the MRI Thursday but haven't heard anything. However, I got my films-- even I can see the changes. Of course, I have no idea what they are, but I can see the parts 'lit up.'. I'm not going to worry about it till I talk to the MO.

    Well, that kind of sucks.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Eema, don't worry too much yet? That sounds so stupid, I know.  If I even tried to look at films I'd need a road map of what goes where.....

    Praying for you! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Hope everyone has been ok through the storms..I have not even seen the news and was not aware of storms.

    Eema...thinking of you too my friend....I am praying for old bones...and that is all!!

    Today has actually been a beautiful day...put a pork loin and a turkey breast on the smoker..cut the grass...Oh and cut my darn finger..but ok now...also made us a fresh margarita...very tasty!!

    1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

    1/2 c. fresh lime juic1/4 c superfine sugar

    crushed ice

    1 c. tequillia1 c triple sec.

    crushed ice for the glass

    it was a margarita kinda day I guess!!

    hope everyone is doing well!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls, thanks for the Hi's.

    First, Eema-bad girl for looking at your pictures!  That crap will just scare you, LOL.  I'm sorry you have to wait for the results-I always think they should get you back in as quickly as they get the results.  We all know it really only takes 24 hours or so.  When I had my biopsy that diagnosed the breast cancer, I had it done at 5pm on a Tuesday, and my BS called me at noon the next day with the results.  Anyway, I think of you every day and am sending you positive thoughts.

    I was talking to Michelle on Facebook and she thinks I may have truncal LE.  I'm wondering if the pain getting worse is from the exercise?  It has definitely gotten worse since I started with the trainer 2 months ago. I'm obviously hoping it's not LE, but I would like a diagnosis and plan of action.  She described my pain perfectly as wearing an iron bra.  That's how I feel all the time, naked or not.  It's a deep ache that turns into an intense burning pain after I've been wearing a bra during the day.  On the recommendation from Lisa on Facebook, I ordered a Spanx cami that I'm hoping will feel so great I'll never have to wear a bra.  We'll see.

    So when I get my PET scan results in a couple of weeks I'll ask the Onc for a referral to a LE specialist.  I found a couple that are certified, both about 45 minutes from my house.  Definitely worth the drive. 

    I hope everyone had a terrific weekend-it was laundry, mopping and grocery shopping for me.  Fun fun 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Hi, the 1st communion went wonderfully, thank you.  DH's sisters behaved fine and were civil with their mother.  Getting all the food out fairly quickly went well and we have a ton of food left over, much more than I expected.  DS had a great time playing and it was so beautiful out, 12 of us at least ate outside so I guess that means 15 ate inside somewhere! 

    My m-i-l is still here though as s-i-l still acting childish and neither of them invited her to their house.  I feel badly for her, so petty and she came all the up from Florida, and while well, is not getting any younger.  I guess they think they are punishing her by not letting her spend time with their kids and they think that might solve things.  Sigh, I just don't get it.  And I'm not getting in the middle...

    Went to Y and walked yesterday, so that was good, but am sore today, more from cleaning my house that the other though.

    Christine, glad your Confirmation went well, though 3 hours, yikes!  We were lucky and only had 10 kids.

    Kim, sounds like you are really enjoying your new job, that is great! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girls,

    Just heard from my MO... what torture!  All areas look like hemangiomas except for two tiny spots on my liver that lit up.  They are too small to biopsy, so now we are just following them.  WTF--you can't go in and remove them before they get bigger?  I don't understand how one radiologist can see mets and another sees a bruise.

    Anyways, I've been at work long enough.  I think I"m going to have a drink tonight.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Eema-what?!  Wait and see?  How big are they supposed to get before they biopsy them?  I'm sorry you have to continue thinking there's possibly something wrong.  Hooray for the other spots though.

    Lisa-patiently waiting for my Spanx cami.  OK, not so patiently, but I'm dealing with it.  I was talking to another lady on another thread and she referred me to a LE therapist on my side of town.  Yay.  Although it took her 6 weeks to get in to see her.

    Meant to mention to Josie, you had asked about lumpectomy vs. mastectomy (I think it was you?)  Because of my family history of breast cancer (5 women on one side), I opted for the double mastectomy before even knowing the results of my biopsies.  I had a large lump in one breast, and when they went to do a diagnostic mammo for that, they found calcifications in the other breast.  So I had two different biopsies, and turns out I had two different types of cancer, one in each breast.  But like I said, before the biopsies when I met with my breast surgeon, he suggested the MX and I said, yes please.  I just think it's a personal decision, coupled with the advice of your doctor(s).  You could also ask to be BRCA tested before you make your decision.  I found out I was BRCA1 positive when I had the testing done a year after my MX.  Good luck with your decision!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi All!

     burley, I have several spanx garments and love them, so perfect after my recent surgery and I also wore after exchange, etc.  Pricey, but worth it.

    emma, you are far more pateint than me, wait and see is not in my vocab.

    kmur, did you work today?  Bet it is going to be hard for you not to spend all of your profit.

    readingmama, sound like a perfect weekend, with the exception of the inlaws.  Really, we all know life is just to short for that nonsense.

    Josie, I also did BMX, as many of us did on this thread.  No regrets.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Hey Girlies,

      Eema ...I wanted to send you a cyber hug...did you feel that???...I also wanted to put my ever aggravating positive spin on the liver...When I had a scan ( well two scans) the first one had some spots on the liver show up...then we did the surgery/chemo/rads...waited a while..and I just wanted to scan again to make sure the "spots" were ok spots...turns out the following scan they focused on the area and the spots turned out to be fatty deposits on the liver...( they thought this with the first scan too,but I did not believe them) I guess some people have fat on the liver??? SO...I am hoping you have a fat liver like me. I am so glad the bones are good...I have thought about you ...and I hope you do not mind my wishing you have a fat liver too..I know this is not  funny at all..but my job is to make you smile.

    meegan...I feel badly for your MIL too....can not imagine what makes people act like that....You're a good DIL!!

    Chistine...did not work today...will tomorrow though. Had my son home sick today,but he is all good now. Are you still a bit sore and are you able to see how everything looks?

    wanted to tell all you 40 girls..Lisa has me listening to music I forgot on the radio I heard the funniest 80's you all remember this line..."saw him standing there by the record machine......"   LOL

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    kmur, I rememeber that song, I think it is by Joan Jet?  Remember roller skating to that music!  I am not very sore this time.  I am very, very pleased with how the areas of fat grafting look . I had a nickle size divot on one breast and that is gone, my axillary area is closer to normal, at least it will be easier to shave.  Donor site (tummy) looks good, but of  course he could have been more generous!  I took out my own stitches today, probably will be in trouble with my PS, but I wanted to go swimming, since I am not allowed to do more than walk, no core, no weight, etc.  The tiny little incisions each had one single stitch and are perfectly healed.  I was originally scheduled to see PS today, but I had conflict and needed to reschedule friday. 

    Hope your son is feeling better, my oldest had a bug on Saturday, all is good and both back to school today.  I will be as glad as them for the end of the year.  I am tired of hectic schedules. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      I bet you look great!! So happy you are pleased. I still have some rippling. I can not decide if I want to have another surgery. Have been lucky so far with no infection etc....That Joan Jet song cracked me up today. We used to roller skate to "We are fam-i-ly....I got all my sistas and me...."  LOL  OH ....and " AHHH... Freak Out"   LOL

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    LOL.  Freak Out was a roller skating song to me.  Honestly, I hear that and I can remember that breezing feeling going around the skating rink.  LMAO.  God we were tacky growing up!!

    Burley - I have noticed a big difference in my rib pain since ditching the bras and wearing  the spanx top.  I am definitely ordering a few more.  It has the added benefit of smoothing out my fat . . . yippie.

    As a few of you may know from FB, I recently ordered a tiara for my niece's 4th birthday . . . to go with her "princess dresses" that she asked for.  I have worn it every day.  Just for a few minutes.  LOL.  It is so pretty.  I ended up ordering myself one too.  I am telling myself and everyone else that this is so I can play princess with her, but really I just want one.  It makes me feel better to wear it.  I am not joking, althought I am cracking up about it.  I may need professional help. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Lisa...too funny..I did see the dresses...are you going to get a princess dress too?? LOL

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    I will have to look up the spanx??? I swear I live under a rock..have never heard of it.  I was a little upset (at first) that I could not wear the under wire Victoria Secret bras...I really do think the truncal LE is triggered by them...I have a heard time describing what it feels like is like it feels very very tight even though it is not tight???? I rarely wear bras.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    No - no princess dresses for me.  I just like the tiara.  It is so sparkly and pretty.  It is just a cheap thing . . .like $15, but it looks really nice.  My sister and I used to play with my mom's pagent tiaras that looked the same.  Maybe this is some sort of nostalgia thing.  But mainly I think it is just the joy of a tiara . . . you are never too old to pretend to be royalty.  LOL.  

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Lisa, you are a beautiful princess!  We can all have our dreams.  Maybe we can all get together at the roller rink and you can wear your tiara! 

    I had my last chemo the day before the royal wedding (I had to move it up by a day, so not to have on the day of the wedding).  I made a big deal about it and my chemo nurse brought me a tiara to wear.  Can't believe it has almost been a year.

    kmur, the great thing about the breast recon stuff is there is no time limit.  You don't have to rush to do any additional surgery.  I think I am pretty happy at this point.  Maybe my next plastic surgery should be above the neck.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      You will have to practice the "royal wave"...OH and I can not sing the "freak out song without putting my hands in the air and leaning we were so ....all that...right??? Of course we also had YMCA???  you are right...we were tacky...very least we had Phil Collins!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    kmur, I think we where posting at the same time.  Spanx is a namebrand, there are other brands just as good.  Many of  these types of undergarments are made in this area and I have picked up a few at outlets for $2-3.  I like the ones that are soft bra and go to waist, perfect after surgery and very smooth under clothing.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      I will look them up. I have not found any that are comfy. I am glad I don't have to wear one...but there are times when I want to???

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    I saw one of those late night commercials (1/2 hour long), over the weekend for love songs of the 80's.  I actually stayed up and watched it, I did not order the CDs, bu thought about it. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      OH I used to like the Police .."every breath you take"  etc. Can you believe that is the only love song I can think of ????

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    If you have pandora (I have it as an app on my phone, but I understand there is a home computer version), its 80s radio is AWESOME.  Pandora in general is awesome too.

    Kim - spanx are incredible.  They are expensive but worth it.  I adore their knee high stockings . . . so much more comfortable than other brands.  I am not a fan of their bras.  They fit me weird.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you dont mind me joining the group.. I saw the quotes for the 80s song and I KNEW I had to stop by!

    I am not yet 40, I am 38. Although when I do hit 40 I am planning a big ol' celebration(with lots of 80s music!) for turning 40 and for also being cancer free!  I was diagnosed in Jan.  ER+/PR+, HER2+ stage 2 grade 3.  I have 2 kids, a daughter who is 9 and a son who is 6 1/2.  I live in the great ol Midwest state of Indiana but have lived in WI and MO too.

    I have had 4 TC treatments and 2 to go! Herceptin weekly until June then I will be having surgery, BMX followed by rads in July/Aug. This last part is still new to me as I meet with the surgeon and the PS within the next week. Hopefully I can wrap my head around it better then.

    Anyways thats me!  and yes.. at least we had Phil Collins, one of my favs!!

    Wishing you all many sunbeams!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Lisa I love      A station called generation X ..they play lots of 80's but also some stuff from now.  My son also loves it..kind of nice. I will look at spanx and pandora...wish you all could come shopping with me as I do not have a store anymore..and can not pick out clothing anymore!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Jenh. you are very welcome to husband person just came home so..I paused to say howdy to him.  please feel free to jump in anytime..the women here are the best!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Kim, I would so love to go shopping with you, followed by lunch and desert of course.  We need to get serious about some travel plans.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Christine are you still planning on seeing your college friend?  I didn't know if she was in Kentucky?? If she is in the tri-state area ..I will meet you wherever you are . My husband knows of my plans to meet you all. Someday I will make it to Canada ( apparently ) to see Eema. If we can not get you to the Kentucky area..I do plan on a trip to the carolinas with my son. Thought I would take him to Asheville for maybe two days during the week..maybe June???

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Thank you  Kmur!  I was excited because I saw the 40-ish and the 80s songs!  but then after I posted I read a little closer and saw that this was for women who have completed treatment. So without wanting to intrude i deleted my post-- ooops!  I am 38 and still in chemo, plus have bmx and rads to go.  It was the 80's songs that drew me in :)  You sound like a lovely group of ladies and I wish you all the very best!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      jen...some of the girls here are in active treatment some are still following up with recon...I am sure you would be welcomed by all here   and we talk about all kinds of never  knows....LOL... If you need anything just holler...many of us have done the bmx/chemo/rads..I hope you are doing well with much better when all done though.

    OK off to work out then on to work!!

    see you gals later

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hey Jenn, If you don't mind hanging out with us older girls you are welcome on this site.  We are the best group you will find, imo.  We talk about anything and everything.   Hope you are doing well, stop back and tell us more about you.

    Kmur,  If you are thinking about a trip to Asheville in June, I would love to meet you.  I have one weekend I am on call, but otherwise pretty free.  Both of my boys are doing  camps in June, not sure the weeks.