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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Thank you very much!  And you arent that much older!  All my friends are "older" so it will feel just like home.

    A little about me, I live in the great Midwestern state of Indiana. I have 2 kids, daughter who is 9 and a son who is 6 1/2.  Both very active! My daughter competes in gymnastics so we live at the gym it seems.  My son... is such a boy. soccer, basketball and football.  I was just diagnosed in Jan and started chemo in Feb.  I refuse to let it stop me from living my life though! I have been very luck to have small SE from the chemo.  I am ER+/PR+, HER2+ so on the TCH treatment.  4 down 2 to go then Surgery, BMX sometime in June followed by rads. no clue what I am doing yet on recon. that whole part no matter what I read seems so foreign to me.

    I love 80's music so I knew you had be a great group :)  dont forget the 80's movies.. Pretty in Pink anyone?

    Thank you again for the welcome!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone, Just trying to catch up.

    Kim congrats on your new job.

    Eema glad to hear you have possibly some good news.

    Jen, welcome.  Not about where we are exactly in treatment.  Just that we like to talk about other stuff in our lives as well.

    All the exercise talk got me motivated.  I decided to join our local Y.  Been trying out some different classes.  Mostly gentle.  They have an Arriba one (dance based).  Kind of felt like I had 2 left feet, but it was fun - even laughing at myself.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hey Girls,

    Christine...nothing set in stone..could even do something in July??  We will see what we can put together... have a great attitude and I am happy to read your SE's have been few. We are a mixed bunch here.... I think most had chemo..some had rads..and others have had all kinds of I'm sure someone here has done it /had it??? Anyway..I hope you sail through the last of these.

    bgirl...I hope you like the Y..I really loved it and met some great people. thanks for the wishes regarding my job.

    I swear ( speaking of job)  I have said how I am now ADD  and I get lost if you turn me around twice...well most of my time at "my job" I was lost in some greenhouse...I would forget what stuff was in each one and I once again was reminded about how little I do know . So my line is "let me check/I will ask/I am not sure!!!!  LOL   OH and I am not kidding when I say I do not know how much I am making is very strange but my husband said I need to keep track of all "pay stubs"  ...LOL ...What am I doing????

    Hope everyone had a good is tuesday right???  LOL

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies

    I got back from holiday 5 days ago and have only just managed to come on here and read up on what you've all been up to.

    Welcome to Jen.  I started this group while still having chemo and the support was fantastic!

    Kim - before you know it you will be feeling very comfortable and knowledgeable. There is always that settling in period when you start a new job.  I'm happy for you that you've found a job that is one of your passions - maybe you could combine it with cooking and you'd be in heaven! Save me a spot at the table. Your cooking always sounds fab.

    We had an amazing holiday. The weather was hot and sunny and my girls just disappeared every day with their cousins.  They were very disappointed to come home and are planning when we can go back.

    I went to spin yesterday, after a 2 week break.  Man it was brutal!!  It's amazing how quickly you go backwards if you don't keep up the exercise.  I feel good having started back as boy did I eat a lot on holidays ... none of it healthy!

    Eema - I must say your doctors mess you around!!  You are remarkable the way you stay sane in the face of their incompetence.  As always I am thinking of you and praying for a positive outcome xx

  • Josiekat
    Josiekat Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    Hey Jen-

    I just turned 39 on Sunday and I too am still in treatment! But these awesome ladies have been very welcoming and helpful with advice!

    I would definitely call us 40ish.

    Take care.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Welcome to the group Jen!

    I am 41 amd 6 months into my 5 year sentence of Tamoxifen. Love 80's music and movies. 

    Speaking of which, is anyone else heartbroken to hear the hotel from Dirty Dancing burned down today? How awful. 

    Welcome back from holiday Kiwimum! Glad you had a great time.

    To everyone else, have a wonderful Wednesday! 

    edite to fix stupid typos

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    How awful Odie! I am a huge Dirty Dancing fan - I've lost count of the number of times I've watched DD. I share your heartbreak!

    I'm also 6 months into my Tamoxifen journey. How are your hot flashes? I'm getting quite sick of it and still trying to decide whether to start the anti depression meds my onc prescribed for the flashes. Can anyone share what they have done?

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012


    I'm 40 something and trying to deal with the dady to day recovery and I have found many road blocks that no one tells you about,

    I to work and will do so for 20 more years. I have a wonderful husband of 25 1/2 yrs and 3 beautiful young adult children 20, 23 & 24 and only one of them is TOTALLY out of the house, hard to come from 800miles away...LOL

    Although my husband is wonderful and will listen to my issues, I do feel like I over burden him sometimes because I just need to get it out! I would like to share stories, issues and ways others have found to fix things!!

    (not sure HOW the txt chg'd Foot in mouth)

     Anyways.... Diagnosed 11/2010; BMX, expanders and tot. hysterectomy 3/10/2011. Completed radiation 6/13/2011 & had my reconstruction 12/14/2011.OH, Tamoxifin for 5 yrs.

    I am now going through PTO and finding that between the lymphedema & the scar tissue, I'm ready to do from A-B to FLAT! (note: I was a DD, 148lbs  when I started and now 119lbs.) I don't think it would be a big change!!!

    To everyone that survives or tries and other things happen, I give you my ot most praise!!!!!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012


    I'm 40 something and trying to deal with the dady to day recovery and I have found many road blocks that no one tells you about,

    I to work and will do so for 20 more years. I have a wonderful husband of 25 1/2 yrs and 3 beautiful young adult children 20, 23 & 24 and only one of them is TOTALLY out of the house, hard to come from 800miles away...LOL

    Although my husband is wonderful and will listen to my issues, I do feel like I over burden him sometimes because I just need to get it out! I would like to share stories, issues and ways others have found to fix things!!

    (not sure HOW the txt chg'd Foot in mouth)

     Anyways.... Diagnosed 11/2010; BMX, expanders and tot. hysterectomy 3/10/2011. Completed radiation 6/13/2011 & had my reconstruction 12/14/2011.

    I am now going through PTO and finding that between the lymphedema & the scar tissue, I'm ready to do from A-B to FLAT! (note: I was a DD, 148lbs  when I started and now 119lbs.) I don't think it would be a big change!!!

    To everyone that survives or tries and other things happen, I give you my ot most praise!!!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girlies,

    Hi Odie!! have not said howdy to you lately

    Kiwimum..thanks for your words of encouragement. I am with you my friend regarding hot flashes. I can not metabolize Tamox. so I am on Fareston...but this drug also causes hot flashes. Some one feel free to set me straight if I am wrong, but I think it may take some more time for your body to adjust to no estrogen. My hot flashes were very intense to the point of literally having sweat drip off my nose last summer. I am now better..I still have them but not as badly. I will let you know how summer goes,but we have had 85 degree weather and they were not too bad. My dr. also gave me the low dose anti-dep. but go figure it caused insomnia and I did not care for how it made me feel...I have also heard for some it was great. My feeling is that I did not want to get started on it ( another drug) so I have tried really hard to be patient and so far they are now mild...hope this helps??

    Hi and welcome momx3....It is quite a roller coaster right?? Welcome to our band of 40somethings Kim put together. We do talk about pretty much everything and laugh alot. I think for me it is humor that gets me through. I laugh at myself and some of the things these girls bring up have made me for real LOL..

    So much to be thankful for though...YIPPEE for Gina...and for our Eema...I went to church today with my son and had to just give such heartfelt thanks for sunny skies ...singing birds....and a healthy day..for you girls and good news. May we all be ornery old ladies,drinking fine Margaritas on a cruise ship someday..with the sun on our backs and big floppy hats....those young folks better look out...we would be the 80ish somethings then right??

    jen..I know 80's music...and movies...gotta love it...I have a confession...I actually went to a Billy Squire concert...Oh dear Lord...what does that mean????  LOL I also saw Elton John/James Taylor Jimmy Buffett a hundred times  so maybe that makes the Billy Squire thing ok??

    Take care girls!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Oh Jen, please join!  Some women are just finishing treatment, some of us have been done for a while.  We're all at different stages.  I called it 40ish Survivors because we are all survivors.  And I was looking for ladies around my age because the only other group I saw was a 40-60 group, and I didn't fit it there.  You are more than welcome to be here-we're a wonderful group of ladies, and have a wealth of information to share.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    Oh, forgot to say, I do have a broken wrist.  Dammit.  No working out for me for a while (I don't know how long), and I may not be able to wear my Spanx because that thing takes A LOT of effort to get into with one arm.  Haha.  

    I honestly wish I had gone with the 3D tattooed nipples instead of having these made.  They are "on" all the time so I can't go without some type of bra until my kids go to bed at 9:30.  Ugh.  That would be my recommendation, ladies.

    I just read an article about cancer and depression and it was awesome, but I couldn't cut and paste.  It said about 25% of cancer patients develop depression afterwards.  It was so dead on to how I feel most of the time.  One line about how it feels like cancer it always perched on your shoulder.

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Idea for hotflashes........Effexor.  It's for aniexty AND hot flashes!! Works great. I haven't hardly any since starting it!!

    AND thank you for the WELCOME!!!!Laughing

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Hey girls!

    Kiwimum - Can't really comment on hot flashes because I don't have hot flashes. I am consistently HOT!!! ....Am sweating if the temps are over 60 degrees so I have no idea how I am going to get thru the summer. May be reduced to a grease spot by August.

    Momx3 - I also have 3 kids (25, 23 & 22) with one still at home ...Welcome to the group! Feel free to let vent or chime in whenever you want... 

    Burley, so sorry about the wrist... sending healing thoughts your way!

    Kim - Life really is good some days, huh? I try to enjoy those moments and the scent of my lilac bush regularly as it is good for the soul. Hope you are continuing to enjoy the nursery job and are learning lots ...

    Happy hump day ladies! 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Thanks everyone for the welcome :)

    So sad about Dick Clark.  I remember staying up on New Years to watch his show.  RIP.

    Today I had great news.. I found out my BRCA results are negative.  Such a relief not to have to worry about my daughter.  Plastic Surgeon on Tues so will get a date soon I hope!

    Oh I wish I had a lilac bush. I love being surrounded by flowers and sunbeams!

    I see lots of talk on the hot flashes.  When did those start for everyone?  I just skipped my first period since I started chemo but havent had any other symptoms yet.. dreading the hot flashes.

    Have a wonderful night everyone!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Hi and welcome Jen.  I'm sure you can tell already that this is a great bunch of ladies.

    Kim - you are right. Maybe I need to give it a bit longer.  I have resisted the anti-depressant route as I too don't want to add more meds into my life.  I also googled SEs of the anti-depressant ... and there are lots.  I may swap one SE for another.  At least winter is coming so the nights will be more bearable.

    Odie - I feel for you.  I have 3-4 flashes a day and then about the same amount during the night.  I consider this a lot so cannot begin to understand what it's like to be hot ALL the time.

    I took a workmate to spin today.  We fit in a quick class at lunchtime.  It was hilarious.  He was dripping, literally dripping in sweat by 3 tracks in.  He kept looking at me asking if it was nearly over.  Afterwards he was on a post exercise high and I think he will be back.  We shall see.

    My DH has been away all week for work and arrives home tonight - myself and the girls are looking forward to having him home.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2012

    Hey All!  Welcome to the new ladies!  This is a great group for laughs and support. 

    Hot flashes, ugh!!  I to am suffering from them 5-8 times a day.  The night ones are the worst!  I'm on Tamoxifen as well.  I don't want to know what this summer is going to be like :( 

    Awesome news Jen about the BRCA results! 

    Kim, I'm in the same boat with the nipples being on all the time and not feeling comfortable in a bra.  I layer right now to cover up but sometimes I put one of those tank tops with the built in bra shelf on and it seems to help some. 

    Totally get the cancer perched on your shoulder metaphor.  2 more months til my 1 year cancerversary and I have to say, thankfully, cancer is becoming less part of my every day life.  The worry and fear are finally starting to subside.  I try to find joy every day and be thankful for being here. 

    Kmur, I hope your right!! I keep picturing us all like the little old ladies who wear the purple hats, only we'll wear pink! lol! sipping cocktails in the sun :)  here's to one day!!

    Have a great day everyone! love and hugs to all!!  tracy

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2012

    Couple things I forgot yesterday, no surprise!

    Eema, sending out well wishes and prayers for you! Kim, you too with the broken wrist!  Meegan, so sorry about your family drama.  When will people learn life can be to short for bullsh*t!  Kiwi, hope you and the girls had a great night welcoming the man of the house home!!  Kmur, hope everything is going great with the new job!  Odie, love lilac bushes!  Gardenias and roses are my favorite flowers.   I so miss spring and summer in the south! 

    Quick question to Christine and Kmur, did they lipo the fat out of the are of your choice??  Do you get a flat tummy out of the deal?? 

    Anyways, happy Friday!  Hugs and love to all! tracy

  • CharB22
    CharB22 Member Posts: 87
    edited April 2012

    Good morning. This group sounds like a place where I'll fit in. I'm 47, have been married for almost 17 years (anniversary is May 13), and I have 2 wonderful boys - 14 & 11. I work full time outside of the home (although I'm on short term disability for a couple more weeks - had pneumnia after 5th chemo - doc wants me to rest!).

    I have 1 more Taxol left - next Thurs (4/26), then it's on to 35 rounds of radiation. I can't wait for my hair to grow back in. I'm tired of looking like a cancer patient.

    Our family has had a dark cloud over us for the last 6 months (car totalled, my BC dx, FIL dies, I'm hospitalized with pneumonia, youngest DS dx'd with ADHD, cat dies). Anyone else had a bad run? Sorry to whine. I've felt lousy/stressed the past 24 hours and can't seem to shake the funk.

    My DH has been wonderful throughout this ordeal. But I think he's getting tired of having to do a lot of extra stuff.

    Ah's a gorgeous day here in NJ, so I'm going to try to go outside, soak up some Vitamin D and get in a better mood!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    MANY WELCOMES Char!!!!

    I think we all go through bad things at ONCE!!! I know last year after my last radiation, my daughter's car flooded ("new" car for her) and while she was driving Jim's car, it went belly up after we spent the money to fix it 9 mos earlier (no warrantyYell), "new"car for him!! YAH! But alls well that ends well...sort of, it's an on going thing,

    God only gives us what he thinks we, with the help of our friends & family, can deal with. Sometimes I think he forgets we don't always see it!!!

    Keep your head up and ENJOY the weather!!! I'm waiting for school to be over and the fog to lift so I can play in the weeds againLaughing

    PS<<< If only I can make myself remember this!!! LOL

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girls, seems like it's been forever since I've posted but I have been keeping up with you.  Keeping this granddaughter of mine is keeping "Oma" very busy.

    Kmur:  My IKEA trip was a bust - was so mad at the hubster and my son that I could have screamed so I left there with just a few small things.  Next trip I go it alone - maybe with the DIL (who bought nothing while we were there because my son was being a jerk).  That weekend started out crazy - my son and DIL closed on their house on Friday so I had all three of their kids for eternity while they started to move - Saturday came and my DIL rented a Uhaul truck - my hubster gets there and desides to drive the Uhaul to their new house, hits a truck on his way out the street and when he pulls over to see the damage, he hits a car on the other side of the Uhaul.  Then my DIL gets her Jeep to the new house and opens the back and my son's CPU of his computer falls out of the back onto the pavement.  Brand new computer that my husband and two sons had built themselves - just busted the outside case, but we didn't know that at the time.  Then the trip to IKEA was Sunday, bad idea.  I could go on and on but I will stop there.

    On a good note, my oldest son's adoption of his two stepchildren will be finalized on Tuesday. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girlie's,

     First..I thought of this quote today I heard some time ago..what you all have said about troubles made me think of goes..."I know God wont give me anything I can't handle, I just wish He didn't trust me so much" Mother Teresa ....anyway ...Holy moley..that's alot of stuff achpurple..I have to think you are all done now..for the rest of the year!! I know it is not funny to hit two cars in one day...but maybe some day...many years from now you all will laugh????? OR maybe not...LOL

    Kiwimum...I hope you had a wonderful time with DH and the girls.  You are awesome with the spinning..I am still doing the butt lift!!  LOL...I am seeing my abs again??? answer your question and Christine please correct me if you were told otherwise..BUT ...I was told some fat "takes" better than other fat.  Mine was taken from above my rear on the sides.  So long story is yes , this decision will be likely made by you and your Dr. Sometimes it takes several fat grafting procedures to get the job done..I may need husband says he thinks it looks great and the the way she did the nipple..I have color without having tattoos?? I have no idea I will leave that alone.

    Jen answer your hot flashes began toward the end of chemo ( chemo induced menopause)..I never had cycles first they were pretty awful..over time they have become less,but still there. This does not happen to everyone though. I think many girls here had cycles return etc. I feel very fortunate though ,my mom used to tell me horror stories about her "friends" going through menopause and "going crazy" LOL. I was scared to death!!.. I have not had any fact I am more even now ..I have to say I probably was a bit crazy with the peri/ menopause.

    Char ..welcome and it is good to be at the end of chemo!!  YIPPEE!! Rads are not so bad..I think I will be 46 this year!! LOL I swear ..I am a ding bat can not remember my age sometimes and today had to ask my son if this is 2012? I really do worry I may have some dimentia..anyway..this is a great group of funny supportive women welcome!!

    Sorry so long see ya later!!

    Hi to anyone I missed!!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Hi ladies

    Welcome Char. Only one chemo to go!! Yippee! We will be here cheering you onto the finish of chemo and rads. I completed chemo in October and rads late November last year. I have 6 months of hair growth and it's getting there!

    Me, I've had a sore back for the last couple of days. The last night I woke up with aching legs. I'm sure it's probably exercise related ... but my brain has gone straight to bone mets. I'm a dork I know! For some stupid reason I clicked on an Active Thread the other day and was reading about a BC sister who recently passed from bone mets. It happened ridiculously fast. I wish I'd NEVER clicked on it and read it. I am definitely staying away from Active Threads from now on.

  • SleeplessIn
    SleeplessIn Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2012

    Hi ladies!

    One Taxol tx away from finishing chemo, I finally start feeling like a survivor - although I am miles away from looking like one. :-) So I thought it would be a good time to join this group of survivors.

    I feel similar to what Char said.... Overwhelmed by the things that have piled up on top of each over the course of the last year. New to this town (we have moved a lot over the years for my DH's job), I had a hard time adjusting to the weather here in Seattle (a lot of grey skies and rain), and it seemed harder than ever to make new friends. Then, last summer, I had a miscarriage 20 weeks into my pregancy. That brought on a bout with depression and a psychosis (very scary), something I had never experienced before. Our baby was supposed to be born on my birthday, last November.
    Instead, I was dx with bc just a few days before turning 40. Initially it was really hard for me to look at the glass being half full rather than half empty, given my pathology, but it has gotten better. I want to live and be around for a long, long time... so I will claw, fight, kick and scream until I defeat this disease - for me, my husband of 13 years, and my two wonderful boys (5 and 10)!!! Whenever I feel down lately I start singing the Gloria Gaynor song "I will survive" in my head. Another one that I like and they often play on the radio, is, "what doesnt't kill you makes you stronger..." (not sure who sings it). But I agree with many of you... I love 80s music (my DH often makes fun of me for that). :-)

    Yesterday, unfortunately, put a damper on things once again, and put me back on "being scared mode". Because of strong family history (on my DH's side of family) of skin cancer, I took my 10 year old to the dermatologist to have a closer look at a mole that had changed appearance. When he said he had to biopsy the mole and have it sent to pathology, my heart dropped. Now we have to wait a

    week for the result, and I am on pins and needles.... Trying to be positive. My litttle guy will be ok, he has to!!!

    Sorrry for whining.

    Wishing you all a great weekend!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    Welcome Char... where in NJ are you?

  • LastMango
    LastMango Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2012

    Hi gals! 

    What a nice group.  I'm so glad someone posted and this thread came up in Active Topics. 

     When I turned 40 in November, I felt old for the first time in my life.  (I sorta have the anti-body dismorphia thing going on...I think I'm younger and thinner than I actually am!)   However, since my BC DX in February, I'm feeling young once again.  A bit of a stretch for a silver lining, but I've never been told so many times, "40?  Oh.  You're SO young!"  

  • CharB22
    CharB22 Member Posts: 87
    edited April 2012
    bdavis - in Camden County. About 20 minutes outside of Philly. About 45 min south of Princeton.
  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hello to all!  I would address each of you by name, but luck others my brain is not as sharp as it once was.  I sure hope over time this improves!  We have a new receptionist as work, she has been with us 3 weeks and I can not remember her name, always need to look at her name badge.

    Tracy,  I had my 2nd round of lipo and fat grafting about 2 weeks ago.  My PS picked the location for the lipo, the first time he used the lower part of my tummy, this time took from my love handles, what he removed has made a difference in these areas, but not like if I was paying for the lipo.  Hope that makes sense.  The difference from the fat grafting is wonderful, he gave me more fullness above the implants and fixed a small divot.  Also put more fat under my arm pit, I was so hollow from axillary node disection.  We may do more fat grafting in arm pit in a few months (chance for more lipo!)

    So, I asked about having a tummy tuck today.  I am 48, 2 kids, happily married,  so not sure why I am now worried about my tummy.  My PS said I am a candidate for a mini tummy tuck, however, he also told me that if I ever wanted to ditch the implants, my options for reconstruction would be decreased.  I quess I knew that.  I think part of my obsession comes from the fact that now that I am a patient and half naked at all my doctors all the time, I want to look good. LOL

    sleepless, sending good thoughts to you and your son.  Also welcome.

    Mango, also welcome, crazy, but I also feel younger and sometimes healthier that before BC.  I have started to focus more on taking care of ME, also enjoying every moment.

    More later, I am going to get something done around this house tonight.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hello to all!  I would address each of you by name, but luck others my brain is not as sharp as it once was.  I sure hope over time this improves!  We have a new receptionist as work, she has been with us 3 weeks and I can not remember her name, always need to look at her name badge.

    Tracy,  I had my 2nd round of lipo and fat grafting about 2 weeks ago.  My PS picked the location for the lipo, the first time he used the lower part of my tummy, this time took from my love handles, what he removed has made a difference in these areas, but not like if I was paying for the lipo.  Hope that makes sense.  The difference from the fat grafting is wonderful, he gave me more fullness above the implants and fixed a small divot.  Also put more fat under my arm pit, I was so hollow from axillary node disection.  We may do more fat grafting in arm pit in a few months (chance for more lipo!)

    So, I asked about having a tummy tuck today.  I am 48, 2 kids, happily married,  so not sure why I am now worried about my tummy.  My PS said I am a candidate for a mini tummy tuck, however, he also told me that if I ever wanted to ditch the implants, my options for reconstruction would be decreased.  I quess I knew that.  I think part of my obsession comes from the fact that now that I am a patient and half naked at all my doctors all the time, I want to look good. LOL

    sleepless, sending good thoughts to you and your son.  Also welcome.

    Mango, also welcome, crazy, but I also feel younger and sometimes healthier that before BC.  I have started to focus more on taking care of ME, also enjoying every moment.

    More later, I am going to get something done around this house tonight.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Welcome Char and Lastmango :) I am relatively new too so everyone seems new to me!

    Congrats on being almost done sleeplessinseatle!!

    Had a bit of a rough week emotionally but trying to bounce back! Tomorrow I am doing my first of many I hope Race for the Cure!  I am so blessed to have many friends joining me tomorrow! here's hoping the weather is warmer than it says its going to be 40 brrr!

    Hope everyone has a great night and weekend!