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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Jen, If I am not mistaken, you are still in chemo?  I am so impressed that you are doing the Race for a Cure.  Dress warm and enjoy! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    kiwimum... you are not a I think many of us have been there with you thinking this pain must be C...I don't like that part that we can not just be like everyone else,getting old and having aches and pains. I would bet your exercise has caused this.  I also have to stay away from those sites,they scare the crap out of me. I hope it is better tomorrow.

    Now we are on a new page and once again my brain can not remember the new names or where you are in treatment...but welcome to you and this group is a wonderful group of women.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Christine- yep I am. I go in for #5 TCH on Thursday, getting close!  I was going to do the 3 mile walk but decided to just do the 1 mile family walk instead.  My RBC was low this week so feeling a bit more tired than usual.  My husband, mom, my 9 yr old daughter and many friends will be walking with me. That will help me get to the finish line!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Jen, If I was there, I would join you!  Inspiring!  I was a complete couch potatoe during my chemos (TAC X 6).  We will all be here to help you to the chemo finish.  Do you have rads next?

    hi kmur!  Do you all have Confirmation this weekend?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Christine,

     Confirmation for us is in May??? Not sure why Graduation also in may.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Will your son graduate 8th grade too?

     i am on my way to bed girls!! I planted 3 rows of beans and all of my tomatoes/water melon and cantelopes,cut the grass ...and my son has a soccer game in the am...Love to all you girls

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    goodnight kmur,

    my sons will be completing 7th and 9th grade, my 9th grader was a year behind in Confirmation prep, because he played travel hockey and missed a year of CCD.  Oh, they grow up to fast.

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2012

    I'm glad somebody still calls it CCD like I do.  I have been a first grade W.E.R.E. (Wednesday Evening Religious Education) teacher for 13 years, but I still can't help but say CCD like when I was younger.  For a while my church called it R.E. for religious ed - if that wasn't hard enough, then they changed it to the current WERE - that's a mouthful!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Jen, I need to google Avon Indiana?? I am in Louisville...when will you walk?? I have not done any of the walks yet??

    Christine...I went back and read what my brain let fly away..and I had to laugh about your new receptionist...I know it is not funny but I can relate as lately someone will tell me there name and I am looking right at them ( in the eye) then repeat the name in my head and ten minutes later it is gone??? For a while I could not remember my "new co-workers" name. She would say "Hi Kim,how are you'....I would say "Hey,...good how about you"  LOL We don't have name tags ( darn it )

    We will be going to the Oaks this year. It is the race day before Derby and all the Fillies run is a day to celebrate the survivors of breast cancer and to honor those who have fought and passed. I have not been to Oaks. The horses/jockeys wear pink and it is really the day the locals enjoy. So I have my hat from last year It has bright pink flowers on it and my dress. I found a bright pink purse at a consignment shop and a pair of shoes from Target with a bright pink flower. Now I need a belt and sweater thing. It is crazy as some women pay several hundred dollars for the hat alone. I will take pictures and post them on FB. The last time I went to Derby, I had just heard the struck me just now..I am two years out as of April 12.....(that was the DX day on  my report)

    Enough rambling from me..kiwimum I hope you feel better today..thought about you last night.

    Love to all,have a great day

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Shoot, I meant to ask..Christine..does your son ever play a team from Oxford,Ohio??? I have a friend and her son plays on a traveling hockey team too. They go all over. That would be funny if you all played them.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2012

    Good Luck today Jen!  You are a true inspiration!  I'm doing the American Cancer Society Relay for Life walk in June, months after my last surgery for recon.  Can't imagine you trying to walk while doing chemo!  You are a Survivor and a Fighter!!  Rock the Walk today!!!!

    Welcome Char and Mango (my favorite fruit by the way!)!!  Sorry you have to join us here, but what a great group of ladies!! 

    Thanks Christine!  Good to know about the lipo. At first I was not going to do it, really didn't want another surgery, but after this warm weather and wearing less ( giggle here, lol!)  the atrophy above the implant seems very noticeable.  My 11 year old son even commented and wanted to know what was wrong, ugh!!  I feel like I'll forever be waiting to have another surgery!! Boo!!  LOL! So funny, I think the nurses and my PS have seen me naked more than my husband this last year!!  

    Christine and Achpurple, had to laugh, we always called it CCD too!  We are showing our age ladies! lol!!

    Kim (kmur), the Oaks sounds like a lot of fun!  Congrats on being two years out!!  What a perfect way to celebrate!  Too bad hats are the in thing, was thinking you should borrow Lisa's tiara!! We'll name you Supreme Pink Princess for the Day and you can represent all of us!!  And don't worry, Princesses never have to feel bad for forgetting someones name, lol!!  Glad to know I'm not the only one with mush brain!

    Have a great Saturday!! love and hugs to all! tracy 

  • CharB22
    CharB22 Member Posts: 87
    edited April 2012

    kmur-my son graduates 8th grade this year too - June 8th. I should be done (or almost done) rads by then. So, we're gonna have a kick-a$$ party for him!

    Busy day today with boys baseball and football games and then hockey practice. I need to get my tomatoes and herbs in the ground, too.

  • LastMango
    LastMango Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2012

    Hah!  I had to laugh about the CCD thing.  I'm not Catholic, but living in CT...everyone else is.  It probably took me 4 years of hearing about this CCD business, before I stopped calling it CDC by accident.  (We lived in Atlanta previously and heard about the CDC - Center For Disease Control much more than CCD!).

    Thanks for the welcomes!  Here's my backstory...I'm 40, married, with one son (10 yrs old this week).  We were in the middle of planning a move back to my hometown in FL when this BC issue so rudely interrupted.   I planned my BMX surgery with TEs for May 1st here in CT; however, after meeting my BS and PS in FL last week, I've decided to wait for FL to have surgery.  The FL BS and PS do a lot of NS/one step to implant surgeries, and I'm a candidate.  Surgery is now June 15th. 

     I was a little apprehensive to have surgery and recovery in an area that, although is "home", many of my friends have moved away.  We've lived here in CT for almost 9 years, and I have a tremendous support system (including 2 friends that have gone the BMX route recently.  Nevertheless, I think the NS/SS surgery is the best fit for me, so we'll go with that.

    Just when you think life had fallen into such a routine of sameness...Sha-ZAAM!  All sorts of exciting things fall in your lap!

  • LastMango
    LastMango Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2012

    Blueyez - I'm not a huge fan of mangoes, unless they're in salsa on my fish!  I just have always loved the lyrics of Jimmy Buffett's "Last Mango in Paris", but it's taken a special meaning since DX.  It's about a old man towards the end of his life that says,

    "I ate the last mango in Paris, I took the last plane out of Saigon, Took the first fast boat to China, and Jimmy, there's still so much to be done."

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2012

    Mango, big Jimmy Buffet fan from way back.  Saw him in concert 2 summers ago, what a crazy fun  time that was!!   I know the song well.  Now I'll definitely think of it in a new light!  I have two kids, daughter 10 and son 11.  They've been awesome since diagnosis last year and we've all become so much closer.  I have dreams of moving south!  I grew up in Virginia Beach and would love to get back there or North Carolina.  My husband grew up outside of Boston and doesn't really want to move.  I've learned you never know what can happen, so I try to stay positive and keep on bugging my husband about moving. lol!!    I wish I had been a candidate for the all at once surgery, seems so much less disruptive in your life than going through the many surgeries like I have.  I remember after the first surgery, we were all sitting around talking about the next one and my poor son burst out  "you have to have another one Mom!" and started crying.  It was awful!  I swear he seems much more affected by the whole thing than my daughter, go figure! Anyways glad to you meet you Mango!!  We all still have so much to be done :)

    love and hugs!  tracy

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Hi Everyone!

    Kmur- I am just west of Indy but about 10 mins.  My brother just recently moved to Louisville to go to nursing school there. :)

    Walk is done! I only did the 1 mile and that was plenty! By the time you walk from your parking spot to the area.. then its another 1/2 mile for the start of the race i was almost wore out lol  I did walk with my daughter, mom, husband,my aunt, my best friend from high school, her sisters and kids, and about 15 other friends and co workers.  It was COLD. about 39 degrees with a wind chill of much below that. Brrrrr i am stil thawing out!

    I grew up Catholic so I heard CCD and ERE forever but never knew what i meant because I went to a Catholic school so we had religion class every day.!

    I forget things all the time. I walk from one room to the next and forget why I was going there to begin with!

    Hope you all have a nice warm day!

  • LastMango
    LastMango Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2012

    Well done, JenH!!!  Here's a big pat on your back!  Stay warm!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    Christine.. My son plays hockey too... From NJ, the furtherest we have travelled is to Virginia and Ottawa, Canada and eastern PA... but we have friends who have travelled to Russia, Germany, western Canada... crazy sport. We routinely would travel to northern NY and DC.. now that he plays high school, we don't travel as far, just MA and the like. His travel team doesn't leave the state anymore.... Then off to college, and hopefully DIII. We'll see.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Well done Jen. That's a great achievement whilst still having treatment.

    Thanks for the kind thoughts Kim. My back and legs are still aching - its feels like bones rather than muscles. Maybe it's a new Tamox SE that's popped up due to the weather turning cold and cooling down. If its still bothering me next week I'm going to give my doc a quick call and ask.

    It's Sunday morning here and we're about to head off to take the girls to their weekly swimming lessons.

    Definitely post pics of you all glammed up Kim. Sounds fab!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Hi Girls...Oh gosh I LOVE favorite is Pirate looks at 40!!  Love the words and I can relate!! Tracy I lived in cincy for some time and all my workmates etc we would go to year we wore grass skirts and a bus took us we drank some kind of kool aid hurricane something and was fun!!  LOL  I would die now though.

    Way to go are awesome..and not very far from me. Is your brother going to UofL? We are about 10 miles outside the city.

    Kiwimum...I hope that gets better,but that sounds like a good idea to call the Dr. so that you do not worry.

    I have decided to make my sons graduation cake...but I am so darn ADD that I am having a difficult time deciding..I did find one where the cap is a cake I plan on going the wilton route...Lisa have you used the sugar clay?? they have it in strips and you can cut out names etc??

    Hope you girls are well today

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited April 2012

     Hi all!

     Haven't been on for EVER!  About a month, I think. I've kept up with some of you lovely ladies on FB and enjoyed your news and photos. It's lovely to welcome new girls. Those on tx - it will get better!  I'm almost 2 years out from my 2nd chemo finishing and 4 from first - time flies! I feel very lucky to be well tbh.

     Nice to hear your 80s stories!  Try not to worry, Kiwi - not easy! I get a lot of joint pains on femara, so it could well be the tamox.  Hope you're ok, Eema. Love to everyone else.

     Love to all, Sarah xx

     Will get back to posting! "Hurrah!!!" I hear you cry (not really!)  At home, we always say "I'll alert the media" when one of us says something trivial. Was on the first "Arthur" movie, with the sarcastic butler. 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Hello Sun (not hardly) day morning!!!! It's damp and rainy outside,but it is so nice jut to sit and watch a DRV movie that I put on hold,get up and move and come back too :D

    I am SOOOO glad to hear that I'm not the only who can't remember at this age. I feel sorry for my mother in law who is in her mid 80's and has Althemiers (sp). I can't even think what I will be like in 40 yrs!!!! UGH!

    I hope that you all have a wonderful week and thank you for being here, I needed someone to say things to that didn't make me feel "stupid" or "pyscho"! Besides, face to face, I'm a shell and clam up!!! LOL

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Good morning ladies!

    Welcome to all the new friends...

    Jen - What an accomplishment! You should be very proud... Way to go!

    Kiwimum - I hope you are feeling better soon...

    Welcome back Sarah! You were missed!

    Kim - I can't wait to see the pictures... Would love to grab a big hat & join ya'll!

    Momx3 - Howdy neighbor! Lovely weather huh? Luckily I have a mountain of laundry to do today.... My mother had Alzheimers so peopIe kinda expect me to have senior moments even at age 42. Enjoy your movie....

    Speaking of crazy/pyscho, I saw my PS Friday for my final visit. While I am happy to be done with reconstruction, I admit to some anxiety....I am getting back to my pre-cancer life and trying to find my new norm but feel like this has been a bad dream.....(sigh)

    Love & hugs to all! Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • Josiekat
    Josiekat Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls. Sorry, I haven't posted for a while. Just read what everyone is up to. I was most intrigued by the talk of fat grafting...gotta get me some of that. My first surgery, a lumpectomy and nice dissection is next month and I am excited to put that behind me. I have fears of lymphadema, but what will be will be.

    Went to the play ground this morning and exercised while my kids played. It felt good to get moving. Would love to use you guys as a motivation for fitness and health!

    My chemo induced hot flashes are starting to really keep me up at night. Any homeopathic remedies work for anyone?

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Cheers, Jo

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    My son had his Prom last night... so pre-prom, prom, post prom... picking him up at 3am... I am exhausted.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    Sarah - good to see you posting.  I had noticed you had not been around.  LOL at the "i'll alert the media."  I see use of that in my future. . . 

    Kim - I have not used sugar clay.  The only thing I have used is the chocopan fondant which is so good.  My niece slept over last night and we decorated cookies.  She rolled the fondant out herself and cut it.  She is not yet 4 so I was kind of impressed.  But she is not very good at making it all look pretty on the cookie. . .lol.

    I took her to the park this morning.  It was a lot of fun.  There were lots of animals to fascinate her . . . ducks, geese, and a baby turtle.  That poor turtle.  Emily kept "petting" it.  I am pretty sure turtes don't like to be pet.  It tried to cross the road, but got stuck so we helped.  Emi got to pick it up which she was thrilled with.

    I am so tired now.  She slept on top of me all night so I got no sleep.  

    Welcome to the new people.  There are so many.  I have been so busy lately that I have not been on and cannot keep up with the new names.

    Well, off to get a long overdue pedicure.  Have a good day! 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012


    Trust me!! You are not alone in the "I'm done with reconstruction, now what". It's been since Dec and I still am the that point. In fact, I was just admitting to myself (OK<<<<pyshco/crazy)  that I can't hide behind sweaters now, unless I want to sweat, and I'm very self conscious about what I look like.

    LOL>>>My puupy is sitting here SNORING!!!! How can I be serious around that??? HA HA HA!!!

    Anyways,I'n not worried about what I look like, it's just that I know people know what happened, and now I have small mounds on my chest. I wonder if I deserved them or not. As far as normal life.... I'm not so sure I can figure that out yet. Everytime you turn around, if it's not a dr or PTO appt, it's the worry that every bump, lump or odd looking thing might be cancer again. There is also the "make sure you don't lift to much or somehow mess up the side you lost your lymphnodes in (the lymphadema too). 

    Funny thing, I got yelled at by my oldest (24) for moving furniture up and down the basement stairs. I actually had to call her back at the end of the evening and tell her she was probably right because now I hurt. And I thought I was the mother.   LOL

    I'm glad we have these moments of refelction becaue that means WE HAVE SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR!!!!!! or get yelled at for!!! HA HA HASealed

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls,

    Welcome, new ladies! I was in your shoes a year ago.

    A lady I knew from Gilda's Club just died from this sh!tty disease. She was there for me at the beginning. I'm at a loss.

  • Josiekat
    Josiekat Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    So sorry Eema. F cancer.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

      Hi Girls!!!! happy to see you ...I missed you. i'm gonna have to use that "I'll alert the media" phrase!! Lol

    momx3....I am sorry your MIL has Alzheimer's....but I'm with you ...I do not have the same brain function I once had..I used to be able to multi-task but now I begin to worry if too  many things come to me at once. Hopefully I will still be all good at 80!! LOL  The further you get from all this the less you think about it...( I think)... I think the recon part was the part that helped me feel more normal,but this, as most other decisions with BC, are personal. You do have to be careful with the LE ..I wish I could tell you how to completely avoid it,but I do not have the answer...LE is sneaky. I wish you could come....we could have us a big ol' time.if you like to people would be right up your alley!! LOL  I wish all yall's could come....( that is the plural of Y'all) Know what you mean about being let go from treatment..I still want the ONC to follow me around and remind me I'm ok. It gets better with time my first though it is a lost kind of feeling ????? if you find the new normal could I join you there????

    Hi Jo...fat grafting is wonderful...Exercise has become a normal for me.. As you said it makes me feel you have a Y close to you...really good the Live Strong program.

    Besty...I just saw the local kids here taking pictures at homes in the fun..and tiring!! great to see that though!!

    Lisa...I am now obsessed with the cake thing..good grief...I have researched and read...I think I want to make my own marshmallow fondant and use this for words/numbers...I found a picture of a cake I want to make ..the top is a "cap" made with fondant and a ( I think)  4 inch cake?? Anyway...I am working on will be red velvet cake...I will post a pic if it turns out ..LOL You really are the best Aunt...did she like her dresses and did ya'll wear your ( I call 'em crowns!! )LOL    We have a turtle now ..he is so funny...I have not tried to pet him,but he knows I am the food gal...

    So today I worked and when I arrived home my DH had dinner on the go. He made angel hair pasta with scallops and shrimp cocktail and garlic bread..was really yummy and nice..I asked what he made for dessert!! LOL.....

    I hope all  y'alls have had a good Sun (mon- kiwimum)