Any 40-ish survivors?



  • dixiebell
    dixiebell Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2011

    From experience I went to all girls catholic school and was very boy crazy when we finally got around them. My children went to co-ed schools (expect my daughter was at Sacred Heart for 2 years) and their experience was so normal and around the opposite sex they did great. Times are very different though its hard to judge behavior 20 or more years ago to today!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Good night, Ladies!

    I'm doing something I haven't done in a while--watching mindless TV!

    Healing thoughts to all!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone. I just found this thread and thought I'd join. I'm 42. Diagnosed 8/16 after finding a lump 7/10. Finally have settled on BS and PS - hoping to go ahead with BMX and DIEP. I'm TN, Grade 3, so I've been nervous about how long this has been dragging on, but all the doctors keep reassuring me. Hope to line up a meeting with an onc next.

    I haven't gone through all the posts yet, but there's a lot that I'm sure will be useful. I have a great BF who has been going above and beyond the call of duty, so that's reassuring. No children, sadly. I think that's going to be the hardest thing. I'm brca 2 positive, so the ovaries are probably next in line. It was one thing to feel that children were probably out of the picture but there was always a chance.... it's an entirely different thing to realize the door probably has swung shut completely.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone - though as someone else said, I wish it was under different circumstance.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Welcome Rachel... Don't assume you will lose your ovaries before you have kids.. You could choose to have a child next year and have the ovaries taken out after... Hold onto hope!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi house is quiet now except for my two snoring dogs...dixiebell...thank you for your in-put about schools. I swear you would think he's going to college...although tuition is much the same as state university??? Crazy to me....

    welcome Rachel...I think everyone always says sorry you have to be here but glad to see you too.

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2011

    I had my exchange surgery today.  All is well.  I have waves of pain when I shift position or get up but overall it has been very manageable.  Definitely taking my pain meds on schedule.  The only weird thing that happened was I forgot that I could not have an IV in my hands or my arms due to lymph node removal.  So the nurse was going to put it in my foot.  Thankfully the anesthesiologist came in and saw what she was going to do.  He decided he should put it in my neck because it would be alot less painful for me.  Only a doctor can do this and it actually went really well.  There was a little bit of pain, but apparently it was much better than the foot.  My friend is a nurse and she told me the same thing.  Someone was watching over me I do believe.  I had to stay in recovery a little longer just so they could make sure I wasn't going to have a problem with my neck vein after they took the IV out but everything went smooth.   Good health to all of you!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    Mom - Glad things went well. Take care!

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2011

    its been so long since I have been here....i will have to go through all the posts and see how everyone is.  Turned 40 on 8-23 and went to see buffet.  We painted a parrot on my head so I was a real parrot head.  It was a great night to move into the 40's.  Treatment is going very well....7 (out of 12 ) taxol done! Kids back to school and the schedule is pretty tough but overall doing really well....feeling blessed this evening.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     mom2one....YAY !! glad you have that behind you . Hope you rest well tonight.

    Hi rondajean...good to see has been a while and you are moving ahead too. Happy to know you are doing well.

    I am tired is my bedtime all take care and hope all of you get some good sleep!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Rondajean... as in Jimmy??

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2011

    yes jimmy buffet

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      good Morning Everyone,

      Enjoyed chatting with you all last night

    rondajean....I did some of my growing up in the Cincy area...I worked In Blue Ash  every year we would go to see Buffett....that is where some of my " kinda" good behavior we were speaking about earlier came from. Good times back then. I hope you really enjoyed it.

    Look forward to all the new girls posting as well. I know last night we were having fun and all...hope you will feel ok about sharing as well. It is so good to hear from all kinds of people/backgrounds...I know it has been said...but I find it funny how alike we are in so many ways.

    Enjoy the day,


  • bcisnofun
    bcisnofun Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone - thanks for hte welcomes

    Rondajean - happy 40th!

    mom2one - I had one node removed from each side as well but other than my inpatient and ER stays I can't get anyone to draw blood or put an IV in anywhere but my arms, so I always pick the same one and risk it.  How do you get them to do it from another site?  When in the ER they did it once in my foot and actually other than the initial stick it was totally fine.  But the neck - yuck.  Had that for my 4 days inpatient and ouch - no thanks!  You're a stud to let them do that when you are awake. 

    One of my fav posts is the one in "you know you have bc when" threads.  Someone said you know you have bc when you go to the dentist and take off your shirt because you're so used to showing everyone your boobs.  Reminded me of the discussion last night. 

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2011

    Hi BCisnofun:  The nurses I have all seen here in Virginia have told me that IVs must never be in my arms or hands at least for 5 years.  I have had blood taken once from my arm so I'm not sure how that is different.  So far no problems....fingers crossed.  They always take my BP in my leg everywhere I go as well.  It was the doctor that wanted my IV in my neck.  Like you said with your foot, after the initial stick it was fine.  I am going to ask my oncologist the next time I go for blood work about taking blood vs IVs.  Maybe it is because the IV is in longer?  Anyway, welcome to all the new people.  I enjoy reading everyones' posts. 

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2011

    First of all I am sorry I missed the conversations last night!  You all are cracking me up, but I must say that I am having a hard time keeping up with the reading. 

    Welcome Rachel and bcisnofun.  Bc- congrats on being finished chemo.

    I will add a story or two a little late, but here it goes.  I was asked last night by my oldest DD to be careful about massaging may breast in public.  Did not even know I did it.  Don't think I do it or did it often but I guess she did.  Have to get rid of the scar tissue you know!

    My onc. one day compared my breasts to Arnold Swarchenegger in his Mr. Universe days, since I can now make my pecs bounce.  He made sure that he clarified what stage of life for Arnold as to not upset me. Got to love my onc.  He cracks me up every time I see him.

    Saw PS yesterday.  Have to wait another 5 weeks to see if we can get the scar tissue to go down more.  He even mentioned that they are coming out with a larger implant and was wondering if I was interested, since I have the largest they make.  Told him probably not, but still want fat grafting.  Has any one been tattooed yet?  He also told me that I might not want to do that since it looks like makeup and very fake.  Just wondering your thoughts.  Thanks for the laughs!  Have a great day!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2011

    Sorry-  Here I am again.

    Mom2one- I'm glad it went well yesterday.  Hope you are feeling good today.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited September 2011

    mom2one - I think the difference between a blood draw and IV is the blood draw is removing blood, where the IV is putting fluid into your veins.  I guess removing fluid with a one time stick is not as taxing on the lymphatic system as having an IV 'push' fluid into a vein over a period of time. I don't worry too much about blood draws in my non cancer side arm (although I have had a node removed on that side) but do insist on IV's in the foot or neck.  My LE was triggered when I 'forgot' to protect my arm during a BP reading when the cuff got too tight :(  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    When I was in the hospital recently, they couldn't use my left arm (nodes), and didn't want to use my right arm for too much (blood clot in right clavicle), but did have IV in right arm... all BP were done on leg and I also had a transfusion and I guess they used my foot cuz I woke up with blood pokes on my foot.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi Stacey... I love that story...I touch mine more than I used to also  often do not even know. One night we were watching T.V. and I wanted to see if they were cold at that moment so...I checked...stuck my hand down my shirt and  my son said ummmm....what are you doing....I just laugh and so far I have not done anything odd at Church!! Can you imagine???? I do not have tattoos yet. I do see my PS in the morning for my "first " view of my  (here we go again ) nipples. She will be talking about tattoos and I will let you know what she says if you want ???? I don't want them to be funny looking after all this.  Still love the fat grafting. I will ask her though about a lump I have since my surgery. It is what she warned about with the nodule thing. I don't care really it does not bother me,but she may want to fix it.

    mom2one....I hope you are feeling good today ??Smile

    O2b... That stinks about the LE ...You try to be so careful then...there it is. I did great too until this summer...planting tomatoes got me. I am still having to watch it..if I am cleaning or using that arm will begin to swell. Mine is what I call the Popeye look is only in the forearm on one side. I can not (so far) get the swelling completely out of it.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Check out Vinnie Myers tattoos... he is in Maryland, but has recently decided to travel... his work is amazing!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Do you know if insurance covers tattoos?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      I know through PS it would ,but others ...I have no idea what that would cost ??

     I will have to go ...we have a big Confirmation kick off thing to go to this evening and have to pick my son up from girls have fun!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I think vinnie charges $350... and you can then submit it to your insurance company

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Hi Girls!

    Im picking it up from last night, because I just came home from my FIRST FILL!!! My t!ts are SO full, no ripples any more, but they look like hamburger buns on my chest. I got another 80 ccs on both sides of already good sized boobies. But here's the funny part, because with me, there always has to be a funny part.... Remember my seltzer bottle debacle last night? Well today, PS has a needle in my side, digging for the port, and he says, "man, it's like this thing turned around..." I told him about the seltzer bottle explosion, and he tells me that HAS to be it, then tells me to lay on my side, because it will be like a breech birth. He does something that KILLS, and says, "let's see now.". He sticks the needle in again, voile, he got it! Then he giggled to himself, which I had to tease him for!

    So, the good news is I don think I will need another fill. Geez, I thought I was going to be smaller, not bigger! Bad new is I'm going to stop traffic with these girls!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011


    Sorry to hear about the pain, but so glad you are still laughing.  Ok, so how big are they now?  I became a bit greedy after my last fill and went for "one more fill".

    mamachick and all, NO massaging in public.  Our poor kids will be scarred for life.

    So enjoyed our fun chat last night, went to bed smiling.  You all are the best.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    I went to bed laughing too, Christine! So nice to do that--too many nights crying, now I have to catch up with laughter!

    Ok, I have to admit, I have been known to fondle myself in public, but only when I think no one is looking! If I can't see them, they don't exist, right!?

    I think I must be a D, but DH says a large C. They'd better settle themselves down before I hurt some young man's neck as he tries to get another look! ;)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Eema.....owww!! That poking sounds painful,but I'm very happy to hear your boob is no longer facing the wrong way...that would not be good once filled!!

    Christine....I used to say I hope my son doesn't end up on Oprah due to mom "issues",but now that she's gone ,no worries...I hope.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

    Eema, you are nice to laugh about it all...makes me feel better.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2011
    Eema - you are sooo funny.  Glad things got straighten out.  Hopefully you don't cause any traffic accidents.  
  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Today I was talking with a friend about my healing... and my son was next to me... can't remember what I said, but my friend said something to him about the conversation... the candidness... and I said 'Oh, he has heard it all'... but he hasn't seen me groping myself...