Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    KiwiMum, yeah for one last chemo and you are done!!!  Enjoy your weekend.

    kmur--Friday night, TV and frozen yogart with your son, it doesn't get much better than that.  My 13 and 15 year old sons are already in bed, but we had time in my bed tonight with popcorn.  Don't know what I would do without them. 

    Hang in there you gals growing hair.  This was my first week to go to the office without a wig, almost as hard as my first week to work with a wig.  My hair is very short, but full coverage, my husband loves it this short.  I am almost 5 months PFC and only one inch, but enough for some gel.  My boys say I look "artsy", just hope I don't look like I am looking for a date, LOL.

    Now only 6 days till my next surgery, starting to get abit anxious.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

    Christine...popcorn sounds even better.  Just love my son and Friday nights are the best. I was much like you with hair...I used gel and tried to pull off that artsy look, I was just so happy to have hair. Are you doing the fat grafting next?

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Kmur--Yes, fat grafting and nips on thursday!  Excited in a crazy way.  I have alot to get done this weekend and at work before then.  Clean, catch up on laundry, plant some fall pansies, shop, pedicure, etc.  Hope your are still pleased with your results?  Will you need a second round?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     I know what you mean about getting ready. It is almost like when we expect snow...I try to stock up on groceries and all that stuff....I don't even know why.....yes, I am very pleased with the nipple/fat grafting surgery. I am still sore from the areas where the fat was taken. She really did do a good job. I will see her again in about two weeks. I may do some more fat grafting just to add a little more fluff in that area. I will be thinking of you. I was more sore with that one than the exchange,but it's not bad.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Betsy-he has been pretty inspirtional for me to. I know some of you have reason to disagree, but I do believe that he is the most wonderful, sexy, strong, funny, intelligent, respectable, awesomest man that ever lived, Lol. Not bias or anything.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Dawn... to find that kind of love when you didn't think it would happen is a true gift.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Your totally right Besty-Guess I will always have to be grateful to BC for putting my soul, life, emotions in a place where I was willing to except it. BC has sucked, but in the end I've found that I am a lucky lucky women-weird I know, but great.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Survivor - I love your story about falling in love after diagnosis.  I sometimes wonder if it possible.  Just before I was diagnosed I had met a guy that I really liked.  I thought it would go somewhere, but once that lump showed up, my life fell apart for a couple of months and we lost the momentum.  Now I just feel way to ugly to date anyone.  I cannot wait to have something close to my own hair back.  I think I can deal with the scar (lumpectomy only), but the short curly hair is just so unattractive on me.  I figure another 8 months and I should be back to normal.  I know that sounds incredibly superficial, but I HATE my short hair.  Some people look great with it.  I do not.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited September 2011

    Irr4993 - I HATED the short hair too!  I refer to those days as the chia pet days.  I can totally relate and you are not superficial...

    On Jan 11, 2011 I went to my hair dresser for a trim, not knowing my hair was now long enough to be straightened (it still had a very tight curl).  I wear glasses and I am almost blind without them.  My hair dresser ALWAYS makes me take my glasses off for my hair cuts so when she said she wanted try something new, I just sat there while she played with my hair.  Once she was done, I put on my glasses and looked into the mirror...I saw...ME!!! The 'me' that disappeared almost 16 months earlier in a blur of diagnosis, surgeries and treatments.  I just sat in awe with tears running down my happy to see the real me again... I think that was the first time I truly felt hope that life could return to a semblance of normal.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited September 2011

    p.s. my avatar is a picture I took that same day to celebrate the return of ME!

    It was the first time I felt pretty in such a long time...

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    Survivor - I agree with the others. You have found a special man. 

    O2b and Irr - I'm dreading the thought of potentially having curly hair.  I've always had straight hair and that's "me".  Not everyone gets curls do they - I'd love to be one who doesn't.

    But then who am I kidding?  Any hair is good hair to me right now.

    I had a lovely time reading my book in the sun.  Also did some gardening and I am quite pleased with the results. 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Michelle - your post made me cry.  Mine is now long enough to straighten but it is still horrid and if it is at all humid, it will not stay straight.  I have just now started going out in pubic without a wig.  Hair bands help.  

    Is your avatar at 16 mos?  It is a very pretty picture.  I am at 9 mos now and have about 4-5 inches of hair. 

    Kiwi - I don't think everyone gets curls.  I had curls before.  I cannot tell if it is curlier than before.  It seems like it, but it could just be because it is short.  Wearing it longer lets the weight of the hair pull out the curl a bit. 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    I am one who is growing back totally straight hair!  I have always had straight hair and was hoping for just alittle wave.  My hair is only one inch and it looks like I straight ironed it.  I have always had short hair as an adult, I will be staying short, but need a bit more length to look more femine. 

    Interesting reading about relationships during BC, even those of us with happy marrigaes see changes (some positive and some not), loss of control, role changes, body changes, mood issues, fear, etc.  Having your spouse help with dressing and drains, washing your hair, etc, is not to sexy. My husband has been a good sport, but it has been tough to let him help and see me down and ugly.  I am working hard to get back to normal in many ways.  I have planned a trip for just the two of us to Savannah, GA at the end of Oct, romantic city, posh inn, yummy food,  and time for the two of us to relax.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Christine - I used to live in Savannah.  Let me know if you need any suggestions on things to do.  End of Oct is a great time to go, weather wise.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited September 2011

    Lisa - my hair grows REALLY SLOW!  Yes that was me at 16 hair dresser did trim my hair as it grew out so that I could have  a little shape to it...My hair is now almost 10 inches at its longest point

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Christine... My hair appeared to be straight for the first inch and a half and THEN it started to curl... so don't assume yet that you won;t get the curl... My hair is naturally wavy, but is definitely more curly than normal... but also much shorter.

    As far as relationships... my husband has been in avoidance mode. I had a friend with me in New Orleans for my surgery and she was my aid... by the time my husband came down, I could self manage... so he has never helped me with drains, showers etc and has not seen any scars... In a way, I prefer he does not and can just see the finished product... At the same time, he just simply acts like a roommate... but I did have drains until last week... so I am sure that has contributed... I know I am just fine healing and having intimacy later.

  • dixiebell
    dixiebell Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2011

    kmur Do you have to stay overnight for the fat grafting procedure?

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone,

    On relationships, just wanted to share because the way my relationship with my husband has grown is one of my silver lining of having this crappy cancer.

    When I had my biopsy and just had this feeling that is was cancer by the reactions of the doctors/technicians and how fast things were moving I had decided right then and there that I was going for a BMX if it was confirmed as cancer, but didn't say anything to anyone about it. I was scared because I did not know how my DH would respond. I had the conversation all worked out in my mind on how I would bring up the subject once the results came back, ask him to please stay with me long enough to finish treatments and if he wanted to end our marriage to please keep me on the insurance until I could get it through work.

    Then two days before we got the results he brought up the subject and said if the results came back positive, if I wanted to get a BMX with my family history he would fully support me.  He said the decision for reconstruction was completely my decision and he would still love me no matter what I decide to do. I broke down crying.

    He has been there for every step. He managed milking the drains, helped me shower, he saw the scars before I could look at them and held my hand when I finally did look at the scars. Our relationship has gotten so much stronger and we have both become so much more supportative of each other. 

    I had believed I married a good person, and I honestly have had my doubts when we hit tough spots in our marriage on whether or not we could last, especially as we get closer to when the kids grow up and out of the house, but with this situation I got to really see what a wonderful caring person he is and love him more than ever, and really believe now that we will make it.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi Dixiebell....  My fat grafting procedure was outpatient. In my case, I also had the nipple surgery at the same time. The nipples were done by using a skin graft because my radiated BC side is much tighter. My PS wanted them to look alike was about  ( I think) 3 1/2 hour surgery but the results look very real. The fat grafting has made a really big difference in that the implant has no rippling and they are no longer cold to the touch. She removed fat from my back area just above my rear, I think this fat can be taken from the stomach area also. Hope this info is helpful. Will you be doing the fat grafting next also?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Proudmom...That is so great that your husband has been so wonderful through all this. My husband and I sound very similar. he saw my scars first,went with me to get my first TE fill,didn't mind when I had no hair and has picked me back up several times. I will never forget when we got all of the results back and knew we were facing this aggressive cancer and all those other numbers that to this day I can't remember....that night I just fell apart....I had all those thoughts about our son and who will be there for him...,but my husband was there putting all my pieces back together. He is one that does not talk about this to I do worry about him too....I think it is hard for them too...with all of our drains and stitches ...they probably don't know what to do with us......

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    there are many great men out there.  I just never thought we would be doing the "in sickness and in health" part of our vows so soon.  My husband has always been the more dependant one and thru the last 10 months some role reversal.  Mine does not talk to anyone about this and that does worry me.  Just recently he allowed me to go to a doctors appt alone.  I plan on kicking him out of the room on thursday when the PS marks me for surgery (so I can really show the PS where to take the best fat from, LOL). 

    Dixiebell, RE, fat grafting, I am going this thursday for my nips and fat grafting, my PS said four hours (of course I want him to take his time and do it right).  I hope I do not need to stay the night, although this is a longer surgery than my exchange and port removal.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2011

    So many lovely stories of husbands and boyfriends...just awesome.

    Welcome to the new girls :-)

    My husband and I have a different kind of marriage.  Hard to define it-it's very animated.  We both grew up in abusive, loud homes.  So admittedly, there's lots of yelling.  Our kids and friends are used to it.  But I tell you what, I always know he loves me.  He kisses me softly a million times when he leaves for work and I'm still sleeping.  He tells me he loves me 5 or 6 times a day.  We still hold hands in public and cuddle and kiss in front of people.  He has been great through everything, was still attracted to me while I had TE's and no nipples, and was able to look at my boobs when I couldn't.  He works 12 hour days, 6 days a week so I don't have to.  I love him to death.

    Kiwi-my hair grew back quickly on the sides and back, but the top is still way behind.  I've been done with chemo for 14 months and the hair on top of my head is only 2 1/2 inches long.  Ughhh.  I get my hair cut every three weeks, which consists of shaving the back and sides and blending it into the top.  Basically a guy's cut.  I don't look bad with short hair, I just need the "bangs" to be longer so it looks like an actual style. And it grew back in curly on the sides and back, and straight on top.  My hair is all messed up!  I have had a really hard time with the lack of hair.  It has made me down for a long time.  Shameful that my appearance means so much to me.  But hey, I'm human.

    I hope everyone has a terrific Saturday evening, and a relaxing Sunday!

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Love the hubby/BF stories. So nice to have someone stand my your side.

    So tell me a little about fat grafting? I'm having exchange in a week but PS hasn't mentioned anything about fat grafting. Just curious.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies,

    I'm loving these love stories! My DH had dental surgery last week, and it made me realize how much I love him. I've been pushing him away, but to see I'm so fragile let me know he still needs me, and loves me even with pit-tits!

    So, I found out what is causing so much pain is cording in my pit. The PS NP told me to massage it twice a day, which I have been doing, but need to step it up. After reading about it online, I think I'm going to need some PT for my pit. That sounded funnier in my head.

    Today was the first day I've been to synagogue since the new twins came to town! I'm observant Jewish, which means I walk on Saturdays, don't spend money, dont cook, listen to music, etc. One thing I DO do is have a shot (or two) with my girlfriends after services. It had been almost two months since I've had a drink, so I only had one, but it was Aquavit, a Swedish rye alcohol that is supposed to be good for you. It certainly was good for me! The 1.1 mile walk there was great. The 1.1 mile walk back felt like 20 miles. I crashed as soon as I got home. We usually have a big meal when we get home (cooked the day before), and I just walked to bed and crashed. DH arranged everything and then yelled he was the only one at the table, so I pulled my sore tushy out of be and joined him and DS. It was a beautiful day here, so we ate outside!

    Kiwi, I'm so excited for you! Yay for being done. I'm no where near the finish line. Found out on Friday my 1 step procedure is going to be two steps, and I'm a little bummed, but I hate these implants! So, we are going to look at them as tissue expanders, and I'll replace with silicone. But now I'm hearing about fat grafting and that sounds better! And I've got @ss to spare! Get my tits out of my pits and onto my chest!

    I'm going to rub myself up with some arnica oil and watch SNL. Keep moving, ladies!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi All,

     Eema...I have the cording also and it can be painful. I did the PT and was given stretches to do and that does help. What (for me) seems odd ,if I do not stretch that cording out fairly will tighten again. I have been doing Bowflex lately and that really helps. You crack me up with your drink story....I just have this vision of you being the most fun person to have a drink your girlfriends get to laugh with you? Two of my very close high school friends drove to Louisville to see me not long ago. I love to cook so we had all kinds of snacks and my husband mixed us up a drink called an Allen Wrench...for us that is

     1 1/2 Finlandia Grapefruit Vodka,3/4 X Rated, 3/4 Pama, 1 Ruby red grapefruit juice.

    I tell myself the juice is good for me. They are very refreshing and the girls and me had a wonderful time.Smile  It felt so good to be normal....

    Survivor11....I can tell you about my fat grafting. I had TE's through chemo and rads. When exchange to silicone was done,we found the skin in the chest to be thin and visible rippling occurred and my boobs were cold to the touch. My last surgery was the nipple and fat grafting surgery. It is lipo really,but the fat is placed slowly to fill in areas in the chest. For me it gave me a more natural slope to my breast and corrected the coolness issue. I will probably have another go of grafting down the line. I think I have read about some doctors using all fat...but I might wrong and can't remember the details ???? I have been very pleased with the results and I think all of the fat survived. Who knew fat needs a blood supply???? Hope that helps???

    Happy Sunday,


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011


    You are a hoot.  I am next up for fat grafting, fixing a couple of dents and putting some under my arm where all the nodes were removed. I am on Thursday, will let you know how it goes.  Kim has been so encouraging with her good results.  So far my implants are staying right where they belong.  Glad you PS has a plan fot get you fixed.

    Kim, that drink sounds good, I love grapefruit juice.  Love hemmingways at local restraunt, fresh grapefruit juice, vodka and something else, with sugar on the rim.  Yum.

    Ladies who know about Savannah, restraunt recommendations please!  We love great food.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Christine - Savannah dining:

    Wilkes House on Jones Street (my favorite street in sav) - soul food

    Elizabeths on 37th - fine dining

    17Hundred90 - fine dining

    Pirates House - okay food; fun setting (really old house that was a pirate hangout 200 years ago)

    Greek restaurant on river street (don't remember name)

    Georges on tybee if you want to go out to the coast/islands

    The breakfast club on tybee for breakfast

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi All ,

    Christine....I hope your surgery will be a breeze and you get the results you want. When I had the follow up with my PS , I just thanked her over and over for putting my body back together. I have never been to Savannah,but one thing I always do before taking a trip is to log onto tripadviser and get the scoop there. One place I would love to visit is Charleston and I'd love to eat at Magnolias. I have two of his cookbooks...I just love  southern food ok well all food !!  Your drink sounds yummy too...I also love grapefruit and it's healthy right???

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    One more - crystal beer parlor - best burgers in town

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

       Have no idea how this text changed...will try to fix