Not Diagnosed and Waiting for Test Results? Start Here



  • sarah_78
    sarah_78 Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2021

    Hi everyone,

    just created an account a few days ago and lurked a bit. I am waiting for my biopsy results. According to radiologist, my oncologist and gynaecologist who took the samples, it doesn't look good, but trying to think positive until pathology results come back.

    I am not a stranger to the C word, since in 2011 I was treated for Hodgkin's Lymphoma 2A with 4 cycles ABVD and involved field radiotherapy. The lump I have right now is up, middle, right, is right at the border of that field. It is a very big lump (5cm+), which came out in 1 day some months ago and didn't change size as much as I could tell by poking it, so I ignored it for a while, waited for semester to be over since I am working as a professor in a university and I am fed up with cancer delaying my life. Sorry a bit of a rant here, I was 33 when Hodgkin's was diagnosed and I got biopsied right before my wedding, got the results one day after the wedding, you can imagine how hard was it for me to dance during it with all the anxiety. Now at 43, right when my research started to take off, life seems like having other plans for me.

    Back to the topic, the punch biopsy was done on Wednesday (2 days ago) and it was on the breast lump as well as 2 lymph nodes that looked suspicious under my arm. The doctor who performed it wanted to already stage me, full body CT, bone scan etc, but I told him I'd rather wait for the diagnosis. Probably just need a week off from all this during my vacation, hope I don't regret the decision.

    I will report back about what it is. I'd like to thank the moderators who seem to maintain a very active board here. I know such forums are so helpful. Last time I had great support at a Lymphoma Forum, if this one comes out as BC, I am planning to actively share it with you.



  • Creekgirl
    Creekgirl Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    A week ago I discovered a tender, small, pea size firm lump in my left breast. I thought it might be scar tissue because it's in the exact same place I had a cyst removed many years ago. My OB-GYN checked Thursday and said it wasn't scar tissue or a cyst. He did a fine needle aspiration and sent it to a lab.

    I didn't hear the results yesterday, but should on Monday. I'm trying not to worry, but what are the odds of having something in the very same place? It wasn't cancer last time. It's even more sore now because of the needle, of course. But is it weird to have a lump there after so many years?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited October 2021

    Creekgirl, it's really hard to say. We're pleased to hear your doctor was able to quickly do a biopsy for you, though of course sorry you are in discomfort. Please keep us posted and we're here for you, regardless of what they find.

  • Janvi
    Janvi Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    yes , i can understand it is very stressing what will be the result

  • Rayven71
    Rayven71 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2022

    Well I'm fixing to have my mammogram done. Doctor's had found my lymph nodes are swollen under my arm left side and I have a hard lump under the nipple area and a lot of discharge and blood so they decided I need a mammogram because of my family history of having four of my dad's sisters passed away from breast cancer they did not win the fight 😪. On that and on top of it I have lupus and I had cancer at 21 and they did a full hysterectomy and some chemotherapy and so mentally I'm a mess and my stomach's got butterflies and I'm scared maybe I just needed something like hope, I feel that there are other's here going through the same thing as I am, of so please contact me,

    Need a friend

  • DakotaN
    DakotaN Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2022

    I'm glad I found a site that can accommodate my needs. I had two mammograms. They show SOMETHING there in black on my right breast. That was a few weeks ago. Now I'm waiting impatiently for the next step, which for me is the ultrasound. That is on Thursday. I have been reading up on cancer and treatments, trying to prepare myself for anything that comes along.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited February 2022

    Welcome, DakotaN. We're sorry you find yourself here with this worry! The waiting can be so hard. Please keep us posted on your ultrasound, hoping for benign results for you!

    The Mods

  • ness7432
    ness7432 Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2022

    I also had my diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, need two biopsies next week and the week after. All my reports were in my patient portal...literally every doctors visit or test result posts in there even if not part of my primary because they can be linked. Maybe ask your doctors office if they have a portal you can register for to get results faster? Problem is when I have a test done, I refresh my portal like 150 times a minute until the test shows up lol. I understand the waiting game its where I am at right now, and also trying to decipher everything said. Its overwhelming. I also noticed something weird with my right nipple too after the fact, both sides need a biopsy but the left side was actually described as a non-circumscribed hypoechoic mass. The right side couldn't be found well enough on u/s so I am getting the left side biopsied with u/s and the right biopsied using a mammo machine to guide the doctor. I tend to like to prepare for the worst rather than hope for the best so I just want to know what I'm dealing with. Best of luck to you.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2022

    I NEVER thought I would be writing here again!

    My story in a nutshell: 2003 Dx IDC, treated at local hospital. What could go wrong did, but in the end, I survived and thrived!

    In December of 2018, I was Dx with ILC, treated at a cancer hospital.

    After almost three years, I decided to see if I could do my follow up maintenance at our local hospital, the drive to the city no longer seemed necessary. So I went through the process of transferring my records and getting disks of my imagining back to my local hospital. I was two months past my one year mammogram due date, but not at all concerned about that. Last week I saw the new breast surgeon. I really like this doctor, he is everything one looks for in a breast surgeon and his staff is wonderful! He gave me my mammogram script and a referral to an oncologist as well as a plastic surgeon who does lymph node transfers. (I have lymphedema in my one arm) I didn't see the plastic surgeon, but I had my mammogram and saw the oncologist.

    Well, the mammogram didn't go as expected. I thought I would be in and out in very little time, after all, I only have one real breast left! Nope, I needed more views and then the radiologist told me I need a biopsy, which I am having this week. Birads 4. Ugh.

    Now I am no newbie, so I know all too well that the chances of being benign are high, but that never, in my experience, has knowing this lessened the worry factor. This time, my third with the other two times being positive for cancer, I am hopeful, but have an open mind to the possibility of another positive outcome. I never thought I would get a positive result either of the two times prior. This time, I WILL NOT BE BLINDSIDED.

    I saw the films and I saw the area of pleomorphic calcification that was not there last year. I know I either have a benign condition, in which case I will go back to my regular monitoring, or it is likely DCIS. Because I was refused a double mastectomy at the cancer hospital I went to, and my new breast surgeon told me he would have recommended that due to my cancer and family history, I would definitely go for a second mastectomy. Either way, I feel pretty good about either scenario. Benign is Benign! No worries! And DCIS, would remove a breast I never wanted to keep without need of radiation or lymph node biopsy! That said, mastectomy or any treatment, is never easy, and it would make things less than ideal with my job! To be honest, I am more concerned about the financial aspect of a positive diagnosis, than I am about having a positive result.

    Being a firm believer that things don't always work out the way that we want them to, I will deal with whatever lies ahead of me, and tackle it with gusto!


  • scaredmominmi
    scaredmominmi Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2022

    Hi mavericksmom,

    Sorry you are here again. Also back again awaiting biopsy results from Friday. I'm also BIRADS 4 again. I had a lumpectomy that ended up being benign in 2020, but it was also BIRADS 4 and the biopsy was inconclusive. Took me 6 months to find out it wasn't cancer thanks to the pandemic cancelling my surgery. It was a rough 2020.

    I, too, worry about the financial impact as the primary earner with kids.

    I hate hate HATE waiting. I had to take an anxiety pill today because I was just too worked up. I got through the workday but man it was tough.

    I'm sorry you've been through this before. I wish none of us here had to go through all of this stress. However, you are right. If it is bad news, we will fight this with gusto!!!

  • triscuit
    triscuit Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2022

    I'm back waiting again too. I was on this site a few years ago after biopsies and finding out I was CHEK2 positive. The biopsies turned out benign, fortunately - intraductal papillomas. I have been followed with US/mammo alternating with MRI every 6 months. I gradually relaxed about the whole process and the risks and was very surprised when after my MRI a few weeks ago I got a call they wanted to do a MRI-guided biopsy on the right for a 7mm enhancement not previously seen.

    I had the biopsy on Friday (not pleasant but done) and I'm trying not to worry too much. Likelihood is that it's another papilloma but I worry about the percentage with atypia and may have accompanying DCIS as well. The radiologist made me nervous by asking in a pointed way if I had had the papillomas surgically removed, which I haven't - seemed to be surprised by this. I have been followed by a breast surgeon for many years and she has said it was not necessary but now I'm worried again.

    Results could come today or tomorrow. I did well over the weekend distracting myself but down to the wire I'm having a harder time. Hoping the phone rings today.

  • mandeakay
    mandeakay Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2022

    Hello all, I hate seeing so many people on here, however I'm glad I have found a group where I can express my concerns and maybe alleviate some anxiety. During my first mammo screen in 2016, they found a spot, had the ultrasound the same day and determined to be a cyst (Left breast) aspirated the cyst and everything has been fine since. A week before my annual mammogram I felt a small knot under areola, pcp also felt it and referred me for an ultrasound same day as mammogram ( also in left breast). Mammogram showed nothing, Ultrasound showed the spot I felt was prominent ducts, no concern, but did find a 8mm x 5mm x 5mm mixed solid / cystic mass at 12:00 periareolar area needing a biopsy. I have been unable to find my report from 2016 to see if it's the same area as the aspirated cyst but everything has been done at the same center. My biopsy was scheduled forn16 days out, I have since been able to get it scheduled 2 days sooner, so Monday the 24th. I have been a nervous wreck, even knowing that the chances of it being malignant is very low. I have been Gene tested ( my father had metastatic prostate cancer and my maternal aunt had breast cancer at a young age) I do not carry the genes they tested for, so no hereditary risk. I am a smoker, have dense breast and started my period at a young age. I've accepted the worst (I like being prepared just incase) but the wait is killing me, I'm not sure I will be able to handle the wait for the results. How long did it take for everyone to get their results back? I've seen it can take up to a month but would like to hear from others who have already gone thru this. TIA and Goodluck to those still waiting.

  • alwaysawaiting
    alwaysawaiting Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2022

    Hoping for some advice. For the last 2 1/2yrs I have been on a weight loss journey and have lost roughly 100lbs. 1 1/2 yrs, 39yrs old, ago I had noticed a lump in my left breast. Went to the dr and she wanted a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. At that time they told me all looked good and it was just a fatty deposit I was feeling due to the weight loss. Because of this, I never looked at the images of the mammogram or let the concern go any further.

    Now that I’ve lost all this weight and have maintained it, I wanted to have body contouring surgery and a breast augmentation. Due to this they want a mammogram. I scheduled a mammogram in October. A few days later I got the results and it stated BIRADS 0 because they noticed a 5mm mass in the left breast. Being who I am, I instantly went into research mode (pubmed, NCDI, and other accredited locations, not like webmd). With research, I needed to know more about what was seen, so I looked up the images and reports. I seen the mass they were stating and noticed 2 groups of microcalcifications. This made me look up the prior mammogram. At that time there was only 1 cluster if microcalcifications yet no one had addressed it. It was marked clearly on imaging however. So, in the 1 1/2 yrs time (now 41yrs old), there is now another group and this mass. The mass itself was wider than tall which appears to be a good thing. So while I did the reseach, I was able to just research then without going to worse case scenarios. Found a lot of neat and interesting things.

    I went to the US and it took the girl forever to find it while pushing pretty hard. Upon finding it, she instantly says “don’t get upset”, I had not done anything at that point, so I found it bothering that she went there. While looking on the screen I noticed it was black but too had areas of gray in it. She turned on the color Doppler and I caught the blood flow right beside it (medical/surgical assistant for years with GXMO & more than halfway through getting BSN, I did not advise any of them of my education/experience). After capturing some images she said she was going to go make sure the radiologist was good with everything. Upon returning the radiologist came with her and they looked at the mass yet again. I caught them looking at each other on more than one occasion which I didn’t like how the tension felt. After looking at it for a couple minutes, the radiologist stated he wanted me to do a follow up in 6 months as it was so small. He is also unaware of my medical history. I straight out asked “so you don’t think this is anything concerning”. He hesitated and stated, “um, yeah, it’s most likely nothing. Like a sac of cyst, yeah it’s probably nothing.” This man has been a radiologist for like 25yrs and that was the must uncomfortable interaction I have ever had in regards to their surety, but I wanted to let it go because I want surgery.
    When coming home and researching more, I just didn’t feel comfortable. Later that day I got the US report and he put me at a BIRADS 3 with recommendation for 6mo follow up. Briefly hit there were clustered microcalcifications but did not state in different locations. Called the mass then complex but stated complex group of cysts. This was not even what he said to me. I was upset because I can’t get the augmentation with a BIRADS 3. So I called my GYN to set up an appointment.

    When going to that appointment, she had not looked at images and only read the report prior to speaking with me. Came in the room and was like so it looks like you have some cysts on your breast so it’s nothing really. I was like hold on. First off, it’s 1 sac supposedly, and did you even look at the images. She stated she doesn’t really do breast so she wouldn’t know what she’s looking at. I said there are 2 separate groups of clustered microcalcifications that are both clearly marked along with there are 2 areas that to me look like a cluster of veins clearly marked and the mass. She stated that they will keep an eye on it and follow up in 6mo. The one thing I kept noticing is everyone was making comments in some form or another that it was under 8mm. What is the significance of 8mm and why should a patient wait until a mass is that size prior to anyone taking it serious? Wouldn’t catching something earlier rather than later be better (researching that I found it’s because the radiologist wants to have better judgement on what it is so that they are not sending a bunch of people to get biopsies and upsetting surgeons, which in the medical field really relates to everyone wants to be right and look like the badass that never makes mistakes even though it’s interfering with earlier detections)? Well then I reminded the GYN my mom passed in Oct. 2016 with 2 different primary cancers (neither breast), my maternal grandfather passed (Oct 2013, yep hate that month) with 2 primary cancers (again neither breast and both different from my moms). My nephew passed with osteosarcoma at the age of 17 Apr 2016. I am adopted by my dad so do not know paternal medical history. During all this time spoke with someone that knows kind of some of my paternal family members and was advised that I would have a 1st cousin who in her 30’s had/has breast cancer. Unknown as to the kind or anything else or if theirs is anyone else. After going over all that, she thought maybe I should follow up with a breast specialist/surgeon.

    Went to that appointment. Again, not knowing the history, she walks into the room and says it looks like you just have some breast cysts. At this point, I am getting really irritated with no one wanting to actually look at images themselves, not knowing history, and only wanting to go off what another physician said because no one wants to step on anyone’s toes. I correct her with what’s really there. She pulls up 2 of the 70 some images. Says, “oh I can see where he said sac or cysts as this right here looks like there are areas inside of this.” Told her about the calcifications and she looked at 1 other image and said “yeah I don’t see those”. I said “well they are clearly marked by a radiologist on images in there if you actually look at them.” While she was very nice in speaking to me, I still just felt dismissed and I really just wanted the BIRADS dropped so I could have surgery. So she suggested biopsy so that I could go forward or I would have to wait the 6mos. I have waited years for this surgery and I go December 16th, nope, let’s do this biopsy.

    Day of biopsy with US guidance, radiologist walks in and says “this says 6mo followup recommendation, so what brings you in to do this?” Really!! Can no one just read someone else’s work and do their own work opposed to taking the lazy way out? I just tell him I want the body contouring so I need this. He says ok makes sense. Then proceeds to tell me that sense they suspect cysts, they are just going to try to aspirate it. I laughed and said, yeah, go for it. Once getting into the mass, the radiologist made the remark he was plunging back pretty hard and absolutely nothing was coming out. At that time they went ahead with the CNB. After the first pass through as he got it, he tells me “often with what I think it might be, they essentially disperse after the sample is taken because of the consistency.” Then drops the specimen into the catch cup and says it immediately sank to the bottom. Then got the US back in place to find it was still there. He was like, “oh, well it is still there”. I just responded with, “yeah, I figured it would be”. 2nd specimen, sank immediately. 3rd pass, part of the specimen sank part floated, & the same with the 4th. During the US the tech turned on color and right away the radiologist shut it down (unfortunately my experience/education came out). I didn’t get to see much this time. At the finish he told me fingers crossed it comes back benign and told me when the results should be back. We are now past that time and still no results. Also, he changed what was once a complex cyst to solid mass on the post clip placement mammogram & post procedure report. BIRADS code ZW. What does ZW mean.
    Where it asked impression/findings he only put the procedure he completed. I feel like things were left out and that’s what bothers me the most. Just wondering if anyone has words f wisdom/advice? Thoughts to the things seen, how it was handled, did your biopsies take longer than expected, and really just anything? Due to my family history, I completely expect at some point in my life to get a cancer diagnosis, hopefully just not now, but if it is, I will just do what I need to, so I am not a hypochondriac thinking everything is wrong with me, I just want to move forward whatever direction that might be

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited February 2023

    Hi, justagalwholoveslife, and welcome to! We are sorry that these changes to your breast health have brought you here, but glad that you reached out. It is understandable that you are concerned, but keep in mind that most breast changes are not related to cancer. Until other members post with their experiences, we encourage you to read the article What Mammograms Show: Cysts, Calcifications, Fibroadenomas from the main, that describes some of the benign results that can come from testing.

    Please update us after your appointment and let us know what you learn.

    Thinking of you,

    The Mods

  • justagalwholoveslife
    justagalwholoveslife Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2023

    so I had my appointment and it is confirmed that there is a lump. My dr said she will not make any assumptions at this point. She set up a diagnostic MRI for Thursday at 2:00. She also put in a referral for surgery. She said she is being proactive in order to save time just in case. She did say that the lump is hard and it doesn’t freely move. She also mentioned that she had breast cancer twice and it treatable. I’m not sure how I feel but I also haven’t told my mom yet.

    I will update as soon as I get new information.

    I will definitely read the article you mentioned above.


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,068
    edited February 2023

    Kristen: as they say in mel's living room "In your pocket" for your scan tomorrow. That means we are with you in spirit since we can't be there in the flesh. Scanxiety is normal just try not to let it immobilize you. I hope you get the results quickly.

    You can find her hangout by checking under member search "micmel" or active topics, "My Husband......"

    Just breathe!!

  • justagalwholoveslife
    justagalwholoveslife Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2023

    thank you! My appointment is today at 2:00. I have some anxiety but I’m trying to stay focused only on the facts.

    Be back later to update!


  • februarystar27
    februarystar27 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2023

    Hi everyone,

    I found a breast lump about a week and a half ago, had an exam at my PCP's office last Thursday, and went in for a mammogram and ultrasound yesterday. I just turned 41 in January and I'd never had a mammogram before. The mass is smooth, moveable, and is about 4.4 cm. The radiologist thinks it could just be a fibroadenoma, but she's leaning more towards it being a phyllodes tumor, which is rare but when it does show up tends to be in my age range. Phyllodes are most often benign, but they can also be borderline or malignant. I have to get a biopsy on Tuesday, and I'll almost definitely need to get the mass removed even if it is benign. If it's borderline or malignant I'd need radiation after removal.

    I'm thankful because there's still a good chance it's benign, but the anxiety keeps creeping up on me. I just lost my mom in October to metastatic colon cancer, and I know my situation is completely different from hers, but it's hard to go through this without her here. I was also supposed to be starting my second attempt at IVF this month (first attempt in Nov/Dec wasn't successful), and I have to put it off until this is taken care of, so I'm worried about needing prolonged treatment as I feel myself getting older and older with each month.

    I'll get my biopsy results probably in about a week, and I'll let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for letting me get some anxiety out.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited March 2023

    Februarystar27, I'm sorry that you have to go through the stress of a biopsy and waiting for pathology but that is the only way to know what is going on. Condolences on the loss of your mom. You are correct in assuming that the lump is probably benign. It's hard not to imagine the worst but try to distract yourself with other things. Hopefully you will be able to resume IVF treatment soon. This site is a good place to get your anxiety out because we understand. Best wishes for a benign result!

  • joce
    joce Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2023

    Hi all,

    I just had an excisional biopsy yesterday for an area in my right breast that showed "atypical ductal hyperplasia suspicious for DCIS" from the needle core biopsy. Since there wasn't enough tissue to decipher whether it is cancer or simply in the category of being a high-risk lesion, it needed to come out. Today is Friday and I have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to get the results. Any way the pathology sorts out, I was told that I would need to start Tamoxifen, the side effects of which sound kind of awful and I am very reactive to medications.

    I'm not sure what I am asking here, but just putting my worry out into the universe. I am trying so hard not to let fear steal from me and focus on the gratitude of having access to care.

    Thank you for reading and holding space for the uncertainty.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited March 2023

    Hi joce, I'm sorry that you are having to endure the wait for pathology. If it turns out to be a high risk lesion like ADH a low dose of tamoxifen (with fewer side effects) is often prescribed. Things get better once you know what you are dealing with since there is a treatment plan in place. Good luck going forward!

  • februarystar27
    februarystar27 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2023

    maggie15, thank you so much! The uncertainty right now is stressful, but I'm trying not to let it get to me. It definitely helps to have a community who understands what that's like.

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 751
    edited March 2023

    Hi Februarystar,

    Please don't borrow trouble over the tamoxifen. Plenty of women don't have side effects at all, and another large subset is able to find a way to make it work by finding the right generic for them, splitting doses am and pm, or cutting doses. The minority of us for whom that doesn't work are the most likely to show up here and post about it, but many of us do end up finding other options (for me it was toremifene) or making peace with the decision to forego the hormonal therapy.

    I don't think you can really predict based on other meds. I'm generally pretty tolerant of meds but something about tamoxifen just exhausted me. On the other hand, toremifene has been fine.

    Good luck!

  • octobersky
    octobersky Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2023

    Hi, just found these forums and it's comforting to know I'm not alone.

    I'm 40 and had my first screening mammogram 3 weeks ago and maybe this is silly of me but I just assumed it would be perfect. I have heterogeneously dense breasts and found there was asymmetry in my left breast.

    I returned last Monday for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and the radiologist found a 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.9 cm hypoechoic mass with lobular borders 4 cm from my nipple (12:00 position).

    I had my biopsy yesterday and now I wait. Physically I feel fine, but mentally I am a mess. Trying to keep busy and grateful to have the support of family and friends but the uncertainty is fairly excruciating.

  • octobersky
    octobersky Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2023

    Just wanted to write back and thank you for the comforting words. Just received a call that I have a fibroadenoma and will return for a follow up in 6 months. I'm relieved and grateful this forum exists!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited April 2023

    octobersky, Wonderful news! It makes the day better when someone gets benign results.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited April 2023

    Hi Octobersky! That's awesome news, we're super happy to hear it. Thanks for the update!

    The Mods

  • lotza
    lotza Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2023

    Hello, yesterday, April 20, I had the bilateral mammogram followed by the left breast ultrasound in the left nipple. About one month ago, my left nipple started itching non-stop while we were having breakfast with my son, fiancée and his future in-laws. Exactly, what a time and place to have that crazy itching in my nipple. I went to the restroom to check the area, and of course, itching causes redness. That afternoon back at home, I spread Triamcinolone that I had in my medicine cabinet. Two weeks later, I saw one of my gynecologists, she ordered the bilateral mammogram and left breast ultrasound. So, the finding yesterday was “BI-RADS 4” suspicious abnormal mammogram and abnormal ultrasound on the nipple. The nipple area presents a subareolar intraductal mass, heterogeneous hypoechoic non-mobile with non-significant vascularity. I called my doctor, who said BI-RADS 4 could not mean cancer and she did not believe I had cancer. She also said that the itching in the inner side of the left nipple could be related to the intraductal. In a week I am seeing a t specialist to discuss the findings and my history. In two more weeks I will have the ultrasound guided biopsy. In the meantime I will be freaking out until I know the real truth

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited April 2023

    lotza, I'm sorry that you are going through the stress of waiting for a biopsy. While it is much more likely that BIRADS 4 lesions are benign there is no way of knowing without doing a biopsy. The waiting is difficult so try to keep busy to distract yourself. The specialist will be able to answer many of your questions but they won't be able to give you a definite classification. All the best for a good outcome. Come back and let us know the results.

  • su1977
    su1977 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2023

    Hi All, I am new to this site. But so glad to see so much support on these threads!! Thank you to all who are encouraging others and providing support!

    I recently had a mammogram done March 31st, and it came back with me needing to go do an ultrasound. I had to rush to my home country as my mom is seriously ill in the hospital, so I was there for 4 weeks, I decided to ease my mind and at least get an ultrasound back in my home country. It came back with three cysts (benign) with BIRAD 2. So I was relived for a couple of weeks, however when I came back to USA I did another ultrasound as prescribed by my doctor on May 3rd.

    The results came out with only two cysts not three, but one 9 mm x 5 mm x 12 mm irregularly shaped, hypoechoic mass with indistinct margins with combined posterior acoustic features seen in the right breast at 8 o'clock, 6 cm from the nipple. It says BIRAD 4 now and ultrasound-guided core biopsy is recommended. I am scheduled two weeks out on May 17th and it is truly freaking me out. I wish they could have accomodated me sooner for the biopsy. I have an appointment with a breast surgeon also tomorrow May 5th.

    I am very concerned about the differences in the results also.

    Any help would be great, anyone with similar experiences?