Not Diagnosed and Waiting for Test Results? Start Here



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited January 2019

    Hi Tmoran-

    We want to welcome you to our community here, although we're very sorry for the worry that brings you here. Please keep us posted on what you learn when your results come back, we're here for you no matter what happens!

    The Mods

  • mommasaurus
    mommasaurus Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2019

    I'm a 44 yr old mom of two grandma of a 1 yr old (the love of my life!). About a year ago (Dec 2017) I had shooting breast pain in my right breast and a patch of dry skin on my areola and extending out a little (not red, just a little darker than skin color). I went in for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The tech found two lesions and said they were most likely benign but wanted me to come back in 6 months for a re-check. In July 2018 I went in for my re-check and they said everything looked the same and the lesions hadn't grown, so they weren't worried and said to come back in 6 months again. That takes me to last Wednesday. I went in for my re-check and was told the lesions (3 not two as I was told prior) were the same size and benign. However, they found a mass that may be cancer and I need to have it biopsied (that happens today at 2 pm).

    I still have the shooting pain every once in a while but not as often. The dry patch is pretty much the same and has not worsened or gone away...but I do have itching now...not on the dry patch, it feels like it's itching from inside.

    I realize that the worse thing to do while I wait is to consult Dr. Google. However, as someone else mentioned on one of these threads, waiting is not my strong suit. I've been reading my report over and over. Looking at the images and comparing them to thousands of images online (literally thousands). All I can do every waking minute and hour is research. I called the radiologists office to find out what the subcategory is of my BIRADS 4 which seemed to throw them off guard because they don't use subcategories. I know that most (60% to 70%) of all biopsies are benign. I know that most radiologists will request biopsies if they believe the chances of malignancy is at least 80%. I know that my radiologist works for the one of the best hospitals and breast centers and graduated from Stanford and Keck Medical School and has been practicing for 13 years. I got my routine blood work results yesterday and everything was good but I have a high count of platelets. I know that high platelets is "a strong indicator" for cancer.

    The waiting is by far the hardest thing I've done in my life (I survived the mass shooting in Vegas in 2017, but this takes the cake!) and I honestly don't know how I'm going to function until I get the results of the biopsy. I feel like my life is in limbo...not moving forward and not backward...just at a literal stand still while I wait. My husband doesn't want to talk about it because he says I'll be fine. The few people that I've told just say I'll be's nothing. My sister told me that 80% of all biopsies are benign (old data as I can see from my research) and all I could say was "that's great for you, but all I hear you say is 1 out of 5 biopsies are cancer...doesn't sound like great odds to me." She was trying to help and I'm sure I made her feel bad.

    I rambled, I'm sorry...I just needed to let it all out.

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 751
    edited January 2019

    Hey mommasaurus,

    It's such a hard time! And it can be so trying when people just want to deflect and throw positive statistics at you when you know that the whole reason you're doing the biopsy is that there's a real chance (even if 1 in 5) that you'll be on the wrong side of the odds.

    I had my biopsy in early September. I'm now finished radiation, and starting to put the whole thing in the rear view mirror. For what it's worth, I'll say that even if you're not 'fine' and it's malignant, you can still be *okay*. It will be a hassle, a trial, a slog, but life will go on with all its ups and downs and you will deal with it.

    For now, do what you need to do to get yourself through the days. You *are* in a kind of limbo and it does suck. But one way or another this particular limbo will be over soon. Be kind to yourself.

  • mommasaurus
    mommasaurus Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Salamandra. Very encourage words that I'll try to cling to.

    Okay, I had my biopsy today and I'm more confused than ever! So the tech takes me in to have another ultrasound done before the dr comes in to do the biopsy. I asked her why this mass looks more suspicious than the other three lesions I have and she says "it doesn't to me." Then she continues the ultrasound and starts taking multiple pics and measurements of yet another area! The dr comes in and I ask about the area the tech had taken pics of and she says it didn't alarm her, she proceeded to do the ultrasound to get ready for biopsy and as she's doing it tells me that she believes it's a cyst/benign and that she may not be able to get a sample because she believes it will collapse. She starts the procedure and ends up taking three samples...not a cyst. I was doing more research today...I know, I know...but it turns out even biopsy results have a high chance of being wrong...WTH!!!

  • hopedreams
    hopedreams Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2019

    hi mamms.. looks like your breast surgeon didnt think too much of your issues..or else he or she would have ordered a core biopsy..what U had was a needle aspiration.. I believe and maybe the cyst did collapse while the tech was trying to get to it..Well maybe now u your breast surgeon will order a core biopsy..?? I recently had a lumpectomy..or also called excisional biopsy in the O.R, and was put out for this..dr had to remove 2 areas of pre cancer.. and nothing more.. try to just wait and go with the flow..U will know soon enough.. stop making yourself me..i do know that feeling.. since i have all ready have had 3 other cancers NOT related to my breast cancer.. yes nerve wracking..but CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE ANYMORE....MANY PEOPLE JUST LEARN TO LIVE WITH CANCER.. SO MUCH HAS BEEN DONE FOR BREAST CANCER IN THE PAST YEARS.. AND REMEMBER U ARE NOT ALONE...JUST MAKE SURE U HAVE THE BEST BREAST SURGEON THAT U CAN FIND..AND IF U NEEDED A MASTECTOMY. AND WANT AN INPLANT THEN U MUST ALSO LOOK FOR THE BEST PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGEON AS WELL.. THINGS WILL BE OK..JUST GET ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL NOTES.. AND U CAN ALWAYS GO FOR ANOTHER OPINION.. PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW THINGS TURN OUT. WISHING U THE BEST..IN THE MEANTIME.."TRY TO JUST CHILL" Winking ~~HOPE



  • LizRock
    LizRock Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019

    Hi- I am an Aussie and I'm not sure I should be on this site because we have free breast screening every two years and if the results are not good we go back to Breast Screen Australia and have ultrasounds and biopsies that we don't pay for either. I feel like I'm being ungrateful because I had to wait to 3 weeks for my results and was told not to google anything and bring my husband with me next Monday because I will be very upset even after the doctor showed me the images and there is a big black hole there that the radiologist said was definitely cancer. I've printed your guide to the Breast Cancer Pathology Report or I wouldn't have had any idea what to ask the doctor on Monday. I had a tumour removed from my vulva and my leg lymph nodes removed too so I found your booklet vey informative about lymphedema. I can't lose any more lymph nodes or I'll have no lymphatic system left in my body. Thank you so much for your booklet. I now know what to ask about stages and grades.

    with very kind regards


    (Edited by Mods to remove personally identifiable information.)

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited February 2019

    LizRock, of course you should be here, and we're so grateful that you are sharing your experience here. Our community is very diverse.... we're all in it together! We're also very pleased to hear that our pathology report was helpful to you! Sending gentle hugs Medicating

  • BSF
    BSF Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2020

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone is able to answer my question.

    I am 30 years old, living in BC, and my doctor ordered a diagnostic breast ultrasound for the possibility of a tiny cyst, just to be on the safe side. An ultrasound first is the standard diagnostic protocol for someone my age. On the requisition she checked off that they we allowed to do any additional testing (mammogram) that they felt necessary without having to call, however she said she thought it was very unlikely that they would do a mammogram.

    I had the ultrasound and waited while the tech talked to the radiologist expecting her to say ok we are all done, but she came in and said now I am getting a mammogram. I was quite shocked, and said "oh I'm actually getting one?" and she was like ya, you were booked for one...which I know is not true, I saw the requisition lol!!! I didn't bother asking her why because I know she's not allowed to give any results. So I had the mammogram by another tech, no info as to why, and was told to call my doctor in 3 business days.

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me if they see any sort of cyst or abnormality on the ultrasound, even if its most likely benign, will they automatically add a mammogram??? I never saw the radiologist and received absolutely no information about my ultrasound or why they added the mammogram. I know cancer is very unlikely at my age, and I was expecting to go straight home, so I just wish I knew what they saw on the ultrasound and/or how concerned they were by it. It's extremely stressful having absolutely no information, and I had zero concerns before the ultrasound, but now I am very worried although I probably shouldn't be.

    PS. I previously had an ultrasound of my armpit on my other side at the same clinic, and was sent straight home.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited January 2020

    Dear BSF,

    Welcome and thanks for reaching out to our community. You might want to post your question in the Interpreting Your Report topic and also check out this page with resources for those who have questions about imaging concerns. Let us know if you need other help with navigating your way around the discussion boards.

    The Mods

  • Pjtal
    Pjtal Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2020

    I had mammogram and ultrasound on Monday the 27th. I was immediately referred to a surgeon.

    Radiologists report - Left Mass: There is a 21 mm x 16 mm x 7 mm oval, parallel, hyperechoic mass

    with uncircumscribed margins seen in the left breast at 12 o'clock in the

    anterior depth.

    BIRADS 4b suspected malignancy.

    He said it didn't look like there weren't any lymph nodes involved.

    I met with Surgeon today and have surgery scheduled for 2/5/20.

    Still scared

  • Louisemc
    Louisemc Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2020

    So I’m kind of in the same boat but I’m going in for my diagnostic mammogram Friday. I wasn’t really worried bc people get called back all the time but as I started to examine my breast my left one is totally hanging down. It looks completely different from my right. Nothing has felt right lately which I was just chalking up to peri menopause but my breast looks weird! So now I’m freaked.

  • Louisemc
    Louisemc Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2020

    So I'm going in for my diagnostic mammogram Friday. Report said asymmetrical density in left breast found with 3D mammography. I have been called back before and they looked at 2 yeArs of mammograms for reference. I wasn't really worried bc people get called back all the time but as I started to examine my breast my left one is totally hanging down and is bigger. It looks completely different from my right. Nothing has felt right lately on my body which I was just chalking up to peri menopause but my breast defilooks weird. So now I'm freaked.

  • jennsmithAZ
    jennsmithAZ Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    HELP! I just went in last Tuesday for a Diagnostic Mammogram and Bilateral Ultrasound. The technicians performed both assessments. The radiologist reviewed them and did the ultrasound again. Friday I returned for 4, yes 4 biopsies! 2 from the left breast, 1 from the right and they biopsied a lymph node under my right arm. My results will come back no later than Wednesday. My question is, is this typical? Is having 4 biopsies excessive? As kind as the attending professionals were, I could definitely sense concern.

  • Madbarvie
    Madbarvie Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    me to. I went for a mammogram and a ultrasound bn Friday and they found a mass on my right breast. I'm going for 2 biopsies one on my breast and one under my right arm. She was very concerned so I think it is bad news maybe. I'm a nervous reck. And I can't find my last mammogram for comparison. I don't remember where I did it. The worst is I've been worried about my left breast, I did a mammogram and ultrasound to my left because it kept bodering me and I got the problem on my right one. Just am advise if you have to do a mammogram always do it to both breasts not only one like I did. Doctors orders and I got screwed. I'm so scared......😪😔😟

  • BelleSnow
    BelleSnow Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    I'm so sorry to hear what you ladies are going through. I'm now at 10 business days since I had a biopsy done on the right side (no history of anything up to this point) and I am climbing the walls waiting to hear any results.

  • grcana
    grcana Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2021

    Hi I am newby I found out that I had a lump in my left breast and it would hurt on and of like a stabbing pain I told my doctor. She send me to take a mammogram and a ultrasound as well as you I never thought that it would come out abnormal nad I wasn't concerned at all. But they send to do biopsy and now I am waiting for the results I am just really nervous and I pray to God that the mass that I have in both Breast is benign. I have two kids one is 5 and the other one is 8 and I just want to live for a long time for my kids and grandkids. If they tell me that is cancer I would fight it. For them for family 👪 ❤!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited January 2021

    grcana, we wanted to welcome you to our Community. We know the waiting is one of the hardest parts, and it's really hard not to imagine the worst case scenario, but please know that many, many biopsies results come back benign, and we truly hope this is your case!

    If you can, try to keep yourself busy and engaged in activities you enjoy the next few days, to keep your mind off the waiting.

    Good luck, and keep us posted!

    The Mods

  • Patricia50
    Patricia50 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2021

    hi, everyone. Hoping all your results are good! I felt a lump in my right breast and scheduled an appointment but my gp wasn't in for a week. She suggested going to urgent care. The ER dr. Was able to feel it as well. The next day was scheduled for a diagnostic mammo and ultra sound. Spent 4 hrs. Going back and fourth. Ultrasound then mammogram. They found a suspicious lump in my left breast as well. More ultrasounds. Scheduled me for a biopsies a couple of days later. The dr. Said there were multiple masses, highly suspicious and looked cancerous. I felt sorry because he looked nervous to tell me. It could also be fat necrosis. (Let's hope) I had a core biopsy on my left and right breast, a vacuum biopsy on my right and a core on my sentinel lymph node on the right. They also did an axilla ultrasound on my left side as well but didn't find anything of significance. Phew a lot has happened in a short week. My biopsies were on Friday the 23rd 2021 said it would take 7 to 10 business days, the results would go to my GP and to set up an appointment with her. I have an appointment for Wednesday the 5th (phone in) I hate Covid!; the receptionist said they had some results, waiting for the rest but the Dr. Hasn't reviewed them yet. Arrgghh the waiting game!!!!!!

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 751
    edited April 2021


    That sounds like so much! And I hate this game they play about sharing test results. The 5th is so far away. I'm pretty sure that if you go in person they *have* to share the results with you. I ended up doing that because the radiologist's fax machine and my doctor's office fax machine wouldn't talk to each other. The radiologist kept saying they'd sent it four times and my doc kept saying they'd never received it.

    You shouldn't have to wait 5 days for test results that are already in. If they're good news you deserve the peace of mind, if they're bad news, you want to make your appointment with the next step as soon as possible and start getting your results to wherever you will be treated.

    If you are able to follow this up, you should. That is completely unacceptable in my view.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited April 2021

    Patricia, we're thinking of you and sending you best wishes for benign results! Medicating

    The Mods

  • Patricia50
    Patricia50 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021

    I called my doctor today, the results that came in were only the mammogram and ultrasounds.; the results for the biopsies aren't in yet😕

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 751
    edited May 2021

    Oh gotcha... at least now you know. Yeah, the waiting process is grueling.

  • marigold1330
    marigold1330 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021

    Hi there - first time posting and new here. I'm hoping for some input. I've been followed for asymmetric left breast. The BiRads have gone from 1 negative to 4 suspicious since 2018. Last US showed an irregular hypoechic irregular mass. With a changing focal asymmetry should I have requested a biopsy? Frankly I don't think I understood most of this until finding this site. I'm concerned that from 11/2019 to May 2021 its changed again. Should I be more concerned because of this change, is this normal? I could use some advice. FYI I am in awe of how smart so many of you are about this. I definitely feel challenged to up my reading and take more control. thanks for taking a look.

    DATE OF EXAM: 4/28/2021 9:30 AM


    PROCEDURE: Diagnostic left mammogram and targeted left breast ultrasound performed. CAD was utilized.COMPARISON: 4/26/2021 and 11/11/2019 mammograms

    FINDINGS:Left breast tissues contain nodular scattered fibroglandular densities. Screening mammographic finding of upper quadrant 9 mm lobulated mass persisted upon diagnostic spot compression imaging, without associated microcalcifications.

    Diagnostic targeted sonographic evaluation of the left breast mid upper inner quadrant revealed corresponding 12:00 position (4 cm from the nipple) 0.7 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm irregular hypoechoic solid mass with partial posterior shadowing. Doppler evaluation demonstrated no abnormal vascular flow.

    Diagnostic targeted sonographic evaluation of the left axilla revealed no enlarged lymph nodes.

    IMPRESSION:Left breast: BI-RADS Category 4: Suspicious finding of 12:00 position 0.7 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm mass.

    Ultrasound guidance needle core biopsy is recommended for evaluation of suspected underlying malignancy.

  • Vinwoman
    Vinwoman Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    I had a screening mammogram 5/11/21 and received a call that a diagnostic one and ultrasound was recommended.

    Finding 1: Focal asymmetry in the left breast requires additional evaluation. Recommend additional mammographic imaging and possible breast ultrasound.

    Finding 2: Calcifications in the left breast require additional evaluation. Magnification mammography is recommended.

    Finding 3: Focal asymmetries in the right breast require additional evaluation. Recommend additional mammographic imaging and possible breast ultrasound.

    I waited until I returned from vacation and had both completed on 6/9/21. The radiologist talked to me immediately afterward (standard practice at this place) and said he was concerned about a solid mass in the left breast and recommended a biopsy. It is scheduled for 6/16 and results should be available witin a week. I still wasn't too concerned when I left the office because I didn't grasp the seriousness, but then I saw “BIRADS 5" in MyChart and didn't know what that meant. I googled it and that brought me here. The MyChart results for the diagnostic and ultrasound indicate a 2.3 cm hypoechoic mass that has posterior shadowing and is taller than it is wide. From what I've read on a few sites, seems pretty indicative of cancer. I'm trying to be patient and stay calm, but this waiting is more maddening than anything I have ever experienced!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited June 2021

    Hi vinwoman, and welcome to

    We're so sorry for the worries that bring you here, but we're really glad you've found us, decided to join, and post. You're sure to find great support and answers here!

    We know it's tough to wait, and stay positive. Just know we're right there with you and sending good vibes your way for benign results from your biopsy. And, if it turns out it's not so good, we'll be right here for you to walk with you through.

    Please keep us posted and try to keep yourself busy until you get your biopsy and results!

    Welcome again!

    --The Mods

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 751
    edited June 2021

    Hey vinwoman,

    The waiting at the beginning is so hard.

    For what it's worth, the overwhelming number of breast cancers found via routine screening are early stage and very treatable. Chances are you are looking at a 'turn your life upside down for a few months' kind of thing rather than a 'change your life forever/shorten your life' kind of thing. But no question it's scary until you know and it takes time for the full picture to emerge.

    At this stage, there isn't much to be done besides identifying the cancer center you'd like to be treated at and finding out what's necessary to get an appointment and get your scans there.

    Some of us (like me!) found it helpful to get prescriptions for anxiety meds during this time, and now really is the time to lean on whatever your best coping mechanisms are to get you through to the start of treatment in one mental/emotional piece!

    Good luck! Heart

  • Vinwoman
    Vinwoman Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    Thank you very much for the encouragement. From all I have read, I do feel that even if it’s bad news, it will be “best scenario” bad news. I’ll post back here when I have some answers - maybe it will help someone else going through a similar situation in the future. Peace and love to you!

  • aaij
    aaij Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2021

    so i am 36 and 7 years ago they found a lump in my right breast and said it was nothing to worry about. For the past few months my left breast has doubled in size has become painful starting under my armpit. I went to tje doctor and they did 3 mammograms but no ultrasound this time and lots of blood work. All forms of cancer run in my family and my grandmother had inflammatory breast cancer at my age and then died during treatment from the same blood clotting disorder I inherited. The doctor said in 2 weeks follow up, we did and now there is a lump on the edge of my nipple so she has scheduled me with the surgeon and he said we will discuss biopsy or more invasive surgery depending on appointment on Monday. My husband is deployed and I have 2 teenage daughters scared. I already have such a weak immune system due to so many other health issues. I'm afraid and have no one to talk to about how I feel because I have to be strong for everyone like I always have been. I am afraid of the worst and doing it alone.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited August 2021

    aaij we are sending you hugs! Are we understanding that you meet with a surgeon on Monday? We hope and expect that they will be able to discuss the mammogram findings and help guide you with the next diagnostic tests. It seems, from what you are saying, that they feel confident that they will want to do a biopsy. We're so sorry you are going through this, on top of your other health and personal issues. We're all here for you!!

  • Jessicat6
    Jessicat6 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2021

    Swollen lymph nodes on left axilla made me make an appointment with my internist back in July. NP didn’t feel anything. Went back 2 weeks later and different NP felt the lymph nodes. Diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound performed. Mass seen, BI-RADS 5. Biopsy done on Thursday. Scared!!