Not Diagnosed and Waiting for Test Results? Start Here



  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited January 2018

    momto3sons, I hope you survive your biopsy, any idea when you will get your results?

    Feeling really stressed out right now, I had my biopsy yesterday and have to wait until Monday for the results. The radiologist made it sound like they might not even need to a biopsy if they did not see it on the first scan, unfortunately they did, and they took about 10 samples (how do they get 10 samples from a small mass?) I would have rather that they had never said anything because it only got my hope up for nothing. I also saw the PS, which left me more frustrated because I now have to reevaluate how to move forward with the reconstruction. The actual MRI-guided biopsy was not as bad as the U Tube videos I watch lol, today though my boobie has been pretty sore. Gotta love military medicine.

  • momto3sons
    momto3sons Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2018

    Elijahgirl - your situation sounds just like mine! My radiologist said he the bright spots were so subtle there was a chance they wouldn't show up today. It must have lit up again, though, since I also had about 10 samples taken (or at least that's what I'm assuming - heard at least 10 whooshing sounds with the vacuum biopsy thing). They did say, though, that I should hear something by Friday.

    I was feeling pretty good until the numbing wore off. I probably should have taken Tylenol before the pain hit. Ice is helping a lot though.

  • Dolphngrl1224
    Dolphngrl1224 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2018

    I am 40 and went to have annual mammogram on January 2nd. Got the call that I needed to go in for a dx mammogram. No big deal right. I do this all the time. I have very dense breast tissue. Comes back with microcalcifications BIRADS 4. Need biopsy. Ok, well I have done this before too so not really that big of a deal except that I can't get over the feeling that something isn't right. I go in for stereotactic biopsy and Dr cannot get to where he needs to be from top down approach because of the density of tissue but he takes samples anyway. Then he goes in from the side and gets what he needs. Calls me on the 26th to tell me that they found ADH and I need an excisional biopsy. Then on the 28th I get the path report. ADH, sclerosing adenosis, and papillary lesions found from the side approach and ALH and sclerosing adenosis found from the top. What does this really mean and what else are they not telling me. I am very angry, I feel like I have been lied to. And if the got ALH from the top which was not close to the calcifications, what else is there? Thank you for listening to my rant.

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2018

    I just had my biopsy on Monday and this evening I had a lot of blood oozing from my nipple, I have had bleeding from this nipple before my biopsy but this moore than the usual norm. Should I be concerned?

  • juliezhd
    juliezhd Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018

    I had an ultrasound because I don't want anymore radiation in my life and I convinced the doctor to allow me to do it without a mammogram. My last mammogram was 3 years ago. I've had an autoimmune disease from the time I was a child & had lots of radiographic images so I asked to avoid any more mammograms. They found a mass on the ultrasound and now have me going in for a biopsy on 2/22. I've been reading a lot and have worries about the biopsy causing the spillage of cancer cells if it is cancer. I'm also concerned about the metal marker they want to put in. I don't want to have this marker put in, I just know my body will react poorly to it, I am very sensitive to everything. If it ends up being cancer, I wouldn't want chemo or radiation either, just remove the breast. I feel like the treatment would end up doing more damage to me. Anyone else have the biopsy and avoid getting the marker put in? Very worried.

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2018

    Julie, the marker is put in so they can find the area again if they need to excise it, and to be able to tell that it has been biopsied before if it doesn't need it so they don't keep thinking they need to biopsy a spot that has already been checked. It is the same material used to make things like hip replacement and screws and plates for bones and it is about the same size as a grain of rice. Titanium allergy is all but unheard of.

    While theoretically possible, n reality there is pretty much no evidence that biopsies "seed" cancer cells, plus if there was a malignancy they excise the needle track and remove it when they do your surgery.

    Chemo is not recommended and not done when risk of the chemo outweighs the possible benefit

  • Lfern
    Lfern Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2018

    Hi! I just got my results from my mri. My mom had breast cancer at 42 so when they saw something on mamo they sent me for mri. The results say there is an oval mass with heterogeneous enhancement measuring 6mm in the inferior region centrally. Corresponding module on T1 with mildly increased T2 signal. I have been looking things up. No thing I found sounds too great, but somethings I can’t seem to find when I search it. Anyway does anyone have any input on what anything means and should I be concerned. I know can be known without further testing but any info would be greatly appreciated. I am scared obviously and don’t have any appointments for a WEEK which just give an me more time to make my self crazy!!!

  • Rcrooks
    Rcrooks Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2018

    I have crohns dx on top of heavy family hx of cancer... so I'm already at an elevated risk.... it' been 10 days and oncologist office got results in.. I have an appt Monday. This weekend is going to drag... I don' know if I should be more worried or less worried since it came in so fast.

  • Health4Me
    Health4Me Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2018

    Oval mass sounds like a good sign! Fibroadenoma possibly. You’ve been keeping up with your Mammograms so no matter what it’s going to be fine. Remember most likely it is nothing. I know how awful the waiting is. Do your best to stay busy and don’t be afraid to call your doctor for results. Sometimes they have them and just haven’t gotten around to delivering the good news!

  • Unknown
    edited April 2018

    Same happened to me. I called the radiologist and requested a copy of the written report as well as all films and ultrasounds on CD. Hey should be happy to do this free of charge. The records actually belong to you.

  • Jamie69
    Jamie69 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2018

    First post, mostly just blowing off some steam. Had my first Mammogram this past February and got the 3D thing. The woman that did my testing was fine and was very careful to tell me that if I was called back that didn't mean it was time to panic but that since I *did* get the 3D a lot of the stuff that would normally result in a call back on a regular mammogram wouldn't be an issue. So I got a call back, and an appointment on April 4th. . . so I was waiting over a month. Didn't freak out as bad as I thought I might but definitely had some bad days. Went in for the follow up which included an ultrasound and a diagnosis of possible architectural distortion right upper outer breast. BI-RAD 4 so I have a biopsy scheduled for this coming Monday. Been trying to read up and am finding a mixed bag of results. I think I might be more freaked out currently about the actual biopsy process than any possibility of having cancer, although that's there too. Has it been an issue for anyone to go back to work the day after a biopsy? I thought it would be fine and then started seeing horror stories of biopsies gone bad and now I'm nervous. . .

  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248
    edited April 2018

    I've had several biopsies and went back to work the following day each time. I was sore, so I took extra strength Tylenol and used some ice packs for pain relief. My work was not physical, so I really didnt jave too many restrictions.

  • Jamie69
    Jamie69 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2018

    Thanks for the response, I appreciate it! Also, cute poodle!


  • mommakat
    mommakat Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2018


    Jamie what kind of biopsy are you having? Last year I had stereotactic biopsies. It was uncomfortable, but not painful. I was bruised feeling afterwards, but Tylenol and ice packs were all I needed. Yesterday I had u/s guide on both sides. One side was a breeze. Didn’t hurt, and feels like nothing happened at all today. The right side was a little painful yesterday. The area was really deep so it was hard to get too. A lot of pressing on me. I didn’t feel pain during the actual biopsy, but it was unsettling. If that makes sense. Today the right side is bruised and sore. But I’m at work, in a sports bra, and fine. I don’t have a physical job, so Tylenol ice and a sports bra, even while i sleep, and I’m good.

    You got this

  • Jamie69
    Jamie69 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2018

    Hi Kat

    "3-D stereotactic breast biopsy is recommended. Probably lateral or superior approach" is the recommendation so probably what I'm getting. I got the impression that it will be fairly close to my armpit just because of how they were squashing me to get the second mammogram done. I've got a desk job in customer service, so plenty of stress but not much physical action. I don't relish the idea of having an ice pack sitting on my chest while I'm at work but I'll do what I need to do, I don't like the idea of pain either. Stocked up on the Tylenol!

  • princessfluffybritches
    princessfluffybritches Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2018

    Hi.  This all started with a growth on my thigh .  The Derma biopsied it and said it was metastatic carcinoma most likely from the breast or from the breast.  I had a mammo a month prior (the new type)  and it was fine and said no changes from 2016 (two years ago).  Some scarring seen which had been there in years prior.  So I go to the oncologist and he is checking my breasts and sends me for an MRI, chest xray, and PET scan.  I see him again in a week. I have no results yet.

    So what I gather so far is that it's uncommon to find a growth on an extremity prior to finding a primary cancer site, and if the growth metastasized from the breast to the thigh, they would find breast cancer cells in the growth on my thigh.  And if my breast cancer has metastacized  to a growth on my thigh, it can mean that the breast cancer has metastacized to other areas as well Prior to the thigh because the thigh is not a choice site for a breast cancer.

    This is all from the reading I have done.  It sounds like I have one foot in the grave and a growth on my thigh is not a very good sign.  I have no symptoms of anything.  

    Serves me right for doing a lot of reading on the internet.  I have a hard time absorbing all this potential most likely diagnosis.  I'm very depressed but don't let anyone see it.  

  • Tangler
    Tangler Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2018

    I had my mammogram, they found several lumps in both breasts with the largest being 15 mm X 12 mm.  They called my old films and compared and none of the lumps were there before.  So now, I am scheduled for an Ultra Sound.  Can someone help me under the following "US Breast Bilateral with HCT US1" means?  I understand "US" is ultra sound, "breast bilateral" is of both breasts, what I don't understand is what does the "with HCT US1" mean?  My ultrasound is scheduled for next Wednesday, 11 Jul.      

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2018

    Tangler, I THINK part of that is specifying with what equipment it is to be done.

  • Tangler
    Tangler Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2018

    Thanks for the reply.

  • Tangler
    Tangler Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2018

    Since I am still in the testing phase, am going in for a "US Breast Bilateral with HCT US1", is it really necessary/advisable to have my spouse along?  Is it possible that I might get more definitive information following this test or is it too early to need this kind of support?  Am I being silly?  

  • Tangler
    Tangler Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2018

    Sorry, I didn't include my introduction when I made my first post.  I am Tangler, I am 55 years old.  My family has a very strong Breast Cancer history.  My younger sister, my mother, my grandmother, great-grandmother and an uncle all on my mother's side.  All have had cancerous lumps or complete mastectomies.  All have been diagnosed in there mid- to late thirties or early forties.  I am just a "late bloomer", or so it seems. 

    Here is the actual radiology report I received:

    HISTORY:  Comparison to outside mammograms.

    FINDINGS:  The patient's previous mammograms from FRC dated 09/06/2007 have now been made available for comparison to recent screening mammogram of 06/20/2018.  Multiple bilateral circumscribed masses appear new.

    Finding 1: Right mid depth 11:30 4 cm from the nipple is a 2.3 x 1.3 cm oval dense circumscribed mass.

    Finding 2: Left breast posterior depth 12:00 and 8 cm from the nipple is a small oval isodense mass.

    IMPRESSION: Multiple bilateral circumscribed masses appear new.


    1. Targeted bilateral breast ultrasound.

    BI-RADS CATEGORY: ACR0  Incomplete- Need additional imaging evaluation for comparison. 

    **Any information or support you all can provide me will be greatly appreciated!!  I am very nervous and a bit scared.  My Ultrasound appointment is this Wednesday and my husband will be coming with me!

    Thank you all in advance!

  • girlspolo
    girlspolo Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018

    Uhh...I am 33 and I found a lump a couple of weeks ago. I went an saw my doctor who assured me it was most likely nothing and she thought I would be diagnosed with a fibroadenoma just based on imaging and because it was oval and moved. I saw her last week Monday. The first day they could get me in for imaging was this week Friday. So I saw a doctor the next day at another hospital in the area and that doctor assumed the same about the lump. They got me in this week Monday for imaging since I was anxious. To my surprise after the mammogram and us the Radiologist came in and said they weren't able to see the lump at all on the mammogram, but by ultra sound they could see the 2.5 centimeter solid mass. So, we said I need a needle biopsy because the mass is solid. I was shocked since the doctors made is sound like I would most likely have most answers that day. The radiologist refused to give me any other info about the mass and would not comment on what it was. She just said that she doesn't comment on what she thinks since she could be wrong when the biopsy says something else. All she said was there are masses that she sees and is certain that they are cancer and that this isn't one of those. Then yesterday I get a message from the second ob that I saw and of course I missed the call. I worried all night wondering why she would call since she told me to follow up with my original ob. She called again this morning and what she said really didn't help at all. She said the report says the mammogram showed nothing suspicious (I think they actually just couldn't see the mass on mammo though). and she said on the ultrasound they saw a 2.5 cm oval mass and it had a small amount of blood flow. She then told me that she though cancer would have more blood flow, but she wasn't quite sure and would have to research it. Uhh, I wish she just hadn't said something if she isn't sure. Now I am panicked about what the amount of blood flow was and if it meant anything. She did say that she thinks they are just being conservative in doing the biopsy. I can't really trust her opinion though since she acted like she didn't even understand some of the results. So, now I have the long wait until next week Tuesday for the needle biopsy and then an estimated 2-3 day wait for the results. I am a high anxiety person and not good at waiting. I have three small children to keep me busy, but I feel terrible for being stressed and grumpy with them right now.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2018

    girlspolo - bless your heart of course you are anxious. We all know about the fear factor unfortunately.

    It’s probably better your radiologist didn’t say with certainty what she thought it was because the fact is regardless of how many she has seen it doesn’t mean this one is cancerous or not.

    You have small children - focus as much as you can on them. I’m sure you are edgy but as you know even little kids can sense when something is wrong with Mommy. It’s virtially impossible not to be distracted or worry but that’s exactly what you should strive to do. Just so you know I’m the poster person for worrying so I completely understand that.

    I wouldn’t put much stock in your OB either. She’s too evasive and definitely not her field of expertise. It is better to say nothing than to guess.

    It will be over before you know it. Whatever it is you can handle it. We are all testaments to that.

    Keep the faith and keep us posted.


  • DrCarla
    DrCarla Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2018

    Thank you so much for posting this and so much more. I have recommended that my patient and very good friend, Linda, join and start with your “Newbies” article. The radiologist found some “archtectural” shadowing that he was concerned about and she just underwent a breast bx with and placement of a titanium clip marker. I, do wish it was a collagen marker, but I have reassured her that titanium has been widely used for a long time now, it is bio compatible and non-mag reactive, and that my TKR is titanium and no probs in over 15 years. I hope that your knowledgable, well written articles and the supportive community will help to allay her fears and the sense of lack of control that my patient and friend is experiencing as well as many, many others who are in similar situations. I appreciate your efforts, erudite and compassionate, on all of our behalf.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited August 2018


    Thank you SO much for your sweet message -- we hope we can be a wonderful support system and information source for your friend!

    --The Mods

  • 8molley
    8molley Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2018

    Screening mammo on 8/4 showed architectural abnormality but US was normal. Follow-up diagnostic mammo with US showed same abnormality and also an irregular mass 6x8x6 mm. Over the weekend couldn't eat or sleep, decompensating. Biopsy today and I feel better, even though now it's a waiting game for the results. Not knowing is the worst part. 2nd worst part is not having anyone to talk to. Don't want to impose on loved ones until I have something to really tell them.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,766
    edited August 2018

    Hi 8molley,

    Welcome to the forums!

    We know it's not the place anyone wishes to find themselves but please know that you're not alone here. Many other members will understand how you're feeling and will be able to support you.

    Also, do feel free to come to us at any time if you have questions or need help around the boards.

    We're here for you,


    The Mods.

  • 8molley
    8molley Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2018

    thank you! Glad to have found this si

  • pinkribbongirl
    pinkribbongirl Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2018

    Hello all!  Not sure if I am doing this right or even in the right spotHappy

    I am a 9 year survivor of Stage 2B IDC.  I had a double mastectomy, and chemotherapy.  BTW, I was first diagnosed at 39.  Have a huge family history on my mom's side of the family including my mother.  Recently I felt another lump on the same side as cancer was before.  Went to my Dr and she wasn't sure what it was so scheduled an ultrasound.  Went for the ultrasound, they didn't like the increased blood flow to the area, so ordered a biopsy.  Had that a few days ago and am waiting for results.  Radiologist told us that usually in cases like mine where some one has had a double mastectomy and then later gets a palpable mass, its generally a reoccurrence of bc.  The waiting is driving me crazy!!!  Just wondering if anyone out there has ever had or knows of anyone who has gotten bc back in the breast after a mastectomy??

  • tmoran
    tmoran Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2019

    They recently found. 2cm speculated mass in my left breast. I’m waiting on the results on the biopsy now. I’ve told some close family members but I really don’t want to tell my kids (ranging from 7-13) until I have the results. Guess I’m holding onto the idea it could be benign. Dr seemed pretty sure it’s malignant from the shape, feel and look of it on the mammogram and sonogram. What’s the possibility it’s benign?