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CONSTIPATION--problem with so many of our drugs



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Topic appropriate I thought :)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

    SAS - what a hoot (no pun intended). I think the picture chart is a riot.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    MT-------------well I did say in the topic box all puns were welcome LOL Chevy actually posted it first, I tod her I had to post it here.

    MT have you ever looked at Warm & Fuzzies? Fun place. If you've never been there, you could go for a month and not read all the funnies.. I'll bring the link to the current page.  Here you gooooooooooo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Was that a pun? hahahahah--------------ewhhhh sick mind here

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

    SAS - thanks for the link, and the insomnia link too. I'm trying really hard to get my sleep schedule back to what normal people do (sigh) so I try to shut down the computer at night, but I'll lurk for awhile.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168

    Hi everyone! I was referred to this thread because I just had a colonoscopy and was told that I have diverticulosis. Never heard of it until the other day. Since my cancer treatment, I have a problem going to the washroom. It's worse when I travel because I never go until I'm on my way home and can hardly make it. I've been reading the posts and there are some interesting ones. Just saw the infectious disease doctor today for another issue and he told me metamucil. I've drank 2 glasses - one yesterday and one today and notts. Oh, I also had 3 prunes. I'm hoping this works soon as I feel like I'm going to explode. I was truly hoping that this would stop once I stop my cancer meds in Feb. 2016. But sad to say I've learned this is not the case. I'm going to try some of the methods mentioned here. Thanks for sharing!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Judy, did you read of page 1-2, I wrote pretty extensively on diverticulitis. Stay in touch here until you get some better results. Good luck sassy

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168

    Thanks sas-schatzi, I did read the pages which I found so interesting. This is all so new for me. Not only do I think that the cancer hormonal meds caused the constipation but I also have had a parasite for a few years. I'm trying new medication to get rid of the parasite so will be interesting to see what happens. All I know is that for 2 days I drank the Metamucil and all I had was a few bunny drops! I'll keep reading!

  • art15
    art15 Member Posts: 7

    My wife got IBS from chemo. It kills all the small-cells in the gut, and mucous,etc, as you know. At first she took acidophilis, the ones that need be refrigerated, to build up the natural enzymes again.

    Now she takes (we all do) "multihealth fiber supplement/psyllium husk 3.4g/orange flavor" from RiteAid, it's like Metamucil, but much more gentle and natural, a teaspoon in the morning, it really works for her and I know it does.

    Also, she/we take "Daily Essential Enzymes" digestive aid, by Source Naturals -Bio Align 500mg 120caps, from Amazon I think she orders it. these two have saved my wife's digestive problems for the most part. She also had to have an emergency appendectomy right after her first chemo because she ate a piece of chicken that didn't pass thru.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Art you are incredibly supportive of your wife and family in your research and finding things you have a belief that helps. Bless you. Yes all chemicals have consequences. Colon health is so affected by these things that we take to try to kill the cancer. Some colons recover. Some have difficulty for the remainder of our lives. Please, be careful with chemicals that don' go through rigorous testing and validation of use.

    We are in a better time for science looking at older treatments. Yay

    Please, read here from the beginning. You may be able to add to your plan. About page eight I did a review of what worked for folks. I was pleasantly surprised to see the old ways were predominant. But we need newer ways when the old ways don' t work.

    What's unusual here is there's no one saying..."This is the only way".........

    Your understanding of the appendix is flawed, but in the space of everything known it doesn't' t matter.

    I would be interested in your observations regarding all the info here. I can tell you are passionate about learning. Sassy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

    art - welcome. I passed along your thoughts to a friend who has had IBS for years. No cancer, just stomach problems.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Judi, can you share the name of the parasite? I'm inclined to research things.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Judi concerned.....pming

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

    SAS - I think Judi is OK but so glad for your input. She & I bonded on another thread.

  • art15
    art15 Member Posts: 7

    thanks, I did'nt read the entire thread, thanks for the advice, sas. I guess I'm impulsive...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Art, impulsive can' t say. But I read passionate and curious loud and clear :)

    MT okay, I did PM her before I saw your post. Still a few minutes on the phone might avoid a serious thing.......protective as you know ;)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Art, you deleted?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    pm' d Art to see why he deleted. I thought he brought as reasonable info here as all have. If I don't hear from him, I'll contact mods.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168

    Sas-Schatzi, no worries. I picked up Giardia many moons ago while in Mexico and numerous treatments didn't work. Interestingly, I went to an infectious disease doctor as we were heading to South Africa and I was talking with the dr. He made an interesting point re diet and asked if any of the prescribing doctors mentioned a "bland" diet while taking Flagyl. I honestly had to say none had and even the infectious disease doctor I first had never mentioned it. I stop taking the meds after 6 or 7 attempts as sometimes the treatment is worse then the disease itself. So, I saw him yesterday as he swears he can get rid of it and had medication compounded for me. He did request that I don't take any Metamucil or Senokot while taking the meds. So, I took the metamucil tonight - my nieces instructions as she takes it daily. Yikes, I could hardly drink it and didn't. She told me 3/4 glass of water plus 4 heaping tablespoons of metamucil. It was worse then a slushie. So, I ended up taking some Senokot syrup as the pharmacist said it was o.k. We will see. Hello MinusTwo, good to see you here - I feel comfortable talking about this and thank you for all of your support. Sas-Schatzi, I also thank you for your support as well. In regards to the Giardia, I'm a health inspector so I'm pretty up on it but I'm open to all info.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Judi, I was afraid you were going to say Giardia. Very glad you have this new doc. Very glad you know all the details. Very glad he's now your guide.

    Still have to say it even though you have essentially said it.....only follow his instructions. I'm OCD, I know you get that I have to say it.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Hate Giardia.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Oops double post

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    off for the night

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

    SAS - I'd be interested if you hear from Art. I did copy his IBS post for a friend who hasn't had cancer but has battled this for a long time. I'll let you know her response.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    MT, my concern is that the mods may have asked him to delete because he recommended products. But most of the posts on this thread DO recommend something. May not have a name, but even if it's prunes, that's a product. i.e. Dole or Sunkist. He hasn't' pm' d me and he hasn't posted.......

    Yoooo hooo Mods?

  • flaviarose
    flaviarose Member Posts: 249

    I thought I'd share this protocol that I got from my nutritionist recently. I first started with constipation a year or two before my breast cancer diagnosis - and do believe that my overall health would be better with better digestion. My nutritionist has an immune and gut restoration protocol which she recently revised due to new research. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks - drinking a kind of nasty, slushy green drink.... but my constipation is gone. I'm trying to rebuild my micro biome. I had my micro biome tested at "ubiome" - I have a very unbalanced inner ecosystem - I have many more of the kind of gut microbes associated with obesity - not a surprise. My nutritionist told a story of a woman who had c. difficile - and she was treated with a fecal implant from her daughter. Woman was normal weight. Daughter was obese. Within 3 months of the fecal implant the woman became obese.

    Anyway, I'll copy this from my nutritionist - there are links to products which the mods can remove if necessary. She talks about "resistant starch" - which in my understanding is that when you eat something like rice, it is digested as a carb.... when it is cold, it becomes "resistant" and is digested more like fiber.

    "Works for inflammation, gut, immunity, energy, and more. You need to do the whole thing for 30 days (or maybe a bit more). You will need hand holding in the first week or so and may need the Tribiotic during the first 10- days.

    Your microbiome is implicated in your mood, your weight, your immunity (allergy, asthma), and your longevity. It counts. It also alters your response to your environment. You have a living shield that makes life on planet earth wonderful or miserable. J

    Before beginning the protocol consider testing your microbiome. Link gives a 10% discount. At this time I am mostly interested in the gut microbiome but test away (they offer nose and skin and other sites as well) Your test will show what you grow now. For more information on the human microbiome

    The microbes you carry alter your body and brain. Even your mood may be a result of the microbes you carry. The protocol is designed to restore your full, natural microbiome for health and longevity.

    Updated Immune Restoration Protocol- Useful to correct IBD (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease), IBS, SIBO, obesity (really), insulin resistance/diabetes, low energy, cognifive decline, mood disorders, sleep disorders, immune disorders. This protocol must be modified (call for help) if your immune system is compromised (HIV, hepatitis, under treatment for cancer, etc). If you try it and it seems 'too much' call for adjustments. In addition consider eating GREEN bananas once a day and roasting potatoes and eating when COLD or making rice and eating COLD. Cooking and cooling results in RS (resistant starch) to feed your gut bugs, the good ones. If you reheat, the RS goes away. Think potato salad or sushi.

    In 24 ounces of fluid (juice, smoothie, water if you can handle the taste), perhaps start with HALF a recipe for a few days. It is powerful. If SIBO is present lower amounts of fiber but double amounts of SBO for a week or so, then do as written below.

    1 teaspoon Now Foods FOS Powder (prebiotic) use 2 teaspoons if overweight or insulin resistant

    1 tablespoon psyllium (prebiotic)

    1 tablespoon inulin (prebiotic)

    1 tablespoon acacia fiber (such as Heather's Tummy Fiber) prebiotic

    1 tablespoons plantain flour RS (resistant starch, prebiotic) or amazon (see contraindications below)

    1 tablespoon potato STARCH (not flour) RS (resistant starch, prebiotic) Bob's Red Mill (see contraindications below)

    1 level teaspoon chlorella powder Jarrow) GREEN

    1 level teaspoon spirulina powder (Source Naturals) GREEN

    Primal Defense Powder (1 scoop) SBO

    AOR Probiotic-3 (1) open in drink SBO

    Prescript Assist (1) open in drink SBO

    1 packet unflavored VSL#3

    After one month on the program drop the three SBO probiotics to just one (just pick one of the types and open one capsule into the drink) five days a week, alternate.

    The VSL#3, 1 packet, may be added just twice a week.

    Fiber prebiotics (FOS, acacia, insulin, psyllium, potato starch, plantain flour) are ONGOING at least 5 days a week as are the two GREEN supplements.

    Call if you have problems. You may bloat or have some digestive distress or gas when beginning, push through. If you have 'odiferous' gas please call. You likely need to take a course of Tribiotic.


    1: Don't take resistant starch alone; rs2 needs to be taken with other fiber to spread fermentation completely across the entire colon

    2: Real food resistant starch (rs3) trumps high-dose potato starch diet to expand the lean and immunoprotective core microbiota (roseburia, eubacteria, f. Prausnitzii, bifidobacteria)

    3: Don't take resistant starch if you have moderate to severe irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) temporarily

    4: Don't eat raw resistant starch (rs2) if pre-cancerous or cancerous for colorectal cancer, temporarily

    5: Don't Take Raw Potato Starch (RPS) Temporarily If You Have an Autoimmune Disorder

    Resistant Starch: Not all resistant starches are the same.

    RS1 is found in grains, seeds and legumes and resists digestion because it is bound within the fibrous cell walls.

    RS2 is found in some starchy foods, including raw potatoes and green (unripe) bananas.

    RS3 is formed when certain starchy foods, such as potatoes and rice, are cooked and then cooled. The cooling turns some of the digestible starches into resistant starches via a process called retrogradation

    Four sources, Amazon, Swanson Vitamins, Barry Farms, and Sorry but no way to get what you need from one source.

    Antibacterial- may not always be needed but good to have on hand. Very effective for food poisoning and foreign travel. to kill unfriendlies



    Fibers/greens for drink

    Plantain flour (get 2 pounds to start, more later) even with shipping cheaper than buying at amazon

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168

    Interesting read Flaviarose but I'm concerned with some of the ingredients. I'm definitely not up to snuff on products but are some of these products herbal products. I know my oncologist said "no herbal products" while taking Femara (Letrozole) as it interferes with the drug. Would be interested to know!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168

    Sas-schatzi, FYI. I saw infectious disease doctor and prescribed 21 Quinacrine hcl 100 mg. Doctor says bland diet, bland diet and this will get rid of the Giardia. He said he needed to treat from the inside and well as the outside so here goes. Start tomorrow. No alcohol for 7 days. Just pills immediately after eating and lots of water 3x a day for 7 days. Then resample only after 3 weeks time. I questioned why not 3 days as normally told to people but he said NO, 3 weeks after. I'm thinking this will work if I follow his advice. No other doctor nor infectious disease doctor spoke to me about diet nor prescribed this med.