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New Jersey/NYC/CT/Eastern Pennsylvania ladies



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2014

    Janetanmed - That sounds great.  I want your button candy on paper strips nipples!  Perfect!  Vinnie has a lot of photos on his website.  You can perhaps find ones you like and show them to Mandy.  

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited February 2014

    Warrior - send you a private message so as not to bore the others. 

  • funthing42
    funthing42 Member Posts: 236
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for the insight and different perspective. 


  • jenwith4kids
    jenwith4kids Member Posts: 216
    edited February 2014

    good morning warrior_woman, are you going to MSK in Basking Ridge?  I'm about three miles from there and have an appointment with Dr. Gorski on March 10th.  I'm also seeing Dr. G at Morristown on March 14th.  I'm comfortable at both centers and plan to choose based on how I click with the doc (at least that's my current plan.)

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2014

    Jen....It is a GOOD idea that you will be close to your home.....Liz

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2014

    Jen - I'm going down to Penn although MSK is actually closer.  Thank you for the names.  I have a whole list now and that really helps.  I have been busy with all the cancer stuff as well as the normal things of life. I've felt better the last week or so and I haven't called anyone.  I appreciate all the referrals because I expect at some point it will hit me again and I will start making contacts.  

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited March 2014

    This sounds like a great opportunity for those of us in the NYC area experiencing bc related depression.

  • suckitbc
    suckitbc Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2014

    Hey ladies-I am in the North Brunswick area and wanted to know if any of you ladies know of a semi-local Oncologist Gynecologist? I just completed my treatment, but I am BRCA positive and need to start seeing an Onc/Gyn to monitor my ovaries before I get them removed in a year. Stay strong ladies...

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited March 2014

    SuckitBC......There are NOT many Gyn/Onc.......I live in Brick and went to Dr. Thomas Hackett in Wall.....also  I know another who went to him and they lived in Union Beach..........he came recommended......Liz

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2014

    Hi, I use a oncologist who specializes in Breast and ovarian cancer but she is in Hackensack...Donna MacNamara, love her !

    I am sure someone will come along with suggestions for you

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2014

    Hi Everyone - There are so few resources where I live that when I find something conveniently local I do the happy dance.  Yoga Loka offers a free yoga class for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers.  It's in Frenchtown @ 34 Bridge Street.  The number is 908-268-7430 and email is and website   I hope to go this Tuesday.  The really great part is that I don't have to commit until Monday.  Planning is a challenge when you don't know how you'll feel.  

  • swoopgirl
    swoopgirl Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2014

    Dr. Diehl was my surgeon too! I love him! I go to Dr . Adler in Morristown

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Member Posts: 345
    edited March 2014

    Bumpin to wish you a HAPPY THURSDAY!

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Member Posts: 265
    edited May 2014

    I am appalled by the name of this BCO sponsored event and I took it to the fundraising thread. What do you think?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2014

    Joan - Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  I responded with the following:

    BCO has been my lifeline and that will not change.

    I've learned to overlook well intended but uninformed comments from family and friends. They mean well.

    I expect a deeper level of "getting it" from all cancer organizations.

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2014

    Warrior Woman........DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2014

    I see several woman on here are traveling to The Abrahmson Cancer Center at Penn. I think Warrior woman is the latest. I live in Orange County NY where NY, pa and Jersey all meet. It's about a 3he drive to Penn for me. My Aunt lives in Cherry Hill NJ and it's been helpful to stay over at times.

    My vs was Dr. Julia Tchou (I am in love with that woman) my ps is Dr. Kanchwalla who seems capable and takes great pride in his work. My oncologist is Dr. Kevin Fox who is tops on all accounts and quite well known. My genetic councillor is Jill Stopher who pioneered BRCA research 20 years ago. I saw someone write in 2012 that they had Dr. Brian Czerniecki. You will be happy to know his work with the breast cancer vaccine is showing great results. Pennies in Action is the fundraiser for phase three of the trials!

    The drive can be hideous, but I've gotten such great care and a lot of attention. Penn always schedules all my appointments for the same day because they know I travel. I try to return the favor by participating in all the trials they offer, giving them my blood and removed tissue to study etc.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2014

    Radical - I know of all your doctors and did see Dr. Fox for my 2nd opinion on chemo.  It's a long drive for me as well but worth it for quality care.  

  • jc254
    jc254 Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2014

    Radical, I was a participant in phase 2 of Dr. Czerniecki's vaccine trial.  On my recent follow up visit with Czrniecki, he said they are close to securing corporate funding for phase 3 of the trial which will be nationwide.  I told him he better hurry up because I  want my daughters to get that vaccine! I live in suburban philadelphia, about an hours drive (with no traffic) from the hospital.  I am a strong believer in Dr. Czernieck's research but have very mixed emotions about participating in the trial. I was originally diagnosed wth DCIS and my HER 2 test results were equivocal.  I enrolled in the trial and delayed my surgery for 5 months in order to get the vaccine.  What a surprise when my lumpectomy pathology showed some hidden IDC.  I had no idea that was even a possibility and strongly believe it should have been communicated to me as a potential risk when I was considering enrollment. The good news was that there was no HER2 detected in the final pathology and I've developed a very strong immune response to the HER2 protein.  I will continue to provide follow up blood for testing annually.  I will also always wonder if the 5 month surgery delay might have allowed some of those cells to escape the breast.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2014

    Does this vaccine have the potential to prevent us from having a recurrence?  

    JC - I understand your sentiments.  When asked about participation in various trials, I was quite clear that anything I would do would only be done if it were in MY best medical interest.  It took me 3 mos. from Dx to surgery and I kept thinking the same thing about cancer cells escaping.  I may be completely wrong but I don't think it works the way we're conceptualizing it.  

  • jc254
    jc254 Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2014

    The goal of the trial is to prevent recurrence, and results are measured by the rate of recurrence among the trial participants.  So far, the results have been very promising.  Dr. Czerniecki and his team believe that if the vaccine can prevent recurrence, it will also prevent breast cancer from developing in the first place.  It's just much harder to design a clinical trial to test the general population.  The ultimate goal is for women to receive a vaccine against breast cancer similar to the measles or chicken pox vaccine.  There's a lot of information about the trial at 

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2014

    Jc:- I am not Her2 pos...I'm triple negative so Dr. C' s research isn't for me (yet). On the other hand, I truly believe he is pioneering research for all of us with breast cancer. I am a teacher. Since I am not eligible for trials, I shared all the pennies in Action info with the club advisors at my school as soon as I read the pamphlet at Penn. The kids are all on board collecting pennies for a cure! Kids (especially 12-14) can be little devils sometimes but I am so proud of them for doing this! Including myself, they have 2 teachers out right now with breast cancer. They send us updates about the money they are raising!

    Warrior- everyone I speak to tells me I did the right thing going to Penn. It seems that even with Sloan and Columbia being closer, people where I live put their faith in Penn or Fox Chase...the drive is definitely worth it!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2014

    Radical, interesting as I live in central NJ and recently needed an ENT, the one I found is wonderful but in a conversation, he said the best ENTs are all trained in the Pa hospitals.

    since his surgery and treatment has helped me enormously (sinus polyps), I am not arguing.  My treatment for Breast cancer is over and I was very happy with my Jersey docs but still..

  • alexandria58
    alexandria58 Member Posts: 202
    edited May 2014
  • NYCchutzpah
    NYCchutzpah Member Posts: 148
    edited May 2014

    Was at my infusion center today and saw a flyer for a free retreat for breast cancer patients. The organization offering it is There are 2 being held in NJ sept 12 - 14 in Clinton NJ and Sept 26-28 in Sea Isle NJ. Their web site also listed other retreats in other states I've never fished but it sounds interesting.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2014

    I applied a couple years ago and got accepted, did not go as I have a dumb foot and balance issues ,  it is a good group, there are also other groups for survivors but I have not gone to any

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2014

    I would love to see a vaccine that prevents BC and recurrence.  I know this goes without saying.  

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Member Posts: 345
    edited May 2014

    NYC talk to maintaining. She's been on that retreat. 

  • DaniellaD
    DaniellaD Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2014

    I live in Monmouth county but am being treat at MSK in basking Ridge.  Since I know that I will have to undergo chemo, wondering if anyone has any thoughts on Robert wood Johnson for chemo? Does it matter if I get a plan from MSK? 

    I was originally told I would be seeing Dr Gorsky but now I'm being seen by Dr Latif. She's super young. There are pros and cons to a young dr- supposedly she's brilliant and maybe she won't give me a hard time about using the cold caps, but I am wondering if I should meet with her or just switch my appointment now.  Anyone have an opinion on Dr. Gorsky? Or anything? Thanks! 

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2014

    Danielle.....I do know that MSK in NYC have recommended my oncologist in Manasquan.....Atlantic Hemotogy and Oncology to a few people I know.....  Dr. MENCEL was one...I went to Lerner....I Live in Ocean County....Liz