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Tumor markers elevated, a little worried right now.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Linny, how'd things go?

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Question - I am relatively new to the whole tumor marker testing every three months. I was diagnosed in 7/14, had a BMX with immediate reconstruction and chemo. In April, it will be a year since my last chemo treatment. My doctor checked my tumor markers at my first visit post chemo and is was at 18. It went down to 6 in December but was up to 6.3 in March. My MO said he's not worried about that at all. Is there a point at which I should be concerned? I have to admit that I dread every 3 months because of the tumor marker test. I know that it is reliable for some but some physicians don't use it. Mine does so I need to learn to deal with it. My tumor marker going up .3 did bother me, but should it?

    Thank you for listening.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    That sounds like the CEA number, and no I don't think you should worry about that. Ask for a copy of your labs, and it will show you what the "normal" numbers should. There are the CEA and 2 CA's

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Thank you. It is the CA-15 number and it is within limits.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Less than 30 is normal. I think you are good to go! Little things can make those numbers move, being sick, maybe stress, etc. Carry on with life and living! No worries unless they tend to creep up each time, and then pass the "norm".

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Goldie ~ Sorry I haven't been back to report! As it turns out, the only blood test the MO ordered was the liver function. I was sure she said she was ordering the tumor marker test, but she didn't. i don't know if I should contact her to find out. I guess I am acting like an ostrich, but if I decide to ask, it won't be until after a cruise we are taking in 2 weeks. The MO ordered a liver panel and the results were all in the normal range, but one of the tests shows a rise the past 2 times it has been done, so that makes me a little nervous!

    The rheumatologist ordered a test to see if I had any immune system diseases. Coincidentally, it's also used to diagnose multiple myeloma (sp?). She has never ordered this test before, and she always seems concerned that the BC will come back. In fact, she makes me more nervous than the MO! The test was negative, so that was a relief.

    ML14333 ~ Welcome. We don't have a lot of activity here, but it always seems that someone is always here when we have our "moments."

    I hope all of our group members are doing well. I will definitely check back more often to see who's been here. Take care and happy spring!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Linny, I would wait until after a cruise as well. Mine jumped 15-20. MO not too worried yet, since I feel so well. Will be testing again in about a month. We upped my Xeloda dose, from 6 to 7. Just got back from a trip to MI, visiting family.

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Goldie ~ It's great that your MO didn't think your numbers are a cause for alarm. Hopefully, the boost in Zeloda will knock the number down. I'm glad you got to see your family in MI. We are originally from Chicago and have relatives and friends in the suburbs. There is a family reunion in July and my brother would like us to go. I always enjoy my time back there. It's a totally different place from California. Take care and I will be thinking positive thoughts for your next test, and mine, too! We are leaving on a cruise a week from today, so I am busy getting ready, and so grateful to be going on another wonderful trip!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Linny, I'll get more markers done in a week or so. The xtra Xeloda is playing havoc on my hands. Splitting and cracking horribly! Have fun on your trip, where are you going? California, is different than anywhere! My step daughter lives near San Diego, we actually hate going there, but I think it's mainly because of the traffic idiots! And if you are going 80 in the slow lane, you're going too slow!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Goldie ~ Sorry to hear you are having issues with your hands. The meds we take are definitely damned if we do, and damned if we don't thing! We are taking a cruise down to Mexico. We have done it several times, but really enjoy just being on a ship. My husband loves it because he can't be reached by phone, so it is one way for him to truly relax! He is at the point where he really needs to get away and enjoy the peace and quiet! We live about 30 miles north of San Diego. We are originally from Chicago, so we really enjoy the weather. I know what you mean about the traffic, but honestly, Chicago scares me way more than San! I guess I must be used to it, and am a crazy California driver! Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing. I am thinking only positive thoughts for you and all of us. Hugs...Linda

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Linny, I will live with my hands, as long as I can. Cancer is just the gift that keeps on giving!

    Having a fabulous time on your cruise, never been on one. We have considered an Alaskan cruise, don't know if it will happen or not. Being stage IV, kind of hard to plan too far in advance!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Hi Goldie ~ We came home from our cruise on Saturday. We had a great time. I hope you will get to do the Alaska cruise sometime. I understand about making plans too far out, and it sucks! If you do book a cruise, make sure you get insurance (not from the cruise company). If you buy it before the deadline, it covers "for any reason." It does cost more, but is worth it to us as we have not only had my cancer diagnosis, but had been taken care of elderly parents and never knew what could come up with them. I hope some day you can go, and I would be happy to give you the scoop on getting insurance.

    I have developed "trigger thumb" in the past two weeks. I bought a thumb stabilizer and it is helping. I have read that AI's can contribute to this, but not sure since I haven't seen my doctor. I really don't want an extra appointment, so I am trying to deal with it on my own. As you said...cancer, the gift that keeps on giving. I hope you have been feeling good and that everything is under control. Thinking only positive thoughts for all of us!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Thanks Linny, I'll let you know if we plan that Alaskan Cruise! As for me, I'm hanging in there. Altho major SE's from the chemo druig I'm doing. But I'm dealing with it, don't really have a choice.

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466's pretty quiet around here! I hope you are all doing well and will post sometime soon. I am getting close to the time for my mammogram (July) and MO visit (August). I am always nervous about these things, but wouldn't even think of not doing what is needed. I am thankful for each day and try to enjoy my retirement on a regular basis! Now, if only I could get my weight issue under control...grrrrrrrrr! Hope to see some new posts soon. Hugs to all!

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Linny - I certainly understand being nervous before test and doctor visits. I no longer get any routine screening for breast cancer. My MO and Breast Surgeon said no mammograms since I had a BMX. I asked about ultrasounds yearly and was told that they monitor best through the visits every 3 months with my MO. I will get an ultrasound in December when I see my breast surgeon so she can take a look since I had fat grafting done in May.

    I had my MO visit in early June and everything looked so good, he said I have graduated to every 4 month visits. WooHoo! My liver enzymes were down, but my 15-3 had risen .10. I guess that isn't bad, but no one likes to see an increase of any kind.

    I too and trying to lose some weight that I put on during chemo and after. Yep - I was one of the lucky ones that gained weight (after having lost 40 pounds two years before my diagnosis). I have managed to lose 7 pounds so far so I count that as a win!

    Enjoy your retirement!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Hi Linny and ML.

    Linny good luck on those scans and doctor appt. and the weight loss.

    ML, what a bummer to gain all of that weight back from chemo. I too gained weight, but more so from the Arimidex. for which I am done with and it didn't even help!

    My TM's, for the most part, are staying stable for now. I've also started using RSO.

  • Hi! I just logged on tonight for the first time ever… I had stage one estrogen positive breast cancer in 2006 with no lymph node activity after seven years my cancer came back on the same side in one of my lymph nodes - had chemo and radiation again .

    Get pet scans every six months and just had one on August 24 which was clean thank God however my CA 27 29 is 37.5 up 13 points from February-kind of freaking out.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519

    Desmond - so sorry about your recurrence. You've found a great spot for information and support. I know others will be along soon to give advice who have had similar issues as you. Best wishes and keep us posted.

  • Lumpie
    Lumpie Member Posts: 1,553

    I'm interested about all the discussion around tumor marker tests and scans. My Oncologist won't order either since I was node negative. I am interested in having these because of all the nasty symptoms I have had (esp. bone pain, migraines shortly before and since Dx). Is anyone able to share how their doctors explained their rationale for doing these tests or not? Thanks!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    My onc wanted to release me after 5 years. I told him I did not want that, that I wanted to continue with 6 month check ups and I wanted labs done...period! It was my TM's that detected cancer again, as I had no symptoms, still don't.

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Just a little scared. I am 2 1/2 years from diagnosis. Had my quarterly check up last week with my MO. Bloodwork that he had was good and he said he would see me in 4 months. I looked online today and got my liver enzymes and ca 15-3 tumor markers. Liver enzymes were good. TM was up from 6.6 to 7.2. My MO was out of the office today but I shot him an email asking if I should be worried. I know I am still on the lower limit, but no one wants to see that number rise.

    Any thoughts? I am trying not to flip out and go to really dark places.

    Thank you.

  • lovetodance1
    lovetodance1 Member Posts: 15

    if you see the normal range for .ca 153 is between 0-31 in most labs..your reading is way normal..not even half of will always see fluctuations of a couple of points..its never static..your reading is perfect for ca153

  • lovetodance1
    lovetodance1 Member Posts: 15

    if you see the normal range for .ca 153 is between 0-31 in most labs..your reading is way normal..not even half of will always see fluctuations of a couple of points..its never static..your reading is perfect for ca153

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695

    Most MOs do not do them because things such as inflammation cause them to rise. They seem well within the normal range. Hopefully your MO will concur

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Thank you both. It is so easy to go to negative thoughts. I am glad we all have this board and others for support and education. Hoping my MO will tell me not to worry.

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Talked with my MO yesterday, and he said no reason to worry. My numbers are well within range. He did tell me that my numbers will fluctuate up and down and many things can affect that. He said that he wouldn't worry unless the numbers were well outside the normal range.

    Thank you ladies for listening!

  • Hello kindergarten,

    I also have had 8 years -mine at stage 4 breast cancer--I too am on aromasin---my tumor markers are at 69 right now---they have been climbing since I think it was originally 49. I will be getting a CAT scan etc etc in

    about a month. My oncologist is not too concerned due tumor marker numbers are affected by so many things.

    I do much better just trying to forget about it----once I start looking things up--I'm a wreck. I see I'm the only one with stage 4-which is depressing to me. But I'm happy for all of you. I would be jumping for joy if I was stage !! ----but I have to realize ANY cancer is not fun!!!

    Also many new treatments are in the future. My oncologist actually came down with a different kind of cancer and had to retire. I do love my new one-----I guess I will ask you all a question. I still go this oncologists office but have a new oncologist. I want to talk to my old oncologist (who has cancer) about my tumor markers rising and about something she told me a year ago "If you can hold on a year then we can offer you such and such----but don't remember WHAT? Do you think it would be bad to try to get in contact with her (she's retired)

    because I want to know what she WAS planning on doing? Thanks for any input.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Hope, you are most definitely not alone. I too am stage IV. Most oncs don't rely on TM's. For me they are a good indicator and have always been. You don't mention your type of cancer, where the mets are, ER PR and Her2 status?

    There are lots of treatment options out there! And your new oncologist should know what these are.

  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467

    Hi All!

    I haven't been on here for a while but thought I'd check in and post...

    Like Goldie my regular blood work TMs detected that something was not right and after lots of testing and a biopsy confirmed that I had breast cancer in my femur (left breast 2009 & right femur 2013 - go figure!).

    And like Goldie I have continued follow up and treatment well past 5 years (especially not after the recurrence/mets/missed primary).

    I continued to see my ONC every month after that and once it was treated my TMs went right down to very low numbers.

    My ONC switched me from Tamoxifen to Arimidex - initial side effects were tough but I got through it and now I feel fine.

    I've just "graduated" back up to 6 month check ups but continue to watch my TMs.

    I do have to agree that TMs work for some and not others - I'm not sure why?

    Mine have always been in the low normal until they were not. But I have a friend who's numbers are always consistently in the mid 100s and that is normal for her (they never fluctuate).

    But for me they indicated that something was not right and prompted 8 months of testing, scanning and biopsy and finally radiation treatment.

    For those of you who are worried or have questions I encourage you to contact whoever you need to (NP or ONC) to get the answers you need.

    You are your own best advocate!


  • Lyon1
    Lyon1 Member Posts: 6

    This thread is not always active but suddenly everybody is gone, Kindergarten, Linny, Goldie, Moni, Marie. What is happening? You were always so inspiring, I keep fingers crossed everybody is well