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Tumor markers elevated, a little worried right now.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    I'm still here. My TM's have gone up and then came down some. Hovering around 130's. I feel awesome, no pain. Only complaints would be SE's from Xeloda.

  • Lyon1
    Lyon1 Member Posts: 6

    Goldie, nice to meet you. So does the Xeloda work for you and the raise is stopped for now? And it's fantastic that you still feel this good, don't underestimate your body and your own strength. This thread over the last few years has always supported me, keeping fingers crossed when you were waiting for the results, relief or fear when the results came. The strength and the dignity you have put out here is mesmerising!

    Are the others mainly in other threads now, do you know how they are?

  • Lyon1
    Lyon1 Member Posts: 6

    Oh, I should have probably told you why I wrote. My BFF was diagnosed February 2015, after operation and radiation she is ok for now. She is only 38, no family history. During the last round of tests in July CA 15-3 increased from always under 20 to 45.7. I know it can mean nothing but she is actually feeling great, no inflammation, no sickness, nothing. She always does a lot of sport. I just have a bad feeling but the doctor wants to wait a few months and repeat the test before he does anything else.

  • Lyon1
    Lyon1 Member Posts: 6

    Hi, is anyone still here? She got her new results today, CA 15-3 has doubled to 88.7 in the last 3 months. That can't be good, unspecific or not, right?

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Hi Goldie and Lyon! I have been away from these boards for awhile and am just catching up with all of my favorite threads. My husband has been home for the past year due to a knee replacement gone awry. Before I retired, we were usually on different schedules and it has been a definite adjustment since I had a year to be home by myself before his surgery. It's great to spend more time together, but it's definitely cramped my style a!

    Lyon ~ I am certainly not an expert on markers, but I am sure if Goldie reads your comments, she would be able to give you her opinion since she has certainly dealt with them quite a bit. I will be thinking good thoughts for your friend. It is just so scary to have to deal with anything related to cancer. I hate it!

    Goldie ~ I am glad to hear that you are feeling and doing so well. My current MO doesn't do markers and I am wondering if I should discuss that with her at my next visit in 4 months...I am on the 6 month recall. At my last appointment she mentioned that I have been taking anastrazole for 5 years and that continuing it gives a few percentage points against having the cancer return. She didn't seem to think it was that important for me to continue with the drug. Of course, I am all for any added protection, so for now, I will continue taking it. My original MO (he moved away) indicated that he would keep me on it for up to 10 years. I am superstitious about doing no active treatment, so for now, I told her I will keep taking it. I am sure lots of my aches and pains are side effects, but I am a "just in case" person!

    Take care and enjoy our fall weather!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Lyon, TM's have been a good indicator for me. I know a lot of oncs don't/won't do them. I insisted, as I would rather do them than scans. If they prove to not be helpful, then I would quit. My stage IV diagnosis came after 6 years of NED, and were only detected because I insisted on continuing with 6 mo check ups and labs. They started to creep after 6 years, no pain or any other indications of mets, so now we do scans, and walla, there it is yet again. Now in my bones 2014. Still no pain or any other indications almost 4 years later. So we still do labs, every 6 weeks now. My last scans were Dec 2016. They jumped a bit, but then they come down. I also do MMJ, so not sure what is doing it. But I will take it!! Certainly your friends onc will order scans? Trouble can be insurance. Mine would never cover scans, unless something showed up on an xray. And we all know that those don't always show mets. It's horrible we can't get the care we need. They don't prevent cancer, but it can at least detect it earlier. I do not know how others are doing, as I don't follow them. I have this as a favorite, and check when someone has posted.

    Linny, sorry about your style being cramped!!!! Funny. Sorry about your DH's knee and hope it's doing better. My DH and I are with each other 24/7 for 17 years, since we own our own business and it's an internet business, so we work from home. Guess I'm just used to it. Good for you staying on the drug for 10 years. I find it rather ironic that my stage IV diagnosis came only 1 year after quitting my 5 yrs of Arimidex (sp). I always tell people to insist on labs. What could be easier???? Right? I think it's stupid not to. But then there are those false positives, which I think is why oncs don't like to do them. But we have to be our own advocates. My onc tells me it's my ship and I'm the captain. I love him. BTW, good to hear from you! Wishing you a cancer free life.

  • Lyon1
    Lyon1 Member Posts: 6

    Hi Goldie and Linny, thank you so much for answering me. Because of the increase the doctor ordered scans and she got the results today. Breast and everything was fine but there are three lesions on the bones, two at the hip and one in the leg. The doctors are sure they are mets. She will get Chemo now, they are going to meet next Monday to discuss the 'details'. So I am grateful for the markers, without them they would have never done the scans, they were sure it was contained. But my heart breaks for her and her family. Thank you very much for listening.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Lyon, had I not been watching my TM's, they wouldn't have found the mets. At least not until it would cause me pain, which it still doesn't. Are they going to do a biopsy on your friend first?

  • Lyon1
    Lyon1 Member Posts: 6

    Hi Goldie, thanks for answering. The found 4 mets, all in the bones, despite that she never had any pain, not even during all the sport she is doing. They don't want to do a biopsy, so I guess they are sure enough what it is. Right now they are still discussing the treatment, of course it will be radiation for the mets but my friend is not sure if the rest of the treatment will be aggressive enough. She feels good and wants to fight this with all she has.

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695

    perhaps she could consider a second opinion. If they biopsied the minutes, then they can see if it has the same path ologies as before. They need to know if hormonal therapy will be effective

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Good morning ladies!

    Just got the results back from my 6 month appointment and my CA15-3 levels rose to 7.7 from 6.3 in June. My MO isn't concerned as my TMs have been as high as 7.3 and come back down. When do we legitimately need to worry or be concerned? It scares the crap out of me if I see a rise or any kind.

    Thank you.

  • cive
    cive Member Posts: 265

    If your TMs double in a month, then you might wonder, but inflammation among other things can be responsible for minor TM changes.

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695

    Any inflammation can cause them to rise

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Thank you, ladies. I know a small jump like that is insignificant in regards to others', but I know when I was diagnosed, my TM was 13 so 7.7 isn't far. Thank you again!

  • chatsworthgirl
    chatsworthgirl Member Posts: 197

    I need some help today. Just found out that my CA27-29 rose from 350 to 528 in one month. I have been on Letrozole for a few months from February of this year and then the onc added Ibrance. Markers stayed in the 300's for five months. Now this. Also my liver enzymes were slightly elevated over normal last test.

    I am scared.


  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695

    Have you called your doc to see if they plan to do additional scans? Hoping they find a reason other than cancer for the rise.

  • chatsworthgirl
    chatsworthgirl Member Posts: 197


    Had a bit of a meltdown when I saw the blood test. However the onc was discussing taking me off Ibrance because it didn't deliver. So starting tomorrow it will be Faslodex only and then a possible addition.

    I have to remember that there are many who have had very high markers that came down with the right treatment. Just a matter of finding what works for you.

    The other thing that made me kinda happy is that my hair will grow again. While on Letrozole and Ibrance I lost about 50% of the volume. Not bald, just thin. Faslodex does not have hair loss as a side effect.

    Just realized I am not in the right forum.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Chats, you're not out of options yet. Xeloda is another drug you can try. I've been on it for almost 3 years. Gals are getting good results with this drug. A jump in TM's doesn't necessarily mean bad things. They do tend to be right with mine, but really only a scan would tell. Good luck and don't give up yet.

  • chatsworthgirl
    chatsworthgirl Member Posts: 197

    Thanks so much Goldie. So good to know you are doing well. Gives me hope for my own future.

    I had my Faslodex shots yesterday - sore butt cheeks LOL. Feeling more positive because my ever so good at bedside manner onc (not) finally said something that was sorta kinda positive. Said well, we have time because your situation is not dire. Gee thanks doc. That's really uplifting. LOL

    I am going on a five day vaca with my H and dog for Christmas. The cool thing about Faslodex is that I won't have to deal with it until January some time. Also scheduling a scan for then.

    So until then, signing off the boards and thank you to all for the positive thinking and good advice and have very merry end of year holidays.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Enjoy your trip Chats. I think your doc said what he said because the other places BC goes to is organs, brain, liver and lungs. So having it in the bones is better (if you will). The only time I lost hair was during original chemo treatment. I did Taxol and Taxotere, for which I have read of many who have had permanent hair loss from Taxotere. I never had a problem with Faslodex, but it did not work for me.

  • sharware
    sharware Member Posts: 74

    Hello everyone - just joined and my first post. Took a couple days to read everything from beginning to now when Kindergarten first posted. I am in the same boat with her - NED for 7 years and now tumor markers on the rise. My MO has scheduled a nuclear bone scan and CT with contrast this coming week. Is Kindergarten still here? Are you still here? Please let me know you are doing well. My markers were static for 7 years - now climbing. I was Stage 3C - IDC left breast, ER+ HER -. AC+T, lumpectomy with clear margins, radiation for 7 weeks.

  • vangelis
    vangelis Member Posts: 1

    Hello there, i m a chromophobe kidney cancer patient. Everything was ok for me, for the last 2 years, until recently: A doc asked me (by mistake) to test CA 15-3. In the course of 7 months, values have risen as follows:

    -from 32 to 40 in the 1st diagnostic center (normal values <32.4, length of monitoring :7 months),

    -from 41 to 45 in the 2nd diagnostic center (normal values <25, length of monitoring :7 months),

    Moreover, i have recently taken the CA 15-3 blood test in another diagnostic center. It was 49 with normal values < 43).

    It seems that there is a slight increase. My 2 oncologists seem to be optimistic that it is nothing to worry about. They said that these elevations are too small.

    Though, another oncologist, specified to breast cancer, was somohow more worried due to these slight elevations.

    I am very confused, and worried......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    V, the only way to know for sure would be with scans. I don't know why they would refuse you scans, as long as your insurance will cover them. TM's just aren't always reliable. With some of us they are pretty good with telling what's going on, but other things could contribute to the rise that are not cancer related.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519

    hi, usually doctors pay attention to changes and the direction of the markers over time

    Since your markers are out of normal range and on the rise id tjink that warrants investigation. Personallu Od soecifically asl your doctor to confirm you so not have a problem with diagnostic mri, bone scan or cast scan.

    Good luck

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    I am just stopping by to say that I hope everything is going well for all and to wish everyone a very healthy and happy 2018. I will see my MO in a few months for my 6 month check up, so will be getting anxious before that appointment. I haven't had any tumor marker tests in awhile, so will discuss that with her at that time. I hope that all of you are able to get whatever treatment and tests are needed. Take care...Linda

  • sharware
    sharware Member Posts: 74

    Hello and Happy, Healthy New Year to everyone! I have results of my CT and nuclear bone scan. The results were “pretty good” but indicated something going on in my pubic symphysis area so an MRI was ordered. Those results came back with a high possibility of recurrence in a very small area and my MO said this was not a place where breast cancer usually metastasis. So we are going to test my CA 27.29 againin 3 months and if they are still elevated, then I will have a bone biopsy done. I’ve read that stress and inflammation in the body can also cause markers to rise. Anyone had any experience with that scenario?

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519

    hi shareware

    I'm sure people will be by soon with better first hand information than I have. I'm glad your doctor is checking your levels again. Given mri result I'd ask him to repeat the mri as well in 3-6 months to see if there are changes. Something highly suspicious I'd want investigated. And I guess I'd question Onco that just becauase it usually doesnt go there soesnt mean it couldn't. Also could it be a different issue ? And if so, what.

    Good luck, i hope all goes well

  • ChaCha57
    ChaCha57 Member Posts: 6

    This Is my first post in years. I Just went for my 6 month check up and my CA27.29 has been slowly increasing over the last year from 18 to 23 to 23.8 and now to 28. I have a new oncologist so a different lab so he said try not to be anxious we will run again in 6 months. I'm in my 6th year of AIs, tried them all the first year and ultimately ended up back on Arimidex (Anastrozole). I know it seems like I shouldn't worry compared to other folks I see here but my normal had been 18-20since I had finished Herceptin in 2013. Has anyone had this increase and then had it go back down?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Kathy, we can't really help with your question, but hopefully bumping your thread will help you get responses from other members soon!

    Best wishes,

    From the Mods

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695

    My MO does not draw tumor markers, and most don't because they can go up for so many reasons unrelated to cancer. My mom's MO draws them. Hers have flucuated, nad her MO says it is due to inflammation.