2013 Survivors!!!
Congrats! on finishing rads, I am looking forward to that day too.
Thanks to all for the congrats and good wishes. I am still feeling grateful to be done with this step.
Hugs, Sheryl
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Aruba....wow.....what an honour and accomplishment ...congrats to your daughter and to the proud mom.
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Ok ladies wish me luck! Taking an exam today for my hospital specific medical billing credentials!
Believe - I have my angels with me!
Karen0 -
Karen you probably don't need luck but I'm sending it anyway along with A+ vibes.
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Karen; in with Scottie, no luck, just good vibes. (I can jump in your pocket too...would that be cheating?)
Websister; a BIG WOOT! WOOT! Another milestone you can check off!
Aruba; you must be proud. And you really should get to Israel. It's beautiful. I went when I was little and then was fortunate enough to work for an Israeli company that sent me over for a month every year to work. So I got to go twice; once in '99 & again in 2000.
And 30 yrs... I'm hoping to get there. Got married at 41, we have 27 1/2 yrs to go. :-)
So I couldn't sleep. Going to try a yoga class at ten instead. I have my period again, maybe it will help the cramps.
Then I have to do laundry and pack. Going to Tampa next Wednesday night until Monday night to meet up with my girlfriend and her family. She's coming over from rangeland and I haven't seen her in 6 years. Can't wait to introduce her to my DH, see her mom and kids (I've never met her daughter except Skype). Her brother was my college housemate when I studied in England d for a semester so I've known them for 20 years now. Her dad passed of cancer three years ago so it will be strange to meet them in FL without him. Her parents used to winter there.
Finding a swimsuit was not fun! I'm double the size I was 6 yrs ago. I was a six my whole fucking life.... Now a 10-12. Shocking really!! Maybe I'll feel less
Like a whale when my period passes and the bloat goes with it. Gotta say... Didn't miss the SE of not having my period!
So I'm off to yoga, to the gym and then tonight dinner with my dad and step mom. Now they've been married 34 years! Amazing. They are blessed to have gotten it right the second time around too Believe!
Chrisrenee; do your patients and coworkers know how lucky they are to be still walking this good earth this morning?!0 -
Good Saturday Morning All,
I had quite a nice pity party for myself yesterday.
All of my hair fell out. I just cried and cried while handfuls of it washed down the drain in the shower. And wow does my head hurts like crazy even with the oil my beautician gave me to try for that purpose! Chemo #2 on Wednesday and the dreaded Nuelasta shot the next day. Cannot WAIT to see what comes next. And why didn't the stupid hair on my legs or bikini line fall out too? Will it?
I got 2 wigs that I kinda like but did buy some hats, scarves and berets too. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We all know the hair will grow back but it is still shocking when it happens.
Peace, love and blessings,
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cmbernardi.....I had lunch with one of the Canadian gals yesterday and she is going through chemo just now....she was wearing the most beautiful scarf and looked absolutely stunning, I'm sure you will too...just keep remember it's temporary...hang in there...❤
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Good Morning Ladies
I had my infusion for herception yesterday, then ran my three milesand watch the movie life of PI.
My arm is swollen this am pretty bad, I think running is causing this so maybe I should wear my LE sleevedam it I did think about that but running and not being able to raise that arm due to frozen shoulder is a challenge. Oh well whatever I am just learning to live with all this freaking LT SE. But dam it:)
Cmberdardi - oh that is really hard when your hair comes out. My legs, eyebrows and other hair thinned until my taxol treatments then fell out completely. I think the only blessing about losing your hair is that you feel so crappy during chemo that you don't have to working about it. Also when you I had no hair people who were cancer survivors would see me and reach out because they can see you are a cancer patient or assume. All of this does get more manageable but you have every right to mourn the loss of your hair! It is freaking hard girl! Hang in there! I am about one year past your time line for treatments etc and I have almost forgotten my bad chemo days etc so you will get there but right now you just rest and cry and vent when you need too:)0 -
Good Luck Karen! — Congratulations websister! — Congratulations sheryl! — Aruba, Congrats to your daughter and you for raising her!
cmbernardi, I expect the stupid hair on the legs and "bikini line" will all fall out too. Mine did. The scalp pain passes after a while. I forget how long it took mine to be less uncomfortable but it did pass. I started using the same gentle cleanser I use on my face on my scalp at that time just to pamper it. No shampoo - shampoos are for hair, not skin, my hypothesis but I'm a low-poo curly-girl protocol follower usually anyway... I also used my facial lotion on my scalp. I really pampered it while I was bald as best I could.
Have a lovely weekend all - I'm keeping the positive vibes going for everyone waiting on follow-ups and such.
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Shianne, yes the ladies on this site keep us entertained and we all laugh when we can. After all,it sure beats the alternative!
I am feeling more grateful everyday that we live in the age of the internet where we can communicate. Spring is coming and we are all alive to see it this year. Hopefully we are re gaining our health.
Ran out of my Femara and was off it for 3 wks. After onc visit got more of it and now that I am back on it, I am having low back pain and terrible brain fog. I was talking to a client at work yesterday and my mind just went completely blank. I was gonna tell her to make arrangements but I couldnt think of the word. Its a little scary....
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Karen: Sending you positive mojo and vibes – you will do wonderfully. As jueanu asked, can we jump in your pockets for this.
Juneau: have a wonderful time in Tampa. As for swimsuit shopping… I haven’t even had the balls to go there yet. You will be beautiful in whatever you have on.
Carolyn: (((hugs))). I agree with Allurbad – that experience does pass, as does the scalp pain.
Mcook: Hope that arm starts behaving itself.
Hi to everyone else. Have a good Saturday and as Ramols says “go find your happy”
I am off for a walk and lunch today with my gf who was dx’d with bc this year. She had her lx but they didn’t get clear margins, so she’s off again within the next couple of weeks for surgery # 2.
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Juneau- good luck with ALL your
workouts today. Have fun at dinner tonight. I don't know if they realize how lucky they are. But they should count their every blessings. Haha
Karen- no luck needed you got this! I'm jumping in too! When will you find out if you passed?
Cmbernardi- I bet you will be gorgeous with whatever you put on. Maybe you will post a pic when you put on one of your wigs or hat. The one thing about chemo that I was hoping for was losing all the body hair. I know sounds stupid for someone who did not have to have it.
Well off to do laundry that is my chore for this weekend. I haven't done shit this entire week, it's about time I did.0 -
Ok Chrisrenee if you get off your butt, I will too....race you to the washing machine....lol
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Scottie- done first load is in! Ready set go!!!!
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Have mercy girl, I'm still in bed thinking about it ....lol... Takes time now for the old brain
to process things like get out of bed and "do something".....lol
I went to bed at 3 am last night ...younger son made dinner and older son brought a girlfriend over so after dinner, we all sat around and played cards. Bloody hell, we taught her a new game nd she won every round.....told her not to come back....lol...just joking.0 -
Scottie- glad you had a good time with Jo and your sons. What card game did you teach her to play. I'm on load #2 so far. Only a million more to go haha
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Cmbernardi... I deal with this beast with humor, it's my way of coping, but I totally understand the shock of your newly bald head. The pain is awful, I remember it well. Mine lasted a few days but it seems like it will never pass, but like everything else with this nasty shit, it does. As for other hair, you think a bald head is a shocker, wait till you find a "mouse" in your underpants!!! Yep, it does fall out too lol. That was the benefit of chemo, no shaving..... ANYTHING!!!!
I had wigs and scarves as well, but I ended up going without. I got used to it and so did my family. Honestly, no one even looked twice except one little boy, the guy at the grocery store who told me I was hot, and rocking that look lmao. Oh, and one stupid beeotch that just stared. Well, I did give her a big piece of my mind and she ended up walking away with her tail between her legs lol
You are gorgeous, with or without hair, wigs, and scarves. Your family and friends love you, we love you. You are strong, and you are a fighter!!! Tears will be replaced with laughter soon, sending big gentle hugs.
Congrats to everyone for the milestones and achievements!!
I finished 14 of 25 rads yesterday, and the SE are starting to rear the ugly heads!! Fatigue today, burn under arm is painful, red and irritated. The boob is red as well but as it is numb it's not painful. I have 3 days off though because the machines are being serviced on Monday, so hopefully that will allow some healing.
It's cold here today, and tomorrow is supposed to be the same, so I guess I'll just couch out this weekend.
Hope everyone has a warm, and happy weekend!!0 -
Chrisrenee.....it wasn't Jo playing cards with us, it was my older son's girlfriend....lol
The game is called asshole!!!!!0 -
So yesterday I was talking to my sister about our little family here! And how I would not had made it through this year without all your support. Also we talk about things our doctors don't tell us about this dam diease and that we have to use each other for research etc. She works for the American Cancer Society and this year is there 100 year birthday for the organization. So they are partnering with a lot of celebrities. One of them is Ellen! So my sister sent our story in and how I told her if I had the money I would take us all on a trip so we could meet in person. Who knows what will happen but loved that she did that for us! Let's hope:)0 -
Scottie, lmao!!!! You have to tell us how to play that!!
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Oh and btw she did mention exactly breastcancer.org just said a forum as I would not want to invade our privacy here
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Mcook, so now you're trying to make the 2013 survivors into celebrities too huh? Well most of these ladies already are (such characters!)...no help needed! Lol
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This is what she wrote! I was in tears reading this story from my sister prospective! It is all our story
On February 28, 2012, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. I sat by her side as the doctor leaned in and said, "Michelle, I do not have good news for you today." It was silent for what seemed like forever.
Michelle, age 42, felt a lump in her breast and like many women thought and/or hoped it would just go away. The lump didn’t go away and by the time she was diagnosed her cancer was advanced and had spread to several of her lymph nodes. She quickly realized she would have to fight to beat breast cancer. Although uncertain about where this journey would lead her, she remained hopeful.
Michelle is independent, strong and outgoing. She simply loves meeting new people and enjoys listening to their stories. However, meeting new people at a health care facility wasn’t exactly the same. The “new people” now consisted of oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, therapists and nurses with needles.
This past year she has had an endless number of chemotherapy appointments, both her breasts removed, lymph nodes removed and side effects no one should ever have to experience. At this point, it would be perfectly alright and rather normal for her to be angry and see the world as unfair. She doesn’t however, instead she reflects on the journey of the other women who have also fought this battle and this gives her strength.
She finds comfort from friends and family members during chemotherapy, surgery and her most difficult days. Her greatest comfort and support, however, has come from an online forum of women with breast cancer or are survivors. “They are just like me and know exactly what I am going though” she stated. She has virtual circle of women who have all been down the same road, encountered many of the same obstacles and find strength in each other.
Michelle speaks about the women often and considers them friends. When I asked her more about the online forum she stated, “If I had enough money, I would bring us all together for one day so we could meet each other in person. That would be so amazing. We share everything through this online forum. We share the things that the doctors don’t mention and what others don’t want to talk about.”
Her strength is an inspiration to so many people. She has never asked the question so many of us ask when we are faced with a difficult situation- Why me? Instead she thinks of the women who have lost their battle and those fighting for their lives.
Cancer certainly has not slowed her down. In June 2012, she finished the American Cancer Society’s Determination ½ marathon. She was motivated by a woman named Kari who lost her battle with cancer. She had never met Kari, but her story made an impression. Michelle stated, “She can’t run now, but I can so I am doing this for her”. I will never forget walking across that finish line with my bald and oh so beautiful sister. In addition to completing the race, Michelle and her team, raised almost $7,000 to support cancer programs and research.
Opportunities continue to come her way and she isn’t about to pass up the chance to educate others. In June, she will run the Million Dollar Marathon to benefit Above+Beyond Cancer. In addition, she will speak at the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk this spring to help educate women on prevention and early detection.
Her story is powerful because she tells it like it is. She is a kind soul which makes people want to be around her. Her strength and motivation will certainly be an inspiration to others, making the journey worthwhile.
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Wow Mcook, I too have often mentioned this special group here. I think others think it is nice but have no clue of the real support we get from each other.
Ok..So now you got me dreaming of a trip to meet up, drinking our Lemon vodka Martinis, eating our choclolate jujubes and giving each other a real group hug!! Wouldn't a trip to Chicago and all of us seeing the Ellen show together be a blast? I could see us all now during the Ellen dance routine...Have to bring a table for Tazzy to stand on..lol.
Am about to start 20 hours of CE credit on line to keep my insurance license. Even with no job now, good to have it still current. Long Term care, ethics, life settlements courses..here I come. Also baking some Passover treats for DH since I will be off on Tuesday for 2 weeks to South Fla to be with dad. I do have a bathing suit..but never in my life wore a size 6. LOL..i try to wear a bathing suit that keeps everything off the floor
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Hello Lovely Warriors,
Thanks so much for the kindness and the words of encouragement regarding the hair falling out. Fortunately, today is another day and the whole family is home. I am expecting a fun Saturday here in North Texas. It is a sunny, warm day and I've already gotten motivated to take the dogs for a nice walk. It must be a funny sight for the neighbors to see my Sister's GIANT Golden Retriever (Bill) galloping along with my chubby little Pug, Broadway Rudy Giuliani (Rudy for short) trying to keep up!
Happy, happy weekend all. It is so great to know you are all out there and none of us is really EVER alone!
Peace !
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Mcook, our posts crossed. Your sister is very eloquent and from what I know about you, describes you so well! She has stated what we all know..you are beautiful in and out, and have a heart of gold!
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Wow mcook....what a wonderful thing for your sister to do......I also am dreaming
of doing the dance coming down those stairs.....lol....yup could handle being a celeb for a day with all you lot....lol.....
NOW....if that's not an incentive gals to get on that beast so we can all get back I to our size sixes.....remember TV puts on ten pounds...💃0 -
That was beautiful what your sister wrote...as Aruba stated I too talk a lot about these groups...even though I don't necessarily post a lot. My PS laughs at me every time I get ready and say "my breast cancer board said..."
@Aruba...Chicago sounds great to me with or without Ellen...although I do love her so with is the preference! Lol0 -
Dam scottie I was just thinking about heading out and having some green beer now better run:) you are right running makes me happier than beer ...mmmm? Let me rethink that statement lol
Happy st. Party's day! Little Irish Dancing burn a hell of a lot of cals and I bet Ireland can teach us!0 -
mcook....thanks for reminding me ....remember girls....green beer is NOT like having your green smoothies unless you add some broccoli and kale....I'm just saying 😇