2013 Survivors!!!



  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited March 2013


    You're right but I hadnt joined you ladies on the weight loss journey because I wanted all my belly tissue available for my upcoming Diep (4/3) but soon as I'm released to exercise ya'll will finally meet the determined as he!! LaKorcha to lose some pounds and dance on the tables too!! (Hey I'm only 35 AND single) Lol :-)

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Oh, this is good....Tazzy will have company now up on the tables 💃

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited March 2013


    Getting my foobs soon and coming to join you on the tables!!

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited March 2013


    Getting my foobs soon and coming to join you on the tables...well once I'm a bit smaller in the waist that is!!! :-)

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited March 2013

    Mcook, your sisters letter put tears in my eyes!! Such eloquence!!! I found myself nodding in agreement, yes I talk about you ladies as if I've met you lol, but in our hearts we are sisters. Bonded in our souls by a disease one of us ever dreamed would touch us. We gain strength through each other and understand exactly what is happening, so glad I've found you!!!

    I know I'm not in on the weigh ins but I lost 2 pounds this week!!!! I'm sure after my big roast beef, garlic smashed potatoes, carrots, and gravy dinner tonight I'll gain 5 tho lol

    Scottie, I'm up here on the table with Tazzy!!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Ok, that's three on the table and counting.......Ellen may have to have special tables

    brought in for you lot....lol

  • aruba
    aruba Posts: 276
    edited March 2013


    Assume you will be on the pole above the tables Wink

  • aruba
    aruba Posts: 276
    edited March 2013

    Bunny DanceBunny Dance

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    Michelle- that was absolutely beautiful! I also nodded my head in agreement. Cried reading how your sister described you. I talk crazy stupid about you all. I may not have everyones name down but your online names is what I call you. My Coworker even starts asking how you all are doing by your screen names. Lol

    Scottie my butt will be up there on the table with them all too. They better have some steady sturdy tables available.

    Lakorcha- nothing really to say other than I LOVE the way your name sounds! So exotic!!!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Posts: 1,156
    edited March 2013

    McCook, your sister said it so well but you are the one who is amazing. And a marathon coming up! 

    Yesterday I was thinking about not quite being a "survivor" yet and not writing much on this thread but today I do feel like I am really a part. Thank you all for your continuing posts of your sagas. I just sent BCO.org on to a friend of friend who is looking for an online support~~of course this is the best and I hope it helps her too.

    Scottiee, love the St. Patrick's addition for green smoothies! NOT! 

    llr010200, this is the one time I wish I had the belly fat! A DIEP would stand a better chance against the rads!

    I am now 11 days post op with one drain to go, maybe tomorrow even. I can't say the pain has been intolerable but the combination of pain, nause/vomiting and general tiredness has been frustrating. I get it that I need to rest but it has made me irritable and unhappy. Scottiee, and Schiatzi, I did add Gravol to the mix pre Anastrozole but still had awful nausea/vomiting on Thursday for no good reason as it was mid afternoon and had taken the AI the night before. Every day is a new day I know and today so far OK. Time for a blog post in fact.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Ok, four on the table and counting......I'll certainly volunteer myself to be on the pole. 💃

    Marian.....glad to hear from you ....sorry you're still in pain....I guess each day will be that much better....ok, I'm allowing you the green beer minus the kale and broccoli just to ease your pain...❤>

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    Marian- YOU are a survivor! You fought like hell to get through rads/chemo and YOU are still here. We may all have our own definition of what a survivor means, but for me survivor means I'M still here for my family and friends and meeting new ones. So I hope your definition is the same as mine. Glad you are doing good. How many drains did you have placed after surgery?

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited March 2013

    Busy, busy, busy today!  I've laughed and I've cried!  Love you all!

    Aruba - you always find the cutest graphics. Keep them coming! See, 2 Fried and I are not the only bakers in the group. I would much rather bake than cook - breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

    KarenZ0305 - you don't need luck!  They are lucky that you are considering them!  You will be great! I like the idea that we are all going along for this extra Pocket Trip.  We are so multi talented! Your Angels will remind you to smile.  A smile not only increases our face value, it makes others wonder what we are up to:-)

    Mcook - you are such an inspiration!  I love what your sister wrote and look forward to meeting everyone in person!  I'm probably too shy to dance on the tables but I can certainly cheer you Dancer's on and catch anyone who gets to close to the edges! I've never watched Ellen.  I didn't know she was in Chicago - I thought that was Oprah.

    I've invited my cousin to join our group.  She had BC 10 years ago.  A very similar diagnosis to mine.  She is also my 'Baking Advisor' and the reason & recipes for all my cookies!  I know she would fit right in and have another perspetive being 10 years out.  She is my family inspiration and I know our family here will love her.  I will keep you posted.  I hope she is checking us out today. I talk about this group all the time too.  I am not sure everyone gets our connection BUT I do and I am so thankful for all of you!

    Chrisrenee & Scottie - I hope your laundry is caught up.  No fun but necessary.  Scottie, I didn't know TV causes a 10 lb weight gain!  Glad that it is NOT one of my vices.  I have other vices that I enjoy more. 

    Cmbernardi - For a moment, I thought your were getting cookies but it seems like you picked yourself up and you are moving forward. Rudy Guilanni - love that name!  Visualizing you and the two different size dogs, put a smile on my face.  I am sure they had a ball!  Excercise is good, just ask Scottie.   I think I asked but don't remember an answer.  Did you buy wigs in your hair color or did you get fancy?  Can you all imagine what color wig Chrisrenee would have chosen if she needed one.  What goes with Slut Red toes?  Don't you just love her!

    I haven't missed a word - keep them coming!  Make is a great day, ladies! I have to run but I will cetainly be back. 

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906
    edited March 2013

    marian...so sorry the Gravol didn't work for you! Frown

    mcook....amazing! Your Sister REALLY gets it!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited March 2013

    Believe.....we welcome your cousin with open arms....if she's anything like you, she will be quite a wonderful addition to our family.

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited March 2013

    Chrisrenee, thanks...liking you more and more...you seem fun and crazy...in a good way! We're so close...we should meet up one day. I missed the one that the "texas" forum did but there needs to be another.

    Marianne, I'll tell you like plenty of others have said to me..."too bad I can't donate some to you". But actually I'm a bit upset because doc says I don't have enough for both breast. He's doing one side die and the other an implant. :-(

    Believe, it's funny that you mention watching for the edge because when I was a bit younger I was at a party in a club and had a lil too much to drink and actually slipped off the edge of the stage that I was dancing on. Luckily a friend grabbed my arm and pulled me before I fell completely off but I did have a bloody scratch up the front of my leg that had scraped the stage. Lol...those were the days!

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited March 2013


  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    Believe- I read your post again and I missed the mention of my name the first time around! Of course I died laughing. I probably would have gone bleach blonde or fire engine red! I was already "shopping" online for colors and styles I liked. Slut red toes, fake boobs and long Bohemian tresses! Damn I would look great.

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited March 2013

    Chrisrenee - you are too cute! I knew you'd have a plan.

    I'm sitting here looking at our site for an interesting article I saw a while back that I wanted to take to my MO next week at my appt. I wanted to look like an informed patient but I don't enjoy all these studies. I feel out of control. I just want her to smile and say NED! Then I will go away for another 3 or 4 months in ignorant bliss. BUT back to my articles... I wonder when we stop stressing over up coming appts.

  • Outdamnedspot
    Outdamnedspot Posts: 164
    edited March 2013

    Mcook...a beautiful story by you sister...Schatzi's right...she really does get it!  I mention this group to one of my BFFs often.  She gets it, maybe because she is a nurse.  My other two BFFs...not so much.  I don't even bring BC up, they don't even ask.

    The Ellen idea is fantastic!  I love her show, though I only get to watch it about once/week.  I've even got DH into it...he's crazy about Sophia Grace and Rosie.  Maybe if I remember we have a PVR, I could watch it more often!

    Marian, good to hear from you.  I was wondering about you and your post-op recovery.

    Believe, thank you again for the bracelets and little angel...I put it on my car keys and it sparkles.  I saw the gal at the dealership admiring it!

    Sounds like a great girl's time at the cottage.  Jujubes and all.  When I was first diagnosed, I had this crazy urge for jubes.  Bought a bag, ate it and that was it.  Almost made myself sick.

    To everyone else I have missed, hello!  Hope everyone is having a great weekend.  Have to run and get the laundry out of the dryer.  

  • Outdamnedspot
    Outdamnedspot Posts: 164
    edited March 2013

    Mcook...forgot to mention you have done really well with your fundraising and I have no doubt you will meet your goal.

    Sorry about the perfume, but it is always good to have a nice smelling bathroom!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Posts: 853
    edited March 2013

    Hello Again Ms. Believe and All,

    I got 2 wigs for now.  One in my natural dark brown hair color but cut very nicely by my hairdresser Alice who is a 4 year BC survivor.  She cut it short and spikey - kinda punk.  The other wig however is BLONDE and I do intend to see if "Blondes Have More Fun"!  I am expecting a visit from a lovely gentleman from VA. soon and I told him he was going to have to "find me" at the airport.  I am envisioning the blonde wig, big sunglasses, a long black trench coat that I can tie at the wast and some very sexy lingerie underneath.  Oh and my best black Italian boots that I was lucky enough to have bought in Rome.  Blaise, my friend will be very amused (and more - I hope)!

    Gotta have some fun with all of this, no?

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited March 2013

    Oh my! Cmbernardi - Chrisrenee is running off on you! Love the outfit and blonde wig. We will all be waiting for photos - in your trench coats, boots and anything other photos you care you care to share.

  • websister
    websister Posts: 405
    edited March 2013

    McCook - beautiful story, I thought exactly what Schatzi thought - she gets it!

    Wouldn't that be incredible as a way to meet up? We would have to include Tazzy's 'dancing man in the kilt', he's been such a part of our celebrations

    Carolyn and Chrisrenee - sounds like you should be joining Scottie on the pole ;)

    Outdamnedspot, Scottie and Chrisrenee - sounds like I better get going on my laundry, you're way ahead of me - and I have to pack for my flight tomorrow

    On that note ... Better get in gear


  • Momof3GreatKids
    Momof3GreatKids Posts: 285
    edited March 2013

    Hello everyone!

    This is my first post, but I have been on this site readying everyday since my diagnosis last March. I finally got up the courage to post for the first time! I feel like I know each of you and wanted to say thanks to all of you as I know I would never have made it through this past year without this site!!!!!

    I have a followup with my MO on Monday and am hoping she will tell me I am NED!

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    How the heck do you work photobucket? I'm currently computerless until my new charger comes in. How do you upload to BCO from there on a phone??

    Websister, you better get cracking on the laundry and packing! Wouldn't that be a site me Scottie and Carolyn working the pole, hmm maybe a career change for all of us. Probably make more money there than at a hospital. Haha

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited March 2013

    Momof3- welcome to your new home away from home. Some of the ladies are party animals ha some are moms (and we love them to death) but we are all here for each other. You will get more love support and encouragement in this thread. Good luck with your appointment Monday and let us know what they say.

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited March 2013

    Momof3 - Welcome - the More the Merrier!  So glad you jumped in, you must know by now to wear big pockets on Monday  to your appt.  We will all be with you for support.  Some of the ladies even bring treats.  Don't be surprised if your weight is up.

    Chrisrenee - if you have an iPhone, I will try to help with Photobucket.  It seems confusing at first but we all seemed to have eventually figured it out. Juneau should ask for a royalty check, she originally introduced us all to Photobucket.

  • iatigger
    iatigger Posts: 269
    edited March 2013

    Mcook, your are so fortunate to be close to your sister. That is very cool what she did. My sister is 10 yrs older than me and we have never been really close so I envy you. That would be so wonderful to meet the gals from our social media family.

    Welcome Momof3, this is a wonderful group of ladies to hang out with.

    Believe, the more the merrier on this site.

    Chrisrenee and Scottie, you both are ahead of me with laundry game.

    Just got back from a 4 hour road trip to watch my daughter compete in her first state competition for the American Legion Junior Shooters. I was proud of her, she was only supposed to be in a non competitive round but due to a small group attending was bumped up to the competition round. She only freaked out for a minute or two and then jumped in and did her thing.

    Cmbernardi, Enjoy your rendevous at the airport. :)

    And everyone else have a great st pattys day eve!

  • llr010200
    llr010200 Posts: 34
    edited March 2013

    Welcome momof3, I understand that concept of lurking before posting! You're joining a VERY active and loving group though!


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