2013 Survivors!!!



  • ireland20
    ireland20 Posts: 175
    edited April 2013

    Shari....big hugs....crap news on the path...and you have every right to feel upset.....I had my chemo after surgery so I don't know what the results were like but I know I was devastated when they told me I had2 positive nodes...it is a roller coaster and over the next few days you will accept it and move on. After chemo I found rads easier and was glad I had both... at least I know I have tried everything!!!!!!take care of urself and remember whilst er+ tumors dont always have a 100% response to chemo thereis another two weapons on route....rads + tamoxifen!!! you wwill get through this even though you are in a dark place at the moment. Take strength from the rest of us we are Living proof that life keeps going and is good! !

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Posts: 1,568
    edited April 2013

    Shari - I had a positive node too - a micromet in the SN. My BS was very surprised. After the lumpectomy he thought he knew exactly what the Path report would say. Apparently not. Its scary when your dr is surprised. Anyway I went from Stage 1 to 2 because of that but I also had the Oncotype test done which saved me from chemo because it was 11. Rads are nothing. I was in and out in a few minutes. Discomfort of course but considering what we have all been through it was a piece of cake. Good luck...diane

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Shari, my sweet girl...ok not the results we were hoping for but please don't be afraid of rads.....the worst thing about them is the time involved getting there everyday....the actual zaps are nothing......you may feel tired half way through, but I found getting to bed early worked well for me. And I slept so well at this time, it was great. Have to take care of your skin with lots of cream you will slap on daily. We will help you get through this

    and I'm sure lots of the gals will come forward with other suggestions. You're strong ....you'll get through it.

  • Outdamnedspot
    Outdamnedspot Posts: 164
    edited April 2013

    Schatzi-DD has finished her diagnostics and has to go back to the cardiologist in Calgary for results as soon as she gets an appointment.  Her new family doc had the results of the echo and it was normalSmile   So, hopefully the Holter monitor turns out normal as well.  Thanks for asking.  

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Schatzi.....seems that everything is ok with Andrew....he phoned the hospital today and

    they said if he hasn't heard anything by now, he shouldn't worry, but they will set up an appt with the cardiologist to go over everything.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Posts: 693
    edited April 2013

    Shianne- Congrats! I'm thinking I may be drinking tonight. ha

    Shari- Sweetie, i'm so sorry. No, it's not the results we were looking for, but you will definitely come through it. Take all the advice all the Rad ladies are giving you, they've been there done that and have the T-shirt.

    Juneau- That's great about about the clinic referral.

    Believe- Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your honorary niece loved her bracelet she got today. She's already wearing it.

    Thank you all for saying how pretty my baby girl is! Her appointment did not go as well as I had planned for. She does need surgery this coming monday at 0900. Her Oral Surgeon was very concerned about it and said that it doesn't need to be put off until summer. Her treatment plan is to pull 3 teeth (2 baby teeth and 1 permanent tooth) the perm. tooth is growing in sideways anyways and he said that it would not sit in the space that would be vacated by the quarter size "growth" on her jaw line. Her surgeon says that it could be a cyst but more likely a benign tumor. That scares the shit out of me. The whole tumor word scares me especially when it's in my daughter or son. She's scared and so am I but I'm not going to tell her though. I won't be there with her on Monday (too short notice), so i doubt I'm really going to be able to do a lot of work that day. Please continue to pray for her for me and thank you all for being in our pockets today. Love you all!

  • Sandy65
    Sandy65 Posts: 80
    edited April 2013

    Hi ladies,

    Sorry about your news Shari but, I have read a lot of posts here and can tell you are very loved in this thread. All us ladies will help you through this. Stay strong. As for me, got through the first taxol treatment a few hours ago. No reaction then but having some shortness of breath now. Will have to call nurse I guess. Onco Dr. said may only be able to do a few treatments as my neuropathy is already getting bad after ac. She said we may have to reassess my treatment or try Neurotin. I was on neurotin a few years back and made me walk like I was drunk. May have to do neurotin anyway. Now I just wait and see what the next few days bring. By the way, she is still going to put me on tamoxifen later.Thank you all for the info about taxol and such. I appreciate it and hope everyone is doing well. Take care. Hugs to you all!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Chrisrenee...will be praying for that gorgeous daughter of yours.. She is young and strong and will be fine. I know it's hard when its our children ....take a deep breath and don't let her see you are nervous for her....❤❤❤

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Shianne......yay....finished....time to celebrate....💃

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Posts: 314
    edited April 2013

    Sandy- take benedryl right away and yes call the on call nurse if it doesn't help! I had some delayed reactions and I took Claritin before and after every treatment and keep benedryl on hand. It helped me and it was scary. I had some small reactions like that all through treatment and felt that I was having shortness of breath. I had to do an allergy test and it came out clean but I still had shortness of breath and they did echos to check my heart, CT to check for blood clots so don't mess with if it does not seem right. Probably nothing but never mess with any small signs that is there job to help get you through these treatments. Some of my test were an over kill but it gave me a piece of mind. My experience so I hope that helps.

    Shari-like everyone said we understand how scared you are! I have a friend who had his cancer spread to his brain and they killed that shit with rads! So I know that you hate to hear that news but I hope everyone sharing here helps you Hun!

    To all let's just all yell! Fuck Cancer!


  • Sandy65
    Sandy65 Posts: 80
    edited April 2013


    I have benedryl in my cupboard. I called the nurse and she didnt see it as a delayed reaction. But told me to take my inhaler and try some lorazepam at bedtime. She said the lorazepam will help relax the muscles in my chest. She said if I get nervous or worse to go to ER. Guess I will just have to wait and see. Thanks for sharing, at least I know its not just in my head. Don't think I will be sleeping well tonight though. (Hugs)

  • Momof3GreatKids
    Momof3GreatKids Posts: 285
    edited April 2013

    Shari - Ii agree with what everyone else has already said to you. Know that we are all praying for you and are here for you!

    Chrisrenee - I am so sorry to hear about your daighter, but at least they found it when they did and it will be gone on Monday. Maybe we can split up and some in her pockets and the rest in your pockets. It is always worse when it is the kids, but as Mom's we find a way to be strong when we need to be with them.

    Shainne - YAY on finishing rads!!!!! Remember to keep lubing up for at least 2 more weeks. Enjoy your dinner out!

    Sandy - I am glad your first treatment went well, but as others have said keep an eye on things and don't be afraid to call if it doesn't get better. As my MO said when I called after my first treatment late that night after the rash appeared, it is only dumb to not call.

  • Sandy65
    Sandy65 Posts: 80
    edited April 2013


    thanks, I will keep an eye on it and go to ER if gets too bad. Hate to take lorazepam as that will knock me out and how will I know if breathing gets worse? Thanks for your help and advice. I don't trust our hospital very much here nor the doctors so it would a last resort to go there. (Hugs)

  • liefie
    liefie Posts: 761
    edited April 2013

    Chrisrenee, hugs to you and DD. It is bad when it's us, but it's worse when it's our children. Sending soothing vibes your way!

    Sandy, it seems you have things under control. Shortness of breath is not nice. I still remember it from chemo, and how weak it made me feel. This too shall pass! Hugs to you!

    Mcook, like what you said to Shari re that friend of yours. Good to hear!

    Did you guys see the news about the watered down chemo that about 1200 people received in Ontario during 2012? I am speechless. What a bummer for those poor patients! I see lawsuits coming . . . 

  • mcook301
    mcook301 Posts: 314
    edited April 2013

    Oh and btw I am running my leg in Iowa around July 18th. I will get more information and I hope to be able to travel with my team to some of the other states. Man time is flying by and I need to get my mileage up but I am so slow ...guess I will be walking some it it!

    When it get closer to our start off I will send more information to everyone! I pray that I can see some of you on this journey! I could not do this with out all of you this year and I am running for all of us!

    Good Night Ladies!

  • ramols
    ramols Posts: 310
    edited April 2013

    Shianne - yeah for the end of rads!!! so happy for you!

    Shari - i had six positive nodes and I consider myself cancer free and plan to not think about cancer at all once i'm done with herecptin. I had a different order than you - surgery, chemo, then rads. But I don't think order matters. You battered your body with chemo to destroy those wandering stragglers, you had surgery to take out the cancer (remember - they wouldn't know your nodes were positive if they hadn't taken them out; the cancer is OUT!!!), and you'll have rads to triple confirm that they kill any cancer that is lingering around. Rads are doable. Don't let them stress you. And then you'll pick up and move on with your new normal. I don't let "recurrance" be a word in my vocabulary. I had cancer. I let them attack my body to make it go away. And that is the end of if. End of story. I know its hard. But you'll get through the rest of the road and life will go on. You just have to tell yourself that life will go on. Big hugs. We're all here for you!

    Believe - I actually don't hate my treadmill. I'll apologize to the ladies I know are struggling. But I've been blessed with a good metabolism and so I actually run for pleasure, me time and health benefits. So I might call my treadmill - hmm... maybe "renewal" for the new start I plan on giving myself.

    And with that - me and my two glasses of wine from the surprise dinner date with my hubby are gonna go try to cozy up with him and see if I can't scrounge up my mojo.

    Love ya all. Big hugs!

  • ramols
    ramols Posts: 310
    edited April 2013

    me and my wine missed a whole page of posts - hate when that happens... chrisrenee - sorry about the news on your daugther. sending you guys big hugs. Sandy - you take care of yourself! And love and hugs to anyone else i missed. 

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Posts: 345
    edited April 2013

    Shari - I am sorry its not what you were expecting but is this fucking disease predictable? However 3 is a good number. In my head anyway. I'm a "it could've been..." type of person. Sometimes too positive for my own good but it's how I get through. And you will get through this. Because we are all there with you!

    Speaking of - I know I've talked about my friend Roger who has been battling this disease for a while. Right now he is having chemo for his third brain tumor. 9 years ago he had stage 4 kidney that mets to his lung. Both were removed. No chemo then.  A few weeks ago he fell and dislocated his hip and the pain is so bad he finally went to hospital. While he was there they found out it mets to his bones and now instead of 2 nodules on remaining lung he has 7-9. WHAT THE FUCK!!! This man is a strong, good hearted man and it sucks that he and his wife are going through this. It is so not fair. So ladies please say prayers to help him.

    To all that can use a hug here's a big one {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

    To those with SE's - may they be banished! I cannot wait for the day I can walk normal!

    To all - a beautiful day to you and yours!


  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited April 2013

    Karen-sending prayers to your friend and his family.......fuck cancer!

    Shari-I took in a cd I made of some of my fav music which they kindly played for me during treatment. (My rads were 20 minutes) I tried to visualize any cancer cells dissapearing in puffs of smoke during rads.  I tried to think of rads and Tamoxifen as being insurance that they got everything and it won't come back. (((Hugs)))

    mcook-I could def. make a road trip to Iowa!

    Sandy-keeping you in my pocket!

    Chrisrenee-Keeping you and your daughter in my prayers!  Sending good vibes and healing thoughts.  Remember, distraction is great for making the time pass more quickly and giving the mind a break!!

    Hugs and prayers to all.  I have my visit with the cancer psychologist tomorrow am.  I'm thinking PTSD.  Just feel emotionally numb. (how can THAT be?) I just hate feeling like I'm not here for my family or myself. I def. need a jumpstart!!

  • liefie
    liefie Posts: 761
    edited April 2013

    Karen, I'm sending Roger all the positive, healing vibes/prayers I can muster. Poor man. This sucks!!! Like you, I'm also a 'could have been worse' kind of gal. Got me through many a dark moment, and helped me count my blessings instead of dwelling on negativities. The glass is half full, not half empty!

    Swgee, that image of cancer cells disappearing in a puff of smoke during rads is quite funny, but so good - burn, cancer, burn!!! Hope your visit with psychologist goes well tomorrow. Many people feel like you when treatments are done, and struggle to find their 'normal' again. Best wishes!

    Ramols, you sound so happy, positive and upbeat - so glad for you! Hope that mojo did not hide when you needed it - LOL!

  • Shari0707
    Shari0707 Posts: 260
    edited April 2013

    Gosh ladies.. Thanks for all the posts... I guess I knew there might be positive nodes but I had just sooo hoped for the best possible news.. That being said, I suppose my news is not terrible but I had hoped chemo would zap it all up.... I know bejng strongly hormone postive doesn't usually mean complete response to chemo but I guess I wanted to feel good about my survival after one part of treatment.. I know the tamoxifent will b super helpful in keeping cancer away but I just want to not worry so much and so if I had amazing response to chemo I thought the other stuff would just be insurance to my survival and now I realize rads and hormone therapy are necessary to my survival.. Breast surgeon did not seem so upset with results but I would really like to speak to my oncologist and hear what she has to say.. Thanks ladies for your support and I just need to remember that this does not mean I will recur... That's what I am so scared of... I just want to move forward..

    Thanks for everyone's posts I love u all..

    Chrisrenee I hope everything goes well with ur daughter

  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited April 2013

    Ramols. Very well said!!! So positive and so true.

    Shari. Honey, I can't really say anymore than what's already been said. You know I didn't want rads either. That I didn't have the response to chemo that I wanted. But I did 25/25. I hated every minute of the fact. BUT in the end I survived it. I met wonderful people who amazed me everyday. The lady who had dmx, had to stop chemo half way thru due to shingles then when she was about to return had a heart attack and was still smiling, she was my absolute fav!!! Especially after she told me her heart attack wasn't as bad as her husbands last yr!!! ARE YA KIDDING ME???? This couple are going to heaven for sure lol. Anyway, my point is that you will survive this too. It's awful I know. Don't change your opinion of it. The cancer was removed. It's gone. Rads and tamoxifen are just insurance. Check out the thread called "you know you're a cancer patient when" start reading at page 1. It may help you to feel better. Hugs girl!!!

    Chrisrenee. Prayers for you and your DD, I'm not only in your pocket I'm holding your hand!!

    Karen. Extra prayers for you and Rogers family!!!

    Juneau. Let me know when the get together is :-)

    Anyone with PN have you noticed that its worse after drinking? I had a few (too many) glasses of wine last night and my hands are very bad today!!

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Posts: 1,442
    edited April 2013

    Liefie:  Like you I will not let cancer rule my life… it did in 2012 but now being NED dance away.   Heaven forbid it will return, but yes, if it does, deal with it then.   And yes, I am also a glass half full type of person…. Half full, half empty?  Either way clearly more room for wine. Wink

    Outdam & scottie:   Great news on your children – here’s to clear results down the line.

    Chrisrenee:  hugs to you and your DD – I cant imagine how scared you must be.   Continuing to send positive vibes your way.

    Sandy: ((hugs)) it does get better !

    Mcook:  YAY… FUCK CANCER !!   Iowa – hmmm! Never been there – keep us posted.   I would so love to meet some of you – A real pocket party

    Ramols: hope you enjoyed your wine and DH

    Karen:  Wow your friend Roger has already been through so much – positive vibes to him.  ((hugs))

    Swgee:  in your pockets for your appt. tomorrow with your cancer psycologist.

    Shari: (((hugs)))

    Sorry if I have missed people…. At work and need to get back to it – but missed you yesterday.  Went to our local hockey match play off last night - #7 of the playoffs…. Yay! They won. 

    Wishing each and everyone of you a wonderful Thursday.

    Just want to say again how much I get from reading all your posts.  Even though I cant always post as much as I’d like (bloody work!) I do read them all and really do get so much comfort – thanks again for being here.


  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Posts: 324
    edited April 2013

    quick note Tazzy was reading your post and saw your note to swgee and mis- read it as cancer proctologist- I thought, oh no, thats where I draw the line with all these doctors Ive had to see since bc  lol  glad it turned out to be something else! lol

    Ok  Im with Liefie, Tazzy and all of the glass half full folks- time to fill the glass to the brim with good stuff.

    Shianne Sounds like we had quite the celebration and pocket party.

    Ramols good for you-might call my new treadmill the egg beater ( I don't enjoy mine yet and after I get off I feel totally beat up) but not sure yet

    McCook be nice if your group could all run to FL since I'm such a chicken to fly in my old age.

    Renee sorry you and daughter have this dental crap to stress about- prayers that it goes smoothly

    Karen wow my prayers go out to your friend too. Some people go through so much yet manage to remain positive. God Bless him and his wife.

    Shari- hang in there, last year most of us were going thru the what's next with this bc crap but as you can tell, we all survived and although we all had a variety of treatments, circumstances,SEs etc we are slowly but surely accepting our new "normal" so as not to allow bc to rule our lives. I know its hard to imagine right now, but you'll get there too. Like everyone look at the rads and the Tamoxifen as just insurance. The cancerous tumor and nodes all got removed and beat up in some petrie dish in some lab.Maybe when they are done testing them they should allow us to go thru some ritual of destroying them like put them in a blender, dump the puree in the toilet and flush it away  for good.

    Take care all

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited April 2013

    OMG- cancer proctologist!! Soooooo Funny!  Thanks for the laugh!!:)

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Posts: 324
    edited April 2013

    SwgeeWi I looked at it like 3 times and read it the same way everytime LOL Guess I alwaysget a little anxious going to the Mo anticipating what s next so I thought, oh great if you are being sent to a cancer proctologist for BC then my MO will probably spring that on me this next visit- haha I was so relieved when my eyes quit twisting the letters and I'm glad for you too! lol.

  • melissa119
    melissa119 Posts: 127
    edited April 2013

    Shari... I can't really give much more than every other wonderful sister had given to you already regarding rads but know that you can get they this too!! I know it's not what you were hoping for but then again is any if this what you were hoping for or expecting?! I did not have positive nodes so didn't do rads so can't tell you of my experiences. But just think of it as yet another insurance policy against this beast!! But for now don't let it keep you down. Make sure you rest up and take care of yourself! Let your parents take care of you which I am sure they are! And try to relax while recovering and waiting for the next step. Hope the pain has subsided some and you are more comfortable every day!

    Chrisreene... Prayers to you and your DD. I am sure everything will be fine :-). It is so hard when our kids have to go thru something that we have no control of :-(.

    To everyone else so sorry I can't respond to all but I read every one of the posts and look forward to hearing from everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! It is finally getting warmer here in NJ!! I am so tired of the cold!! I have a very busy weekend! My DD plays on both a rec and travel softball team and she has practice for each and then a game for travel sat and then a tournament with three games on Sunday down the shore! Hope the weather is nice to be sitting outside all weekend watching her play!! I tell you. Going to all of her games last year for me thru BMX recovery and chemo! Love to watch her. And next week my DS starts baseball!! Gonna be a crazy busy but great spring! So much better than last year :-)

    Hugs to all!


  • shianne29
    shianne29 Posts: 282
    edited April 2013

    2fried....OMG I laughed at that!! And I'm not even going to explain the visual I have in my head now :-o (_|_) hehehe. I also agree with the idea of the destroying ritual. Oh how satisfying that would be!!! It's actually a very great idea, a sense of closure. To see what was inside us and to know it is GONE!!!

    Melissa, wow that's busy!! But I think it's awesome. I love watching my boys play. I have two golfers and hockey players lol so it's year round.

  • iatigger
    iatigger Posts: 269
    edited April 2013

    Mcook so excited you are coming through Iowa. As soon as you know when let me know so I can find a way to come cheer you on.

    Have to get going to my Livestrong workout, so hugs to everyone.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Posts: 1,442
    edited April 2013

    2Fried... thanks for the chuckle - hilarious.

    Hugs xxxx