2013 Survivors!!!
Not all cancers are the same, my aunts sister had lung cancer over 20 years ago. She is still alive today. She is in her 70's and going strong.
So sorry for your sons stress!!0 -
Outdamnedspot and Believe...I felt good being able to vent here and did not wish for anyone to literally join in the club! I too have been a bra shopping. Being on the big side makes it a challenge to up a size. I did find a very comfy new bra from Bali that has no seams or underwire that comes in only S, M, X, and XL. I got the XL and even bought some extenders for the back at a maternity shop to keep things in place yet comfy. Does the Ahh Bra offer any support? I did notice weeks ago that I seemed to want to get home and whip the bra off immediately...felt like it does when you wear too tight a belt for long. Is it not weird that this happened so many months after rads were done? As long as it is nothing serious (and it is not) I will live with this too...hopefully it is temporary. What else did your dr's tell you to do? I still laugh at him telling me to try to lift up like you would raise your legs if swollen. When you compare the girls, I can't see much difference..only feel it.
Chrisrenee, still sending prayers your way. How old are your niece and nephew? How things can change in an instant :{
Embok, good to hear from you. Glad at leastyou got some good out the deals...and realaxation a bit to boot.
Shari, You have become so informed and are being your own advocate which is sooo important. You should be proud of yourself! I hear getting those TE's expanded can be a pain but another step forward..you are taking those and each one forward puts another step behind you..keep going!
Juneau..kick box and KICK BUTT which reminds me that we are still KCA!!!!!! (Kicking Cancer's Ass!!)
Websister..I have had gray hair invade in my early 20's...my beautician begged me to let her color it as a wedding gift. My co workers mouths dropped when I walked in the next day...and that was at age 24!! I have been coloring it ever since..
Shianne, keep the air moving ...i found that to be the best healer...hopeful that you heal quickly!
Believe, sorry to hear about the X..I don't wish this disease on anyone....your son has both of you on his mind I am sure.
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I don't often post but I can guarantee that I read and apppreciate your posts. I had about half my incision which had separated a bit and was necrotic it seems, cut out yesterday (the incision is not long so maybe 3") and resutured. My PS also took 50 cc out as he said it would be counter productive to try to suture it with the T/E so full. So now another fill next week and so CT simulation was again put off now until April 22 we hope.
It has been a low few weeks but spring is really going to happen it seems just as BC treatment is really going to end some day!
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Thank you, she was 80. She had chemo and radiation also. It didn't really help she was stage 3B at DX.
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Believe...Thank you. My mother-in-law was 80 and stage 3B lung cancer at DX. She had chemo and radiation and it did more harm then help.
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Cooking for Cancer with The Happy Kitchen
Tuesday, April 23rdFrom: 6:30pm to 8:30pm CST
Online: Please click on the link below to register or RSVP.
The LIVESTRONG Foundation
2201 E 6th St
Austin, TX 78702
Dear Jennifer,
What do nutrition and cancer have to do with one another?
A lot! This online* or in-person class will teach you the main components of a cancer-fighting diet and some strategies for how to incorporate them into your life.
We will learn, cook and have fun as we explore what makes a food a healthy cancer-fighting choice.
Topics we will cover include:
- The importance of eating to avoid/reduce inflammation
- How to balance your blood sugar and why it matters
- Why digestion makes a difference and what foods are easier to digest
- Nutrient Density and which foods are better choices
Plus, we will make cancer-fighting recipes that are quick, affordable and delicious. Participants will receive easy-to-understand handouts and recipes.
Together The LIVESTRONG Foundation and The Sustainable Food Center are hosting this free online* or in-person class.
*This educational opportunity will be broadcasted online and available to anyone who would like to participate and learn more about this topic.
We look forward to your participation!
The LIVESTRONG Cancer Navigation Center
Email: cancer.navigation@livestrong.org
Phone: 855-220-7777
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OK so here's my update... but first I can't stop thinking about you Chrisrenee and your neice and nephew. PLEASE TELLS US WHAT'S GOING ON... HUGE PRAYERS STILL COMING YOUR WAY!! (and we still don't know how old they both are - not that it matters, either way they are both traumatized and changed for life).
OK - so I went to my PS yesterday. Have I ever told any of you how much I ADORE HER AND HER ASSISTANT. We usually yap for a while... she checks out my new bras (btw- I've found maindenform and werners to be the best for me. soft and many choices without a push up cup. I don't have pain like you all were talking about. and in fact am able to wear an underwire - although she had suggested removing it if it did indeed bother me). Anyway I digress. So we talk about the revision surgery I want to have to get me left augmented, remaining - insofar healthy- breast lifted. I was rather small chested before and never had children so my breasts were just about a B cup and quite perky. I usually didn't wear a bra with a halter top or if it was too hot out in the summer. I can't do that now as the left one lays just a little lower. So we are going to do a simple procedure where you cut around the areola (only on the upper layer of skin-- not too deep) about 1/2 a cm away and then stitch the skin together around the incision...back to the areola. Thus pulling the entire breast tighter. Tricky huh? Doesn't sound too invasive.
SO whilst there I asked her opinion about the PS I went to see for my eyes, in regards to cost. He is clearly the Rico Suave of PS in the area.... And I was guessing after some research - charge accordingly. She said his $3700 fee was crazy and suggested I go see someone she knew. She said she could coordinate the surgery so that I could recover simultaneously (which helps with work time). THEN as I was leaving she looked at my eyes and and brows and I said to her - I don't want my BROWS lift... JUST my eyelids. and she said "OH! I thought you wanted your whole brow lifted... I can do your eyelids for you". YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said I could go see the other Dr and get a price and she'd also let me know. I told her forget it, if she would do it, she's the only one I wanted to touch me. SO I HAVE SCHEDULED MY REVISION AND EYE LID LIFT FOR SEPTEMBER 5th! I'm so excited I could BUST (no pun intended!).
I am waiting for 2 reasons. 1) I don't want my eye lids in the sun after the surgery for a 6 months or so to make sure there is less scaring - so end of summer is best for that. 2) I need to continue exercising to get this weight off and I can't be impaired right now, as I think I'm on a bit of a motivational roll. She agreed - so I almost feel now like I have this goal... to be physically fit by my surgery date so that as I recover I can continue just walking on my treadmill and stay in some kind of shape, but need to do it so vigorously that I need to lose weight.
Tazzy - got on the scale this morning. 172.6 Down 0.8! I am back to logging my food with myfitnesspal. I think I'm ready to do it and do crazy exercise, mixing ip up between my tredmill, kick boxing, strength classes - that should keep my body confused and hopefully working hard. I am also drinking decaffinated green tea all day and that seems to be helping with hunger. I am however still VERY CHALLENGED when it comes to wanting to eat the bad stuff... but I am hoping having this goal and "keeping my eye on the prize" will help me find strength in those moments where I'm feeling week. And of course there is always all of you to help boost me up and cheer me on.
My boss had approved the surgery date and is ok with me working from home after it, so I don't need to take any vacation time. Maybe 2 days for the surgery and day after. So I should have enough time to get to the end of where MCOOK is running. MCOOK: Please give us details if you can? Who wants to meet there and cross the finish line with Michelle???
marianelizabeth: sorry that you aren't healing up as well as we would like to see. But you'll get there. It sure is a long bumpy road though, isn't it?!
OK _ I gotta get to work - I posted the message above I got from the Livestrong folks today. Though some of you might be interested. i am going to think about it - I might be kick boxing though.
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Chrisrenee - yes, sent up prayers for nephew and niece again this a.m., please keep us updated. How is auntie doing?
Aruba - loved the comic about the sweatshirt, that's my kind of bra also
Marian - hope the healing goes well now for you and you are soon able to move now to the rads
Juneau - I tried the link but got an error, it looks like an interesting course. Glad you are finding your motivation and wonderful news re: ps being able to do both surgeries for you. She definitely sounds like a keeper. I will have to try adding green tea to my days.
To all who advised re: hair - thanks, I am leaning in the direction of coloring
Wishing everyone a good day0 -
Hi all! Sorry i haven't been back on in a couple of days. My nephew is 4 and my niece is 11. My nephew will go back into surgery every other day for cleaning all the open areas to prevent infection. This is a painful process for him, but thank goodness for the constant morphine pump. No decisions will be made until next week regarding keeping or amputating the leg. My sister and her wife are leaning towards the amputation. One surgery rather than surgery every 6mos-12mos. I can't say that I don't disagree with their decision. Alex woke up last night with fever and irritability and wants to go home. As we all know what it's like to be in the hospital and wanting to go home. I plan on seeing him this saturday it's too exhausting to go up every night to see him as it's an hour drive one way. My niece maranda is doing good now. I think she has had enough people talking to her and letting her know it was TRULY an accident. She has promised my sister she won't go and do anything else to herself. She has talked to Alex and has promised him the moon, to which he has agreed to!
As far as Auntie goes, I'm doing good. I've never prayed as much as i have the last year. I believe God and I are on a first name basis. I work to keep my mind off of it and then I talk to my sister who is trying to get the image out of her head. My hubby told her it will always stay with her, as he has seen many of images as a paramedic. I will try to do better with keeping everyone updated.
I have read all the posts. I will definitely try to respond with everything tonight.
love you all
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Hi all,
I started rads this week on Tuesday 3/30. I drive an hour each way and am on the table about 5 minutes once they get me back there. I am told that SEs should start around 2-3 weeks after tx started. I was really depressed and crying like a baby on Mon and Tues and I think it was just because I was starting some new treatment and don't know what it will bring. Feel better today. I see a therapist and I always feel better after I talk with her and put everything in perspective. Hope and pray for all to feel good.
Hugs, Sheryl
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SherylB - fear of the unknown. Rads don't hurt, sorry you have such a long drive for your 5 minute treatment. Can you listen to an audio book? A good mystery may help pass the time.
Chrisrenee - sending mega prayers! Thanks for the update. My heart aches for the little ones, their Mom and family.
Good to be home and on a routine, for a few days anyway. While I'm home I need to go in for my first full mammogram (both sides) my anniversary date for surgery is May 1st. What a difference a year makes!
The Beast with weights on my ankles isn't bad. I'm gradually increasing the speed. Burning more calories, that's a good thing.
Juneau - great news about your surgeries! Get it all done at once.
Mcook - your running still amazes me. Very proud of you. You represent us well. Be sure to have pockets when you run.
Websister - I use to spend a fortune on getting my hair dyed. Now I buy dye at WalMart and my husband helps me. I used to spend 80.00 and now I spend 2.96. We make a production out of the experience. We are bonding once again - only this time over dye!0 -
oh chrisrenee - my heart aches for you all. My little guys are 5 and 2 1/2. I can't imagine... you're all in my thoughts. hang in there!
sherylb - hopefully rads will be a cakewalk for you. I found them pretty easy - just a schedule drain. your light at the end of the tunnel is here - can't you see it!
ladies on herceptin maintenance - do you get bummed out with each txt? had mine yesterday and in a funk. Have a headache that I think is a herceptin headache - and I just hate going back into that infusion suite. doesn't help that my veins don't cooperate. Yesterday - by the time they got my line running, the pillow my arm was on looked like a murder vicitim had been lying on it. I realize october isn't that far away - but right now, the thought of every three weeks through mid-october is a bit depressing. Oh well - will try to enjoy my three-week hiatus.
Love you all. Hope you're having a great day!
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Just wanted to quickly check in and send everyone humungous hugs. So busy at work, people off sick, vacation, blah ! blah !
websister : re your hair.... firstly that's damn bloody rude of people to say that. maybe you should ask them in response "are you going to see a plastic surgeon"?
juneau: hugs and great news on the weight loss.
Promise all to post over the weekend our weights.... lame I have been with that lately.
Rads: I too find it hard to believe how my skin has healed... there too was a time when I couldn't fathom it ever being the same again. tan lines almost gone.
Chrisrenne: hugs, hugs, and more hugs. Cant even imagine.
Have to run - love you all... yay! nearly Friday.
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To those having rads - when I did mine last fall (I finished end of November) the SE's weren't terrible. Didn't get tired or anything but I do have the peau d'orange and it was very red. The bone thing I had that I would recommend keeping an eye on if you have it is skin breakdown. it was like a peeling sunburn. I had a bacteria get in and that landed me a 9 day hospital visit. The redness is gone but still have the orange boob. Oh and did I mention the sharp zinging pain I get? Apparently that's called "healing". Whatever!
Webmaster - I agree you are beautiful! And I think salt and pepper hair is very elegant! Next time you get asked that question I suggest the smarmy comeback!
Chrisrenee - what a young age to experience what your niece and nephew are going through. Children are some of the strongest people I know and with the love and support of family they will get through. continual prayers and hugs to you and yours.
Juneau - lucky!!!
Believe - I'm sorry to hear about your ex. Prayers for him and you all. he may be an ex now but you loved him at one time and he gave you amazing children so I'm sure you must be hurting for them having to go through this.
Sheryl - it'll be over before you know it! I drive an hour every three weeks for my herceptin and it's my time for podcasts and audio books. They are the best! Pick something that will make you happy.
Ok everyone is it just me or is SHARI sounding stronger?! You go girl!
Everyone else have a happy rainbow day!
Karen0 -
Hi ladies
I am back from Dallas and to the snow! Wth it is April.
Chrisrenee - was thinking about your family and Praying!
Thanks Believe- every time I run I think of all of you in my pockets! It is really tough lately. I have been really tired which freaks me out! Is anyone else this tired? Maybe it is the weather or herception and I should get another echo to check my heart as it has been while. Wow would that freaking sucks! I hate this fucking diease. It seems to take away every part of who I was before and I hate it! It has been a bad few weeks for my mentally and Everytime I try to do find some normalcy. (I know Juneau I am going to get back what I told you:) ) I hate the way I look and I seem to be gaining more weight and my face looks hagered and worn out. I look in the mirror and not sure who I am anymore. I skipped out on one of my company events because I just sat in my room and cried because I did not want to go out looking like this. I hate when I get in this depressed state. It sucks! I don't mean to sound like a pity party here and I know that you all get this but I am just so worn out of trying to do it all lately. I just want to run and relax. Work is shity shity shity and all of us managers know this but we hang on because we don't give up.
I am calling my doctor tomorrow because I feel I should have more energy and maybe that is making me depressed. I hope she has some insight. Maybe depression but something else does not seem right . But maybe I am just worrying for nothing.
I want to be happysomething has to change! So going to work on that.
Thanks for listening!0 -
Believe You can say that again about the difference in a year. I didn't realize your surgery was May Day last year also. That's when I had my DMX& TE'S & OOph done which also happened to be me & DH's 36th anniversary. He said he wanted to give me a heads up that this years anniversary is going to be quite low key; that he couldn't possibly match the excitement of last years anniversary getting me my new frankenfoobs and all. Yeah right! Thank God though as that was enough anniversary excitement for a lifetime. lol We'll all be praying for the all clear on your mammo though! Regarding your ex-that was stinky to spring that on your son like that but as we all know, no one knows how they will handle such news. Lung cancer is a tough call guess it depends where and how far along; I have known 5 people that had lung cancer-one man had a lung removed, was NED and died of stroke 30 yrs later, my DH's mom had it and died with in 3 months, my dads gf had lung removed & chemo, supposedly NED then boom mets yr later in bones,stomach etc she had rads and she died 3 yrs from start, but on the great side my friend had surgery (no chemo or rads against MO recommendation ) and has been NED 10 yrs and my neighbors been NED 5 yrs - who knows.
Websister-Do whatever you want-you will look beautiful either way and you know you can't please everyone no matter how you wear it so please yourself.
Juneau-JACKPOT! lol that's great.
Aruba-love the cartoon
Prayers Chrisrenee and Sheryl.
As far as the ahhh bra, another option is the Genie bra. They are almost exactly the same except the Genie bra has double cloth over the cup with thin removable forms inbetween (hides nips or you can stuff it with a thicker form if you need more on oneside or remove forms and its the ahh bra) I think the prices are similar too but I used the 20% bed, bath, beyond coupon to buy the Genies. I wore them all the time after my surgeries even to sleep. I have to wear wire now though. Oh one more thing, everyone recommends going 1 size bigger than you normally wear regardless of ahhh or genie bra when you buy. Both are that stretchy material that tightens up a bit when washed.
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Just a quick hi to everyone....bit tired.....love my students but I'm exhausted by the time I get home....I do find that a coffee picks me up enough to get on the beast for forty minutes, have dinner and then collapse into bed, what can I say, I'm not a teenager anymore....lol... trying to regain some muscle by doing some weights....all my weight loss
has left my skin hanging....not a pretty sight ....at 65, should I really care that much 😜
Chris....sent you a PM.....have been praying all day also.
Love you all...❤0 -
McCook we must have posted at the same time as I didnt see your post. I hope the the Dr can help as want you happy again too. You deserve it. Sounds like you are overextending yourself though with work and running and all Geez! I am so dissapointed because I can't even run a mile right now on my new dang treadmill (aka-eggbeater); I can't begin to imagine how you can run like you do. I do know one thing though, I would be much happier if your run was to Florida since I don't fly anymore!
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Chrisrenee, hug that little boy and his sister for me when you see them on Saturday - cannot imagine what nightmare your family must be going through. Children are remarkably resilient, and because he is so young still, he will probably adjust well to his altered cirumstances. It still sucks though. Big hugs to you all!
Websister, I had such a laugh when I read Tazzy's advice to you re the hair - lol! I know I've said from the beginning that I'm never going to colour my hair again, but like Mcook, sometimes when I look in the mirror, I see an older, grey-haired woman looking back at me that I don't recognize immediately as being me. My resolve is beginning to falter . . . maybe I should just give in too and colour it again - decisions, decisions. DH will be glad if I colour. He's been oh so cautious and diplomatic, but I know that he misses the old dark-haired me. Must be hard to wake up next to somebody who looks totally different than before. The January pixie cut is now so long that it has no style anymore - Medusa comes to mind, because it's standing in all directions. Maybe when it's cut short again I can live with it.
SherylB, it is quite a drive every day for such a short treatment. And at this stage you have not even recovered from chemo yet. It has to be tough. I had to stay in the city during rads, because I live too far away to drive there every day. Still remember how I dreaded driving the three hours to the city on Mondays, and back again on Fridays because I was still weak and tired with so little energy. Don't just assume that you will have SE's from rads. I was waiting for the SE's, but they never came. Apart from being a little red, itchy and sore, and sleeping more than usual, I had no other SE's. Rads was a breeze for me, and I wish you the same.
Shari, hope you are doing well, and healing fast!
After last week's pity party re my (lack of!) weight loss, I have bounced back. Being the poor Tamoxifen victim will not change anything. That pill WILL NOT get the better of me, and I guess it will be a stormy love-hate relationship for the next four and a half years. So here I am munching on homemade chickpea patties and apple slices with peanut butter for lunch. Tastes good too! Did a yoga class this morning, then took a 30 min. walk outside, and came back into the gym for an abs and butt workout. Think I'm back on track again. Put one foot before the other one, and fight on, no turning back. YES!
Everybody else, wishing you all the best, whether you're doing chemo, rads, had surgery, or is feeling down, and is struggling for some reason. Yesterday's gone, tomorrow is unknown. We only have this day. Let's make the best of it! CHEERS!
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Websister: I think I fixed the link - try it now. Oh hell - here is it again: Register Now.
Karen: LOL! Am I the only one who noticed that you upgraded Websister to WebMASTER?! LOL!! Is that like being the "key Master" (anyone remember Ghostbusters?) Ok - sorry. *I'm still chuckling though*
Chrisrenee; What a horribly painful decision - multiple surgeries (and I am guessing not full mobility of the limb??) or amputation and pray that he doesn't resent the decision you made for him when he gets older. (Of course he's grow up adjusted to it) (((More prayers and hugs coming your way)))
Mcook: What can I say... I FEEL YOU SISTER! I don't even have the worlds to tell you how DEEPLY I IDENTIFY WITH WHERE YOU ARE AT. (and I think Liefie is there with us too). We keep doing all this work and still see this stranger staring back. Our actions are NOT producing the expected outcome and therefore we start getting more, and more, AND MORE depressed and infused with self loathing. Truth of the matter is though that we have to LEARN (and this is indeed going to be a PROCESS for me) to love myself... NO MATTER WHAT SHAPE THE OUTSIDE IS. OH how I wish I could FEEL that as easily as I can type it! It's so easy to know intellectually what I SHOULD be doing.
That's another good point...SHOULD... wipe it from your vocabulary. When we use the word "should" it automatically provides the negative connotation that we are doing something wrong. I try to replace that with "could" 9when I catch myself in the moment. My sponsor like to tell me to "be nice to my friend Jennifer" and that includes how I talk to myself. NO, I'm not who I was - and I guess the true process is going to be in learning to accept whoever it is I discover I am... because sister; I don't have a fucking clue right now. I just know that I don't like her as much as the old me who disappeared a year ago when I got that fucking phone call that changed my life. FUCK BREAST CANCER... ARGH! Yes I need to let it out sometimes...
So I found a post BC surgery group for people up to 18 months post surgery/treatment from BC. The group starts in mid-late June. It will be an hour of a group discussion on a topic and then an hour exercise in the pool!! and I start Livestrong at the Y in May. So I am hoping reaching out and meeting others in my shoes will help me find my balance. Oh and I signed up for another kick boxing class tomorrow night. I did my strength class here at work yesterday, and did 225 calories walking/jogging on The Bitch this morning. I'm going to TRY to the BEST of my ABILITY to do ONE thing a day at least.... maybe I'll take one day off a week for good behavior, but that one day break is enough to remove my motivation.
OK - i'm done. Gotta get outta work - off to a meeting to watch a close friend celebrate 11 years in this process of Recovery fromActive Addiction. In the process she has gotten married and had 3 amazingly beautiful children; and has blessed me by becoming my friend. God I am SO GRATEFUL to have SO MANY AMAZING WOMEN IN MY LIFE. With all of YOU my Cup Runneth OVER!!!!
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Juneau, you have such a way with words - I soooo agree with everything . . . and I think you're back on track too. We simply cannot allow this thing to overwhelm us, and reduce us to whimpering, self pitying and self doubt. The nature of the fight just changed, and we have shown such courage and strength before when we were doing surgery, chemo and rads. We can surely do it again! Let's march on. . .
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Sheryl - hugs, glad your therapist gets you and helps put things in perspective; rads is a long commute for a little time, it will soon be behind you
Ramols - re: Herceptin - yes. Funk for a few days and headache, also my heart rate is faster at rest (feel the beats), I am more fatigued and I have some GI problems for a week or so after - it seems to be cumulative. I have a port so I am thankfully spared the IV pokes
Tazzy - that was 'bloody rude' wasn't it - love the comeback, I may get a chance to use it
Thanks to all for the suggestions
Scottie - rest ((()))
Chrisrenee - continuing to pray
Shari - you are definitely sounding stronger0 -
Well I went to my PS appt today to discuss my surgeries on Wednesday and so he could feel a small lump I found. He said its probably scar tissue but he would biopsy it when he was doing the surgeries. Of course this just floods me with all kinds of thoughts.
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To all you beautiful ladies. Was there ever been a time (before dx) when you looked in the mirror and didn't like what you saw? My bet is yes. Well now we have that chance to reinvent ourselves. Before chemo I had thick brown hair just below my shoulders - did I miss it, of course I did… but now I have short, curly, salt and pepper hair and have embraced it with open arms…I mean really, this time last year I was bald so anything in my mind is better
I have 20 minutes longer in bed of a morning because I dont need to do my hair. As for our bodies, well I decided in my 40’s that I’d never have the body I did at 20.. yes I’d like to be thinner, but I look in the mirror and see a new person, who is cancer free and relatively healthy.
I hope all you lovely, beautiful ladies can see the beauty within you.
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Ok gals, I said I was tired and I really am but I can't stand that so many of you are down and depressed....I want to tell you a story with the hopes it will help my sisters here. After I was dx and going through incredible anxiety, depression....the works....someone on the boards reached out to me and we have become like sisters....she spent 2 1/2 years living
in fear of a recurrence or mets.....she went through hell...stayed in bed, hid from the world, had absolutely no life, hated her body and herself. In December her worst fears came true.....mets to the lungs!!!!......She said something that resonated with me and has changed my life. She said "I don't have to live in fear anymore, it's here, I will do everything to fight it again as I did before, be it chemo and/or rads". She said she wasted 2 1/2 years that could have been spent enjoying her family and friends. She is so strong with such a different attitude now and is really enjoying her life. She has changed my life too....I see how she is and I don't have fear or anxiety anymore.....it's as if she waved some kind of magic wand over me and I'm at peace now. We know we are changed physically and emotionally and we have to come to terms with that and enjoy
our time here. I've always believed that beauty comes from within and that's what
our family and friends see. I think we need to focus on that inner beauty more, take care of our bodies by doing moderate exercise and eating well.....ok...plus the odd treat ....lol
I thank my new sister everyday for those words and I'm hoping they will help some of
you too.....I am so sad that some of you are in a bad place right now....praying my words will help.....❤0 -
Scottie - thank you for sharing that. Wow - powerful. I agree wholeheartedly with all your post.
I think I think like I do because I have seen so many of my family and friends die of cancer - and other reasons - but mostly cancer and at all ages. I didn't want to come across as unfeeling to those of you in a 'dark' place...but to put life in perspective.
We only get one chance at it - however long, however short - enjoy it whilst you're here. Fear (of something that might never happen) is a wasted energy as Scottie's friend shared.
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Tazzy and Scottiee, thank you so much for your perspective. Thanks for being here, and hugs to you!
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MrsCich.... hugs... of course it will be scar tissue - but that worry will be of course. In your pockets for your surgery.
I hope I didn't offend any of you struggling with your looks and how cancer has changed your life. That was never my intent - you all mean too much to me to do that. But I just wanted to try and get across that yes, it sucks we are different, but we cant do anything about it, so put those energies into embracing the life we have now.
Chrisrenee: thoughts with you and your family during this awful time.
I love you all, goodnight xxxx
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Scorchy: not sure where you are, but just read your latest blog "In Which I dont tell People What to Say". Loved it, you really do say it as it is... and how I feel so many times - cheers !
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hi my lovelies! going to do a brief response from what I remember.
Webmaster (websister)- Screw what people say about the hair. I think you are beautiful!
Mcook- I'm bummed we did not get to meet up while you were in Dallas. Would have loved to met up with you.
Scottie- i just freaking love you!
Tazzy- I feel that way sometimes when i look in the mirror, like I don't measure up to other women now. I stopped off to see my nurse friend at work today. We were talking and she couldn't stop looking at the girls! She asked if she could see them, so I obliged. She was just in awe, saying how "real" they look" and she was jealous. She told me she wanted to get rid of hers so she could get some like mine. That made me feel great!
Sherylb- good luck with your Rads will be thinking about you.
I so appreciate all of your prayers for my nephew and niece. Here's the latest update on my nephew. His fever has broke and he's out of ICU and in a regular room. He will go back into surgery for another cleaning on his injuries and will stay on morphine until all the surgeries are done. He's been such a brave young man. He will be in the Children's hospital for at least another month. I will post more when i find more out.
I have officially signed up for my first ever Relay for Life! Like Mcook, I'm going to be walking for all of you beautiful ladies. I am still working on my page, but I will post the link. http://main.acsevents.org/goto/chrisrenee
I hope you all have a wonderful night. Love you all!