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2013 Survivors!!!



  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited November 2012

    Thanks Stride, I am cat lover. My four fuzzballs have all shared my naps with me during my time off.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited November 2012

    Liefie; you have a Siamese?! I used to have one. My mom has one and my aunt has 3! They really are a special breed! They even sound like little people. :-)

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited November 2012

    Beautiful stride. Makes me miss my calico. Can't believe its been over 5 years since I had to put her down. She would have been an awesome companion on this journey.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2012

    Wow  You all have been so busy with our new thread-Just flipped to page 3! Thanks again Juneau.

    All of these pet stories stir me up. (Adorable pic Tazzy-you always find us just the right graphics). I'm personally a "dog" person as I have  been allergic to cats since I was a kid. I've always had a dog in my life since I was a kid but for the last 9 years I had two. My one sweet boy passed away in my arms as a result of a pulmonary embolism though about 2 years ago. But I swear he knew something was up with me almost as if he could "smell" cancer brewing. His last year he just wouldn't let me alone-even my family noticed (I think they were jealous that he all of a sudden, seemed to like me more than them-LOL)He was I guess a needy boy-he was diabetic for the 5 years prior so we had to test his blood several times a day and give him a shot of insulin in the morning and the evening.  When he died I was a complete mess-my DH would "joke" that he was sure if it were him instead of my canine son, that I would have gotten over it alot sooner. But I often wonder if his death had anything to do with my cancer evolving so soon after his death-I say that because my stepmom's dog developed a tumor around his heart and she had to put him down. She had been healthy as could be, but within a year she had developed pancreatic cancer and passed away  herself 6 months later.  I mentioned to my husband that I wondered if there was anything to the both of us getting cancer within such a short time of our canine son's deaths; he joked that both of us liked our dogs better than "our people" and would go to any extreme to be with them. lol-not completely true but I do wonder how much grief or stress has to do with all of this cancer stuff. I have become involved with the local dog rescue and it breaks my heart when the poor babies are sick and the owners have to surrender them because of medical expenses. It kills me to see some of them have to go into "hospice care" thinking about how sick they are plus how they must miss their owners. Now that I got myself down and probably every other pet lover, on a brighter note there are alot that come into rescue both from surrenders or neglect that get needed surgeries and new families that love them as well. I am thankful that my other canine son is healthy and has helped me though all this. Maybe when all is done, I'll adopt from rescue so he'll have a brother/sister again. In re-reading this I guess it's obvious why my "human" family thought I preferred my canine family to them. LOL 

    I can't believe what all dogs are being trained to do for their "humans". I follow alot of the service dog sites online - one of these groups train dogs for soldiers with Post tramatic stress, there is one group with any mobility disorder, this one is a blog about a dog that detects gluten because her son has celiac disease. They are incredible. Anyway incase any of you get bored some of it is really heart warming-

    Now that I have gushed over my love of dogs and how they help us humans (I'm sure cats help their humans too I just haven't been able to experience that)- Welcome to this threads new survivors and for the "old" sisters from the 2012 sisters it's nice to see you all here - We made it! 2013 can only be better, right?

  • aruba
    aruba Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2012

    Hi sisters!!  So glad I found everyone!  So much to catch up on!  I want to quickly wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  My DD is in for the week and off to the airport to pick up my DS coming home from law school.  I have been busy baking everyone's and white cookies for the DH, oreo cheesecake for the kids, turkey and stuffing next in line....LOL!  Have been walking a few miles a day in the beautiful weather..but need to start much more after this food feast.     Will catch up more later but know that you all are in my thoughts!  Hugs!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2012

    Juneau, yes, I'm a sucker for a Siamese cat, and have had nine over the course of my life so far. Just one look into those trusting, squinty blue eyes, and my heart just melts. They do have attitude and cute 'purrsonalities' too. Love 'em!

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2012

    Just came back from gentle yoga and a "Pink Ribbon Pilates" classes. Both were great! I ate enough cookies afterwards to negate any calorie burning, but that was not my objective anyway. I was the only baldy in there because everyone else was long past treatment. I noticed most of the ladies had beautiful, full heads of hair, so hopefully we can all look forward to that!

  • lisa2012
    lisa2012 Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2012

    those animals...

    My therapist shared a good image with me (after I described the mild panic attack I had in Kohls the other say.) She said getting through treatment is like dealing with an acute earthquake. Now I am in the aftershocks stage, where worry and dread can resurface- and even the anxiety about worry and dread can stress me out. She gave me some nice relaxation CDs to listen to- and encouraged me to take my Ativan if my heart starts to race! This to shall pass....I hope.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2012

    Hope all of you in the states had a great Thanksgiving! Now the Christmas rush has officially begun.

    Stride, I got a kick out of your cookie comment negating the calories you burned. Pre-BC I was diligently going to the gym. I swear working out made me starved so when I left I headed straight for food. Unfortunately the majority of the time I ended up eating something sweet. Now post-bc, and doing very little exercise, I blame my desire for sweets on stress and my arimidex. Of course the holidays will play into my sweet addiction now. Why can't I just admit to myself that I am a "sweetaholic". I need to find SweetAddictsAnonymous or something before I turn into a major fatso!  lol (plus if cancer does feed off sugar and I have any stray cells, they must be gorging themselves)

    Lisa2012  Having gone thru 3 horrific & damaging hurricanes within weeks of each other several years ago,I think your therapist's earthquake analogy to BC, hit the nail on the head. Infact I told my DH a couple weeks after surgery that I just felt jittery or something like I did after the hurricanes; that although the worst has passed and everything is now ok,my thoughts go to creeping me out every now and then.(great medical speak, huh? lol) I think that this go-round though,I am better able at"sensing the thoughts coming" and can get preoccupied before my thinking gets out of hand. Sounds like the CD's and Ativan would be great distractions.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited November 2012

    I am major sweet addict.  I try to feed the craving with fruit or things that are less damaging, but I do keep fun sized candy bars on hand for those times when I must have chocolate. One or two will do it, but if they aren't there I will go find something much worse.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Today has been a great day. Thanksgiving was wonderful. And I finally received my approval letter from the insurance company. So right now surgery is 2 weeks away. I can't wait.

  • 301724
    301724 Member Posts: 185
    edited November 2012

    I'll be finishing my last chemo on 12/5. Will be happy to turn the page to 2013 and to getting back to 'normal':-) Slowly returning to running and will be signing up for a half marathon in early June. Thanks to all for the support!

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited November 2012

    301724:  I hear that!!  Woo hoo 2013!!!!

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2012

    Boulder replacement for you still on this week Juneau?

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited November 2012

    2Fried; YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁

  • PaEaglesFan
    PaEaglesFan Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2012

    Good to see familiar faces here.  Sounds like everyone is about finished with treatments and surgeries and getting back to a normal life.  I didn't feel much like a survivor until last week when I finished radiation, I felt like a patient.   Now I can look in the mirror and smile and say "I KCA!"  
    Thank you for giving us a place to keep in touch with each other juneaubugg.  I hope your replacement surgery goes well and you will be happy with your new squishies,  It seems like yesterday when you were debating chemo or not to chemo and here you are. Smile 

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited November 2012

    Hi All,

    Just checking in quickly to say hi from a very soggy England.    It is wonderful to spend time with my family. Having lots of hugs and love and is just what the Doctor ordered.   My spirits have been lifted so much.

    Wishing you all well.  Sorry haven't  managed to read all the posts - as you can imagine.

    Love and miss you all xxxxx

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Tazzy- you don't worry about us, you just have so much deserved fun in jolly Ol' England. Drink a pint or 10 for us. lol

    Juneau, good luck with your surgery this week. I'm right behind you for hopefully still next tuesday. I can't wait. Although, I have gotten attached to the TE's.

    301724- congrats on nearing the end of Chemo.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2012

    Wow Tazzy so glad you got to England and can relax with the family after all you have been through this year. Like Chris said have a few pints for all of us!

    Juneau and Chrisrenee77 so glad you are getting your squishees. I think that is the final feeling of somewhat normalcy. Although they aren't your own, they definitely feel alot more "normal" than the hard te's. I'm going in for exchange #2 and maybe a little fat transfer but Dr said that would be decided in the OR based on how the new and improved implants fill out the divots I have in the upper poles. Hopefully though this will be the last surgery (my 5th this year) other than maybe a few minor things that can be done in the office. Anxious to get it done although I'm concerned how it will interfere with my Christmas shopping and decorating since we'll have weight limitations  and possibly "arm stretching restrictions" Oh well , I'll deal with those issues when I get there. Juneau I'm Thursday too- I'll be thinking of you-but exchange is a piece of cake compared to the mx etc!

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    2fried- thank you. I can't wait, as long as the red boob from hell is well enough to undergo the exchange then I should be on for Tuesday. I have 98% of my christmas shopping done, I just have to wrap everything. I still have to put my christmas tree and I will get that done tonight. I have to have everything done by this Saturday so I can have a stress free Sunday and Monday. That's almost laughable saying stress free under these circumstances. lol

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2012

    Just want to say hi to everybody, and to wish Juneau and Chrisrenee well for their next 'adventure'. It must feel good to know that the final stage of this crazy ordeal is in sight. Chrisrenee, may the 'red boob' play along, lose its anger, calm down and return to its normal colour soon - enough alreay! LOL.

    Wow, 2friedeggs, five surgeries in one year? You are a strong woman. Best wishes to you too!

    I have a very busy week ahead of me because I'm going away for almost a month, leaving next Monday. Still have some baking to do for the Christmas packages I want to send to each of my adult children, as we will not be together for Christmas this year, the first time since they were born. In between I'm dutifully going to the gym, getting the pets organized, and getting ready for a visit from very good friends this weekend. Also have to seriously start thinking about what to pack for the trip, etc. etc. These days the airlines make you pay for every lb/kg of overweight, so it is a fine balancing act to make sure you stay within the limits. 

    Have a good week, everybody! 

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Liefie- color seems to be dicipating back to normal. Thank goodness. Instead of it being fire engine red it is now a very light pink. The augmentin and bactrim is working but now I can't seem to stay out of the bathroom (yes i know tmi). By next tuesday with surgery I will be back on yet another round of antibiotics. I have been on antibiotics every day since 10/15 when the first RBFH appeared.

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Member Posts: 345
    edited November 2012

    2fried - I don't know about you but I think I'm going to draw antlers on my boob and name it Rudolph!


  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2012

    Thats a good idea Karen but since I'm going to have new red incisions and "fresh" stitching under mine again Thursday, I might color a couple of wreaths around mine and see if the doctor can tie me a of couple bows at the bottom when she does my stitches :) Isn't it great being so far along in thall this BC process now, that we feel like joking about it all!

    Liefie, I hope you have a great visit from friends and a good trip. It will be tough being away from your kids the first time for the holidays but you will feel so good when you get their boxes all packed and sent.

    Chrisrenee I'm so envious that youre almost done shopping. That's great! The exchange was so easy for me that I had to really work at remembering to not lift anything. Hope it will be the same way this go round too. 

  • PaEaglesFan
    PaEaglesFan Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2012

    A friend of mine is undergoing her reconstruction surgery at this very moment.  She was diagnosed 6 months before me and has been my lifeline in this journey.  Her PS is using a new type of implant that feels like a gummie bear and is very resilient.  I will never again eat a gummy candy and not think of her lol

    btw... I asked her and she said she didn't get to pick a flavor Laughing

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited November 2012

    Websister and Ramols reminded me in the 2012sisters forum... that we need more cheer around here!!!  So high five ladies!!! We made it!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited November 2012 it....ditto from me....high five..💃💃💃💃

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited November 2012

    PAEagles;  My friend got her gummies in July.  Only a certain amount of Drs are approved by the FDA here in the US to use them. They look natural, but I'm really looking forward to super soft and squishy ones!!!

    liefie; where are you going?? I'd fancy a trip myself; but alas not right now.

    2Fried: we are having surgery on the same day.  Nice to have another sister on teh table with me... (so to speak).  Hard to believe we started this journey so long ago huh?  (PS - I'm also done shopping - although I started in March, but that was just so I could shop and not get yelled at by my DH.  This way is was at least for gifts!  Thank god too, I only had a few more things to buy once I was able in October).

    Tazzy; thanks for sending your x's and o's our way from the soggy old UK.  enjoy the rest of your trip and then fill us all in when you get home!

    Chrisrenee: fingers will remain crossed for you to stay on track for your surgery next week.

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2012

    Hi 2013 survivors! Love the high-five, juneaubugg.

    Although I am guilty of overdosing on cookies and Dove chocolates, I will probably keep posting about exercise and nutrition occasionally because those seem like the most important things we can do to keep ourselves healthy after treatment. Maybe we can help each other stay motivated! I took another gentle yoga class yesterday, and it was great. I highly recommend it for anyone dealing with post-chemo muscle weakness. Today I got a yoga video and book from the library. I have also increased my salad intake to offset the chocolate consumption. Would love to hear from anyone working on food and fitness changes!

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2012

    Jueau and 2fried, hope all goes well in surgery. Enjoy the new squishys. Squishies?