STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    This is a picture of me..... in my nightie..... with my wings.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    omg, Chev you're stunning!  Can I borrow the wings for the wedding? I really would be the fairy mil....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Stacey, Sooo glad your back. You were here one day and then gone, I thought these bats scared you away, oops rufianas. Not everyone is a rufianas. But we all are working on attaining that title. Except for Shellshine , she's a Princess that stays aloof to the shenanigins. She hales from Hawaii,they are all princesses,swaying inthe mist from the oceans. Then there's Princiss Kantaloupe aka Granny aka GrannyDukes. Austin Lovely BIG hugs. I happen to be the resident poop, go to person at present. Definitely will try to slide out of that one,hidden pun, or overt depending on your prespective.

    I waited for sex till after graduation from highschool, the nuns always were to vigilent. Got thrown out of religion class b/c I challenged the nun in class that hand holding was NOT wrong. Can you imagine if I said sex wasn't wrong. Good lord. Had to apoligize to the nun otherwise I couldn't graduate, the priest that complained, left the hood the next year to marry a girl in the class behind me. Duh, hand holding was bad?

    Basically, we are all trouble makers lifelong. So, we've ended up in this bin together. Ergo, you must be a troublemaker too? Good! ((HUGS))

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Talk about wings------went to dinner tonight with cousin, her DS and DIL and their 4y/o girl and 19m/o. Stopped and thrifted at three stores on the way. First store found a glass 3 1/2 in Unicorn, next a pair of star verdegri clip earrings (circa1960)with about 7 drops of brass verdegris balls from each---perfect Ariel. Then a pedestal for a punch bowl, these get separated from the bowls, show up in thrift stores, this one was about 50-70 y/o. Turn them one way they make great candle holders, the other way can be used for many serving items. ANYWAYYYYYYYY. The 4y/o opened the unicorn, and earrings-----OMG I've been smiling ever since.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Granny, be patient, patient. That Pa has been looking at these patch sites for YEARS, otherwise that doc wouldn't trust him. I agree he should have warned you. BUT don't throw him into the bay or sound or whatever that water is near you, yet. Remember he promised. Go with the promise until..................

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Just talked with my cousin, little one is carrying her unicorn around and telling everyone to be careful. If you could have seen her face. I'll be smiling for days and days and forever with the memory of her eyes. Sublime.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Sas that's one of the moments our minds really take a picture and it's there always. I love those times.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Oh Cami there you are :).... This little one is very shy and slow to warm. She went to Disney last week and the dad told the princess that, and the princess came over and knelt down and talked with her and gained her confidence and walked hand in hand to meet the other princesses. This little one was born with a cataract, 4 surgeries and 4 anesthesias for exams--outcome she's blind in one eye, but has light sensitivity. Bright light hurts,so,she squints, but won't tolerate sun glasses. My cousin had told me the story, but until near and known, it's talk. She stole my heart these last two weeks. I guess that's why this seemingly small thing has such a meaning to me. Grandma, my cousin, and I laughed and laughed, the wee one said in the going, where's sheila?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Phyllicity, I did NOT call you a hooligan, I inferred that you are a 'ruffiana in training', and you know damn well I'm right so don't deny it. As for you Chevygirl - I'm going to be post-op for the next few days and I'm not going to be able to defend myself so you and Cammigirl - and YOU TOO SCOTTIE - you better behave yourselves.

    Well I'm in a happy mood tonight - looking forward to getting this 2nd surgery over with tomorrow, and having permanent foobs.  I won't send you a picture of them, but I will post  a picture of my eyes when they are all healed.

    Here's a book for 'some' you to read until I get back.

    photo ScreenShot2013-05-02at52915PM_zps8423c1db.png

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    OH SHeLL have a good surgicall experience, sorry could have said that earlier L&H&P's  sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2013

    Shell, Best wishes for tomorrow.  Hoping you have a very boring recovery.  Just remember to take it slow, it easy to overdo.  

    I'll join you in the 58 year young group.

    Here's my STFU encounter from an article in my church newsletter.  It started as an explanation for considering solar panels on the church building.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I got to this part: 

    ......The question of subsidizing alternative energy is like the question of paying for chemotherapy when you are diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. It is very expensive financially and to your body to take chemo. You aren’t feeling that bad now so you can get by, but you will be dying before long. Our planet has stage 3 cancer....

    I couldn't read the rest of the article.  It wasn't signed so I called the church office and asked my friend, the office manager, who wrote this excrement.  "The pastor."  I'm still framing a response to his ignorance.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    This thread is TOO FUNNY.  Can's wait to read some more great things and ideas.  The the STFU is a classic and can and shoul be use alot ore ofter.  Peac and Blessing my fellwo Warriors.  I be back!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Jullia, Please, make sure we have this idiots email. How idiots make inane comments like this, and do it with out cognisance of the ramifications of the words that they use, is beyond belief. He's supposedly educated. Well, he just stepped in the manure. The women here will blast him. But OH he will so get blasted by the women in his church and community as word spreads. He likely thought he was leading to a good analogy, but his beginning killed any thought of an analogy cuz he killed us. WHAT A STUPID!~

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Wow, can't catch up here...101 pages and still screamin' ! 
    I have to agree with Cami - Sassy is one special person who goes out of her way for just about everyone...
    It was 38 degrees here this morning.  After about 5 hours sleep I left for work - had to stop at Staples to get some tape for my photo contest...locked my key and phone in the car ... the girl in Staples let me call answer.  She then walked away and that was it...there are no pay phones any more...i went to another store - told them I needed a phone..."sorry" this time i was ready to walk the 4 more miles to work.  Couldn't call a taxi with no phone.  I went into Rite Aid and the dear angel there wouldn't let me give up calling until I got DH on the phone.  Rescued!
    I lost an hour, but managed to get 25 photos mounted on foam boards, labeled and arranged in a room for the judges.
    In reading back, I realize it must be "tell your age week" and "were you a virgin when..." 
    Chevy, I'll start by saying I'm the same height as you - never grew past 5'1"...
    Maybe we can sort ourselves by height. 
    As far as age, let me give a hint..."...will you still feed me, will you still need me when I'm ___ ___" 
    I have alwalys been told I looked younger than I am...but lately it's rare.  I spend my day hanging out with 18-20 year olds so I can't get old...I'll probably work another 6-8 years, mainly because I can't do the hokey-pokey...
    Phyllopian (I LMAO when I read that)...I cannot believe your MO wrote way do you look your age!  Why don't you make her a pie a la "The Help"??

    OK Cami, I'm going to be early tonight...1 AM?  on Friday I get to sleep an extra hour .

    K, sooo glad you are back to gamblin' with the girls...hope you got all the aces.  and money, if it applies. 

    Nite all...and whatever y'all do, don't start behavin'
    Hugs & prayers,



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    So nice to hear from you Julianna...... and cmbernarnd from Flower Mound, Texas.       Oh my dear God in Heaven - are the hooligans gonna have fun with that one.             Yes, 'they' are a wild bunch, but they bring much joy to life.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Okay your making me crazy, you make me feel good, really good, but .....we all are giving, our giving is different, each one of you give to me as I give to you...... we each take care for whatever the need of the other.......I love you all for that , but it's embarassing. We each bring our strengths to this place. Yes, I know stuff that's helpful, but if each of you knew what you bring to me.........and allow me to be OCD without kicking me out  OMG. 

    Joan, I have had this problem, of locking the keys in the car, and with the car running cuz I can't hear the motor running and I'm distracted. Goes back to 1973. I have what I call my CHOAS chain, it has a car key and a house key on a pulley thingy. The pulley thingy has a name which I don't know , but most do. Since I did it so commonly, i put it on a very nice solid necklace. I keep it in my standard purse all the time. The minute I think things might get confusing --on it goes. It's long enough it goes between my foobs. , the keys can't be seen.  Countless times it has saved me. Keyword -Countless LOL. The first times were not LOL.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013




    This thread is TOO FUNNY.  Can't wait to read some more great things and ideas.  The STFU is a classic and can and should be used a lot more often.  Peace and Blessing my fellow Warriors.  I'll be back!

    See ya soon Girls.  Let me know if I can help with that STFU Pastor.  As was already stated, WHAT A STUPID!

    STILL DOING THE HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE!  And to make matters better I started celebrated my 52nd. annual birthday month on May 1.  I was born on May 31 and have found it quite fun (and often prosperous) to celebrate ALL MONTH and drive my family and friends crazy!  May 1 and 2 were already the greatest gifts I could ever receive (Last CHEMO and last Neulasta shot as stated previously).  I'm up at 4:25 am now though because the bone pain is starting.  I could care less and will be out and about today like a champ!

    Peace, luv and blessings to all.  I'll be trotting off to the RADS. threads next month.  But, how bad could it be?  The Chemo and Shots did not kill me.  In fact, I can move mountains now! 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    In your pockets today Shellshine.  All the BEST.  We'll be looking for your return and of course praying and sending good Karma your way Sister Warrior.  

    In the meantime, I've got to get that book posted above.  Looks hilarious - I've Got To Behave Myself! - HA!, I DON'T THINK SO.  LMAO AND STILL DOING THE HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE HERE IS BIG TEXAS!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    UH OH Chevy - I see the advent of another hooligan. Ok, well it's almost midnite and i need to get up in 5 hours so it will be fun to sign on in a day or so and see what happens - should be very very fun to see what roads you all go down today. G'Nite!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Shellshine.....with you today.....sending love and hugs....❤❤❤

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Yes Scottiee!  We are ALL with Shells!  Little brat....Geez, I wish we could all be with you little kawanimanomani!   Our little Hawaiian Hooligan.  We will be thinking of you.... xoxoxo


    Yes Shells, she "sounds" like a hooliganintraining!  How fun! 

    And FlowerMound Texas?  Are you SURE???  I think you just made that up miss Carolyn!   Okay then I am from Orchids are Heaven Colorado!  Just for THAT! 

    My Mom was from Texas.... maybe we are related?  But I'm pretty sure it wasn't "Flower Mound".....  You had better check on that one.


    We are so glad you are happy!!!!  What book?  What is all the dancing about?  OHHhhhhhhh I see!  Damn,  you just finished chemo?  AND the Neulasta shot from hell... Okay, we love you.... we will protect you.  I'm sorry you had to go through that.  I will even just call you "Flowers" from now on.  Go move mountains girl!!!! 


    Thanks Sassy.... Yes, we ARE all different!  That must be why we ALL get along!  But honestly I can't believe we ALL get along on here so well!  I mean we haven't even met, but we just play off of each other, like you said, we all bring something different...  So did I say "ALL" enough times?  


    Sas, why can't you hear the car running?   I always have a fear of losing my keys A-G-A-I-N!!!   We should all have a loop made, like implanted on our body somewhere, and we could just clip our keys on there... 


    Morning Joan.... I'm so sorry about the wing-nuts and your keys!  Damn people anyway!  I will hug you for that traumatizing stuff....  It COULD have been worse, but at least you found a friend.... 


    Juliana!  I thought wth is she talking about?  Solar Panels and WHAT?  Chemotherapy and stage 3 and blah BLAH???? Okay, that's it!   We can pound him with all sorts of stuff for THAT idiotic comment!   You should send that to your local paper!  Run that past all the women in your town that DO have breast cancer!  See if THEY can make any correlation to what he just said!  Solar panels my ass!  You know where THOSE belong, don't you?  

    Do you have to be nice to this "man"  ???  Where did HE come from?  Yes, he proves the point.  Men are from Mars.


    Shells, yes you DID call her a hooligan!  Phyllopian is on the VERGE of becoming hooliganized.....  I heard you.  Little honey, oh wait.... "post-op"  Oh Damn.... I'm sorry...  Never mind.  Me and Cammi and Scottiee...  Oh wait again Shells... You said "SCOTTIE" ..

    You forgot an E!    You teach WHAT again?  Can't be spelling... or word retention.   Just be careful little one, and rest.  xoxoxo


    Sas, that is the sweetest story of your little princess girl!  I love stuff like that.  She will always remember that too!  You made her so happy with your little gift!  Love you for that!  I think we all love Unicorns...


    Mary!  Yes, you can borrow my wings for one night.  And that's all.  Unless you want them for longer.....


    Sassy, can you tell I am going backwards up these posts?  But you say you waited until after graduation?  Ha, ha!  I ALmost did, but it's like what IS this that a girl, like we were thinks that they can ONLY be with someone if they "love" them?   And at 16, it "is" "LOVE"... and so I thought!  But the guys will say ANYthing to clear out all obstacles, right?  And one of them is "yes, sweet pea, of course I love you."  Quote-unquote.   It was the WORST memory of my life!   Almost.  I thought "You've got to be KIDding!"  And I just sobbed.  So maybe I won't count that anymore.


    Stacey.... don't let us scare you away....  be hearty my friend! 


    Okay gals, wake up!  Where IS everybody?  Love you all...xoxoxo
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all u #%&**$#$%^&&*( yea that'a right. I can't catch up properly everyone is swinging all over the place. OK firsst things first.

    Shell today is u'r day Yaayy can't wait to hear from you.

    Look I don't take notes and don't double scrren so if I forget someone I don't mean too.

    Bit FLOWER MOUND I love it--oe mound two mounds whatever it's a lovely name and good fit for this topic--It's so cute --se I'm the nice one (ahem) well yea I am, IDK

    OK on to the Pastor--let me at him--just once I will write to him--my letters to serious people are much better than how I write on here so let me at him ----he should know what he speaks before he opens up the dams ad the big piehole.

    Are there some newbies on here or have I just brain freezed again? I SLEPT LAST NIGHT means alot to me not to u Chevy, but me and I'm still tired.

    Scottie I'm just having my coffee now so I'm still fuzzy--u know what I'm like first thing for me. so I'll be back with more critique of everyone who is on here cuz everyone is just as goofy as me, but some are really smart.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Been gone a day and I'm behind 4 pages not good not good

    Lowered my caffeine intake this week, ended up getting of the med that the sleep doc gave me to help me stay awake during the day because it reacts to my Tamoxifen I just started.  Not a good combination.  I can't keep my eyes open this morning.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Best of luck and best of good drugs today, sweet Shell!


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Here Chevy girlfriend...........have to take the friggin pill for the "colon" incident 1hour before, or 2 hours after I'm up too....have no idea why, since this is for ulcerative colitis....which they said I don't I take the damn 2 pills, and then check in on my "hooligan" friends for the hour wait till I can eat something.....

    I am behaving myself.......I have to live up to my "nicest, funniest, prettiest, sexiest statement......of course forget the shortest, and the oldest.......that doesn't count........unless there is a prize for that category, and then..... I win that one

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    (&%^%^77 morning, got into the damn vodlka again, walked this house stem to stern a dozen x's can't find the glasses, had to go to the really strong ones, AT least for once I made reasonable coffee. okay coffees kickin in

    Good morning :),  I've decided I'm a princess to o. Catch that o, it's just floatin off. In Florida we have lots of princesses. Chevy thanks for the unicorn pic, :) A pledge song changed that word to Komanawanalay followed by , IsufferfromalackofnookytooOHlaymeOHlaymeandIsufferfromalackofnookytoo.

    YUP, Julie,we just need this idiots email, or the local newspapers. He's gonna so wish he wasn't a STUPID.

    Shell you are in the happy land created by VERSED right now, Remember to read this stuff twice cuz you won't remember the first.

    We have Sweet Pea, (stacey) and Flower(bernardi) whos's clearly on roids. Hey most of us have been there, we know the signs. Incessenant talking, flipping from thread to thread.

    Yup, waited till after graduation, there was one gal that didn't, we ALL talked about what a slut she was, Erhhhhhh same as you. We just made out like crazy. latter realized it was "a virgin by name only". Actually that phrase doesn't make sense , but that's what we said with our noses in the air. Need to go back to bed ugh.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    I was 19 when I decided to get devirginalized. I remember thinking "I waited all this time for that??!!" Well, there wasn't a Santa Claus or a tooth fairy either, I suppose.

    Cami-I love your morning posts. Okay, I love all your posts. Wasn't there a Partridge Family song 'I Think I Love You'? No, I'm not trying to get off the ruff/hoog list. Really. I mean it.

    I'll check in later. Time to swallow more chemo and go to PT. Please pray for pooping today for those of us that need it.

    Phyllis Pharkle

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Partridge family? Now youre really going back. I was in love with Keith Partridge, along with Davy Jones. I couldnt decide which one I wanted to marry, so I decided against either and ended up with a biker in black leather. More of the Fonz type, you know. Hope everyone is doing ok with their various ailments and surgeries, getting older is hell some times isnt it?Good luck to everybody. I have been down in the dumps this week, cant quite get a grip on starting this new chemo, the other was working like a charm and wham! its gone..Know I have to put my big girl panties on and suck it up, but its hard to do sometimes. Oh well, at least I have ds wedding to think about-ha-ha. Dd says bridesmaids dresses look like tablecloths, some kind of knit things with blue jean jackets and boots...Yee-haw. Swing your partner, right? I will be dazzling in the outfits you all have picked out for me. What would I do without you?