STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    lol yes mame, will do.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Blondie!  WHAT will do?  I don't get it....

    Okay, I found this for !!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Chevy - I'm here, fer cryin out loud.  Really!  Is this like a bedcheck or something?  The suction cup in my recliner had me yesterday and today.  Red count, white count and platelets are down and I have not had enough adrenalin to get into any kind of trouble.  I am sick dammit!  Not as sick as others though so I'll STFU.  But thank you for checking on me!  Tongue Out

    Welcome Dana.  You will love it here.  Just watch out for the bullies.  They will steal your lunch money and buy drugs and shivs with it.  Oh wait, that was prison, not here.  Sorry.

    Blondie, so sorry you have to work.  Macy's, huh?  What can you steal for us from there?

    Oh and Chevy,  "I swear, they could boink a knot-hole in some lamp post in the middle of a lightning storm..... and think nothing of it."  toofunnyandtootrue! bahahahahah.  And then call you a slut if you let 'em feel you up.

    Why is it that men have such ugly words for the parts of women that they spend their whole lives drooling over and chasing?  I would list some of the words but Chevy sicced the Mods on us.

    Shell is having some custom construction on her own lot, right?  I hope they have the right blueprints and that each apex is in the proper relation to the other.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    This board goes 24/7.....unbelievable....Camille----only my mother was born in dad was born in America but im full Italian....proud of it too.

    Veggy----im really comin....not next week but the week after....unless i have a nervous breakdown before....I told you my GD will bring me to you if driving is a problem....And Blonde where do you live????somehow i think its nearby both of us....

    Ducky,ducky,ducky.....what can i say to you except I love mom used to say the more kids you have the more problems you get....she almost died when i became pregnant with #4 at the age of 25....

    i cannot go back to see what everyone wrote like big shot chevy with her puter but i know we have a newbee...welcome to this friggin nut house....everyone here has some kinda screw missing in their brain.....but its all with love.

    im finally relaxed with this F@%&in rash..I just hope its the could it be that simple....i ran around this tiny apt lookin for anything that has it in it....and ya no what....i found a lot.damn.

    ill be back...princess kantalope.....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for the welcome! Apparently Ohio believes in the one day at a time motto for weather lately...70 deg today and beautiful...however it was snowing this past week too...go figure.

    ps.....bring on the crap ladies...I'm tough and can take well as dish it out HA

    pss...first time I cried was today (dx on 3/18/13)...again not sure why...but totally not thanks for the laughs ♥

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Dana....welcome to the nut house!!!....Granny's right....we're all one brick short of a load here so half the time we don't know WTH we're talking about but we are good at faking it

    and we just humour one another. Be careful what you devulge though we have a brown noser spy amongst us, she takes everything back to the mods!!!...😋😷😎

    Cami, I missed you at coffee this morning or was I still half asleep and didn't notice you 😴

    Yeah, this board goes 24/7 ....seriously thinking about quitting my job just to keep up..😥

    Phyllo....sorry you're feeling sick.

    Everybody else...hope the weekend is going well.....💃💃💃💃

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Dana....the moderators keep an eye on us, listen to our requests, post resources, if needed, support us and a lot more.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    hello :), dana, will have to wait till tomorrow to see what Chevy renames you, Stacey has embrassed "Sweet Pea". Bernardi hasn't used Flower yet, but maybe just forgot. I kind of like Bernardi. Grew up with allot of Italians,Irish, and polish in Detroit. Maybe it was a Detroit thing, we all called each other by our last names. Dana your avatar is beautiful!

    Joan still can't find those bloody glasses, but don't have any more room between the foobs. 

    Scottie did that post answer your concern about suppositories? What a thing to ask sheesh, but when there needed, there needed

    Cami I was fuzzy b/c I had a hangover. Don't drink much anymore and have nooo tolerance.

    Mary, it does sound awful for the brides attendants dresses. The dress that ??came up with was fun. When is the Date? Keep forgetting

    April, hope your feeling better and good it's almost over.

    Blondie, did miss you, but having trouble remembering what we're all doing.

    Chevy, the wee one went back to Vancouver. Don't know when I'll ever see them. So, it was REALLY a moment in time. I missing so much by not learning IChat and Skyping.

    Shells hope your still flying well. Another goal accomplished. Heal well sweetie.

    Flower that name makes me think of Thumper and Bambi  ;), Your written words make me think of Linda Carter when she played_______????

    Ducky glad the thing is dead. What a fine job with your DGS, his words told it all, you changed his life, nice warm feeling. :)

    Granny :)

    Phyll, it's hard to be ruffian, I actually said something very off to Chevy and the damn nuns were in my head wagging their fingers.

    VEGGY, so nice that you're having a good day.

    Cousin still here and were going off to St. Augustine for a couple of days.

    Chevy I open to a nickname. Fuzzy named me sassy, but then she didn't hardly use it.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    talk about names huh.i got a million besides my real name....grannydukes from my GS...Donatella my girlfriend gave me that name cause she thought it fit me just fine.....the flower cause i was really a princess.....kantalope thanks to she added princess....strega..well ya gotta be italian to know what that means.ha. and the spanish version is bruha..and one girlfriend of mine calls me sharmutta thats arabic.....Grannydukes is my all time favorite....

    enuf STFU....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Lol...cant wait for a new calls me "princess" for about 30 years now....but would not want to step on Princess Kantalope...too step daughters call me TooToo...since I'm their 2nd mom....hmmmm...kinda scared how names get assigned, but LOVE IT♥

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    So happy to hear from you, Blondie, and our new girls, welcome.
    Granny, exactly what has you scared? Pls let me know in detail, either in public or by PM. Scared is not good, let's scare the scare away.

    Have been resting, slept maybe 6 hours last night, pretty wiped out but happy. The new breasts are beautiful, they're anatomical (tear shaped) highly cohesive (gummy bear) silicone gel. With 3D tattoo nipples down the line they'll be perfect. Pectorals hurt like hell, feels like I was on the losing end of a rope pulling contest that lasted for an hour. Oxycodone is my new best friend, hate the way it drags me down but it's probably best to be sedated for awhile. My eyes look like Frakensteina, but my DH and best friend think the shape is nice underneath all the purple and blood stained tear drops. Actually, the bloody stuff stopped already.

    So I'm staying at my best friend's home on the beach, listening to and watching the waves. Her husband is on a sailing trip so we girls are left alone, and my BFF is out running around, so I have the place to myself. My doggie Olivia is here with friend's two doggies so it's a bit of heaven. Mine is a water dog and is whining to be let out of the gate to play in the waves, but I don't have it in me right now!

    I'll try to take some pictures later and send them over.

    Love all of you,

    ~ Michelle

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Sas....big big do so much friggin research for us brain dead hooligans

    here, I should have had the decency to reply personally. I am on Letrozole and the bugger gives me nausea from time to more diarrhea, thank God, so I take a coated Gravol suppository when it happens....not often. Can't take the oral stuff because I just bring it up due to the nausea. But I will be more careful now getting it up there..oh God TMI....I know girls but Sas made me spill my guts....😎

    Dana, I like to call myself angel 😇. but nobody around here is buying that, so Scottiee it is.....not sure if this lot has figured out I'm from know, one brick short of a load...😜😋😷😎....oh I know somebody is going to tell me to STFU. I'm making a wager with myself who that's going to

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013 glad to hear from you....the new girls sound amazing. Aloha from me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Ah we don't care!  We just name you whatever your name almost is.... Princess K might not give her name up.... she owns it you know.  AND she is Italian, so that ought to stop ANYone in their tracks.  Don't me though.  Besides she is from NY somewhere in NY.    She is a tough girl, you know.

    She smokes Lavender, I do believe.... and she got allergic to it.  So she is all covered with hives.  We could PLANT her, and have a good batch of our own weed! 

    Sassy!  I love that name!  You have to keep it!  What can we call this little new one?  She looks pretty young even.   She even seems nice.  She probably even uses Face Book, and has a Skype account, and even a micro-wave.

    Yes Scottiee...... the Mods are always there for us.... they straighten the ruffians out.... not us though, because we are perfect.  It's just amazing that we can find our "friends" right here!   And we don't talk about Breast Cancer all the time!  But we do when you need us....  Princess just talks about Lavender Fields and Blueberry bushes.

    Okay kids.... I made Spring Rolls for Dinner!  They are a pain in the ass.  But sooooo good!  It was a real project, and it was accomplished...  a job well done, I say.

    Okay.... toodles!  Love you guys!

    Where is Charles?  Did someone say something to scare him off?  Charles, I PROMISE we won't ask you about you being de-flowered.... or how old you were when you succumbed.  I'll bet 35.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    I forgot one more name.....GG for great grandma 3x....not bad for 72 right.

    Shells---thanks for caring....i get so scared when those bright red long things(not welts cause its not raised) come to visit my body....5x this hands start to shake and i probably make it worst by getting so takes time to get to the bottom of this but i have the dr.workin on think its the lavender that i have been using on and off...found lots of things with lavender in it....brought the bottle to the dr.yesterday....i think after touching it a few hrs.later i was on fire....And stress.....and all those antibiotics i took with the surgery and the teeth.....enuf...i hate repeats.....this too shall pass...we have sistas who have much bigger fish to fry....tues i go for the lavender patch and comes case...

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    My G you guys have been busy today. I on the other hand emptied 2 warehouses into a rental truck and sent my ds#2  on a roadtrip to Fla. Well I didnt empty them I just supervised! Used the c-card for all the hard work., but I did take everybody out for lunch afterward. Dh and I have the house to ourselves for a week. Not that anything will be that different with him gone, since we dont do anything anyway.Wink My sister is moving from Hollywood Beach to Fernandina Beach in Northern Fla., which is closer to us and better business for her. Shes an artist and does paintings for galleries and places. Hope everybody is feeling better. Veg , you be careful driving. I know there are times when I drive and dont remember how I got there. Chemo brain for sure. Welcome Dana. Shell, glad your surgery went well and you love your new boobs! Cant remember anything else I read, but hi to everybody...Oh Sas, I think it was you who asked, Ds wedding is not until the first week in Nov., and I am so over it already. Thats all we ever talk about... Its like shes the first girl to ever have a wedding. I know shes excited but shes getting kind of obsessive about it..xoxox

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013 great- granddaughters call me GG also........

    Hey by the way guys.....Grayson is standing in a special gadget that Shriners made for her....she is beginning to crawl ( her own style of crawling), but at least she is moving along....she can sit uptight now for a little while without help, and can stand holding on for a minute or two........I am do happy for her..

    Dana......welcome to the craziest place this side of the can cry when you want, and if you ask us, we will cry with you......whatever you want, we can do......

    Oh by the way everyone on here will agree...I am the oldest, but that being said, I am also the smartest, prettiest, and the sexiest.......and a re- born virgin.....I love to fly, and 3 weeks ago joined the "Mile High Club".......ask Chevy about that one.....actually watch that one......I will say no more on that subject...but I love the little urchin......

    Hi a chevy sweetheart are you.......hugs

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Dear Nuthouse....your eyes may deceive you...not sure if that is your self-proclaimed mature ages, but I just turned 50 (feel 80 right now).......must just be that good Lebanese skin of the fact that I use Facebook/Skype to stay young at heart♥ did you get that name? Its not the virgin thing is it?

    Hi Ducky....mile high club...hmmm actually might need to share stories...those bathrooms are small...aren't they? (Not sure where Drexel Hill is but I was born in Johnstown....most of my family is still there).

    Nice to meet you everyone else!

    Little One!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Now Ducky, I have to argue the sexiest-who can beat bald and 1 boobed with 35 extra pounds of steroid driven fluff?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Mary.....peeing my pants is short, round and close to the boob says a Good Morning to my feet, and the other says Good Morning to my face....I think you got the picture.......I swear my RO said "perky".........,,hmmmmmmm..,THIS IS PERKY???????????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG I actually sleep and wow the pages fill up with alot of stuff. And of course I won't member' much. So here goes.

    WELCOME Dana--this is not like a nuthouse this is a nuthouse. I am one of the elders here and I may not have the beauty, talent, or knowledge but I've got class.(pipe down Chevy) But one thing we are all here for u little chicadee--u look adorable.

    Shell I want to see your eyes and foobs too, but I dunderstand about the foob, but the eyes definitely. And relax and heal, then put that battery of u'r back in.

    Granny--haha My dad came here as a young man, but my mom was born here--and we were 4 kids and when things got goofy my dad would say (in Italian) It's better to raise pigs than kids, u can always eat the pigs.Believe it or not he was the sweetest funniest man that I ever met. Maybe that's why my marriages never worked out.

    And who's not feeling well? That's what I hate about all this not feeling well it sucks. Just hang in, it gets better, well don't go by me but mostly it gets better. I'm the complainer--whe I get a sinus infection I call my sister and tell her I've never been so sick in my whole entire life---she hangs up on me that bitch.

    Scottie we've been on different ime in the morning we keep missing each other so we haven't had our coffee together with our furbabies. My sleeping is being all screwed up, that's the only thing about me that's getting screwed.

    Granny I hope it is the lavender and u'll be done with all this horror for u--something so simple can do all this damage???

    Chevy and ducky I think u 2 are the oldest on here then Granny maybe--no wonder why u are so wise like having that beeping sound for 2 days Ducky--I still laugh at that. Wait, and u'r both like the same height.?

    Phyl how long were u in pris--oops I mean a correctional institute or was it a mental one--Don't worry we all have pasts and no one judges here.

    Sas I always liked that name for u, I thought and think it's so cute--so I don't think it should be changed but if u want we will.

    It's 53 now and no rain in sight for a few days for now.. So planters get out there and plant.

    OK I'll catch u sooner this next time, if I missed anyone (Mary) andyone else I don't mean to I have to go by memory and let's face it even without chemo it's a mess.


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited May 2013

    Granny, you definitely are not a strega.  Feisty, yes!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Dear classy Camille....thanks for the welcome!

    Little Chickadee!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all--Scottie are u here. I'm having my coffee now--took all my morning pills and can't find my cat--she was here for a miute and saw I was busy and picked up her head and tail and walked out. (brat) How the weather on u'r parts, oh geeze I don't mean physical prts I mean outside , cuz Canada is usually coller and it's chilly this morning??? We were talking about getting a small pool for the yard and I figure if we get one it won't be hot much so we'll see--last year we could have used one. or 5 it was so hot.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Morning Camille...just poured my coffee...couldnt sleep any more...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning Dana==Are u feeling all right or just up early? I think we are on the same time zone CST maybe not---I'm not good at where laces are. Oh wait u just had surgery not long ago--Oh that doesn't help how u feel, I'm sure. Did u have recon or are u having it. I never did so I really don't understand alot of it. A pancake has more shape than I do.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Kinda use to getting up DH gets up around 4:30am for work every day I am... I'm Cleveland - Eastern Standard Time

    Not sleeping much these days......a couple hours here and there..

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    Sorry...brain kinda fuzzy this morning....had recon at same time as BMX

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh that sounds like more hurting than just BMX--u'r still healing---Well just cuz u get up early doesn't mean u have to do anything that u shouldn't--drink lots of water too. That's my advice for everything lately, that's about all I know. LOL