STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Lurking with a Joyful Heart, Body, & Spirit. Too tired to write, will catch up with you all later. Life is Good, and so is Oxycodone!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited May 2013

    Shellshine... Thanks for checking in! So happy all went well! Thank goodness for drugs, now sleep and take it easy (you're so busy, you know how to do that?)

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for checking in. Hope your doing good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shell go that u check in--Yes do drugs---good for u.

    Mary what is that name of the topic.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Cam, it is the OMG They found A cure For Stupid in Relationships, Emotional Crisis, Anxiety and Depreesion. I think you've been there before, but for those of you who havnt, its hysterical, but you have to start at the beginning to understand it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Yes I found it I used to go on it before u'r right--it is hysterical. I'll start luking a bit but I do know some on there so it won't take long. Thaks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    I went to sleep early 10:30ish tonite--so far I've moved 3x during the night--Joey---I was sleeping so nice again.

    Scottie it's to early for coffee but my Katie-Kat is all snuggly following me around too. So at least we keep on each others tail. OK I'll try to go back to sleep.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

     cmbernardi wrote:

    Good Morning Warriors!

    Please CLICK the link below or cut and paste this link into your web browser to see an amazing Flash Mob supporting our cause!  Scroll down a bit when the page opens and watch the video.  Please share as well.  Have a Blessed and Happy Day!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited May 2013

    GOOD POST on another Thread Sister Warriors:

    I walked across an open field at winter's break as the sun danced on the last few drifts. I imagined my fears would melt one by one as I learned to love myself. 

    I love the thought for the day!!!!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Cmbernardi.....loved the video.....And....this is where you can find ME hanging out sometimes as this is one of Toronto's largest shopping malls.....

    Cami....I hope you managed to get back to sleep....if not join Kitty and me ...we are enjoying our coffee in bed....don't have to rush and get into the shower and out for work....yay

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    Well im up...not a happy camper cause its only 7am and im a wreck.

    Last nite i was lookin at all the oils i have used over the last few years......not only is there lavender in most of them but lots of other stuff that im probably allergic......after a few hrs i was gettin ready to go to bed and as i undressed i was covered once again with that freekin rash....sooooo i called the emergency # and got a dr.on call.he told me to take 2 benadryl and once again the prednizone 20 mgs.Im supposed to call at 8:30 when the dr.that i didnt like has im pretty sure where its comin from(hopefully)...ill keep you hands are once again shaking....i did sleep but not good.....

    sooooo im not allergic to me.....and of course i forgot to take a pic.....enuf for early in the morning.STFU....

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited May 2013

    Not going to even try to catch up. Just checking in to say hello and to let you know that you make me laugh out loud and what could be better than that?

    I am really completely shocked at how little energy I have after this insanely dose dense radiation protocol I had last week. I am fried (literally and figuratively) and going to spend the whole weekend resting as much as possible.

    Tomorrow is my Easter and I am not doing anything this year for the first time in my life since my Mom is gone now and my Dad has dementia. Seems like lots of work for just a few of us so bailing out and playing the "BC card"

    I am not one of the youngest (saw the debate about this here) at 58, but whoever is, sorry for the corruption Chevy is providing here. She is the ringleader of the hooligans and that is very apparent. If you are new, be careful of that one...LOL (xoxo Chevy)

    Ok, going to rest as this post took a lot out of me. Not kidding! I have no idea how I got through work this week. I also had a rash covering over half of my body and we realized that it was the Wellbutrin they gave me to quit smoking. I had been taking it for over two weeks so did not think it was that but I stopped and the rash is going away!

    Still no 14 today! Woohoo, go me!

    Talk later gators.
    Be well!Tongue OutKiss

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Morning gals.....  Yes Mary, I've loved the OMG thread also, and those cluckers are fun too, Ha!  But it's hard for me to post anywhere else, because I take so long to post, Ha!  I just like "talk" to everyone here, and anywhere else, .....  okay, that's it!  I'm going to time myself.... I used to post only on the "older women's thread.... because I thought that's what I was..... but then............  I found THIS one where all you hooligans congregate, and I was drawn into this hodge-podge of ruffians! 


    Princess Kantalope... yesterday you posted about your loving your sleep...  and how you dyed your hair, Ha!  YOU, my little tart, had GREEN hair?  I'll bet the guys loved you!  You were HOW old?  I think you said something like 30 or something....  ???

    And wait!  So now you are all broke out again???  You know I went THROUGH all that once, and trying to figure it all out is a bitch!   The Benadryl is a life-saver, I know.... but think back, and see if you can figure out if it really WAS any type of lavender!   


    I finally traced MY break-outs to hormone problems!  I did it myself, by writing down when the flare-ups occurred....   And making Docs listen to me.... then begging for a shot of estrogen, and that night all hell broke loose....  If I thought my flare-ups were bad before, it was NOTHING compared to what that shot did!


    I had to go back on the pill.   It's no wonder you are always in bed, with the Benadryl!  They told me that ONE night to take 4 of them...  But the Prednisone will help.... It's just that it's such a merry-go-round!   They can HELP us over the bad parts, but then it just comes damn back!  Unless you guys can figure it out.


    Did you guys like the Beatles?  Those little long-haired hippie guys?  Ha, ha!  Cammi, and you too Joan... I think I was older than you at that time.... Not any more, but then I was.    I just thought they were the silliest bunch of boys I ever saw!  With that long straight hair...  My Daughter's liked them, of course!  Maybe that's why I didn't. 


    I did like some of their music though... 


    My favorite song, that I just LOVE is by Celine Dion...  "The Power of Love".... I just melt when I hear that...


    And anything by Whitney....I'm getting all sad and blue here.... and melty......  My DH is over there sleeping, and I look at him and think THANK GOD I still have him...  Even when he is a DH, he is still mine.


    Yes Cammi, the Kantalope is Italian!  A Jersey Italian!  Which makes the thought even MORE profound!   But she don't scare me....  Ha! 


    Joan is a teen-ager...  I mean compared to some of us...  and Cammi, we don't care about your roly-poliness... either. 


    Mary, my neighbors ARE working on that coop they are building... About damn time!  Those poor hens are all probably having stiff necks by now in that little wooden box they are in!    I ASK them all the time, are you working on the coop???  They are just lame and lazy! 


    Ah Geez, Shells is flying high right now...  What is this..."lurking with a joyful heart, body and spirit?"  Where does she think she is?  In Church?  I forgot where I was, there for a minute!    Just don't get up and walk little Shells.... You'll fall flat on your face.....  So glad it's all over for you! 


    Thank you Bernardi for the video!   I loved it!   Flash mobs are so fun to watch!  Especially THAT one....


    Morning Scottiee!  Wish I could have coffee WITH you and Kitty face!


    Sorry April about how you are feeling....  I know radiation really does it TO us, but being THAT tired, is awful.... just let your body take it easy, and rest whenever you can.   I was tired also, from that MammoSite radiation, but I think yours was more intense? 

    And you not smoking is the greatest!  Congratulations miss April!  That has to be the BEST thing you have done for yourself!   


    Okay gals.... have to let you know.... I sent the mods a PM, and told them how happy I am to be able to post with all my friends on this thread!  How much fun we have, with teasing and laughing, when some of us are going through hell...  and that I love getting up and finding you all here.... honest.  xoxoxoxo


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013 you've done put the Mods onto us!!!!! WTH were you thinking? You bunch of hooligans are all going to get thrown off the site and I will be very lonely....😇 😷 ok, I know...STFU

    You can join Cami (if she ever gets up !) and me, plus the kitties, of course, for coffee

    any time....hope you have a kitty though, only stipulation...😼

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Yup, missed a day and had to read 3+ pages...but count it all hilarious...I love the mix of inane and insane vs. caring & stop shopping here...
    April, Happy Easter, and continue to play the BC card as long as you need.  Rads spread out over 33 days is bad enough but jammed in twice a day for a week?  Of course u r exhausted...just reading back here is exhausting.

    Ummmm no teenager here...I have a 23 year old grandson...(sold to DH at 14?)
    Cami, NO I am not SS yet...Ok the words were a little changed...try this..."when I get older...losing my hair...many years  from now..."  Yup, song this year Cool

    Sassy, maybe you should add a pair of folding glasses to your key necklace??  I haven't seen my regular glasses in days...

    Waiting to hear a good report from
    I can't rant any more - basement must be cleaned.  And it's a perfect day outside...oh well...shoulda done it in February.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013

    i was 14 when my hair turned green...first highschool.

    still waiting for the call me back.grrrrrrrr.i hate those freekin drs......what exactly do they consider an emergency?????????????

    my hands are still shaking from all this crap....and yes im scared...very scared...

    im Italian and i come from brooklyn.....real proud of that one....moved to NJ when i retired in 2007...

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, I love "The Power of Love."  The one I have is Michael Crawford (the original Phantom) singing it.  It is my favorite.  I play it over and over in the car whenever I have a doctor's appointment that I know my blood pressure will be taken.  Boy, it calms me down soooooo much.  BTW, I love your writing style.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Mornin' Ladies--Lots to say here.

    For allergies--do u take any Ibuprofin meds?--Granny I like the idea of lavender or lilac that's a very popular allergy. I t could be the simplieist thing that u can have so much trouble with. I'm so sorry and of course it can be a new allergy from an old thing--Oh Chevy oops that just slipped out. Granny I have to ask were u'r parent born in Italy? hahaha I'm from Chicago so I'm not scared of u. But I certainly do respect u.

    April of course u'r tired just rest and congrt. on day 14 u'r amazing

    Joan I think Mary came up with 64--is that right???

    And Chevy if we get cited for anything inappropiate we know who to look for now. We were quietly tucked away and u single handedly unticked us. U scamp u.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Look how cute!  Shells is !!!  Oh my god!  WHAT will they think of next???   VERY good, oh Queen of the ..... whatever that is!  Scottiee, the Mods just thanked me for my PM, and said "WTH are all those wild women on that thread?  They are just one something short of a full battery pack!"  And that I had better keep you in line.... or else!.... Ha, ha!..... no, they didn't.  Okay.... I gotta get ready..... for something....

    By all!  And s.!!!! xoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Joan my oldest granddaughters are 30.........identical has identical twin girls, and the other Is due in July....then there is a 28 year old....he is the one in Chicago....the newlywed......the one I got on the plane for ,

    then a 28 year old granddaughter, no babes yet, married 2 years in Oct...then there are14 more ranging from 27 to 12.........

    There will be only great-grandchildren now, since my 6 have been finished for some time now.........they are 55 down to 44, guess they are would have had more ( has 2), but after her last she was told not to have any more, ........she had surgery for a brain tumor, (experimental) caused by epilepsy which reared its ugly head when she was 19......they thought the tumor was caused by hormones, and once she recovered, they said "no more children, since that whacks out your hormones"........sad cause she wanted more, but she came first......actually she is having a Pet ScN done right now for a nodule in her lung that showed on a ct scan last Monday, that it has increased in size....they have been watching this for 2 years, and now it has never ends......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Ducky I feel bad with all the problems u'r DD has jad--Good thing she has u for a mom. She's be in my prayers Ducky for all good things.

    I really only have my Joey--babies were not in the cards for my girls either-my 1st DD has diabitis 1 and my 2nd has bad mental problems that she need to get off her meds for pregnancy. So that why I spoil the hell out of him.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Chemo has done a nasty job on top of the job its supposed to be doing. Lots of neuropathy in my fingers and feet. The Onc cut the dose back to 75% and told me to get some vit b pills. Yesterday I went shopping for the first time in weeks. I don't know if I was tired or if it was chemobrain but I drove out in the incoming lane. I kept reminding myself not to do that but it happened. Thankfully there weren't any cars comming in. Made it home safely. I need a break from this stuff.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Veggie please be careful, I know how fuzzy our brains can be,maybe u should avoid driving for a little while. And yes chemo does a big number on u'r body. but tske care.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Ducky.....sending prayers up for a benign nodule!!!!'re right, it never ends.....❤❤❤

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone wow three pages later and I am laughing and smiling, thank you all for that. Don't even know where to start. My angel Austin keeps me running. Chevy, I lost my virginity to my first love in High School at 16 definitely was not one of my memorable moments, but with my first love. First off can't believe that Pastor would write something like that! It is scary what comes out of people's mouth. Would love to know who proofs the news letter Congratulations cmbernardi on finishing the chemo and neulasta, that bone pain is no joke! Grannydukes I am so sorry this is happening! I hope they get to the bottom of what is making you have an allergic reaction. Wish I could give you a hug and a solution. Shellshine hope your recovery is continuing to go well and that you aren't in too much pain. Loved the flash mob video. Mary I am sending you good thoughts, that Ixempra will kick that cancers ass again!! Veggy, how long did it take for the henna design? I am bald, it will be interesting to see what and if my hair comes back. How long after treatment does it usually take to grow back? Hope everyone has a wonderful day doing something you enjoy. You all are an inspiration to me! Fight on, F Cancer!!

    Sweet pea

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Stacey - I didn't get the henna tattoo yet. Its still on my wish list. I wish my friend would do it already.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2013

    OMG....I am in love with each and everyone of you! NEWBIE here and I LOVE to laugh and right now...2 weeks post BMX....I was sittin on my porch in lovely Novelty, OH crying about God knows what...and found this board and you all turned my mood around immediately..... I think I found my peeps! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited May 2013

    Wow missed alot and not going to lie, not going to read thoroughly...will skip through. Enjoying my week off, went down the jersey shore AND have to work at Macy's tonight for only 4 hours which goes fast (hope I didn't jinx myself).

    hope everybody is doing well.....SMILE SOMEONE LOVES YOU!!!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited May 2013

    Hi Dana- we are all crazy here.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    First of all!  Hey Dana!!!  We made someone laugh?  That's what we're here for.... amongst other things.... Ha!  And we give people hell, about stuff when they are acting like ragamuffins, and just, well..... trashy.  Wink  And don't cry little one.....  Oh, well, okay, but just for a minute, then say, that's it.... now I will go have a glass.... a full glass of whiskey.... or something appropriate.  Maybe a hot chocolate?    I'm having a Starbucks right now.

    Sorry you are just beginning all this stuff.... so I guess I'll let you cry....  on my shoulder.  On my little shrunken shoulder.    I see you are from Ohio!  Have you finished with Winter yet?  I was out planting a few packs of Dahlia's and Peonies a little bit ago.   Supposed to stay nice for awhile now.

    Blondie!  Nooooooo!  You can't skip pages!  Didn't you learn anything in High School?  You can't miss what we said about you!  So just shut up and read.... read until noon tomorrow. 

    Sweet Pea!  I was just kidding, about your virginity, ha!  (no I wasn't)  But  I know what you MEAN!  Yes, they were OUR first loves, and us being in on a STRING of their first loves, or whatever!  Love ain't got nothing to do with it.... for them!  I swear, they could boink a knot-hole in some lamp post in the middle of a lightning storm..... and think nothing of it. 

    Us on the other hand, would lay down and die for our "first love" and we are soooooo naive we think they love us too!  Well they did, for about a minute there.... 

    Veggy.... sorry you don't feel good.... You need a sitter.  Or one of those cars that drive themselves....  Just be careful!  Shopping is good for you, but maybe just walk somewhere.... Go WITH someone.....

    Cammi!  We need people to spoil....  It's good for us too!  When my youngest Grand-son was little, he would come over, and his favorite thing to do was sit in Papa's recliner, with his soft blanket, and I would fix him a snack try of everything he liked!  And he would watch TV, and think he was "in heaven."  Ha, ha!  So I'm a "scamp?"  Okay, I LIKE that!  Wink  Yes, they are on to us..... but honestly, all the things we say, and talk about has been going on on some of the other threads like rampant!   But we are more fun....  and crazy.... 

    Hey, where is Phillisinavidad?  Is she staying away....??

    So where is ???  I just think that little shell is the cutest thing!

    And Ducky!  I love you and your kids....

    Okay, bye Princess and Scottieeieei!  Later Gators! xoxoxoox